Creating attribute variable control charts is necessary for health care administration practice

Week 7 Assignment: Textbook Problems:
Create Attribute Control Charts 

Due 10/6/2018 

As a current or future health care administration leader, you will likely engage in creating and presenting attribute control charts for your health services organization. As you have examined in this course, the use of attribute control charts will depend on the specific processes in your health services organization that require monitoring and oversight. Apart from interpreting and understanding the results of control charts for ensuring that processes are in control, developing skills in creating attribute variable control charts is necessary for health care administration practice.

For this Assignment, review the resources for this week that are specific to attribute control charts. You should focus on mimicking the development of p and np charts as demonstrated in the readings for this week.

The Assignment: (3– pages)

· Using SPSS and Microsoft Word, complete problems 1 through 5 on pages 297–299 in the Ross textbook. Show all work. Submit both your SPSS and Word files for grading.


1. A hospital is analyzing nosocomial infections and wants to reduce their infection rate below the national average of 2.0%. They have sampled 40 cases every week for the last 20 weeks. The data are shown below. Create p and np control charts. Interpret the graphs. How is the hospital performing in relation to its stated goal?


1 2 11 3

2 1 12 4

3 1 13 2

4 2 14 3

5 1 15 4

6 1 16 5

7 3 17 3

8 2 18 4

9 1 19 5

10 2 20 6

2. Walter Shewhart ([1931] 1980) presented the following data in his classic Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product. Create a p chart for each machine. Does either of the two machines show evidence of special cause variation? Creating attribute variable control charts is necessary for health care administration practice









Jan 4 527

Feb 5 610

Mar 5 428

Apr 2 400

May 15 498

Jun 3 500

Jul 3 395

Aug 2 393

Sep 3 625

Oct 13 465

Nov 5 446

Dec 3 510

Average 5.25 483.08

1 169

3 99

1 208

1 196

1 132

1 89

1 167

2 200

1 171

1 122

3 107

1 132

1.42 149.33

3. From January 1846 through December 1848 Semmelweis ([1860] 1983) recorded births and the number that resulted in the death of the mother at his hospital. The data is available in the Chapter07.xls file, in the Problem07–03 tab. Create a p chart to analyze performance. Interpret the chart. Was the system stable?

4. Postsurgical infections have been reported to affect 2% to 5% of the 16 million patients who undergo surgery in U.S. hospitals. Infections increase the chance of complications and death. Antibiotics given one hour prior to surgery have been shown to reduce the probabil- ity of infection. The director of quality improvement has sampled 20 patients per week over the preceding 25 weeks. The data is available in the Chapter07.xls file in the Problem07–04 tab. The data collected records whether a patient contracted an infection after surgery. Create a p chart to analyze performance. Interpret the hospital’s performance based on your control chart and identify any issues that should be investigated. Assuming the aver- age rate of infection is 3.5%, is the hospital doing a good job?

5. Readmission rates within one year for congestive heart failure have been documented at 35%. A local heart program wants to assess its performance against this standard. The pro- gram has randomly selected ten patients per month over a 24-month period for review. The data is available in the Chapter07.xls file, in the Problem07–05 tab. Some of the patients were deleted from the sample due to death, relocation, or other reasons that preclude follow-up. Create a p chart. Is the process stable? How is the program performing relative to the documented standard? Since not all months have 10 observations, either use 10 as the sample size or use the average sample size to calculate the control limits.

Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation

Note: This is an individual assignment. Based on the feedback offered by the provider, identify the best approach for teaching. Prepare a presentation to accompany the teaching plan and present the information to your community. Select one of the following options for delivery of the presentation:

  1. PowerPoint presentation – no more than 30 minutes
  2. Pamphlet presentation – 1 to 2 pages
  3. Poster presentation

Appropriate community settings include:

  1. Public health clinic
  2. Community health center
  3. Long-term care facility
  4. Transitional care facility
  5. Home health center
  6. University/School health center
  7. Church community
  8. Adult/Child care center Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation


Before presenting information to the community, seek approval from an agency administrator or representative.

Upon receiving approval from the agency, include the “Community Teaching Experience Form” as part of your assignment submission.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

differential diagnoses based on Janet’s subjective and objective data

Janet, a 20 year-old college student, is experiencing a five-week history of itchy eyes and nasal congestion with watery nasal discharge. She also complains of a “tickling” cough, especially at night, and she has had episodes of repetitive sneezing. Janet gets frequent “colds” every spring and fall.

