Macro politics of heath and illness and how they affect the health care system ,structure and strategies for future and patient care outcome

macro politics of heath and illness and how they affect the health care system ,structure and strategies for future and patient care outcome. 4 points as below each 250 words total of 1000 words 1-nursing staffing shortages cultural aspect 2- gender bias in nursing 3-skill mix not enough experienced staff during shift 4- nursing budget and health funding academic style with havard author-date system individual referencing for 4 points( last time I didn’t get good score so can you find health professional to help this assignment please.)Readings

  • Carnegie & Kieger, 2009 “Being and doing politics: an out-dated model or 21st century reality?” Journal of Advanced Nursing,Vol. 65, Iss.9, pp. 1976–1984.
  • Keast, K 2016, ‘Health budget cuts to impact long term nurse wages, Health Times
  • Hogan P, Moxham L, Dwyer T, 2007 “Human resource management strategies for the retention of nurses in acute care settings in hospitals in Australia.” Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 24, No.2.
  • Australian Nursing Journal, North Fitzroy: Apr 2010, “Health reform support but much work to do”
  • Leeder, 2003 “Achieving equity in the healthcare system” MJA, Vol.179, No.3.
  • Gardner, D 2012 “The future of the affordable care act: will we abandon health care reform” Nursing economics,Vol.30, no.1, pp.40-41,49.
  • Keenan, K & Kennedy,K 2003 “The nursing workforce shortage: Causes, consequences, proposed solutions” April, Commonwealth fund, Issue brief.
  • Gkiouleka A, Huijts T, Beckfield J, Bambra C, 2018, ‘Understanding the micro and macro politics of health: Inequalities, intersectionality & institutions- A research agenda, Social Science & Medicine, Elselvie
  • Holland,P., Allen, B & Cooper, B., (2012), ‘What nurses want: Analysis of the first national survey on nurses’attitudes to work and the work conditions in Australia’, Department of Management,Monash University,
  • Sisko A, Truffer C, Keenan S, Poisal J, Clemens K & Madison J, 2010 “National health projection spending projections: the estimated impact of reform through 2019, Health Affairs, Vol.29, no.10, pp.1933-1941.
  • RotherR and Lavizzo-Mourey R, 2009 “Addressing the nursing workforce: A critical element for health reform” Health Affairs, Vol.28, no.4.

Macro politics of heath and illness and how they affect the health care system ,structure and strategies for future and patient care outcome

macro politics of heath and illness and how they affect the health care system ,structure and strategies for future and patient care outcome. 4 points as below each 250 words total of 1000 words 1-nursing staffing shortages cultural aspect 2- gender bias in nursing 3-skill mix not enough experienced staff during shift 4- nursing budget and health funding academic style with havard author-date system individual referencing for 4 points( last time I didn’t get good score so can you find health professional to help this assignment please.)Readings

  • Carnegie & Kieger, 2009 “Being and doing politics: an out-dated model or 21st century reality?” Journal of Advanced Nursing,Vol. 65, Iss.9, pp. 1976–1984.
  • Keast, K 2016, ‘Health budget cuts to impact long term nurse wages, Health Times
  • Hogan P, Moxham L, Dwyer T, 2007 “Human resource management strategies for the retention of nurses in acute care settings in hospitals in Australia.” Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 24, No.2.
  • Australian Nursing Journal, North Fitzroy: Apr 2010, “Health reform support but much work to do”
  • Leeder, 2003 “Achieving equity in the healthcare system” MJA, Vol.179, No.3.
  • Gardner, D 2012 “The future of the affordable care act: will we abandon health care reform” Nursing economics,Vol.30, no.1, pp.40-41,49.
  • Keenan, K & Kennedy,K 2003 “The nursing workforce shortage: Causes, consequences, proposed solutions” April, Commonwealth fund, Issue brief.
  • Gkiouleka A, Huijts T, Beckfield J, Bambra C, 2018, ‘Understanding the micro and macro politics of health: Inequalities, intersectionality & institutions- A research agenda, Social Science & Medicine, Elselvie
  • Holland,P., Allen, B & Cooper, B., (2012), ‘What nurses want: Analysis of the first national survey on nurses’attitudes to work and the work conditions in Australia’, Department of Management,Monash University,
  • Sisko A, Truffer C, Keenan S, Poisal J, Clemens K & Madison J, 2010 “National health projection spending projections: the estimated impact of reform through 2019, Health Affairs, Vol.29, no.10, pp.1933-1941.
  • RotherR and Lavizzo-Mourey R, 2009 “Addressing the nursing workforce: A critical element for health reform” Health Affairs, Vol.28, no.4.

