Benchmark – Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.
  2. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs.
  3. Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.
  4. Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
  5. Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.
  6. Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting.

Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles other than those presented in your text or provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Assignment: The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

  • Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

  • Planning and requirements definition
  • Analysis
  • Design of the new system
  • Implementation
  • Post-implementation support

3 Discussion Questions & Casestudy

1st discussion question

Examples of Price Discrimination – Economics Help

The idea that transactions in a market place work like an invisible hand is to some extent the idea that when a person chooses to buy an item at a given price they are happy with the deal. There is no coercion. If the person really does not like the deal they simply walk away.

Given that background. Your business partner is strongly opposed to your proposal to charge your largest customers lower prices for your web-based services than you will charge your smaller customers? She is arguing it is unethical. Explain why both customers will be satisfied with the deal. What kind of price discrimination is this type of segmentation and how will the plan increase revenue?

2nd discussion question 

Sequential-Move Game Strategy

In the text, we consider a sequential-move game in which an entrant was considering entering an industry in competition with an incumbent firm (See Figure 15-1). Consider now that the entrant, if fought, has the possibility of withdrawing from the industry (at a loss of 1 for the entrant and a gain of 8 for the incumbent), or staying at a loss of 5 for each player). What is the equilibrium of this game? Discuss if the entrant is better off with or without the ability to withdraw. I have added a diagram of the game to help you see the options.

3rd discussion

Type I and II Decision Error Costs

The HR department is trying to fill a vacant position for a job with a small talent pool. Valid applications arrive every week or so, and the applicants all seem to bring different levels of expertise. For each applicant, the HR manager gathers information by trying to verify various claims on resumes, but some doubt about fit always lingers when a decision to hire or not to hire is made.

  • What are the Type I and Two decision errors costs?
  • Which decision error is more likely to be discovered by the CEO?
  • How does this affect the HR manager’s hiring decisions?

Be sure to cite all source used.



Case Study 1: Auctions

The following video describes auctions as price discovery mechanisms

Use the video on auctions and at least 3 academic and/or high-quality business publications, see definitions below, to answer the following questions in 5-7 pages:

1. There are many types of auctions each with strengths and weakness at uncovering the real price/value of an item. Compare and contrast:

a) the English and Dutch auctions; and,

b) the sealed bid first price auction and the Vickery Auction.

2. After many months of offers and counter offers for Sky PLC, the UK’s The Takeover Panel ( required that Sky PLC be acquired via an auction. What type of auction was the Sky auction, who were the bidders and who won? Given that there had been multiple public offers revealed by the bidders, was the auction type selected the best type of auction for the Sky acquisition?

3. Auctions are widely used in finance, e-commerce and in e-games. Identify 3 applications of auctions used in finance, e-commerce and/or e-games. Explain the:

a) need for an auction in the product/service; and

b) what type of auction is used and why that type of auction is appropriate for the product/service.

4. Auctions are also widely used to generate revenue for not-for-profit organizations. What are the advantages/disadvantages of auctions as revenue generators for not-for-profit organizations?

5. Suggest ways in which the company you work for, or the company which you aspire to work for, can use auctions to better uncover value and increase revenue.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment length.

Acceptable Types of Publications

The definition of a high-quality professional business publication is one which is primarily a publication directed to reporting and/or analysis of the workings of business. Examples are: Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters…etc. Avoid general news publications such as USA Today, Washington Post, NY Times.


Submission Rules

You may submit 1 attempt at the assignment to test your SafeAssign Score. The SafeAssign score should be 25% or less.


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Managerial Accounting HW! DUE TOM! $!

Problem 8-35
Variable-Costing and Absorption-Costing Income

Tenley Company produces and sells wooden pallets that are used for moving and stacking materials. The operating costs for the past year were as follows:

During the year, Tenley produced 300,000 wooden pallets and sold 306,500 at $9 each. Tenley had 11,300 pallets in beginning finished goods inventory; costs have not changed from last year to this year. An actual costing system is used for product costing.


