Topic- The effects of Inadequate nurse staffing on patient care.

 Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project?




A short but great article to help explain clinical versus statistical significance. Share your thoughts


The benchmark assesses the following competency

Benchmark: 5.1. Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. Include the following:

  1. Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring for patients.
  2. Reflect on your overall state of health. Discuss what behaviors support or detract from your health and well-being. Explain where you currently fall on the health-illness continuum.
  3. Discuss the options and resources available to you to help you move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an illness, self-actualization, etc.).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Religion, Culture, and Nursing

Religion, Culture, and Nursing prove in turnitin

Read chapter 13 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation once done;

1.  Write a summary (800 words minimum) comparing and contrasting two spiritual or religious beliefs about sickness causation and health.

a.  Include the potential benefits of understanding spirituality to both health care providers and patients.

b.  What health issues may be better addressed by a nursing care staff with knowledge about religious diversity?

c.  How will you accommodate prayer, meditation or spiritual focus in the clinical setting?

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 13 discussion questions” for grading ( 9 points) and in the tab titled “Week 13 assignment” in Turnitin to verify originality which 1 point value.  If the originality exceeds the percentage of plagiarism allow by the University points will be deducted.  In our last faculty meeting with our nursing director, assistant director, and lead professor it was discussed that if the references used in the assignment are not quoted in the assignment it is consideration plagiarism.   A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used and one of them must be from a gerontological nursing magazin

  • attachment


Dissemination Strategies Related to Evidence Based Practice

APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDSDeveloping a Culture of In this Discussion, you will explore straAPA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDSDeveloping a Culture of In this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.Evidence-Based PracticeIn this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.

APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDS at least 3 references.

To Prepare: Disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.

This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

1. Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP(evidenced based practice)

2. Post at two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why.

3. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why.

4. Identify at two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use.

5. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.

Be specific and provide examples. APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDSDeveloping a Culture of In this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.Evidence-Based PracticeIn this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.

APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDS at least 3 references.

To Prepare: Disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.

This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

1. Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP(evidenced based practice)

2. Post at two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why.

3. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why.

4. Identify at two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use.

5. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.

Be specific and provide examples. tegies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.Evidence-Based PracticeIn this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.

APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDS at least 3 references.

To Prepare: Disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.

This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

1. Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP(evidenced based practice)

2. Post at two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why.

3. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why.
APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDSDeveloping a Culture of In this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.Evidence-Based PracticeIn this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry.

APA FORMAT WITH IN-TEXT CITATIONS 250-280 WORDS at least 3 references.

To Prepare: Disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.

This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

1. Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP(evidenced based practice)

2. Post at two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why.

3. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why.

4. Identify at two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use.

5. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.

Be specific and provide examples.

4. Identify at two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use.

5. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.

Be specific and provide examples.

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750-1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

  1. Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
  2. Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses.
  3. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
  4. Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum.
  5. Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.



Assignment Prompt

Resource: Writing Scientific Abstracts (Purdue Owl)

The purpose of this assignment is to write an abstract for your capstone project. The function of an Abstract is to provide a brief, descriptive summary of the essay/report. The function of an Abstract is to inform the reader of the contents of the report /essay so that the reader can see in advance the key areas covered and the main points of the argument. An Abstract clearly states the purpose and direction, the main arguments and the conclusions reached. It is a mini version of the paper. If writing an investigative report which includes research findings, then it is usual to include in the Abstract the aims or objectives, methods, findings or results, conclusions and implications.

Your capstone abstract must be approved by the Capstone Advisor and or Faculty Chair before the final draft.

Keep these guidelines for abstracts in mind:

  • Provides a professional, scholarly synopsis of the capstone project
  • States the purpose of the capstone clearly and succinctly
  • Provides a brief rationale for the capstone project.
  • Describes the design and methodology of the main activities of the project
  • Describes the expected results or the outcomes of the capstone.
  • Provides a summary statement that shows the possible implication of the capstone project to student’s clinical practice setting or profession.
  • Utilizes 250-300 words maximum, using 12 point font, either, Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier


  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm P.T.
  • Length: Maximum of 250-300 words
  • Format: APA 6th ed.
  • Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years


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Assessment1InsvvSee attachment.

Assessment1InsSee attachment.

Assessment1InsSee attachment.

Assessment1InsSee attachment.


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Assessment1Int1InSee attachment.


Nursing Informatics

Required Assigned Topic

Required assigned topic for the focus of your paper.

