Practicum Professional Development

Discussion: Practicum Professional Development

Objectives: Progress Appraisal

In Week 1, you developed your practicum professional development objectives. How have your experiences thus far in the practicum contributed to your growth as nurse leader-manager or nurse informaticist? What difficulties, if any, have you experienced, and how might this affect the achievement of your objectives?

In this Discussion, you assess your progress toward fulfilling your practicum professional development objectives and consider how you could enhance or alter your activities to achieve your aims.

To prepare:

Reflect on the practicum professional development objectives you developed and outlined in your Practicum Professional Experience Plan in Week 1 Practicum Professional Development.

Keeping in mind the practicum activities you have engaged in thus far, consider the following questions:

How have these activities helped to promote your professional development?

Are you satisfied with your progress toward meeting your objectives? If not, what will you do to ensure you achieve them before the end of your Practicum Experience? As a reminder, you must complete all of your practicum hours on or before Day 5 of Week 11.

What challenges or unexpected opportunities have arisen at your practicum site? How has this affected your professional development?

Think about the experiences you may have in the forthcoming weeks. Do you foresee any particular challenges on the horizon? If so, what is your plan for addressing those challenges?

Think about the time you have spent with your Preceptor. How has this time enhanced or changed your understanding of the role and functions of the nurse leader-manager or nurse informaticist?

Post an assessment of your progress toward achieving your practicum professional development objectives, including how your involvement in specific practicum activities has contributed to your development. Explain what you will do to ensure you achieve your objectives by the end of your practicum. Summarize challenges or unexpected opportunities that have arisen, as well as any challenges that you anticipate may arise. Explain how you will address those challenges. Finally, summarize what you have learned about the role and functions related to your specialization through time spent with your Preceptor.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days, using one or more of the following approaches:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives Practicum Professional Development.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Required Readings

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Cipriano, P. F., & Murphy, J. (2011). The future of nursing and health IT: The quality elixir. Nursing Economic$, 29(5), 286–289.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

“Technology tools will continue to revolutionize how we plan, deliver, document, review, evaluate, and derive the evidence about care” (p. 289). This article examines how nurses can use information technology to transform nursing and redesign the health care system. It focuses on the use of technology to promote quality and notes that technology can also be used to address challenges in education, research, leadership, and policy.

McKimm, J., & Swanwick, T. (2009). Setting learning objectives. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 70(7), 406–409.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article clarifies the terminology associated with learning objectives and explains how learning objectives relate to professional development and the transformation from novice to expert. It also introduces common pitfalls when setting learning objectives and provides suggestions for avoiding them.

Murphy, J. (2011). The nursing informatics workforce: Who are they and what do they do? Nursing Economic$, 29(3), 150–153.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The author examines the nursing informatics workforce, explaining that professionals in this well-established specialty area can play an integral role in transforming health care.

Sørensen, E. E., Delmar, C., & Pedersen, B. D. (2011). Leading nurses in dire straits: Head nurses’ navigation between nursing and leadership roles. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(4), 421–430.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

“Successful nursing leaders navigate between nursing and leadership roles while nourishing a double identity” (p. 421). In this article, the authors examine how individuals in key professional roles negotiate between and apply nursing and leadership skills.

Warm, D., & Thomas, B. (2011). A review of the effectiveness of the clinical informaticist role. Nursing Standard, 25(44), 35–38.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The authors investigate the application of specialized knowledge and expertise to facilitate the appropriate use of emerging technologies in clinical settings. They argue for informaticists’ involvement in strategic development and delivery of information management and technology initiatives to promote patient-centered outcomes.

Wilkinson, J. E., Nutley, S. M., & Davies, H. T. O. (2011). An exploration of the roles of nurse managers in evidence-based practice implementation. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 8(4), 236–246.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

In this article, the authors examine the role nurse managers should play in leading and facilitating evidence-based practice.