1. What is the per-unit inventory cost that will be reported on Tenley’s balance sheet at the end of the year? How many units are in ending inventory? What is the total cost of ending inventory? Round the per unit amount to the nearest cent.


Per-unit inventory cost



4. Calculate variable-costing operating income.
$  [removed]


5. Suppose that Tenley Company had sold 296,700 pallets during the year. What would absorption-costing operating income have been? Variable-costing income?


Absorption costing income $  [removed]
Variable costing income

Problem 5-46
Overhead Application and Job-Order Costing

Heurion Company is a job-order costing firm that uses a plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor hours. Estimated information for the year is as follows:

Heurion worked on five jobs in July. Data are as follows:

By July 31, Jobs 741 and 743 were completed and sold. The remaining jobs were in process.

1.  Calculate the plantwide overhead rate for Heurion Company. Round your answer to the nearest cent.
$  [removed] per DLH

2.  Prepare job-order cost sheets for each job showing all costs through July 31. Round your answers to the nearest dollar, if rounding is required. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank or enter zero (“0”).

 Heurion Company
 Job-Order Cost Sheets
 Job 741
 Job 742
 Job 743
 Job 744
 Job 745
 Balance, July 1
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
 Direct materials
 Direct labor
 Applied overhead
 Total cost
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
$ [removed]
$ [removed]


3.  Calculate the balance in Work in Process on July 31.
$  [removed]

4.  Calculate Cost of Goods Sold for July.
$  [removed]

Problem 6-46
Basic Flows, Equivalent Units

Bowman Company produces an arthritis medication that passes through two departments: Mixing and Tableting. Bowman uses the weighted average method. Data for February for Mixing is as follows: BWIP was zero; EWIP had 7,200 units, 50 percent complete; and 84,000 units were started. Tableting’s data for February is as follows: BWIP was 4,800 units, 20 percent complete; and 2,400 units were in EWIP, 40 percent complete.

1.  For Mixing, calculate the (a) number of units transferred to Tableting, and (b) equivalent units of production.

a.  Units transferred to tableting [removed]  units
b.  Equivalent units of production [removed]  units

2.  For Tableting, calculate the number of units transferred out to Finished Goods.
[removed]  units

3.  Suppose that the units in the mixing department are measured in ounces, while the units in Tableting are measured in bottles of 100 tablets, with a total weight of eight ounces (excluding the bottle).

Decide how you would treat units that are measured differently.

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.


Now, repeat Requirement 2 using this approach.

Units transferred out [removed]  units


$  [removed]






1) If Angle “a” is 25o, Angle “b” is:


2) If Angle “a” is 25o, Angle “b” is:


3) If Angle “a” is 25o, Angle “d” is:


4) f the wavelength of orange light is 6 · 10-7 m, calculate its frequency.

f =

6) For a closer look in shaving, a:

7) Full-length mirrors used while dressing are:

8) A 2.0 X 2.0 -inch slide is placed before a converging lens 21 inch in front of the focal point. If the focal length is 20. inches, how large is the image that is projected on the screen?

11) Four beats per second are heard when an unknown tuning fork and a 240 Hz tuning fork are struck simultaneously. What are the two possible frequencies of the tuning fork?

12) The echo of your footsteps returns in 0.50 second. How long is the corridor in which you are walking? (Assume the speed of sound for 0oC.)

[removed] m

Diversification And Victory Motorcycles


  • Use the Internet to research a large corporation headquartered in Maryland, with a focus on its current level of diversification.

“Diversification” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, suggest one way the company you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Building on the topic above, determine how diversified the company you research could become before it created a negative impact on the company’s bottom line. Explain your rationale.


  • Use the Internet to research the corporate-level strategies of Victory Motorcycles.

