Windshield Survey of the Community Assignment Directions

ou will complete this assignment using the following form:

Overview of Community Assessment and Community Health Nursing Intervention: Community assessment is a systemic way to determine the health status, resources or needs of a population. Community Health Nurses (CHN) assess the community by using the nursing process:

  • Module 1: CH nurses gather subjective data (i.e. windshield survey and interviewing key informants). Based on this portion of the assignment you will analyze your findings and provide a summary of the key community health issues for your community.

APA focus for this paper: in-text citation of personal commutation, objective writing (avoid biased language), formal writing (avoid use of contractions, numbers, etc) and sentence structure, grammar and flow. Refer to the APA on-line tutorial (Links to an external site.), as needed.

See the Rubric in the Assignment Submission area to view grading criteria.

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Search in scholarly sources the similarities and difference between PhD and DNP.  Post three similarities and three differences found on your research.  Do not forget to include your reference.

For Profit vs. Not for Profit Organizations!!NO PLAGIARISM PROFESSOR USES SAFEASSIGN!!


  •   7 with reference page

    Part 1:

    Despite the documented challenges that the U.S. health care system faces, it also enjoys a number of advantages over other systems around the world.

    • Choose 2 other countries from around the world and discuss the strengths of the U.S. health care system as compared to these countries from an administrator’s and a third-party payer’s perspectives.
    • In your answer, be sure to not only discuss each strength, but provide an explanation as to why you believe the United States has this advantage over the other countries you chose.

    Part 2:

    Identify a nonprofit health care organization and a for-profit health care organization of your choosing (not an organization mentioned in part 1). Answer the following:

    • Summarize the types of services provided, clientele served, and provider groups involved.
    • Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of each organization from patient, provider, administrator, and third-party payer perspectives.
    • Provide at least 2 suggestions for each organization to minimize the identified weaknesses.
    • Summarize which organization you would rather be part of, using rationale.


The interaction between regulation and health influences the daily operations of healthcare providers.

Unit 2 Assignment: EHR Certification & Release of Information

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:

· HI510-1: Given access to a health information system, evaluate whether it meets Meaningful Use, including goals, components, criteria, certification, attestation, and MU program outcomes.


The field of health information is subject to many laws, regulations, requirements, and standards. The interaction between regulation and health influences the daily operations of healthcare providers. Sharing data between two separate organizations can be a delicate balance between the patient and organizations. Knowing the regulations that govern health information and the release of information is imperative. Failing to adhere to and think about the rules and regulations when forming decisions and policy can expose the organization and provider to unwarranted risk. In this Assignment, you will review select two EMR systems and review them for compliance with Meaningful Use and EMR certification requirements. You will also review release of information requirements.


Select two EMR systems from the list below.

· OpenMRS

· VistA

· FreeMED

· OpenEMR

· One Touch EMR

· Solismed

Assignment Requirements

Create a 5–6-page document that addresses the following:

1. Provide an introduction of the two systems that have been selected for comparison. In your comparison discuss the features offered by each system.

2. Discuss meaningful use (MU) and its phases.

3. Do the systems that you have selected meet MU requirements? Discuss whether the system is compliant with MU program outcomes and certification including:


· Goals, components, criteria, certification, and MU program outcomes.

· Medicare MU program requirements

· Medicaid MU program requirements

4. Discuss how MU has improved data quality.

5. Discuss release of medical information and how MU law applies.

Conduct research to answer the discussion points and questions and be sure to fully describe and support your answers and cite sources when necessary. This is a fact-based Assignment that should not include unsupported opinion.

RUA Assignment

  • Due 8/14 Wednesday
  • Read over the Anesthesia brochure and write a 3 page review following the template attached
  • Read over the  instructions attached
  • Be sure to read and answer ALL the questions that is highlighted in the template
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  • Posted: 10 days ago
  • Due: 14/08/2019
  • Budget: $30

Political Theory and the Budget

  This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible

             due Aug 18           

Week 6 Discussion 2: Political Theory and the Budget

2      2 unread replies.    2      2 replies.

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Review Chapter 2, 3 (pp. 56-59), 13
  • Lesson
  • Additional scholarly sources you identify through your own research

Initial Post Instructions
Explain how a liberal and conservative would approach developing the US budget. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least  two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by  providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly  source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be  from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

Course Outcomes (CO):

Week 6 Discussion 1: Presidential Advisor

Press the comma key or shift + question mark to see a list of keyboard shortcuts

This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible

             due Aug 18           

Week 6 Discussion 1: Presidential Advisor

2      2 unread replies.    2      2 replies.