Macro politics of heath and illness and how they affect the health care system ,structure and strategies for future and patient care outcome

macro politics of heath and illness and how they affect the health care system ,structure and strategies for future and patient care outcome. 4 points as below each 250 words total of 1000 words 1-nursing staffing shortages cultural aspect 2- gender bias in nursing 3-skill mix not enough experienced staff during shift 4- nursing budget and health funding academic style with havard author-date system individual referencing for 4 points( last time I didn’t get good score so can you find health professional to help this assignment please.)Readings

  • Carnegie & Kieger, 2009 “Being and doing politics: an out-dated model or 21st century reality?” Journal of Advanced Nursing,Vol. 65, Iss.9, pp. 1976–1984.
  • Keast, K 2016, ‘Health budget cuts to impact long term nurse wages, Health Times
  • Hogan P, Moxham L, Dwyer T, 2007 “Human resource management strategies for the retention of nurses in acute care settings in hospitals in Australia.” Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 24, No.2.
  • Australian Nursing Journal, North Fitzroy: Apr 2010, “Health reform support but much work to do”
  • Leeder, 2003 “Achieving equity in the healthcare system” MJA, Vol.179, No.3.
  • Gardner, D 2012 “The future of the affordable care act: will we abandon health care reform” Nursing economics,Vol.30, no.1, pp.40-41,49.
  • Keenan, K & Kennedy,K 2003 “The nursing workforce shortage: Causes, consequences, proposed solutions” April, Commonwealth fund, Issue brief.
  • Gkiouleka A, Huijts T, Beckfield J, Bambra C, 2018, ‘Understanding the micro and macro politics of health: Inequalities, intersectionality & institutions- A research agenda, Social Science & Medicine, Elselvie
  • Holland,P., Allen, B & Cooper, B., (2012), ‘What nurses want: Analysis of the first national survey on nurses’attitudes to work and the work conditions in Australia’, Department of Management,Monash University,
  • Sisko A, Truffer C, Keenan S, Poisal J, Clemens K & Madison J, 2010 “National health projection spending projections: the estimated impact of reform through 2019, Health Affairs, Vol.29, no.10, pp.1933-1941.
  • RotherR and Lavizzo-Mourey R, 2009 “Addressing the nursing workforce: A critical element for health reform” Health Affairs, Vol.28, no.4.

social problem related to race, class, gender and/or sexuality

TERM PAPER. (150 Points) You will write an 8-10 page paper on a social problem related to race, class, gender and/or sexuality. Your topic must be cleared with me by the 2nd week in the term (see the schedule for deadlines). You must use at least 10 peer-reviewed sources for your paper. Your paper must be in APA format. 
The outline is worth 25 points. The rough draft is worth 25 points. The final paper is worth 100 points. Your rough draft should contain all of the references you intend to use for the final paper on a reference page. All references should be in APA format. If you are not sure how to cite using APA, please go to the Purdue Owl APA site.
Step 1: Draft an outline and submit for approval 
Step 2: Identify sources
Step 3: Write a rough draft
Step 4: Review your draft and revise
Step 5: Submit final draft
Term papers should contain the following:
1) Introduction
2) Description of the specific problem
3) Causes of the problem
4) Consequences of the problem
5) A review of policies/interventions that have attempted or propose to solve the problem
6) An evaluation (done by you) of how well the policies/interventions have addressed the problem
7) Conclusion
Don’t forget to:
1)provide your name on your paper
2)provide a title for your paper
3)organize your paper, don’t just write ten pages of work without any subheadings.  
4)All papers must be double-spaced, proofread for spelling and grammatical errors, stapled, in 12- point font with page numbers. 
5)Make sure you vary your choice of words. In other words, do not start each sentence with the same words or use the same word too much. 
6)Support your position or argument with material from your articles. 
7)You should cite your resources all the way through your papers! If you are unclear about when a citation is needed. Consult Purdue Owl if you are unsure how to cite APA syle.
8) Don’t cheat! The consequences are severe. Ask for help.
Term paper will be due the 8th week in the term. A late penalty of 10% per day will be applied to work submitted past the due date and time. Term papers submitted after the Monday in the 9th week of classes will not be accepted. If you have an extreme circumstance, please contact me.

