Please answer this questions in APA format , write at list 500 words in total,answer by number and list.Thank you.

Quiet at Night?
You are the night shift charge nurse on a busy surgical unit in a large, urban teaching hospital.  Surgeries occur around the clock, and frequently, noise levels are higher than desired because of the significant number of nurses, physicians, residents, interns, and other health-care workers who gather at the nurses station or in the halls outside of patient rooms.  Today, the unit manager has come to you because the hospital’s score on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (hCahPS) survey for the category Always Quiet at Night falls far below the desired benchmark.  She has asked you to devise a plan to address this quality of care issue.  The management goal in this situation is to achieve an HCAHPS score on Always Quiet at Night that meets the accepted best practices benchmark, thus assuring that patients get the rest they need to promote their recovery.  The leadership goal is to foster a shared commitment among all health-care professionals working on the unit to achieve the Always Quiet at Night goal.


  1. Identify five management strategies you might use to address the problem of excessive noise on the unit at night. For example, your list might include structural environmental changes or work redesign.
  2. Then identify five leadership strategies you might use to promote buy-in of the Quiet at Night initiative by all health-care professionals on the unit.  How will you inspire these individuals to work with you in achieving this critically important goal?  What incentives might you use to reward behavior conducive to meeting this goal?
  3. Discuss whether you feel this goal could be achieved by employing only the management strategies you identified.  Could it be achieved only with the implementation of leadership strategies for team building

Please answer this questions in APA format , write at list 300 words,answer by number and list.Thank you.

1. In thinking about levels of prevention, choose a data based publication that represents each level and takes a position about which level of prevention is the most complex to put into action in order to advanced health and wellness.

2. Critique behavioral changes from the prespective of measuring the change after a health promotion in their diet interventionhas beenImplemeted (e.g., teaching communities to decrease saturated fats in their diet

Healthcare Policy Saudi.Arabia.for.reducing.non-communicable.diseases. with the aging population in the  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

3-Discuss.the strategies to resolve issues that  you identify.

4-Research and discuss at least two approaches to solving  this problem.

  • Avoid plagiarism
  • in-text citation
  • 2 pages
  • 4 references
  • APA style

What Did You Learn in this Masters Nursing class NR-500





This answer must be at least 300 words, reference not included in word count.  Needs at least 2 references that are peer reviewed articles within the last 5 years.  Both articles need to be cited within the answer at least once.  Needs to be in APA format.  ANAWER MUST BE ORIGINAL, no plagiarism.  Below is the question.




What Did You Learn in this Masters Nursing class

Reflecting on this course, consider and answer the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials and information learned in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate your practicum project? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice?


Course Description

This nursing course introduces the graduate student to the conceptual foundations and skills essential for the master’s-prepared nurse. A framework for professional nursing practice, the scholarly communication of ideas, the use of critical inquiry and information dissemination, and the professional development of the master’s-prepared nurse will be explored.

New Q 7

Week 7 Discussion Question

Worth 5 points

For the following Case Study, as follow is Discussion Question: As an NP student, needs to determine the medications for constipation.

According to the ACC/AHA Guidelines, what medication should this patient be prescribed for constipation? Write her complete prescriptions using the prescription writing format.

Support with 1 journal no older than 5 years.


Gastroenterology-Motility Case Study

ACC/AHA Guidelines

Chief complaint: “ I have chronic constipation, incomplete defecation and abdominal bloating” for past 2 years.

HPI: M.C. a 46-year-old hispanic female presents to the GI-Motility clinic for complaint of chronic constipation, incomplete defecation and abdominal bloating. She has pmhx of DM-type 2, IBS-Constipation, Tubular Adenoma.

She also indicates that she has noticed that her symptoms are worsening for past 3 months. She has associated her symptoms with abdominal bloating, straining and incomplete defecation.

She has tried Miralax one packet po daily for at least 8 weeks and it has not relieved her symptoms.

Denies associated symptoms of hematochezia, melena, hemoptysis, abdominal pain, fever, chills, pain or any other symptoms.