Physical Examination

Vital Signs: Temp, 98.8; BP 110/68; Pulse 72; Respirations 18

Skin: Flaking erythematous rash on the flexor surfaces of both arms

Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat: Tender over maxillary sinuses; sclera red and slightly swollen with frequent tearing; outer nares with red, irritated skin; internal nares with red, boggy, moist mucosa and one medium-sized polyp on each side; pharynx slightly erythematous, with clear postnasal drainage differential diagnoses based on Janet’s subjective and objective data


Lungs: Clear to auscultation and percussion

Discussion Questions:
1. Provide three differential diagnoses based on Janet’s subjective and objective data and discuss your reasoning for each.

2. What additional history questions would be useful in your evaluation of Janet?

3. Discuss the pathophysiological process of your primary diagnosis.

4. Differentiate the types of hypersensitivity mechanisms.

5. As per your analysis, what type of hypersensitivity reaction is Janet experiencing?

Two pages minimun.

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems

How do effective nurse leaders and others approach problem solving and decision making in organizations? As suggested in this week’s Learning Resources, systems theory provides a valuable way to assess situations and prepare to address problems.

For this week’s Discussion, you identify an issue or process that could be improved and apply knowledge and strategies related to systems theory. Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems

Note: You may find it helpful to view the Assignment instructions and use the same problem for this Discussion.

To prepare:

  • Review the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources on systems theory and the difference between open and closed systems.
  • Reflect on the practices and processes with which you are familiar in your organization. Identify one problematic issue or process that could be improved.
  • Consider the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then think about how the issue or process you selected could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective. How would the transition from a closed- to an open-system view help you and others to address the problem and improve outcomes?

Post (1) a description of the problem that you identified in your selected organization. (2) Explain the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then, (3) describe how the problem could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective, and (4) explain how this modification would help you and others improve health care outcomes.


Required Resources



  • Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Review Chapter 7, “Strategic and Operational Planning”

      See especially Figure 7.1 on page 147.
    • Chapter 8, “Planned Change”
      • Organizational Change Associated With Nonlinear Dynamics (pp. 172–176)

        Read this section of Chapter 8 on planned change. Consider the role of leaders in effectively managing planned change.
    • Chapter 12, “Organizational Structure”
      • “Organizational Culture” (pp. 274–276)

        There are many structures organizations take, and these structures influence how the organization functions. This chapter discusses many different organizational structures and provides insights into how these structures influence the change process, as well as leadership and management.
  • Johnson, J. K., Miller, S. H., & Horowitz, S. D. (2008). Systems-based practice: Improving the safety and quality of patient care by recognizing and improving the systems in which we work. Retrieved from Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems

    This article addresses the importance of systems-based practice (SBP) in health care workplaces. The authors state that SBP knowledge is one of six core competencies that physicians have to know in order to provide safe and proper care for their patients.
  • Manley, K., O’Keefe, H., Jackson, C., Pearce, J., & Smith, S. (2014). A shared purpose framework to deliver person-centred, safe and effective care: Organisational transformation using practice development methodology. FoNS 2014 International Practice Development Journal 4 (1) [2].

    Except from Abstract: A shared purpose is an essential part of developing effective workplace cultures and one of the founding principles of practice development in establishing person-centred, safe and effective practices that enables everyone to flourish. When units within health care organizations recognize their interdependence, they can create an interdisciplinary practice through systems integration.
  • Meyer, R. M., & O’Brien-Pallas, L. L. (2010). Nursing services delivery theory: An open system approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(12), 2828–2838.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors examine the effects of nursing services delivery theory in large-scale organizations. Among other benefits, this theory supports multilevel phenomena and cross-level studies, and it can guide future research and the management of nursing services.

Optional Resources

  • Glennister, D. (2011, July). Towards a general systems theory of nursing: A literature review. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences, Hull, United Kingdom. Retrieved from
  • Hayajneh, Y. (2007). Management for health care professionals series: Systems & systems theory. Retrieved from 

Describe a department or unit within a health care organization using systems theory terminology

Application: Systems Theory

As noted in the Learning Resources, systems theory provides a meaningful and beneficial means of examining challenges in health care organizations. To do this effectively, however, it is essential to assess all system components, as some may be relatively healthy while others are problematic.