 Armstrong, P. (2013). Bloom’s taxonomy. Retrieved from

Vanderbilt University provides this overview of Bloom’s taxonomy. This site also presents the original and updated versions of the taxonomy along with verb suggestions for each level.

 Clark, D. (2013). Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains. Retrieved from 

This article addresses three domains of learning: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

 University of Central Florida, Office of Experiential Learning (n.d.). Writing SMART learning objectives, Retrieved from

This blog post focuses on the distinction between learning outcomes and objectives. Consider this information as you develop your practicum professional development objectives this week.

 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Center for Teaching & Learning. (2013). Writing objectives using Bloom’s taxonomy. Retrieved from

This resource outlines elements of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

 Document: Practicum Professional Experience Plan (Word Document)

Use this form to develop your Practicum Professional Experience Plan as outlined this week.

 Document: Practicum Professional Experience Plan (Word Document)

Use this form to develop your Practicum Professional Experience Plan as outlined this week.

 Document: Practicum Journal (Word Document)

During your Practicum Experience, you are  required to submit your time log and three journal entries. You will use this  form to complete your journal reflections.

 Document: School of Nursing Practicum Manual: Master of Science in Nursing (MSN): Quarter-Based Programs (PDF)

This comprehensive manual outlines all of the requirements for the Practicum Experience.

Clinical Resources

 Document: Introduction to Clinical Experiences (PowerPoint)

 Document: Practicum Manual (PDF) Practicum Professional Development

pediatric clinical experiences

Assignment: Practicum – Journal Entry

As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to connect your didactic experience to your Practicum experience. By applying the concepts you study in the classroom to clinical settings, you better prepare yourself for your future professional career. Each week, you complete an assignment that prompts you to reflect on your Practicum experiences and relate them to the material presented in the classroom.

To prepare for this course’s Practicum experience, address the following in your Practicum journal:

  • Explain what most excites and/or concerns you about pediatric clinical experiences. Include a description of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of working with children and how these strengths and weaknesses might impact your Practicum experience.
  • Select and explain a nursing theory to guide your practice with pediatric patients.
  • Based on your strengths, weaknesses, and theory of nursing practice, develop goals and objectives for the Practicum experience in this course. Be sure to consider the NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice from this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Create a timeline of Practicum activities based on your Practicum requirements. 
  •  This clinical is in a pediatric doctors office. So make journal with that kind of setting in mind pediatric clinical experiences

role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment

Throughout this course, you have identified, examined, and provided individual as well as collaborative analysis on multiple facets of risk management in the health care setting.

Addressing the knowledge you have gained, and building on that knowledge to add your evaluation of the role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment, develop a 250-500 word reflection to incorporate the following: role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment


  1. What is a health care organization’s administrative role regarding oversight of risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCOs) standards?
  2. What is your assessment of the value provided to an organization that stems from the regulatory statutes of a typical MCO? Consider the establishment of conflict resolution and risk management strategies within the health care organization from the employer/employee perspective as well as in regards to patient conflict circumstances.
  3. What MCO responsibilities pertain to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) focus on fraud, waste, and abuse laws?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

patient’s need for teaching with the concept of mobility

Here is the background of the question.

You are working in an extended care facility (ECF) when M.Z.’s daughter brings her mother in for a week stay while she goes on vacation. M.Z. is an 89-year-old widow with a 4-day history of dysuria, back pain, incontinence, severe mental confusion, and loose stools. Her most current vital signs (VS) are 118/60, 88, 18, 99.4° F.

The medical director ordered several lab tests on admission. The results were as follows:

  • WBC: 11 thou/cmm
  • Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) within normal limits (WNL)
  • Post-void catheterization yielded 100 ml, and urinalysis (UA) showed WBC 100+/HPF (high-powered field), RBC 3 to 6/HPF, bacteria rare.
  • Urinary culture and sensitivity (C&S) results were as follows: Escherichia coli, more than 100,000 colonies, sensitive to ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and nitrofurantoin.