Diabetes Mellitus, type 2

Constipation, chronic-IBS

Surgeries: None

Allergies: Penicillin

Vaccination History:

She receives an annual flu shot. Last flu shot was this year

Social history:

High school graduate, married and no children. He drinks one 4-ounce glass of red wine daily. He is a former smoker that stopped 3 years ago.

Family history:

Both parents are alive. Father has history of DM type 2, Tinea Pedis.

mother alive and has history of atopic dermatitis, tinea corporis and tinea pedis.



Constitutional: Negative for fever. Negative for chills.

Respiratory: No Shortness of breath. No Orthopnea

Cardiovascular: + 1 pitting leg edema. + Varicose veins.

Skin: + rash crusted white in feet and inter-digit in feet.

Psychiatric: No anxiety. No depression.

Physical examination:

Vital Signs

Height: 5 feet 5 inches Weight: 140 pounds BMI: 31 obesity, BP 110/70 T 98.0 po P 80 R 22, non-labored

HEENT: Normocephalic/Atraumatic, PERRL, EOMI; No teeth loss seen. Gums no redness.

NECK: Neck supple, no palpable masses, no lymphadenopathy, no thyroid enlargement.

LUNGS: Lungs clear bilaterally. Equal breath sounds. Symmetrical respiration. No respiratory distress.

HEART: Normal S1 with S2 during expiration. Pulses are 2+ in upper extremities. No edema.

ABDOMEN: No abdominal distention. Nontender. Bowel sounds + x 4 quadrants. No organomegaly. Normal contour; No palpable masses.

GENITOURINARY: No CVA tenderness bilaterally. GU exam deferred.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Slow gait but steady. No Kyphosis.

SKIN: +Dryness, No open lesions. +Dry crusts in sole of feet. + moist crust in between toes.

PSYCH: Normal affect. Cooperative.

Labs day of visit:: Hgb 15.2, Hct 40%, K+ 4.0, Na+137, Serum Creatinine normal 1.0, AST/ALT normal. TSH 3.7 normal, glucose 98 normal


Primary Diagnosis: Chronic Constipation, ideopathic

Secondary Diagnoses:

Incomplete Defecation


Differential Diagnosis:

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

Plan: Medications:

Miralax one packet po daily for at least 8 weeks.

Plan: Tests

Anorectal Manometry with rectal sensation/tone compliance test to evaluate if patient has dyssynergic defecation. If test positive then will consider ordering sessions of Biofeedback bowel retraining program to correct cause of incomplete defecation.

Labs: No new labs are needed.

Referrals: may refer based on effect of medication therapy given for 2 weeks.

Follow up: return to office in 8 weeks to reevaluate her symptoms.

Questions: As an NP student, needs to determine the medications for constipation.

According to the ACC/AHA Guidelines, what medication should this patient be prescribed for constipation? Write her complete prescriptions using the prescription writing format.

NSG6020 Final Exam Latest 2017

Question 1

A 22-year-old advertising copywriter presents for evaluation of joint pain. The pain is new, located in the wrists and fingers bilaterally, with some subjective fever. The patient denies a rash; she also denies recent travel or camping activities. She has a family history significant for rheumatoid arthritis. Based on this information, which of the following pathologic processes would be the most correct?
A) Infectious
B) Inflammatory
C) Hematologic
D) Traumatic

Question 2

A 35-year-old archaeologist comes to your office (located in Phoenix, Arizona) for a regular skin check-up. She has just returned from her annual dig site in Greece. She has fair skin and reddish-blonde hair. She has a family history of melanoma. She has many freckles scattered across her skin. From this description, which of the following is not a risk factor for melanoma in this patient?
A) Age
B) Hair color
C) Actinic lentigines
D) Heavy sun exposure

Question 3

A 15-year-old high school sophomore and her mother come to your clinic because the mother is concerned about her daughter’s weight. You measure her daughter’s height and weight and obtain a BMI of 19.5 kg/m2. Based on this information, which of the following is appropriate?
A) Refer the patient to a nutritionist and a psychologist because the patient is anorexic.
B) Reassure the mother that this is a normal body weight.
C) Give the patient information about exercise because the patient is obese.
D) Give the patient information concerning reduction of fat and cholesterol in her diet because she is obese.