Victory Motorcycles” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity and the case study, evaluate the business-level strategy of Victory Motorcycles to determine whether you believe the strategy is appropriate to offset forces in the industry. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Make recommendations for improving this strategy as well as describing any challenges you foresee in executing those recommendations. Provide specific examples to support your response



Acc Week 2 Quiz(All Quiz Answered)

1. Which of the following is true regarding the contribution margin ratio of a single product company? (Points : 2)



2. If a company is operating at the break-even point: (Points : 2)



3. Target profit analysis is used to answer which of the following questions? (Points : 2)



4. The margin of safety can be calculated by: (Points : 2)



5. Sorin Inc., a company that produces and sells a single product, has provided its contribution format income statement for January.

If the company sells 4,600 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to: (Points : 2)




6. Decaprio Inc. produces and sells a single product. The company has provided its contribution format income statement for June.

If the company sells 9,200 units, its net operating income should be closest to: (Points : 2)




7. The margin of safety in the Flaherty Company is $24,000. If the company’s sales are $120,000 and its variable expenses are $80,000, its fixed expenses must be: (Points : 2)




8. Jilk Inc.’s contribution margin ratio is 58% and its fixed monthly expenses are $36,000. Assuming that the fixed monthly expenses do not change, what is the best estimate of the company’s net operating income in a month when sales are $103,000? (Points : 2)




9. Borich Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:

The break-even in monthly unit sales is closest to: (Points : 2)




10. Data concerning Follick Corporation’s single product appear below:

The break-even in monthly dollar sales is closest to: (Points : 2)




11. Hettrick International Corporation’s only product sells for $120.00 per unit and its variable expense is $52.80. The company’s monthly fixed expense is $396,480 per month. The unit sales to attain the company’s monthly target profit of $13,000 is closest to: (Points : 2)





12. The costing method that treats all fixed costs as period costs is: (Points : 2)



13. Under the variable costing method, which of the following is always expensed in its entirety in the period in which it is incurred? (Points : 2)




14. Net operating income under variable and absorption costing will generally: (Points : 2)



15. Fleet Corporation produces a single product. The company manufactured 700 units last year. The ending inventory consisted of 100 units. There was no beginning inventory. Variable manufacturing costs were $6.00 per unit and fixed manufacturing costs were $2.00 per unit. What would be the change in the dollar amount of ending inventory if variable costing was used instead of absorption costing? (Points : 2)





16. A manufacturing company that produces a single product has provided the following data concerning its most recent month of operations:

What is the total period cost for the month under the absorption costing approach? (Points : 2)






17. A manufacturing company that produces a single product has provided the following data concerning its most recent month of operations:

What is the unit product cost for the month under variable costing? (Points : 2)








18. A manufacturing company that produces a single product has provided the following data concerning its most recent month of operations:

What is the net operating income for the month under variable costing? (Points : 2)








19. The following data pertain to last year’s operations at Clarkson, Incorporated, a company that produces a single product:

What was the absorption costing net operating income last year? (Points : 2)









20. Beamish Inc., which produces a single product, has provided the following data for its most recent month of operations:

There were no beginning or ending inventories. The unit product cost under absorption costing was: (Points : 2)














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As Part Of A Study, Investigators Wanted To Assess The Accuracy

1. As part of a study, investigators wanted to assess the accuracy of self-reported smoking status.  Participants are asked whether they currently smoke or not.  In addition, laboratory tests are performed on hair samples to determine presence or absence of nicotine.  The laboratory assessment is considered the gold standard, or truth about nicotine.  The data are as follows:


  Nicotine Absent Nicotine Present
Self-Reported Non-Smoker 82 14
Self-Reported Smoker 12 52


A.    What is the sensitivity of self-reported smoking status?


B.     What is the specificity of self-reported smoking status?


2. A recent study reported that the prevalence of hyperlipidemia (defined as total cholesterol over 200) is 30% in children 2–6 years of age.  If 12 children are analyzed,


A.    What is the probability that at least 3 are hyperlipidemic?


B.     What is the probability that 3 are hyperlipidemic?


C.     How many would be expected to meet the criteria for hyperlipidemia?


Refer to the Histogram tab in the Excel Assignment Spreadsheet and answer the following.