Correlate the patient’s need for teaching with the concept of mobility.

I need at least 500 wordings, and at least 4 references. I will check the references to see if it matches what is on the essay, thank you.

Movie Character Health Assessment


In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor. Movie Character Health Assessment


  1. Away From Her
  2. Lorenzo’s Oil
  3. Mask
  4. My Sister’s Keeper
  5. Philadelphia
  6. Rain Man
  7. Steel Magnolias
  8. Stepmom
  9. The Elephant Man
  10. The Mighty
  11. The Tic Code


  1. Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.”
  2. Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client).
  3. Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.”
  4. Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie.
  5. Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client.
  6. Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples.
  7. Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.
  8. Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance.
  9. Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices.


In addition to submitting the presentation to the instructor, post your assignment to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum as directed by instructor. Respond to other students’ posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. Each person should make at least three substantive comments.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

NRS-434VN-R-MovieCharacterPresentationSamplePPT-Student.pptx Movie Character Health Assessment

change proposal project

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:


  1. Background
  2. Problem statement
  3. Purpose of the change proposal
  4. PICOT
  5. Literature search strategy employed
  6. Evaluation of the literature
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome
  10. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created change proposal project

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment (PICOT Statement Paper) and Topic 6 assignment (Literature Review). Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center change proposal project.

statistics and statistical tests

As a nurse engaged in evidence-based practice, it is important to recognize how statistics and other data analysis tools are used to generate and assess evidence. Most nurses need only a foundational understanding of statistical tools and terminology to understand the majority of research studies. As a nurse, you should be able to recognize the most commonly used statistical tests, how and when they are used, and how significance is determined statistics and statistical tests. 

In this Discussion, you examine different types of statistics and statistical tests, when and why these particular tests would be selected for use, and, most importantly, what the results indicate. To this end, you will be assigned to a group by Day 1 of this week. Each group will be assigned one of the five chapters listed in this week’s Learning Resources and will develop a study sheet on their chapter that will be shared with the other groups.


  • Review the information in your assigned chapter.
  • As a group, develop a 1-page study sheet that includes      the following: 
    • The key concepts of the chapter: Focus on the basic       concepts that are important for nurses to understand as they review       research studies.
    • A description of the statistical methods covered in       the chapter, what they measure, and under what circumstances they are       used. Identify examples of how the statistical methods have been used in       research studies.
    • An explanation of the key statistical tests and how       they measure significance (if applicable).

Note: This should be a collaborative effort, with each member of the group making contributions to the design and content of the study sheet. Use the Groups link on the left navigation bar to collaborate with your group. When you have developed your 1-page study sheet, select one member to post it to the Week 9 Discussion Forum so that the rest of your colleagues can access it.

To prepare:

Post your group’s study sheet. Discuss why it is important for nurses to understand the basics of these statistical methods. statistics and statistical tests

convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice.

  1. Review the feedback you received from your instructor for Milestone 1, and use it to develop this milestone.
  2. Create a proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Open the recommended assignment specific Milestone 2 Design Proposal Outline (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use this to write your paper. You will include the information from Milestone 1, your practice issue and evidence summary worksheets, as you compose this proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice.
  3. The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6 th edition.
  4. The paper is to be four- to six-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page.
  5. As you organize your information and evidence, include the following topics.
    1. Introduction: Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association(2010, p. 63). Introduce the reader to the plan with evidence-based problem identification and solution.
    2. Change Model Overview: Overview of the ACE Star model (the model we have been discussing this session); define the scope of the EBP; identify the stakeholders, and determine the responsibility of the team members.
    3. Evidence: Conduct internal and external searches of evidence; integrate and summarize the evidence summary worksheet from Milestone 1; develop a recommendation for change.
    4. Translation: develop a hypothetical action plan; include measurable outcomes, reporting to stakeholders; identify next steps and disseminate the findings.
    5. Conclusion: Provide a clear and concise summary, inclusive of the problem issue, the five points of the ACE Star change model; and ways to maintain the change plan.
  6. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means using peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
  7. Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper (see your APA manual for how to format and cite). Creating tables and figures offers visual aids to the reader and enhances understanding of your literature review and design for change convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice..