Question 4

A middle-aged man comes in because he has noticed multiple small, blood-red, raised lesions over his anterior chest and abdomen for the past several months.They are not painful and he has not noted any bleeding or bruising. He is concerned this may be consistent with a dangerous condition. What should you do?
A) Reassure him that there is nothing to worry about.
B) Do laboratory work to check for platelet problems.
C) Obtain an extensive history regarding blood problems and bleeding disorders.
D) Do a skin biopsy in the office.

Question 5

Jacob, a 33-year-old construction worker, complains of a “lump on his back” over his scapula. It has been there for about a year and is getting larger. He says his wife has been able to squeeze out a cheesy-textured substance on occasion. He worries this may be cancer. When gently pinched from the side, a prominent dimple forms in the middle of the mass. What is most likely?
A) An enlarged lymph node
B) A sebaceous cyst
C) An actinic keratosis
D) A malignant lesion

Question 6

A patient comes to you for the appearance of red patches on his forearms that have been present for several months. They remain for several weeks. He denies a history of trauma. Which of the following is likely?
A) Actinic keratoses
B) Pseudoscars
C) Actinic purpura
D) Cherry angiomas

Question 7

A 19-year old-college student presents to the emergency room with fever, headache, and neck pain/stiffness. She is concerned about the possibility of meningococcal meningitis. Several of her dorm mates have been vaccinated, but she hasn’t been. Which of the following physical examination descriptions is most consistent with meningitis?
A) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with sharp discs, neck supple with full range of motion
B) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with sharp discs, neck with paraspinous muscle spasm and limited range of motion to the right
C) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with blurred disc margins, neck tender to palpation, unable to perform range of motion
D) Head is normocephalic and atraumatic, fundi with blurred disc margins, neck supple with full range of motion

Question 8

A 58-year-old gardener comes to your office for evaluation of a new lesion on her upper chest. The lesion appears to be “stuck on” and is oval, brown, and slightly elevated with a flat surface. It has a rough, wartlike texture on palpation. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis?
A) Actinic keratosis
B) Seborrheic keratosis
C) Basal cell carcinoma
D) Squamous cell carcinoma

Question 9

A patient presents for evaluation of a cough. Which of the following anatomic regions can be responsible for a cough?
A) Ophthalmologic
B) Auditory
C) Cardiac
D) Endocrine

Question 10

A 72-year-old retired truck driver comes to the clinic with his wife for evaluation of hearing loss. He has noticed some decreased ability to hear what his wife and grandchildren are saying to him. He admits to lip-reading more. He has a history of noise exposure in his young adult years: He worked as a sound engineer at a local arena and had to attend a lot of concerts. Based on this information, what is the most likely finding regarding his hearing acuity?
A) Loss of acuity for middle-range sounds
B) Increase of acuity for low-range sounds
C) Loss of acuity for high-range sounds
D) Increase of acuity for high-range sounds

Question 11

Mrs.Anderson presents with an itchy rash which is raised and appears and disappears in various locations. Each lesion lasts for many minutes. What most likely accounts for this rash?
A) Insect bites
B) Urticaria, or hives
C) Psoriasis
D) Purpura

Question 12

A new mother is concerned that her child occasionally “turns blue.” On further questioning, she mentions that this is at her hands and feet. She does not remember the child’s lips turning blue. She is otherwise eating and growing well. What would you do now?
A) Reassure her that this is normal
B) Obtain an echocardiogram to check for structural heart disease and consult cardiology
C) Admit the child to the hospital for further observation
D) Question the validity of her story

Question 13

An 89-year-old retired school principal comes for an annual check-up. She would like to know whether or not she should undergo a screening colonoscopy. She has never done this before. Which of the following factors should not be considered when discussing whether she should go for this screening test?
A) Life expectancy
B) Time interval until benefit from screening accrues
C) Patient preference
D) Current age of patient