For this Assignment, you apply systems theory to the examination of a problem in a department or a unit within a health care organization. (Note: You may use the same problem you identified for the Discussion as long as it meets the criteria for this assignment.)

To prepare:

  • Review the Meyer article, “Nursing Services Delivery Theory: An Open System Approach,” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus especially on the information presented in Table 1 (p. 2831) and Figure 2 (p. 2833).
  • Reflect on your organization or one with which you are familiar ( Refer to the first discussion you did for me, My organization is a hospital University of Maryland Medical center) . Within a particular department or unit in this organization, identify a problem the staff is encountering.
  • Using Table 1 in the Meyer article as a guide, analyze the department or unit, identifying inputs, throughput, output, cycles of events, and negative feedback. Consider whether the problem you have selected relates to input, throughput, output, cycles of events, and/or negative feedback.
  • Think about how you could address the problem: Consider what a desired outcome would be, then formulate related goals and objectives, and translate those goals into policies and procedures.
  • Research professional standards that are pertinent to your identified problem.
  • Reflect on the organization’s mission statement and values. In addition, consider how addressing this problem would uphold the mission and values, while improving the organizational culture and climate. (Depending on the organization you have selected, you may have explored these in the Week 1 Discussion.)


To complete:

Write a 4- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:

  • (1) Describe a department or unit within a health care organization using systems theory terminology. Include a description of inputs, throughput, output, cycles of events, and negative feedback.
  • (2) Describe the problem you identified within the department or unit using an open- systems approach, and state where the problem exists using the systems theory model (input, throughput, output, cycles of events, or negative feedback).
  • (3) Based on this information, explain how you would address the problem as follows:

(a) Formulate a desired outcome.

(b) Identify goals and objectives that would facilitate that outcome.

(c) Translate those goals and objectives into policies and procedures for the department or unit.

(d) Describe relevant professional standards.

  • (4) Explain how your proposed resolution to the problem would uphold the organization’s mission and values and improve the culture and climate.

Guidance for Application Assignments:

Application Assignments require a title page, introduction, body of the paper, conclusion, and reference page. The title page needs to follows APA style and includes a title, student name, course number and section, and date. An abstract is not required. APA style headings are to be used appropriately to separate and organize sections of the paper. The use of direct quotes is discouraged and should only be used when the source material uses language that is particularly striking or notable. The introduction should provide an overview of the topic, the purpose of the paper, and topics that will be addressed. The body of the paper needs to address all required topics. The conclusion ought to provide closure for the reader, synthesize the content, and tie everything together to help clarify the main points of the paper. The reference page should include all references cited in the assignment in correct APA format.. Credible sources include scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, evidence based resources, and professional (.org), educational (.edu), and government websites (.gov). Commercial websites (.com) are not considered credible sources. Please note: When selecting articles for course assignments, you are advised (unless you are referencing seminal information) to focus on work published within the past five years.

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


  • Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Review Chapter 7, “Strategic and Operational Planning” Describe a department or unit within a health care organization using systems theory terminology

      See especially Figure 7.1 on page 147.
    • Chapter 8, “Planned Change”
      • Organizational Change Associated With Nonlinear Dynamics (pp. 172–176)

        Read this section of Chapter 8 on planned change. Consider the role of leaders in effectively managing planned change.
    • Chapter 12, “Organizational Structure”
      • “Organizational Culture” (pp. 274–276)

        There are many structures organizations take, and these structures influence how the organization functions. This chapter discusses many different organizational structures and provides insights into how these structures influence the change process, as well as leadership and management.
  • Johnson, J. K., Miller, S. H., & Horowitz, S. D. (2008). Systems-based practice: Improving the safety and quality of patient care by recognizing and improving the systems in which we work. Retrieved from

    This article addresses the importance of systems-based practice (SBP) in health care workplaces. The authors state that SBP knowledge is one of six core competencies that physicians have to know in order to provide safe and proper care for their patients.
  • Manley, K., O’Keefe, H., Jackson, C., Pearce, J., & Smith, S. (2014). A shared purpose framework to deliver person-centred, safe and effective care: Organisational transformation using practice development methodology. FoNS 2014 International Practice Development Journal 4 (1) [2].