NR451_Milestone2_2NR451_Milestone2_2CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionIntroduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.)25.0 ptsIntroduction to the plan is nursing focused, and evidence-based. Potential interventions clearly identified.22.0 ptsIntroduction to the plan is missing one of the elements listed in the first column.20.0 ptsIntroduction to the plan is missing two elements listed in the first column.10.0 ptsIntroduction lacks evidence to support need for change and/or potential solution is not evidenced-based.0.0 ptsIntroduction is missing.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChange Model OverviewAn overview of the ACE Star model as a guide for change is given. Scope of the problem is identified. Stakeholders are identified. Team members and their roles and practice area are identified and discussed. State how nurses should use this model as a guide to facilitate change.50.0 ptsOverview of the ACE Star model is given. Scope of problem is identified. Rationale for change is present. Stakeholders are identified. Practice area, team members and role are discussed.44.0 ptsAll elements in the first column are included but discussion of one or more items lacks details.40.0 ptsOverview is missing one of the elements from the first column.19.0 ptsOverview of the ACE Star model is given. Scope of problem is not identified. Rationale for change is not present. Stakeholders are not identified. Practice area, team members and role are not discussed.0.0 ptsChange Model Overview is missing all elements of the first column.50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidenceEvidence is provided thru basic information that indicates a change is needed. For example, there have been 6 urinary tract infections over the last two months and there were none present the last two years at the same time period. What are some of the evidence-based interventions you discovered in your Evidence Summary that do you plan to use?50.0 ptsEvidence summary is thoroughly provided with information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed. Interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change.44.0 ptsEvidence summary contains all elements in the first column, however, one or more items lacks detail.40.0 ptsEvidence is vaguely provided through information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed. Some of the interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change.19.0 ptsEvidence is provided through information of the current problem but is not convincing. Interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are not used in planning for change.0.0 ptsEvidence summary is not provided.50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTranslationActivities to achieve the final steps of change are fully described. What is needed to achieve? How do you translate what information you have gathered into practice? Include measurable outcomes. How do you inform staff? What is your plan of action to pilot the plan? What is the timeline?50.0 ptsActivities to achieve final steps of change are fully described. Ways to translate evidence into practice are discussed (outcomes). Methods to inform staff, activities planned for plan of action and timeline are discussed.44.0 ptsActivities to achieve final steps of change are adequately described.40.0 ptsActivities to achieve final steps of change are briefly described.19.0 ptsMinimal description of the activities to achieve final steps of change.0.0 ptsActivities for final change plan are missing. Translation of evidence into practice is missing.50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionClear, solid summary of the key points, ACE Star model and steps of the change plan are included; ways to sustain the change plan are described.25.0 ptsDetailed summary of main points using ACE Star model. Ways to sustain plan are thoroughly described.22.0 ptsSummary of main points/model is brief. Ways to sustain plan are briefly described.20.0 ptsSummary of main points/model is vague. Ways to sustain plan are vaguely described.10.0 ptsSummary of main points/model OR ways to sustain plan are not described.0.0 ptsSummary is missing. There is no plan to sustain change.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanicsAPA format 6th edition. Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling correct. References, citations correct. Paper formatted in APA format. 0-1 errors25.0 ptsAPA format 6th edition. Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling correct. References, citations correct. Paper formatted in APA format. 0-1 errors22.0 ptsTwo to three errors in elements from the first column.20.0 ptsFour to five errors in elements from the first column.10.0 ptsSix to seven errors in elements from the first column.0.0 ptsMore than seven errors.25.0 pts convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice.