Question 14

You are speaking to an 8th grade class about health prevention and are preparing to discuss the ABCDEs of melanoma. Which of the following descriptions correctly defines the ABCDEs?
A) A = actinic; B = basal cell; C = color changes, especially blue; D = diameter >6 mm; E = evolution
B) A = asymmetry; B = irregular borders; C = color changes, especially blue; D = diameter >6 mm; E = evolution
C) A = actinic; B = irregular borders; C = keratoses; D = dystrophic nails; E = evolution
D) A = asymmetry; B = regular borders; C = color changes, especially orange; D = diameter >6 mm; E = evolution

Question 15

A 79-year-old retired banker comes to your office for evaluation of difficulty with urination; he gets up five to six times per night to urinate and has to go at least that often in the daytime. He does not feel as if his bladder empties completely; the strength of the urinary stream is diminished. He denies dysuria or hematuria. This problem has been present for several years but has worsened over the last 8 months. You palpate his prostate. What is your expected physical examination finding, based on this description?
A) Normal size, smooth
B) Normal size, boggy
C) Enlarged size, smooth
D) Enlarged size, boggy

Question 16

A young man comes to you with an extremely pruritic rash over his knees and elbows which has come and gone for several years. It seems to be worse in the winter and improves with some sun exposure. On examination, you notice scabbing and crusting with some silvery scale, and you are observant enough to notice small “pits” in his nails. What would account for these findings?
A) Eczema
B) Pityriasis rosea
C) Psoriasis
D) Tinea infection

Question 17

A 15-year-old high school sophomore comes to the clinic for evaluation of a 3-week history of sneezing; itchy, watery eyes; clear nasal discharge; ear pain; and nonproductive cough. Which is the most likely pathologic process?
A) Infection
B) Inflammation
C) Allergic
D) Vascular

Question 18

A 68-year-old retired farmer comes to your office for evaluation of a skin lesion. On the right temporal area of the forehead, you see a flattened papule the same color as his skin, covered by a dry scale that is round and feels hard. He has several more of these scattered on the forehead, arms, and legs.Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis?
A) Actinic keratosis
B) Seborrheic keratosis
C) Basal cell carcinoma
D) Squamous cell carcinoma

Question 19

An 8-year-old girl comes with her mother for evaluation of hair loss. She denies pulling or twisting her hair, and her mother has not noted this behavior at all. She does not put her hair in braids. On physical examination, you note a clearly demarcated, round patch of hair loss without visible scaling or inflammation. There are no hair shafts visible. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis?
A) Alopecia areata
B) Trichotillomania
C) Tinea capitis
D) Traction alopecia

Question 20

A 19-year-old construction worker presents for evaluation of a rash. He notes that it started on his back with a multitude of spots and is also on his arms, chest, and neck. It itches a lot. He does sweat more than before because being outdoors is part of his job. On physical examination, you note dark tan patches with a reddish cast that has sharp borders and fine scales, scattered more prominently around the upper back, chest, neck, and upper arms as well as under the arms. Based on this description, what is your most likely diagnosis?
A) Pityriasis rosea
B) Tinea versicolor
C) Psoriasis
D) Atopic eczema

Question 21

Which of the following booster immunizations is recommended in the older adult population?
A) Tetanus
B) Diphtheria
C) Measles
D) Mumps

Question 22

A patient presents for evaluation of a sharp, aching chest pain which increases with breathing. Which anatomic area would you localize the symptom to?
A) Musculoskeletal
B) Reproductive
C) Urinary
D) Endocrine

Question 23

Ms.Whiting is a 68 year old who comes in for her usual follow-up visit. You notice a few flat red and purple lesions, about 6 centimeters in diameter, on the ulnar aspect of her forearms but nowhere else. She doesn’t mention them. They are tender when you examine them. What should you do?
A) Conclude that these are lesions she has had for a long time.
B) Wait for her to mention them before asking further questions.
C) Ask how she acquired them.
D) Conduct the visit as usual for the patient.