  • Obesity Patient Scenario

Requirements and Guidelines

  1. Download the required Milestone 2 Template. (Links to an external site.) Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR361 Milestone 2.docx.
  2. You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.)
  3. Carefully review the grading rubric criteria for Milestone 2 and type directly on your saved Milestone 2 Template.
  4. Complete all rubric areas for a superior Milestone 2.
  5. Use instructor feedback from Milestone 1 to improve your statements regarding the patient scenario in Milestone 2.
  6. Submit your completed Milestone 2 by Sunday end of Week 4.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

  • attachment


Patient Education tool and paper

 Create a one-page patient education tool that explains usage of a medication and factors that can affect outcomes. Then, write 2–3 pages in which you explain how the tool promotes patient safety and quality outcomes, and adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence.

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to develop a patient education tool for new medication starts in your current area of practice. This tool needs to provide important information to the patient, yet be concise enough to require no more than one page.



Review the suggested list of possible topics in Part 1 of the Requirements and then search the Internet for supporting resources. You will need to provide support for the information you choose to include in the patient education tool.


Complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assessment. You may submit both parts in one document or submit them as separate documents. Be sure you complete both parts!

Submit a total of 4–5 pages. Write no more than one page for Part 1. Write 2–3 pages, plus a separate reference page, for Part 2.

Part 1: Patient Education Tool

Complete the following:

  1. Choose one of the following topics as the basis for your patient education tool:
    • Antibiotics (Amoxil/Amoxicillin) for pediatric ear infections.
    • Statin therapy (Zocor/Simvastatin) for a newly diagnosed patient with hypercholesterolemia.
    • Antihypertensive (ACE inhibitors/Lisinopril/Zestril) for a patient who was discovered to have hypertension at a health screening at work.
    • Drugs for treating gastric acidity (Proton pump inhibitors/antacids/H2 blockers) for a patient complaining of chronic indigestion and heartburn.
    • Ear drops or eye drops (or both) for an elderly patient.
    • Any newly released medication for a patient in your area of practice. This might be a new drug for diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis or a new antibiotic.
  2. Include the following in your patient education tool:
    • Explain appropriate use of the medication.
    • Identify specific factors (age, access, culture, and so on) that may affect the efficacy of the medication.
    • Describe possible chemical interactions, side effects, or other negative reactions patients need to be aware of.
    • Explain correct handling, storage, and disposal of the medication.
    • Include any other information you feel would be beneficial and promote patient safety and quality outcomes.

You may format Part 1, the patient education tool, any way you wish, but be sure it is logical and understandable by the typical patient who would use it. Feel free to include pictures or diagrams to reinforce the information.

Part 2: Evidence-Based Practice

Provide evidence for the information you included in the patient education tool:

  • Explain how the information in the patient education tool promotes patient safety and quality outcomes.
  • Explain how the patient education tool adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence. In other words, is the tool appropriate for all cultures, genders, ages, et cetera; or could it be easily adapted for specific needs?

Format Part 2 according to APA guidelines. This is not a document you would provide to a patient but, for this assessment, it will provide faculty with the academic and professional principles necessary to evaluate your work.

Additional Requirements

  • At least 2 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • For Part 2 only:
    • Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.
  • attachment


Module 04 Written Assignment – Concept Map-Hypertension

Develop and Concept Map, using the form provided, on the following patient. Include Diagnostic data and medical orders that you expect to be ordered on the patient.

T.J., a 30-year-old African American client, is in his last year of law school and is clerking for a prestigious law firm. He and his fiancé plan to marry as soon as he graduates. During the last week he has had four dizzy spells and a headache at the base of his skull upon awakening for the last 2 days. His father has a history of hypertension, so T.J. is aware that his symptoms may indicate high blood pressure. On his way home from work, T.J. stops by the clinic and asks the nurse to check his blood pressure. The nursing assessment yields the following data.

Subjective data: States he has had four dizzy spells and has awakened with a headache in the occipital lobe the last two mornings. T.J. has 1 glass of wine at lunch and 2-3 beers in the evening to relax from the tension of school and work. Most of his meals are at fast-food establishments and have a high fat content. T.J. does not smoke. He used to jog 4 mornings a week but quit when he started clerking. He has had nocturia for the last 3 weeks. He is not taking any medication. T.J. states he is concerned about having hypertension because he does not want to take medication.

Objective data: T 98.6°F(37°C), AP 78 beats/min, R 16 breaths/min, BP 142/92 mm Hg, Wt 190 lbs (optimum weight 160). No edema noted in hands, feet, or legs.