What percent of the sample weighs 170 lbs. or less? ____


How many subjects weigh more than 200 lbs? ____ 1 pt


What percent of the subjects weigh more than 200 lbs? ____ % 1 pt


Based on the graph the median weight is approximately: _____ lbs. 1 pt


How many subjects weigh less than 200 lbs? _____ lbs. 1 pt


Refer to the PercentileRank tab in the Excel Assignment Spreadsheet to answer the following questions.


What percent of the sample weigh 172 lbs. or less? ______ % 1 pt


What percent of the sample is 200 lbs or more? ______ 1 pt


What is the median weight? _____ lbs. 1 pt


25% of the sample weighs less than or equal to: _____ lbs. 1pt


Look at the summary statistics in the Descriptives tab.


What is the median for Wt Grp 3? _194_____ 1 pt


Econ Week 8 Quiz

Econ  week 8 quiz

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is

A) legislation that substantially increased tariffs in the early 1930s.
B) legislation that substantially lowered tariffs in the early 1930s.
C) an organization established after World War II to set the rules for international trade and reduce trade barriers among member nations.
D) an organization established in the early 1960s to protect U.S. industries from low-cost foreign producers.


Refer to Figure 17-10. With the tariff, the domestic price and domestic quantity demanded are

A) P1 and Q1.
B) P1 and Q4.
C) P2 and Q2.
D) P2 and Q3.


Figure 17-13{DC522257-569F-4F36-8585-AA1F104DE9BD}

In Figure 17-13, the world price of a baseball is $3. With free trade, how many baseballs will the United States import?

A) 4,000
B) 6,000
C) 8,000
D) 10,000
E) 12,000



A nation can gain from international trade when

A) its relative production costs are the same as those of other countries
B) it exports goods for which it is a low-opportunity cost producer while importing goods that it could produce only at a high opportunity cost.
C) it imports goods for which it is a low-opportunity cost producer and exports goods for which it is a high opportunity cost producer.
D) it has a trade deficit


The benefit (or satisfaction) that an individual expects to derive from an activity is called

A) opportunity cost
B) utility
C) marginal cost
D) scarcity



When economists say an individual displays economizing behavior, they simply mean that she is

A) making a lot of money
B) buying only those products that are cheap and of low quality
C) learning how to run a business more effectively
D) seeking the lowest cost method to accomplish her objectives



When economists say an individual has made a rational choice, they mean the individual has

A) made the choice by weighing their own subjective costs and benefits
B) made a “good” decision, one that reasonable outside observers would have also made
C) neglected to consider the unintended consequences arising from their decision
D) ignored their own personal interests and made the choice that is best for society



Which of the following is not scarce?

A) an individual’s time
B) air
C) pencils
D) automobiles



Which of the following statements about exchange is false?

A) The expectation of gain motivates people to engage in trade.
B) If a party to a potential exchange does not believe that it will lead to personal gain, he or she can chose not to engage in the trade.
C) Voluntary exchange is generally mutually beneficial to the trading partners.
D) If one trading partner gains, the other must lose.



Use the production possibilities data below for Lebos and Slavia to answer the following question(s).{0A0365C0-F7FC-4ECD-AEF8-0ACBE85CC2F8}

Refer to Table 2-1. Which of the following would be a mutually agreeable rate of exchange?

A) 1F = 1C
B) 1F = 2C
C) 1F = 3C
D) No exchange rate would be mutually agreeable



Which of the following is NOT true of opportunity cost?

A) Opportunity costs are subjective because they depend upon how the decision-maker values his or her options.
B) Opportunity costs are only the monetary costs of lost options.
C) Opportunity costs are the highest-valued alternative sacrificed in order to choose an option.
D) Only the decision-maker can determine his or her opportunity costs for any particular action.







The marginal value of a commodity to a consumer

A) increases as more of the good is consumed.
B) is exactly equal to price for all units purchased by the consumer.
C) is measured by the height of the individual consumer’s demand curve.
D) is equal to the area above the price and below the individual consumer’s demand curve.