Question 24

You have recently returned from a medical missions trip to sub-Saharan Africa, where you learned a great deal about malaria. You decide to use some of the same questions and maneuvers in your “routine” when examining patients in the midwestern United States. You are disappointed to find that despite getting some positive answers and findings, on further workup, none of your patients has malaria except one, who recently emigrated from Ghana. How should you next approach these questions and maneuvers?
A) Continue asking these questions in a more selective way.
B) Stop asking these questions, because they are low yield.
C) Question the validity of the questions.
D) Ask these questions of all your patients.

Question 25

On routine screening you notice that the cup-to-disc ratio of the patient’s right eye is 1:2. What ocular condition should you suspect?
A) Macular degeneration
B) Diabetic retinopathy
C) Hypertensive retinopathy
D) Glaucoma

Question 26

Mrs.Hill is a 28-year-old African-American with a history of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). She has noticed a raised, dark red rash on her legs. When you press on the rash, it doesn’t blanch. What would you tell her regarding her rash?
A) It is likely to be related to her lupus.
B) It is likely to be related to an exposure to a chemical.
C) It is likely to be related to an allergic reaction.
D) It should not cause any problems.

Question 27

A 47-year-old contractor presents for evaluation of neck pain, which has been intermittent for several years. He normally takes over-the-counter medications to ease the pain, but this time they haven’t worked as well and he still has discomfort. He recently wallpapered the entire second floor in his house, which caused him great discomfort. The pain resolved with rest. He denies fever, chills, rash, upper respiratory symptoms, trauma, or injury to the neck. Based on this description, what is the most likely pathologic process?
A) Infectious
B) Neoplastic
C) Degenerative
D) Traumatic

Question 28

A 28-year-old patient comes to the office for evaluation of a rash. At first there was only one large patch, but then more lesions erupted suddenly on the back and torso; the lesions itch. On physical examination, you note that the pattern of eruption is like a Christmas tree and that there are a variety of erythematous papules and macules on the cleavage lines of the back. Based on this description, what is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Pityriasis rosea
B) Tinea versicolor
C) Psoriasis
D) Atopic eczema

Question 29

Which of the following changes are expected in vision as part of the normal aging process?
A) Cataracts
B) Glaucoma
C) Macular degeneration
D) Blurring of near vision

Question 30

You are examining an unconscious patient from another region and notice Beau’s lines, a transverse groove across all of her nails, about 1 cm from the proximal nail fold. What would you do next?
A) Conclude this is caused by a cultural practice.
B) Conclude this finding is most likely secondary to trauma.
C) Look for information from family and records regarding any problems which occurred 3 months ago.
D) Ask about dietary intake.

Death with Dignity Discussion

 This homework post has two part answers to it , the discussion part and the journal entry part and please no plagiarism on both parts. so both parts is done by watch in the video. please read the instructions carefully. I hope you know the APA fromat guidelines.. This is a HPRS class 1303– End of Life Issues ..This s all due February 11, 2018 before 11:59 pm central time. On the journal entry part if you can give me a page to a half a page of words I will be ok.

Death with Dignity Discussion

1.      Discussion

What  did you learn from this video?  What are your thoughts?  Support your  answer through the use of peer reviewed scholarly sources from MedLine,  Ebsco, Proquest, and/or Google Scholar.  You must provide at least three  additional sources to the video.

Please write a 300 to 500 word essay adhering to APA 6th Edition formatting guidelines

Watch this you tube video: Death with Dignity Lecture and Attestation Statement, link is below

2. Journal entry #1

when you watch the youtube video summarize what you learned from it.

The Journal Entries provide a way for students to make personal  connections to the material and to apply the concepts they have learned.   Journal entries should be written in a well-developed paragraph rather  than just a phrase.