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Review Chapter 2, 3 (pp. 56-59), 13
  • Lesson
  • Additional scholarly sources you identify through your own research

Initial Post Instructions

You are an advisor to the President tasked with cutting at least $300  billion from the budget. The president wants your recommendations to  cut lines, not large categories. Explain why you chose those cuts.

Note: These are not true US budget numbers.



Cut some foreign aid to African countries

$17 billion


Eliminate farm subsidies

$14 billion


Cut pay of civilian federal workers by 5 percent

$14 billion


Reduce the overall federal workforce by 10%

$12 billion


Cut aid to states by 5%

$29 billion



Cut the number of nuclear warheads, and end the “Star Wars” missile defense program

$19 billion


Reduce military to pre-Iraq War size and further reduce troops in Asia and Europe

$25 billion


Cancel or delay some weapons programs

$19 billion



Enact medical malpractice reform by reducing the chances of large malpractice verdicts

$ 8 billion


Increase the Medicare eligibility age to 68

$ 8 billion


Raise the Social Security retirement age to 68.

$ 13 billion



Return the estate tax to Clinton-era levels, passing on an estate  worth more than $1 million to their heirs would have portions of those  estates taxed.

$ 50 billion


End tax cuts for income above $250,000 a year

$ 54 billion


End tax cuts for income below $250,000 a year

$ 172 billion


Payroll tax increase for people making over $106,000 annually contributing more to Social Security and Medicare.

$ 50 billion



Institute a Millionaire’s tax on income above $1 million

$ 50 billion


Add a national 5% sales tax

$ 41 billion


Add a tax on carbon emissions

$ 40 billion


Tax banks based on their sizes and the amount of risk they take.

$ 73 billion


Total gap covered by your budget plan


Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned  readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least  two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by  providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly  source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be  from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

Course Outcomes (CO): 7

Compare and contrast


Complete ALL of the bullet points below:

Compare and contrast each of the three questions related to Managed Care Organizations, Medicare, and Medicaid with one another and explain how they were similar and different to each other.

  • Managed care organizations emphasize physicians’ responsibilities to control patient access to expensive hospitalization and specialty care, a principle dubbed “gatekeeping.” Some argue that “gatekeeping” is unethical because it introduces financial factors into treatment decisions. Others say it improves quality by promoting the use of the most appropriate levels of care.
  • Medicare is an area that often gets overlooked and is seen as a burden financially. Discuss alternatives to ease the drain on Medicare resources.
  • Medicaid is shouldering an ever-increasing burden of cost for long-term care for the elderly, with enormous impacts on state budgets throughout the nation. Discuss alternatives to ease this drain on Medicaid resources.

Please submit one APA formatted table, (minimum 1500 words) that highlights the above content make sure to include a title and reference page. The assignment should have a minimum of two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.


Evidence-Based Capstone Project, Part 6: Disseminating Results

The dissemination of EBP results serves multiple important roles. Sharing results makes the case for your decisions. It also adds to the body of knowledge, which creates opportunities for future practitioners. By presenting results, you also become an advocate for EBP, creating a culture within your organization or beyond that informs, educates, and promotes the effective use of EBP.

To Prepare:

  • Review the final PowerPoint presentation you submitted in Module 5, and make any necessary changes based on the feedback you have received and on lessons you have learned throughout the course.
  • Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience.

To Complete:

Create a 5-minute, 5- to 6-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation of your Evidence-Based Project.

  • Be sure to incorporate any feedback or changes from your presentation submission in Module 5.
  • Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience. Provide a rationale for why you selected this dissemination strategy.
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D 1(4284)

Please, write a discussion in two paragraphs about following scenario and answer the questions below.

Several nurses are in the unit lounge eating the birthday cake of Nurse Johnson who is celebrating her 65th birthday. “I’m so glad to have coworkers like you and work gives me such a sense of purpose,” she commented and left the room. In low voices, the other nurses commented, “I don’t get her, I’m half her age and this job drains me. We often get stuck doing the heavy work she can’t do. I know, but she is a wealth of information and patients love her. Yes, but that doesn’t help my aching back.”

What are some of the challenges of having different generations in the workplace?  What issues and accommodations have you experienced in your workplace toward older workers? Should allowances be made for older workers including nurses, and if so, what can be done to support these? Describe the anticipated changes in the characteristics of the older population of the future and describe the implications for nursing and the nursing profession.   

Each posting requires one reference from an English titled, peer

-reviewed nursing journal less than five years old, and a reference from the following

course textbook:


ISBN: 978-0-13-295631-4

Tabloski, P. (2014). Gerontological Nursing (3rd Ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Health Science.