    Except from Abstract: A shared purpose is an essential part of developing effective workplace cultures and one of the founding principles of practice development in establishing person-centred, safe and effective practices that enables everyone to flourish. When units within health care organizations recognize their interdependence, they can create an interdisciplinary practice through systems integration.
  • Meyer, R. M., & O’Brien-Pallas, L. L. (2010). Nursing services delivery theory: An open system approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(12), 2828–2838.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors examine the effects of nursing services delivery theory in large-scale organizations. Among other benefits, this theory supports multilevel phenomena and cross-level studies, and it can guide future research and the management of nursing services.

Optional Resources

  • Glennister, D. (2011, July). Towards a general systems theory of nursing: A literature review. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences, Hull, United Kingdom. Retrieved from
  • Hayajneh, Y. (2007). Management for health care professionals series: Systems & systems theory. Retrieved from 

An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations.

Head-to-Toe Assessment

For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment on one of your chosen participants. Your analysis should include the following:

Topical headings to delineate systems. 

For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment.

Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings, along with normal laboratory findings for client age. 

An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations.

Your expectation of normal findings and what might indicate abnormal findings in your review of systems. 

The differential diagnosis (disease) associated with possible abnormal findings.

A plan of care (including nursing diagnosis, interventions, evaluation).

Client and age-appropriate evidenced based practice strategies for health promotion. 

Pharmacological treatments that can be used to address health issues for this client.

Provide your answers in a 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations..


Support your responses with examples.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.

This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.

You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

Submission Details An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations.

alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes

Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10-15 slides, not including title or reference slide) on organizational culture and values.

  1. Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes.
  2. Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem solving.
  3. Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines.

This assignment uses a grading rubric.  should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. IT IS MANDATORY TO FOLLOW THE RUBRIC alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes


Here is thr rubric

Organizational Values Presentation (Benchmark Assessment) 

80.0 %Content  
26.0 %Describes how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes. A description to how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes is not provided. A description to how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes is provided; however, relevant information is missing as indicated in the assignment instructions. A description to how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes is provided and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions. A description to how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes is offered in detail. A description to how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.
26.0 %Discusses how an individual can use effective communication techniques to Overcome Workplace Challenges, Encourage Collaboration Across Groups, and Promote Effective Problem-Solving. A discussion to how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem-solving is not provided. A discussion to how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem-solving is not provided. is offered; however, relevant information is missing as indicated by the assignment instructions. A discussion to how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem-solving is not provided. is offered and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated by the assignment instructions. A discussion to how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem-solving is offered in detail. A discussion to how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem-solving is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.
28.0 %Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of individual nurses did or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Identification of a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align is not provided. Identification of a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align is offered; however, relevant information is missing such as a description of the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Identification of a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions. An example from your professional experience is offered in detail. An example from your professional experience is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness  
5.0 %Layout The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings, and subheadings to enhance the readability. The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text, small point size for fonts, and inappropriate contrasting colors. Poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting is evident. The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or a distracting background. Overall readability is difficult due to lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold, or lack of appropriate indentations of text. The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately. Sometimes the fonts are easy to read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color, or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability. The layout background and text complement each other and enable the content to be easily read. The fonts are easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness  
5.0 %Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.) Inappropriate word choice and lack of variety in language use are evident. Writer appears to be unaware of audience. Use of ?primer prose? indicates writer either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately. Some distracting inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present. The writer exhibits some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately. Language is appropriate to the targeted audience for the most part. The writer is clearly aware of audience, uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary for the targeted audience, and uses figures of speech to communicate clearly. The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness  
5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Slide errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Slides are largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Writer is clearly in control of standard, written academic English.
5.0 %Format  
5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Contains no title slide, no references section, and no correctly cited references within the body of the presentation. Title slide is incomplete or inaccurate. References section includes sources, but many citation errors. Citations are included within the body of the presentation but with many errors. Title slide has minor errors. References section includes sources, but they are not consistently cited correctly. Citations are included within the body of the presentation but with some errors. Title slide is complete. References section includes correctly cited sources with minimal errors. Correct citations are included within the body of the presentation. Title slide is complete. References section includes correctly cited sources. Correct citations are included within the body of the presentation.