Obesity Among African American Adults

Obesity Among African American Adults

NR‐222 HEALTH AND WELLNESS  REQUIRED UNIFORM ASSIGNMENT: HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT  PURPOSE  To apply concepts you have learned about health promotion concepts and strategies, enhance your written  communication skills, and demonstrate a beginning understanding of cultural competency. 

COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.  CO #1 Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health promotion activities. (PO #1 & 2)  CO #3 Discuss health promotion, illness prevention, health maintenance, health restoration, and  rehabilitation in relation to the nurse’s role in working with various populations. (PO #1 & 2)  CO #7 Identify health promotion strategies throughout the life span. (PO #1 & 2) 

DUE DATE  The Health Promotion Project (RUA) is due in Unit 5. However, refer to the Course Calendar for variations in  campus requirements and details. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. 


1.  Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population  from a specific culture in your area (this might include age and gender population as well). Choose one of the  Leading Health Indicators (LHI) priorities from Healthy People 2020 (see the Healthy 2020 Leading  Health Indicators website link in the Assignment section for Unit 2 under “Web Links). Students in a cultural  concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment. 

2.  Research a topic related to health and wellness associated with one of the Healthy People 2020 topic areas.  Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment. 

3.  Submit your topic to the instructor for approval at least 2 weeks prior to the assignment (during Unit 3) but  earlier if desired. All topics must be approved. 

4.  You will develop an educational health promotion project addressing the population/culture in your area. For  or example, if you are in the Hispanic concentration, your project might be educational interventions to  address how food choices are related to the high rates of diabetes among Latinos; or,  a community project  that addresses the statistic that Hispanics experience new HIV infections at more than twice the rate of whites;  or, finding opportunities to intervene with Puerto Ricans, a Hispanic subculture, who suffer asthma at twice  the rate of the general population (2020 LHI Topic Three: Environmental Quality: (see the Healthy  2020 Leading Health Indicators website link in the Assignment section for Unit 2 under “Web Links). 

5.  General expectations   All articles must be from nursing or scholarly journals and should include health promotion and wellness 

content. Articles must be published within the last five (5) years. If you are unsure whether the article is  appropriate, ask your instructor. You could lose significant points if the article is not from a scholarly  source and/or appropriate to the topic. 

 Please ask questions if you need clarification. 


NR222 RUA Health Promotion Project Guidelines.docx Revised 06/2016 psb 2

PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENT  1.  Writing the Paper: You will explore the topic and explain the information in writing a 3‐4 page APA formatted 


a.    Select a minimum of three (3) scholarly nursing or research article (published within the last 5 years) related  to your topic that include health promotion and wellness content. Students in a cultural concentration will  select at least one article specifically related to the cultural focus for this assignment. You may need to  evaluate several articles before you find appropriate selections. For more information on how to choose a  scholarly article, open the “Course Resources” tab under the “Course Home” Menu to the left of your  Learning Studio (eCollege) course page and open “What Is a Scholarly Source.” 

b.   Write a 3‐4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) using the following guidelines:   Write brief introduction of the topic and describe why it is important to health promotion in the 

specific cultural population in your area.   Include a description of the topic and the targeted sub culture or population (include statistics).   Explain how the project relates to the Healthy People 2020 topic area you have chosen.   Summarize the articles; include key points or findings from the articles.   Discuss how you used the information from the articles for your Health Promotion Project. Provide 

specific examples.   Describe the approach/approaches you developed to educate the target population about the topic. 

Include specific ways to promote lifestyle changes within the specified population relative to your  specific culture. The approach should be appropriate for your cultural concentration. 

 Write your conclusion and summary.   

c.  Your paper must follow APA format. Include a title page and a reference page. Use 12‐point Times New  Roman font and include in‐text citations (use citations whenever paraphrasing, using statistics, or quoting  from the article). Please refer to your APA manual as a guide for in‐text citations and sample reference  pages. 

  d.   Use TurnItIn in time to make any edits that might be necessary based on the Similarity Index prior to 

submitting your paper to your instructor. Consult with your instructor about the acceptable Similarity  Index for this paper. 