This is the rubric that I will be using to grade all journal entries (assignments) throughout the semester:

APA Journal Entries (Assignments) Rubric

Score _____/50

____ (5) In-text citations include necessary info in parentheses after borrowed material

____ (5) References per APA

____ (5) Grammar and spelling

____ (35) Application of three or more concepts from the learned material

Death With Dignity Lecture and Attestation Statement

Walden NURS6501 Week 8 Quiz latest 2017

Question 1

A 40-year-old female presents complaining of pain near the midline in the epigastrium. Assuming the pain is caused by a stimulus acting on an abdominal organ, the pain felt is classified as:

a. Visceral
b. Somatic
c. Parietal
d. Referred

Question 2

An 8-week-old male was recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Which of the following digestive alterations would be expected?

a. Insufficient bile production
b. Gastric atrophy
c. Hypersecretion of stomach acid
d. Nutrient malabsorption

Question 3

In alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatocellular damage is caused by:

a. acetaldehyde accumulation.
b. bile toxicity.
c. acidosis.
d. fatty infiltrations.

Question 4

Where does the nurse expect the obstruction to be in a patient with extrahepatic portal hypertension?

a. Sinusoids
b. Bile ducts
c. Hepatic portal vein
d. Hepatic artery

Question 5

Kwashiorkor is a severe dietary deficiency of:

a. fat-soluble vitamins.
b. carbohydrates.
c. protein.
d. calcium and magnesium.

Question 6

A 27-year-old male presents with fever, GI bleeding, hepatomegaly, and transient joint pain. He reports that as a child he received blood transfusions following a motor vehicle accident. He also indicates he was vaccinated against hepatitis B. Which of the following types of hepatitis does the clinician think he most likely has?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Question 7

Prolonged diarrhea is more serious in children than adults because:

a. children have lower adipose reserves.
b. fluid reserves are lower in children.
c. children have a lower metabolic rate.
d. children are more resistant to antimicrobial therapy.

Question 8

A 40-year-old male develops an intestinal obstruction related to protrusion of the intestine through the inguinal ring. This condition is referred to as:

a. Intussusception
b. A volvulus
c. A hernia
d. Adhesions

Question 9

A 60-year-old male presents with GI bleeding and abdominal pain. He reports that he takes NSAIDs daily to prevent heart attack. Tests reveal that he has a peptic ulcer. The most likely cause of this disease is:

a. Increasing subepithelial bicarbonate production
b. Accelerating the H+ (proton) pump in parietal cells
c. Inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis
d. Stimulating a shunt of mucosal blood flow

Question 10

Acute pancreatitis often manifests with pain to which of the following regions?

a. Right lower quadrant
b. Right upper quadrant
c. Epigastric
d. Suprapubic

Question 11

A 60-year-old male is diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. Which of the following factors most likely contributed to his disease?

a. Reflux esophagitis
b. Intestinal parasites
c. Ingestion of salty foods
d. Frequent use of antacids

Question 12

The primary complication of enterocolitis associated with Hirschsprung disease is related to which finding?

a. Fecal impaction
b. Pancreatic insufficiency
c. Hyperactive peristalsis
d. Ileal atresia

Question 13

The most common cause of chronic vascular insufficiency among the elderly is:

a. Anemia
b. Aneurysm
c. Lack of nutrition in gut lumen
d. Atherosclerosis

Question 14

The most common clinical manifestation of portal hypertension is _____ bleeding.

a. rectal
b. duodenal
c. esophageal
d. intestinal

Question 15

A 54-year-old male is diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease.This condition is most likely caused by:

a. Hereditary hormonal imbalances with high gastrin levels
b. Breaks in the mucosa and presence of corrosive secretions
c. Decreased vagal activity and vascular engorgement
d. Gastric erosions related to high ammonia levels and bile reflux

Question 16

The cardinal sign of pyloric stenosis caused by ulceration or tumors is:

a. Constipation
b. Diarrhea
c. Vomiting
d. Heartburn

Question 17

A 55-year-old male died in a motor vehicle accident. Autopsy revealed an enlarged liver caused by fatty infiltration, testicular atrophy, and mild jaundice secondary to cirrhosis. The most likely cause of his condition is:

a. Bacterial infection
b. Viral infection
c. Alcoholism
d. Drug overdose

Question 18

Manifestations associated with hepatic encephalopathy from chronic liver disease are the result of:

a. hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice.
b. fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
c. impaired ammonia metabolism.
d. decreased cerebral blood flow.