HIT Usability And Design Challenges

HIT Usability and Design Challenges

Reflect on your experiences with the integration of new technology. How have these implementations affected the procedures that you perform at work? As the end user, it can be easy to overlook all of the important decisions that went into the finished product that you see before you. In looking at the final data management screens, you may find yourself at the crossroads of two options. You may either 1) be ecstatic about the needed change that this system brought, or 2) frustrated because you feel the system brings new hurdles into your already busy day. If you have ever experienced the latter option, the comment “I could have implemented a better system than this” may resonate strongly with you. Though research agrees that user input assists HIT designers, the development and implementation of new systems is not as straightforward as it may appear. HIT development teams find themselves in constant phases of trial and error as they strive to meet the needs of all users within the proposed development timeline. Failure to achieve promised usability benefits can lead to increased costs and job complications. Applying effective strategies to overcome usability challenges is essential.

In this week’s Discussion, you move from the standpoint of the “outsider looking in” (end user) and place yourself into a real-world implementation example. To complete this Discussion, you evaluate a case study to determine where the implementation process took a wrong turn. Use this week’s Learning Resources to propose changes that could have put this operation on the road to success.


To prepare:

  • Review      the Learning Resources, focusing on the TIGER Usability and Clinical      Application Design Collaborative.
  • Consider      the “Best Practice Exemplars” provided in the course text Nursing      Informatics: Where Technology and Caring Meet.
  • Review      “Case Study 1: A Usability and Clinical Application Design Challenge”      presented on page 238 of the course text Nursing Informatics:      Where Technology and Caring Meet. (see bottom of this page for the      case study)
  • Determine      the causes of the noted usability challenges (i.e., human factors,      ergonomics, human-computer interaction), as well as potential usability      concerns experienced by staff during implementation. Consider the possible      design failures that lead to the usability challenges.

  • What      strategies might you employ to overcome these HIT usability challenges and      concerns?

By tomorrow Tuesday 10/03/17, 5 pm, write a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with a minimum of 3 references from the list of Required Readings below. Include all level one headings as numbered below:

post a cohesive response to the following:

  • Place      yourself in the role of the clinical administrator tasked with      implementing the case study’s new health information technology system.

1) Evaluate the usability challenges that you faced during implementation as well as the factors that caused these challenges.

2) Determine whether these challenges were a result of implementation or design.

3) Formulate strategies for overcoming these usability challenges. HIT Usability And Design Challenges

Required Readings

Course Text: Ball, M. J., Douglas, J. V., Hinton Walker, P., DuLong, D., Gugerty, B., Hannah, K. J., . . . Troseth, M. R. (Eds.) (2011). Nursing informatics: Where technology and caring meet (4th ed.). London, England: Springer-Verlag.

  • Chapter      14, “Usability and Clinical Application Design”

This chapter begins by defining the terms usability and application design as they are used in the field of nursing informatics. The authors then describe the literature review and analytic process that the TIGER Collaborative group underwent to positively transform the development of HIT systems.

Gruber, D., Cummings, G. G., LeBlanc, L., & Smith, D. L. (2009). Factors influencing outcomes of clinical information systems implementation: A systematic review. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 27(3), 151–163. 

The authors analyze the outcomes of prior IT implementations to determine if certain strategies can guarantee success when launching new clinical information systems.

Kaufman, D., Roberts, W. D., Merrill, J., Lai, T., & Bakken, S. (2006). Applying an evaluation framework for health information system design, development, and implementation. Nursing Research, 55(2, Suppl. 1), S37–S42.

This article emphasizes the indispensable role of continuous evaluation throughout the development and real-time application of new information systems into the workplace.

Schlotzer, A., & Madsen, M. (2010). Health information systems: Requirements and characteristics. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 151, 156–166.

Use this article to examine the importance of focusing on sound design, interoperability of systems, and fulfillment of user needs when developing an effective database.