NR222 RUA Health Promotion Project Guidelines.docx Revised 06/2016 psb 3


Assignment  Criteria 

Points  %  Description 

Articles and  Turn It In  Submission 


 A minimum of three (3) scholarly articles is used as sources.   Articles meet criteria of being from scholarly journals and include health 

promotion and wellness content. Students will select at least one article  specifically related to the cultural focus for this assignment. 

 Submitted paper to TurnItIn; Necessary/Appropriate revisions made based on  originality report. 

Introduction  and Conclusion 



 Establish the purpose of the paper   Create an effective conclusion that identifies the main ideas and major support 

points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out Obesity Among African American Adults. 

Relate Topic to  Target 




 Description of topic and targeted cultural population.   Relationship to the Healthy People 2020 topic area.   Statistics to support the significance of the topic. 

Summary of  Articles 



Summary of articles include:   Key points and findings of the article.   Discussion of how information from the articles is used in your Health Promotion 

Project (give specific examples). 

Health  Promotion  Project 




 Description of approaches to educate the target cultural population about the  topic 

 Specify a culturally sensitive approach to promote lifestyle changes within the  specified population. 

APA Style and  Format 



APA Style (Writing)     Correct use of Standard English grammar and sentence structure.   No spelling or typographical errors.   Organized around required components.   Information flows in a logical sequence that is easy for the audience to follow. 

APA Format 

 All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be cited and  listed on the Reference page using (APA 6th ed.) 

 Document setup: Title and Reference pages; Margins; Spacing; Use of Headers   Citations in the text and reference page. 

Total  100  100   



NR222 RUA Health Promotion Project Guidelines.docx Revised 06/2016 psb 4

Assignment  Criteria 

Outstanding or Highest Level Very Good or High Level of Competent or Satisfactory Poor, Failing or  of Performance  Performance  Level of Performance  Unsatisfactory Level of 

Performance  A (92–100%)  B (84–91%)  C (76–83%)  F (0–75%)

Articles and Turn It  In Submission 

 A minimum of three (3) scholarly articles are used as sources.   Articles meets criteria of being from scholarly journals, includes health promotion and wellness content, 

and are current (published within the past 5 years).   At least one article is related to your chosen cultural group.   TurnItIn is used prior to submitting paper to instructor for grading. Necessary/Appropriate revisions made 

based on originality report.    Note:  This criterion is “all or nothing.” If you meet all of the criteria for the article and use TurnItIn, you will earn 

5 points.  5 points 

Article does not meet all criteria.  Or  TurnItIn is not used. 

0 points   

Introduction and  Conclusion 


Introduction establishes the  purpose of the paper and  stimulates the reader’s interest.  AND  The main ideas and major support  points from the body of the paper  are presented in the conclusion. 

14‐15  points 

Introduction  establishes  the  purpose of the paper.  AND  The main  ideas and major support  points from the body of the paper  are presented in the conclusion.   

13 points 

The introduction and conclusion  provide very general information  related to the topic of the paper. 

12 points

The introduction and/or conclusion  are vague, does not relate to the  topic, and/or not evident. 

0‐11 points

Relate Topic to  Target Population



Thoroughly covers all required  elements; Demonstrates excellent  understanding of health promotion  concepts and applied them  consistently.  Required elements are:   Description of topic and target  cultural population. 

 Relationship to the Healthy  People 2020 topic area. 

Generally covers all required  elements; Demonstrates  general/basic understanding of  health promotion concepts and  applied them consistently.  Required elements are:   Description of topic and target  cultural population. 

 Relationship to the Healthy  People 2020 topic area. 

Generally covers all required  elements; Demonstrates limited  understanding of health promotion  concepts and/or did not apply the  concepts consistently.  Required elements are:   Description of topic and target  cultural population. 