social problem related to race, class, gender and/or sexuality

TERM PAPER. (150 Points) You will write an 8-10 page paper on a social problem related to race, class, gender and/or sexuality. Your topic must be cleared with me by the 2nd week in the term (see the schedule for deadlines). You must use at least 10 peer-reviewed sources for your paper. Your paper must be in APA format. 
The outline is worth 25 points. The rough draft is worth 25 points. The final paper is worth 100 points. Your rough draft should contain all of the references you intend to use for the final paper on a reference page. All references should be in APA format. If you are not sure how to cite using APA, please go to the Purdue Owl APA site.
Step 1: Draft an outline and submit for approval 
Step 2: Identify sources
Step 3: Write a rough draft
Step 4: Review your draft and revise
Step 5: Submit final draft
Term papers should contain the following:
1) Introduction
2) Description of the specific problem
3) Causes of the problem
4) Consequences of the problem
5) A review of policies/interventions that have attempted or propose to solve the problem
6) An evaluation (done by you) of how well the policies/interventions have addressed the problem
7) Conclusion
Don’t forget to:
1)provide your name on your paper
2)provide a title for your paper
3)organize your paper, don’t just write ten pages of work without any subheadings.  
4)All papers must be double-spaced, proofread for spelling and grammatical errors, stapled, in 12- point font with page numbers. 
5)Make sure you vary your choice of words. In other words, do not start each sentence with the same words or use the same word too much. 
6)Support your position or argument with material from your articles. 
7)You should cite your resources all the way through your papers! If you are unclear about when a citation is needed. Consult Purdue Owl if you are unsure how to cite APA syle.
8) Don’t cheat! The consequences are severe. Ask for help.
Term paper will be due the 8th week in the term. A late penalty of 10% per day will be applied to work submitted past the due date and time. Term papers submitted after the Monday in the 9th week of classes will not be accepted. If you have an extreme circumstance, please contact me.

Select an historical nursing figure that interests you. Your interest might be related to the period of time in history that they lived, their particular field of interest, or their special accomplishments

Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Guidelines: 3 pages of body including introduction but not counting the reference page.
1. Select an historical nursing figure that interests you. Your interest might be related to the period of time in history that they lived, their particular field of interest, or their special accomplishments.
2. To learn more about this person you must complete a literature search. To accomplish this you may use the library data base: e.g. CINAHL Type in keyword and find 3-5 articles scholarly sources (books, articles, or professional website) published within the past 6 years. Websites must be from sponsoring professional organizations in nursing. Reference list and citations must be in APA format
3. Write an outline to follow. Here are the general categories to help you organize your thoughts:
a. General introduction of the individual and the area of interest or particular accomplishment that you plan to discuss
b. The purpose of the paper, clearly state what you intent to accomplish through this paper
c. The body of the paper (middle) includes:
i. Major points you want to make about the individual, the specific accomplishment/s of the individual, their contribution to changes in health care, healthcare systems, and/or social justice. Be sure that each point is supported by the literature and referenced using APA format.
ii. Your reflection of the impact of this person on your perception of nursing particularly new ideas related to your role as a nurse.
iii. Examine your values and beliefs in relation to those of the historical leader or theorist, any similarities in nursing metaparadigm, and implications for nursing practice How are the similar? Why did you choose him/her?
d. The conclusion: A summary of your main points
4. You must use APA format
5. Make sure that you include
a. A title page
b. A running head
c. Page numbers
d. Citations in the body of your paper to avoid plagiarism
e. A reference list.

Peak Professional Nursing Organisation and Professional Portfolio

3806NRS : Nursing – Peak Professional Nursing Organisation – Professional Portfolio Writing Assignment Help

Task: 1

Professional practice portfolio use

Professional practice portfolios are asserted to be beneficial to demonstrate the capability for professional nursing practice.

Describe a professional practice portfolio and the recommended components.

Present a written argument for the use of a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate professional nursing practice. This argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issues; include why portfolios should be used and a discussion of the benefits and challenges of using a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice.

Discuss and differentiate between management and leadership competencies and describe how development of these competencies could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio.

Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2014 onwards Peak Professional Nursing Organisation and Professional Portfolio.

Task: 2

Professional standards

Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points. The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).

Chose a situation from your clinical placement where you were delegated an action or responsibility by your RN clinical practice partner or clinical facilitator and describe this situation. Your description should include five key elements; context of nursing practice and health care delivery (where this occurred), who was involved, what you were delegated, how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility and the outcome of the situation.

Critically discuss how you demonstrated professional nursing practice, within your student nurse scope of practice, and reflect upon accountability for your decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities.

Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2014 onwards.

Point of clarification:

The Registered Nurse standards document describes how the seven standards are interconnected (see Figure 1, NMBA, 2016). Your clinical situation may incorporate a description of you enacting one or more of the standards e.g. assessment (Standard 4), developing a plan (Standard 5), providing nursing care (Standard 6), or evaluating care outcomes (Standard 7) Peak Professional Nursing Organisation and Professional Portfolio.

Task: 3

Peak professional nursing organisation

A peak organisation (also known as a ‘peak body’) is a term for an advocacy group or trade association (it may be in nursing, or medicine, or any ‘trade’), an association of industries or groups with allied interests. They are established for the purposes of developing standards and processes, or to act on behalf of all members. There are many peak bodies in nursing, ranging from general organisations, such as the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) to specialised organisations such as the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) or the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA).

Consider where your professional interests lie and identify and report on a peak professional nursing organisation relevant to your career path.