Case Study 1: A Usability and Clinical Application Design Challenge

A medical center implemented an EMR with orders, clinical documentation, and results retrieval to improve efficiencies and enhance patient safety in the perinatal units of a small medical center, including Labor and Delivery (L& D), NICU, and Newborn Nursery Selection process The system was installed elsewhere in this integrated delivery network The executives wanted a fast 6-month installation at the maximum Usability challenges Existing order sets and documents from other sites were not uploaded and tailored to this site. Clinicians were asked to input individual orders (not acceptable). Needed computer terminals were ordered late and arrived the day of go-live. Clinicians competed for working terminals at the nurses’ stations Workflow among units was not considered or tested. Shared information such as mother’s blood type and L& D information was not available to NICU or Newborn Nursery, causing confusion about potential patient safety issues Generic training was given because the site tailoring was not done. On go-live, users did not know where to locate information before it had changed in the lag between training and go-live Outcomes The clinicians had to endure an unnecessarily painful implementation and its potential patient safety impacts Working out usability issues took months after go-live

The system was tested/ validated for usability, design, and practice needs Education included practice changes along with how to use the system Developed a methodology to respond rapidly to end users Outcomes Standardized practice in three different acute care hospitals in 15 months Significant improvement in core measures and nurse-sensitive outcomes. HIT Usability And Design Challenges

Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders

Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders

“A long-standing debate has roiled over whether addicts have a choice over their behaviors. The disease creates distortions in thinking, feelings, and perceptions, which drive people to behave in ways that are not understandable to others around them. Simply put, addiction is not a choice. Addictive behaviors are a manifestation of the disease, not a cause.”

–Dr. Raju Hajela, former president of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine

A common misconception is that addiction is a choice, and addicts are often labeled as individuals who lack morals, willpower, or responsibility. However, addiction is a clinical disorder that must be treated with the support of a health care professional. Although many people who are exposed to potentially addictive substances and behaviors continue life unaltered by their experiences, some people are fueled by these experiences and spiral out of control. In your role as the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, you must be prepared to not only work with these individuals who struggle with addiction, but also help them and their families overcome the social stigmas associated with addictive behavior.

This week, as you explore psychotherapy for addiction, you assess clients presenting with addictive disorders. You also examine therapies for treating these clients and consider potential outcomes. Finally, you develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy and consider legal and ethical implications of counseling these clients.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*

· Evaluate the efficacy of motivational interviewing techniques for clients*

· Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric 

  disorders* Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders

   Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the  

   following in your Practicum Journal:

·  Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any  

   pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

· Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.

·  Explain whether motivational interviewing would be effective with this client.   

   Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Support your  

   approach with evidence-based literature.

·  Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.

·  Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


Required Readings

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

  • Chapter 7, “Motivational Interviewing” (pp. 299–312)
  • Chapter      16, “Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Addictions and Related Disorders”      (pp. 565–596)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Albrecht, U., Kirschner, N. E., & Grusser, S. M. (2007). Diagnostic instruments for behavioral addiction: An overview. German Medical Science Psycho-Social-Medicine, 4, 1–11. Retrieved from

Fisher, M. A. (2016). The ethical ABCs of conditional confidentiality. In Confidentiality limits in psychotherapy: Ethics checklists for mental health professionals (pp. 13–25). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14860-002


A Critique Of The Quantitative And Qualitative Articles

Below I have attached the instructions and the previous essay Critique studies part 1 topic 4. APA Format, at least 1000 word, references

Critique of Research Studies Instructions


Complete a critique of the quantitative and qualitative articles that were submitted in Topic 4. 

This assignment will be completed in three parts. Refer to the information below as a guide to the information that should be included in each part. 

Follow the guidelines for the quantitative and qualitative article critiques in Box 5.2: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Quantitative Research Report, and Box 5.3: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Qualitative Research Report, in Chapter 5 of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook. 

1. Utilize a central heading to indicate that what follows is the critique of the articles.

2. The side headings of the critique for each article should follow the headings in Box 5.2 and Box 5.3 in Chapter 5 of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook. 

3. Note that within these basic guidelines, there are additional references to Detailed Critiquing Guidelines found in additional boxes in other chapters of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook focused on the various elements of a research study report. Use these to expand the research study and to learn specific terminology appropriate to the critique of research A Critique Of The Quantitative And Qualitative Articles.

When turning in the final submission, please put the elements in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (which should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).   