Question 19

The most common disorder associated with upper GI bleeding is:

a. diverticulosis.
b. hemorrhoids.
c. esophageal varices.
d. cancer.

Question 20

A 3-month-old female develops colicky pain, abdominal distention, and diarrhea after drinking cow’s milk. The best explanation for her symptoms is:

a. Deficiency of bile that stimulates digestive secretions and bowel motility
b. Excess of amylase, which increases the breakdown of starch and causes an osmotic diarrhea
c. Overgrowth of bacteria from undigested fat molecules, which leads to gas formation and de creased bowel motility
d. Excess of undigested lactose in her digestive tract, resulting in increased fluid movement into the digestive lumen and increased bowel motility

Question 21

A 55-year-old female has general symptoms of gallstones but is also jaundiced. IV cholangiography would most likely reveal that the gallstones are obstructing the:

a. Intrahepatic bile canaliculi
b. Gallbladder
c. Cystic duct
d. Common bile duct

Question 22

A 1-week-old female is brought to her pediatrician for abdominal distention and unstable temperature. Physical examination reveals bradycardia and apnea. Tests reveal hypoxic injury to the bowel resulting in bacterial invasion and perforation. This condition is referred to as:

a. Infective enteropathy
b. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
c. Mucoviscidosis
d. Ileus

Question 23

For the patient experiencing esophageal reflux, the nurse would expect which sphincter to be malfunctioning?

a. Pyloric
b. Lower esophageal
c. Upper esophageal
d. Gastric

Question 24

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder wall usually caused by:

a. accumulation of bile in the hepatic duct.
b. obstruction of the cystic duct by a gall-stone.
c. accumulation of fat in the wall of the gallbladder.
d. viral infection of the gallbladder.

Question 25

A 6-month-old male infant is brought to the ER after the sudden development of abdominal pain, irritability, and vomiting followed by passing of “currant jelly” stool. Ultrasound reveals intestinal obstruction in which the ileum collapsed through the ileocecal valve and invaginated into the large intestine. This type of obstruction is referred to as:

a. Prolapse
b. Pyloric stenosis
c. Intussusception
d. Imperforation

Question 26

A 22-year-old male underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor. Following surgery, he experienced a peptic ulcer. His ulcer is referred to as a(n) _____ ulcer.

a. Infectious
b. Cushing
c. Ischemic
d. Curling

Question 27

Chronic gastritis is classified according to the:

a. severity.
b. location of lesions.
c. patient’s age.
d. signs and symptoms.

Question 28

Reflux esophagitis is defined as a(n):

a. Immune response to gastroesophageal reflux
b. Inflammatory response to gastroesophageal reflux
c. Congenital anomaly
d. Secretory response to hiatal hernia

Question 29

The cardinal signs of small bowel obstruction are:

a. Vomiting and distention
b. Diarrhea and excessive thirst
c. Dehydration and epigastric pain
d. Abdominal pain and rectal bleeding

Question 30

The nurse assessing the patient with biliary atresia would expect to find which primary clinical manifestation?

a. Anemia
b. Jaundice
c. Hypobilirubinemia
d. Ascites

Question 31

A 20-year-old male was recently diagnosed with lactose intolerance. He eats an ice cream cone and develops diarrhea. His diarrhea can be classified as _____ diarrhea.

a. Motility
b. Hypotonic
c. Secretory
d. Osmotic

Question 32

Which of the following symptoms would help a health care provider distinguish between ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease?

a. Pattern of remission/exacerbations
b. Abdominal pain
c. Malabsorption
d. Diarrhea

Question 33

A 45-year-old male complains of heartburn after eating and difficulty swallowing. He probably has:

a. Pyloric stenosis
b. Hiatal hernia
c. Gastric cancer
d. Achalasia

Question 34

The exocrine portion of the pancreas contains:

a. alpha cells.
b. beta cells.
c. acinar cells.
d. islets of Langerhans.