This report must include the membership requirements, whether this organisation supports advanced or specialty practice, how this organisation supports and leads professional nursing practice, what professional opportunities are provided through the professional organisation and a justification why it is relevant to your intended career path Peak Professional Nursing Organisation and Professional Portfolio.

Research methods of assessing quality and techniques for improving quality and safety Instructions

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: • Assess quality and techniques for improving quality and safety. Course outcome addressed in this Assignment: HA540-3: Research methods of assessing quality and techniques for improving quality and safety Instructions: In this assignment, you will be researching dimensions of quality and safety in healthcare, specifically long-term care, and how various industries can apply these concepts to improve operations. ● Using the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, research one nursing home that displays a low level of quality as indicated by their Five Star Rating* ○ The nursing home should display a low level of quality (-2 star rating) ○ The nursing home should display a low level of safety ● Provide a general overview of the nursing home (e.g., name, location, bed size, ownership, etc.) ● Discuss the quality performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent health care inspection (e.g., deficiencies, citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by thoroughly reading the nursing home’s statement of deficiencies and plan of action to correct quality deficiencies (CMS Form 2567). ● Discuss the safety performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent life safety inspection (e.g., life safety citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by thoroughly reading the nursing home’s life safety code statement of deficiencies and plan of action. ● Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve quality in the nursing home. ● Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve safety in the nursing home. ● Be sure to include details about the deficiencies that you found. ● Report your findings by using one (1) of the methods below: ○ 3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply). ○ Internal organizational memorandum. ○ Infographic 2 Kaplan University School of Health Sciences HA540 Unit 7 Assignment COURSE # ○ Power Point presentation for a Board of Directors (10-12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions). ○ 7-10 minute public service announcement (using a free online voice recorder such as ○ Video newscast (using a free online video recorder such as, entertainment talk show, television commentary, interview-style, news reporting, etc.). ○ The use of first person is permitted for this assignment (excluding option 1). ● APA formatting (e.g., title page, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should not be used. •You can select any nursing home published on the Medicare Hospital Compare website. To narrow your selection, consider researching nursing homes in your community, previous places of residence, employers, competitors, or even a nursing home you would like to network with someday. References: html Submitting your work: Submit your Assignment to the appropriate Dropbox. For instructions on submitting your work, view the Dropbox Guide located under Academic Tools at the top of your unit page. Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments.

A research paper on a theory and/or topic on criminal behavior

  1. Term Paper: (20%)

A research paper on a theory and/or topic on criminal behavior. The paper should be approximately 8 pages in length and address and should address a specific crime or set of crimes, or a specific type of offender or offenders, using one or more selected theories from this course.

Overall Letter Grade Scheme: The final course grade, as well as all tests, papers and projects assigned throughout the semester, will be based on the typical letter grade system as follows:

A = 90 – 100           B = 80 – 89           C = 70 – 79      F = 69 & Below

Term Paper Grading:

Organization, including use of A.P.A. format                                                            20%

Use of Outside References, including quality and quantity                           20%

Topic, consisting of both the report on the chosen theory of interest

and student demonstration of points germane to this course                          20%

Comprehensiveness, thorough and in-depth coverage                                   20%

Writing Style, subjective assessment by the instructor                                  20%

The term paper should be well organized with an introduction, main body, and conclusion, it should clearly state the purpose of the paper and emphasize this point in the conclusion. The term paper MUST be written in APA format. It should have a Title Page, an Abstract Page, and Reference Page. The term paper should employ extensive references. The term paper should be written in a manner that utilizes concepts discussed and covered throughout the course. The term paper must contain a minimum of eight pages of content, exclusive of the title page, abstract page, and/or the reference page(s). Failure to meet this minimum page requirement will result in the deduction of points from the grade, at the discretion of the instructor.


Quality in health care and explain the key principles and characteristics of total quality management and continuous quality improvement in the health care

Nursing – Health Care – Nursing Assignment Help

Define quality in health care and explain the key principles and characteristics of total quality management and continuous quality improvement in the health care context. In your answer include a brief discussion about how TQM and CQI approaches differ from industry, or business-based, quality management and performance improvement methods. Refer to one of the following industry, or business-based, quality management and performance improvement method;

a) six sigma,

b) lean thinking

c) balanced scorecard in your discussion.

What is meant by the term ’patient safety’? Differentiate between safety in health care and patient safety.In the context of patient safety what is understood by the term risk management and what is its aim? Brieflydiscuss the approaches and/or tools that a health professional is likely to use when completing a riskanalysis, and when thinking about how best to manage a high-risk situation.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘safety culture’ in health care and discuss how it can be measured?

What is the significance of a poor safety culture for health care professionals and patients?

How does clinical governance differ from clinical leadership in the context of quality and safety in healthcare provision? In your discussion include an overview of how professional communication between health professionals can enhance or impair the safety and wellbeing of patients?