Critique of Research Studies – Part 2: Due Topic 6

For Part 2 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:


· Method

o Protection of human rights

o Research design

o Population and sample

o Data collection and measurement

o Procedures



· Method

o Protection of participants’ rights

o Research design and research tradition

o Sample and setting

o Data collection

o Procedures

o Enhancement of trustworthiness

Research Studies

Diane Boll

Grand Canyon University: NUR 504


Quantitative Article Critique

Study on Condom Use Behaviors


The study was to result in some pilot tests that would be eventually get used in showing how condoms are normally put into use by the male gender. These males were supposed to get aged between eighteen to twenty-four years in order for the study to be able to come up with the desired results. For this research, the individuals were supposed to be people who only fell in the ages of 18-24. Another important factor for this study is that the individuals were people that had previously been able to have visited a health facility in the state of South Chicago. For this research to be undertaken, the participants were supposed to be people who were prone to HIV/AIDS and those that might have taken part in sex that is not safe with a lot of partners in a period of 3-6 months (Stephen et al,2007).

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to come up with a pilot test that would be used to look at the culture of how condoms are used among the males who are aged between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four years. The purpose of the study will be used to answer the following questions;

1.Which group of people is most likely to be infected with HIV/AIDS that is, Africans or Americans.

2.Which group mostly engages in risky behaviors like substance or even drug use (Patten & Newhart,2017).

Research Questions

1.How many African Americans get infected with HIV/AIDS as compared to other groups?

2.How many African Americans get involved with risky behaviors like drug abuse or alcohol abuse leading to the acquisition of HIV/AIDS?

Literature Review

In the world of technology today, a lot of young people especially the college going students get involved with behavior that is not good at all. These bad behaviors will be inclusive of partying where the youth will always get engaged in sex and which will normally expose them to the dangerous HIV/AIDS. This will also normally result due to the use of dangerous drugs or even excess intake of alcohol. The study has shown that the group that will normally be exposed to HIV/AIDS is the African Americans. This is because of their exposure to drugs or alcohol (Stephen et al,2007).

Theoretical Framework

Risky behavior is defined as engaging in activities that are harmful and which will lead to harmful effects. For instance, the use of drugs in order to party. One will later find themselves in difficult situations as there will be risks of getting affected with HIV/AIDS (Patten &Newhart,2017).

Drug abuse is defined as the use of drugs which will have an effect on the normal working of the body and which can lead to some diverse effects like insomnia, headaches among others. A good example is the use of Cocaine in excess which has some adverse negative effects on the body. A Critique Of The Quantitative And Qualitative Articles

Qualitative Article Critique

Qualitative Study on Home Cares


It has come to the attention of most experts that most people who are normally exposed to home care will normally end to the hospitals or even the referrals. As a result, it has been identified that the aspect becomes very expensive and that leads to the increase of predisposing factors on the given illnesses. This research dwelt more on the people that were suffering from infections that result from pneumonia. The participants of the study were mostly family members of the local communities that were picked randomly. The research was undertaken by use of 14 questions that were of the interview.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which pneumonia is covered when the patients have been taken to home care and later transferred to the hospitals or the referrals. The research was to find out the extent to which the pneumonia patients get affected by the infections from the disease.

Research Questions

1.To what extent are the patients that are taken to the referrals suffer from pneumonia infections as compared to those in-home cares?

2.What is the level of quality of healthcare that is offered in the nursing homes when compared to referrals or hospitals (Patten & Newhart,2017)?

Literature Review

Treatment of pneumonia has always been considered to be critical mostly when it is to be offered when it is in the critical stages. There are tendencies of the hospitals or even the referrals not giving the best treatment when the pneumonia is in the critical stages (Soo et al,2006). In regards to this, it is advisable that the ailment gets diagnosed in the nursing homes as that is the place where treatment will be great without risks of infections.

Theoretical Framework

The local community is defined as a population of people that lives in a given area. These are the people that will normally participate in the way things are in a given locality without a lot of problems.

The local community can also be termed as a people who are of shared values and who are motley ready to help the others when there are issues that do disturb the community which can be like health matters or even societal difficulties like thuggery (Soo et al,2006).


Stephen K, Sherry N, Jeffrey A et al (2007) A Quantitative Study on the Condom-

Use Behaviors of Eighteen- to Twenty-Four-Year-Old Urban African American 

Males retrieved from 

on 28th Sep 2017

Soo C, Mark L. & Lynne L., (2006) Pneumonia care and the nursing home: a 

qualitative descriptive study of resident and family member perspectives 

retrieved from on 

28th Sep 2017

Patten, M. L., & Newhart, M. (2017). Understanding research methods: An overview of the essentials. Taylor & Francis.