 Relationship to the Healthy  People 2020 topic area. 

Missing some of the required  elements; Demonstrates very  limited understanding of health  promotion concepts and/or did not  apply the concepts consistently or  inappropriately.  Required elements are:   Description of topic and target  cultural population. 

NR222 RUA Health Promotion Project Guidelines.docx Revised 06/2016 psb 5


       Statistics to support the 

significance of the topic.   

23‐25 points 

 Statistics to support the  significance of the topic. 

  21‐22 points 

 Statistics to support the  significance of the topic. 

  19‐20 points 

 Relationship to the Healthy  People 2020 topic area. 

 Statistics to support the  significance of the topic. 

0‐18 points   

Summary of  Articles 


Summary of articles includes:   All key points and findings from  the articles. 

 Comprehensive discussion of  how information from the  articles is used in the Health  Promotion Project with several  specific examples provided. 

  19‐20  points 

 Most key points and findings  from the articles are included. 

 Discussion of how information  from the articles is used in the  Health Promotion Project  included with specific examples  provided. 

17‐18 points 

 Some key points and findings of  the article are missing. 

 Limited discussion of how  information from the articles is  used in the Health Promotion  Project. Examples included, but  very general/not specific. 

  16 points 

 Little understanding of the key  points of the articles  demonstrated. 

OR   Discussion of how information  from the article could be used in  your Health Promotion Project  not included. 

0–15 points 

          Health Promotion  Project Discussion 


Thoroughly covers all required  elements; Demonstrates excellent  understanding of health promotion  strategies and applied them  consistently.  Required elements are:   Description of approaches to  educate the target population  about the topic 

 Specific ways to promote lifestyle  changes within the specified  population. 

23‐25 points 

Generally covers all required  elements; Demonstrates  general/basic understanding of  health promotion strategies and  applied them consistently.  Required elements are:   Description of approaches to  educate the target population  about the topic 

 Specific ways to promote lifestyle  changes within the specified  population. 

21‐22 points 

Generally covers all required  elements; Demonstrates limited  understanding of health promotion  strategies and/or did not apply the  concepts consistently.  Required elements are:   Description of approaches to  educate the target population  about the topic 

 Specific ways to promote lifestyle  changes within the specified  population. 

19‐20 points Obesity Among African American Adults

Missing some of the required  elements; Demonstrates very  limited understanding of health  promotion strategies and/or did  not apply the concepts consistently  or inappropriately.  Required elements are:   Description of approaches to  educate the target population  about the topic 

 Specific ways to promote lifestyle  changes within the specified  population. 

0‐18 points   

APA Style 

and Format 

APA Style (Writing)   Correct use of Standard English  grammar, paragraph, and  sentence structure. 

 No spelling or typographical  errors. 

APA Style (Writing)   One to three minor errors in use  of Standard English grammar,  paragraph, and sentence  structure. 

APA Style (Writing)   One major error or more than  four minor errors in use of  Standard English grammar,  paragraph, and sentence  structure. 

APA Style (Writing)   Language needs development.   More than four spelling and/or  grammar errors. 

 Poorly organized thoughts &  concepts.

NR222 RUA Health Promotion Project Guidelines.docx Revised 06/2016 psb 6



 Paper is clearly organized around  required components. 

 Information flows in a logical  sequence that  is easy for the  audience to follow. 

APA Format   All information taken from  another source, even if  summarized, must be cited and  listed on the Reference page  using. All elements of each  reference included in the correct  order. 

 Document setup includes title  and reference pages in correct  APA format. 

 Correct/Appropriate use of  margins, spacing, and headers. 

 Citation of sources included in  the body of the paper using  correct APA format 

 Sources cited correctly on the  reference page 

10 points 

 One to two spelling or  typographical errors. 

 Paper is organized; one required  component not clearly identified. 