If Mr. Smith thinks the last dollar spent on shirts yields more satisfaction than the last dollar spent on cola, and Smith is a utility-maximizing consumer, he should

A) decrease his spending on cola.
B) decrease his spending on cola and increase his spending on shirts.
C) increase his spending on shirts.
D) increase his spending on cola and decrease his spending on shirts.



Consider a consumer who purchases two goods, X and Y. If the price of good Y falls, then the substitution effect by itself will

A) cause the consumer to buy more of good Y and less of good X.
B) cause the consumer to buy more of good X and less of good Y.
C) not affect the amount of goods X and Y that the consumer buys.
D) result in an upward-sloping demand for good Y because of the substitution effect.



Muriel’s income elasticity of demand for football tickets is 1.5. All else equal, this means that if her income increases by 20 percent, she will buy

A) 150 percent more football tickets.
B) 50 percent more football tickets.
C) 30 percent more football tickets.
D) 20 percent more football tickets.



The price elasticity of supply

A) will be positive when supply is elastic and negative when it is inelastic.
B) will be negative when supply is elastic and positive when it is inelastic.
C) will always be positive.
D) will be positive when demand for the good is inelastic.
E) will be positive when demand for the good is elastic.



Figure 7-13{FD80A890-6C7A-49CA-B656-F82BAE55F027}

Refer to Figure 7-13. A decrease in price from $15 to $10 leads to

A) a decrease in total revenue of $10, so the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1 in this price range.
B) a decrease in total revenue of $10, so the price elasticity of demand is less than 1 in this price range.
C) a decrease in total revenue of $20, so the price elasticity of demand is less than 1 in this price range.
D) a decrease in total revenue of $20, so demand is elastic in this price range.



Since it is costly for stockholders to monitor corporate managers, managers may be able to achieve personal perks and pursue other policies that conflict with profit maximization. This is an example of

A) an external benefit.
B) economies of scale.
C) the principal-agent problem.
D) sunk costs.



Use the table below to answer the following question.{2E797A2C-A05B-4F46-804F-20CD906D3596}

What is the marginal cost of producing the third unit of output?

A) $22
B) $23.33
C) $73.33
D) This cannot be determined from the data.



In the short run, which are most important in determining changes in output?

A) marginal costs and marginal revenue.
B) total costs and total revenue.
C) average costs and total revenue.
D) fixed costs.



Use the table below to answer the following question.{D6A70873-C208-44AD-85B9-B58BFBE57CBC}

Average total cost is at a minimum when output is

A) 2 units.
B) 3 units.
C) 4 units.
D) 5 units.



Mr. Hudson notes that if he produces 10 pairs of shoes per day, his average fixed cost (AFC) is $14 and his marginal cost $8; if he produces 20 pairs of shoes per day, his MC is $15. What is his AFC when output is 20 pairs of shoes per day?

A) $5
B) $7
C) $8
D) $15


When firms in a price-taker market are temporarily able to charge prices that exceed their production costs,

A) the firms will earn long-run economic profit.
B) additional firms will be attracted into the market until price falls to the level of per-unit production cost.
C) the firms will earn short-run economic profits that will be offset by long-run economic losses.
D) the existing firms must be colluding or rigging the market, otherwise, they would be unable to charge such high prices.



Scenario 9-1Assume a certain competitive price-taker firm is producing Q = 1,000 units of output. At Q = 1,000, the firm’s marginal cost equals $15 and its average total cost equals $11. The firm sells its output for $12 per unit.Refer to Scenario 9-1. At Q = 1,000, the firm’s profit amounts to

A) −$200.
B) $1,000.
C) $3,000.
D) $4,000.



Use t’he table of expected cost and revenue data for the Tuckers Tomato Farm below to answer the following

question(s). The Tuckers produce tomatoes in a greenhouse and sell them wholesale in a competitive pricetaker market.