APA Format   All information taken from  another source, even if  summarized, must be cited and  listed on the reference page. All  elements of each reference on  the reference page included.  Some elements not in the correct  order. 

 Document setup includes title  and reference page, with 1‐2  errors in APA format. 

 Use of margins, spacing, and  headers has 1 to 2 errors. 

 One source cited in the paper not  included on the references list  OR one source listed on the  Reference page not cited in the  paper. 

 9 points

 Three to four spelling or  typographical errors. 

 Paper is organized; one required  component not clearly identified. 

APA Format   All information taken from  another source, even if  summarized, must be cited.  Format for citations not correct.  Some references on the  reference page have elements  missing. 

 Document setup includes title  and reference page. Three or  more errors in APA format of the  title page. 

 Use of margins, spacing, and  headers has 3‐4 errors. 

 Two sources cited in the paper  not included on the references  list OR two or more sources  listed on the Reference page not  cited in the paper. 

8 points 

      APA Format  All information taken from  another source, even if  summarized, must be cited. Lacks  proper citations and/or does not  reference sources.  Document setup includes title  and reference page. Three or  more errors in APA format of the  title page. 

 Use of margins, spacing, and  headers has more than 4 errors. 

 Three or more sources cited in  the paper not included on the  references list OR three or more  sources listed on the Reference  page not cited in the paper. Obesity Among African American Adults

  0‐7 points 

Total Points Possible = 100 points 

Leadership Health Care Organizations Practicum

    1. Home
    2. Nursing homework help

Report Issue

For clarification purposes, please submit each assignment with according to their unit numbers

Unit 1

Should all nurses be considered leaders? What characteristics of nurses make them leaders? How do your responses compare or contrast with the view of power according to servant leadership? Support your response with evidence from the textbook or Topic Materials.


Electronic Resource 

1. Guidelines for Graduate Field Experience Manual 

Please refer to the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experience Manual. Students need to log hours in Typhon as a time log. The preceptor must approve time log entry by clicking on green box to lock entry. For questions, please contact or the Office of Field Experience.

2. Issue of Power 

View the “Issue of Power” video.

3. What Is the Difference Between Leadership and Management? 

Read “What Is the Difference Between Leadership and Management?” by Murray, from The Wall Street Journal (2014). Leadership Health Care Organizations Practicum

e-Library Resource 

1. The Role of Values in Servant Leadership 

Read “The Role of Values in Servant Leadership,” by Russell, from Leadership and Organization Development Journal (2001).



1. Nurse Leadership Practicum Clinical Log 

The “Nurse Leadership Practicum Clinical Log” is a pass/fail assignment due at the end of the course, but the instructor may ask at any time to review the document.

Students must update the “Nurse Leadership Practicum Clinical Log” each week.


Unit 2

In the secular approach to leadership, there is an inherent belief that hard work will get you to the top and guarantee success. Think of a time in your professional life when this has proven to be true. What were the circumstances? How much influence did you have on the outcome? Based on the textbook, how do your responses compare to the views of servant leadership? How do your responses compare to the secular view of leadership?

Unit 3

You are in a place of influence in your professional life where you can help people be successful. Describe the relationship and what actions you have taken or could take to serve others. Based on the textbook, how does your response compare to the views of authority according to servant leadership? How does your response compare to the secular view of authority?

Unit 4

What is your given “authority” at your work place and/or professional life? Describe a time when you have exercised this authority in your journey as a professional nurse? How does your response compare to the secular view of power? How does your response compare to the secular view of authority? How does your response compare to the view of power according to servant leadership? How does your response compare to the view of authority according to servant leadership? Leadership Health Care Organizations Practicum

Unit 5

Describe a time in your professional life when you felt used and manipulated. What were the circumstances? Did you feel valued by the leader? Based on the textbook, explain how the issue of purpose, in the servant-leader paradigm, could have yielded a more beneficial outcome for the leader and yourself.