Table 9-1{F9327548-17D9-44EB-B333-8F04470214AE}

Refer to Table 9-1. If the Tuckers are profit maximizers, how many tomatoes should they produce when the market price is $500 per ton?

A) 6
B) 7
C) 8
D) 9



A firm is currently operating where the MC of the last unit produced is $84, and the MR of this unit is $70. What would you advise this firm to do?

A) Shut down
B) Increase output
C) Stay at its current output
D) Decrease output
E) Decrease price



In a constant-cost industry, an increase in output that increases the demand for resources used by the industry

A) is likely to result in higher prices for at least some resources.
B) causes the firm’s cost curves to shift downward.
C) causes the demand curve for the industry to rise.
D) is not likely to result in higher prices for resources.



Use the figure to answer the following question(s).

Figure 9-3{D3B6E6A0-4B17-4C29-8BBC-64A25AFE8D99}

Figure 9-3 depicts the cost curves of a firm in a price-taker industry. At what output would the firm’s per-unit cost be at a minimum?

A) 100
B) 125
C) 150
D) an output greater than 150



Use the figure to answer the following question(s).

Figure 9-11{6452E5C6-2479-4170-8905-72E2FB634E97}

If the current market price for the firm depicted in Figure 9-11 is A, given the firm’s cost conditions, which output should it produce?




The long-run supply curve is

A) a horizontal line for a constant-cost industry.
B) upward sloping for a decreasing-cost industry.
C) downward sloping for an increasing-cost industry.
D) all of the above.



If Dell Computer finds that its marginal cost exceeds its marginal revenue on a model of laptop, then to maximize profit, it will

A) increase output if it is a price searcher, but this may not be proper if it is a price taker.
B) increase output if it is a price taker, but this may not be proper if it is a price searcher.
C) decrease output, regardless of whether it is a price taker or a price searcher.
D) increase output, regardless of whether it is a price taker or a price searcher.



Many small U.S. cities are served by only one or two airlines. If a price increase in these markets allows other airlines to quickly and easily enter the market and compete, economists would call these markets

A) contestable markets.
B) high entry markets.
C) conventional markets.
D) monopolistic markets.



In the real world, business decisions must be made through insight, trial, and error, without perfect knowledge about demand and costs. Will the profit-maximizing prices and levels of output from the simple economic models still be good guides to real outcomes?

A) No, because the simple economic models ignore the opportunity cost of resources.
B) No, because even entrepreneurs who are able to find the profit-maximizing prices and level of output will be unable to compete with other entrepreneurs who charge higher prices.
C) Yes, because they can hire economists who have sufficient knowledge of costs and demand conditions.
D) Yes, because the entrepreneurs who are best able to find the profit-maximizing prices and output levels will survive and expand, driving others out of competitive markets.



Use the figure to answer the following question(s).

Figure 10-2{D7A0E5E4-06B8-4741-874B-27D0252F2927}

What is the maximum economic profit this firm depicted in Figure 10-2 will be able to earn?

A) zero
B) $20
C) $30
D) $100


Which of the following is a true statement about the difference between a price-taker firm and a competitive price-searcher firm in the long run?

A) Both will sell their products at a price equal to average total cost, but only the price taker will produce at minimum average total cost.
B) Both will sell their products at a price equal to average total cost, but only the competitive price searcher will produce at minimum average total cost.
C) Only the price taker will sell its product at a price equal to average total cost.
D) Only the competitive price searcher will sell its product at a price equal to average total cost.



If the firms in an oligopolistic industry can collude effectively (from the firms’ viewpoints), the resulting price and output in the market will be most similar to that of

A) a competitive price-searcher market.
B) pure monopoly.
C) bilateral monopoly.
D) a competitive price-taker market.



The prisoners’ dilemma is used to illustrate the basic idea that

A) oligopolistic firms would be better off if they collude, but each has an incentive to cheat on the collusive agreement.
B) oligopolistic firms are always worse off when they collude.
C) oligopolistic firms never have an incentive to cheat on collusive agreements, unlike prisoners.
D) students who cheat on economics exams end up in jail.



Assuming that firms maximize profits, how will the price and output policy of an unregulated monopolist compare with ideal market efficiency?

A) The output of the monopolist will be too large and the price too high.
B) The output of the monopolist will be too large and the price too low.
C) The output of the monopolist will be too small and the price too high.
D) The output of the monopolist will be too small and the price too low.



Figure 11-18{DFFE8924-EFE7-4362-863A-5F89E2A12B29}

The total revenue for the firm in Figure 11-18, a monopolist that maximizes profit while charging all customers the same price, is

A) $2,574
B) $2,808
C) $2,100
D) $1,638
E) $3,300



The profit-maximizing price the monopoly will charge in Figure 11-20 is

A) irrelevant since the firm should shut down
B) $11
C) $16
D) $18
E) $22



An increase in the price of a resource would cause

A) producers to substitute other inputs for the resource.
B) consumers to increase consumption of the goods that increase in price as the result of the higher resource price.
C) an increase in the demand for products that use the resource intensely.
D) a reduction in the price of goods produced with the resource.



Refer to Table 12-2. This table describes the number of baseballs a manufacturer can produce per day with different quantities of labor. Each baseball sells for $5 in a competitive market. If the firm is maximizing the marginal product of labor, what is the firm’s marginal revenue product?

A) 140 baseballs.
B) $300.
C) $400.
D) $700.

What Is The Main Difference Between The Equity And Exchange Philosophies Of Compensation

Question 1. 1. What is the main difference between the equity and exchange philosophies of compensation
The equity philosophy is based on available budget; the exchange philosophy is based on profit margins.
The equity philosophy is based on fairness; the exchange philosophy is based on employee value.
The equity philosophy is based on profit margins; the exchange philosophy is based on available budget.
The equity philosophy is based on employee value; the exchange philosophy is based on fairness.

Question 2. 2. What is unique about staffing practices at the online shoe company Zappos? (Points : 1)
New hires are trained by employees of other successful shoe companies.
Employees are trained to do every job in the company.
Trainees are offered up to $2,000 to quit the company at any time.
The CEO personally trains every single employee.

Question 3. 3. Which of the following laws give workers the right to join a union without fear of discrimination or retribution? (Points : 1)
The Norris–LaGuardia Act of 1932
The Wagner Act of 1935
The Taft-Hartley Act of 1948
The Landrum-Griffin/Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959

Question 4. 4. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requires employers to do all of the following EXCEPT (Points : 1)
provide protection from at-work hazards
notify supervisors of hazardous conditions
monitor employees’ health habits
enforce the use of safety equipment

Question 5. 5. Internal sourcing and external sourcing are part of the process of __________________. (Points : 1)
employee orientation
employee selection
job design

Question 6. 6. Which of the following methods constitute on-the-job training methods? (Points : 1)
demonstration; apprenticeship; and sink-or-swim
simulation; film and classroom; and vestibule
demonstration; film and classroom; and sink-or-swim
sink-or-swim; vestibule; and apprenticeship

Question 7. 7. Vanessa starts her new job as a marketing strategist for Orion Food and Beverage today. As part of her orientation, she is told to study the position duties on her own, and she uses an online training manual to familiarize herself with company processes. What kind of employee training method is Vanessa most likely engaged in? (Points : 1)
film and classroom

Question 8. 8. Bonuses, contest prizes, and profit sharing are examples of which type of compensation? (Points : 1)
base pay

Question 9. 9. Benefit packages typically comprise about _______% of an employee’s base pay. (Points : 1)

Question 10. 10. Which of the following scenarios describes the 360-degree assessment technique? (Points : 1)
David’s performance is evaluated by his work over the last calendar year.
David’s performance is evaluated using a BARS scale.
David’s performance is evaluated based on the areas in which he has made the most progress.
David’s performance is evaluated by peers, subordinates, customers, and himself.