Question 35

Outbreaks of hepatitis _____ often occur in young children attending day care centers and can be attributed to poor hand washing.

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Please write a comment base in these answers. At least 130 words. Academic References in each. Write both comment in the same paper in APA Format. Thanks.

Comment 1

Contributing factors:

-Being victim of violence.

-Physical Disability,

-Negative impaction self-esteem.

-Abusing alcohol and another drugs.

-living in unsupported


-Family conflicts and experiencing stressful events like loss of loved one,

-Imbalance or impairment of brain chemicals,

-Change in balance of hormone,

-inherited traits and acquired patterns of negative thinking.

Signs & Symptoms:

Emotional : Feeling hopeless,low self-esteem,begin irritable,extreme sensitivity to rejection,thinking of death/suicide frequently,getting trouble in thinking or remembering things,loss of interest in family and friends and feeling of sadness.

Behavior: Social isolation,Use of drugs, suicide attempts,self-harm,change in appetite,poor performance in school work,energy loss,sleepiness or insomnia,restlessness and other acting out manners.

Community & State   Resources:

National Alliance of the Mentally IllNESS: 1-800-950-6264:

NAMI  is an organization to support people affected by Mental Illness.
Toll-free, confidential hot line operating Mon.-Fri., 10 am- 6 pm (EST).

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health [SAML]Is a program responsible for the oversight of a statewide system care for the Prevention, Treatment and recovery children and adult with Mental illness or Substance Abuse Disorder.

Help Line-1800-273-8255.

Nursing Interventions for depressed Teen:

  • PRIMARY PREVENTION:Assess Risk factors and educate families how to prevent it, Educate families  how to identify signs and symptoms of depression.
  • SECONDARY PREVENTION: Screening during assessment.
  • Refer to a counselor or support group.
  • Encourage feeling and open expression.
  • Medicate as ordered and document results.
  • TERTIARY PREVENTION: Assess adolescent to identify  the precipitating event when sadness and feeling arose.
  • Encourage daily  physical activity.
  • Assist adolescent to focus on strengths rather than weaknesses.
  • Teach positive and effective coping strategies.

Comment 2

Teen pregnancies have always been an important issue for young adolescent females. This issue is important due to the risks of complications associated with early age pregnancies. There are some factors that play into teen pregnancy. Known factors that contribute to the rise in teen pregnancies is the absence of education for sexually active teens. Many teens do not have education on important topics like birth control, condoms, and plan B. Some teens do not have resources available to them that they can talk to about their questions. It is important to assess a teenager’s knowledge about sex and sexuality (“Risk and Protective factors”,n.d.). If the parent is with them, it is always good to ask if the patient would like privacy to discuss the topic.

It is believed certain situations such as family poverty, having parents who had children before age 20, single parent homes, early sexual activity, and use of alcohol and drugs play into teen pregnancies. In the state of Texas, the rate of teenage pregnancies has subtly decreased over the span of the past 10 years. In 2011, 27% of teens under the age of 18 experienced a pregnancy. Currently, it has dropped to 26% (“Total and Population”, n.d.).

“Power to Decide” is an organization designated to helping educate teens on their ways to prevent pregnancy so that they can ensure their future is all about them. In the event the teenager is pregnant, there are other resources to help aid during their time of need. “Brightright” is available 24/7 for pregnant teens. They also have a hot line teens can call if needed. Resources for teen pregnancy is important since most teens are likely to not seek medical attention early on due to emberassment or fear of telling their family. Which in turn puts them at risk for pregnancy complications like high blood pressure, eclampsia, and pre-term birth.

please do by noon w2 public health program

Identify and describe a public health program that is provided by a local agency in your community, city, or state. Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis on the program. Provide two to three recommendations for improving the program and explain how those changes could be done.
Identify a public health program in your community, city, or state. Research the factors associated with the program and provide the following:

  • Identify a public health program.
  •  Describe the areas of the program that are considered strong points, weak areas, factors that could be improved, and concerns that could eliminate or reduce the effectiveness of the program.
  • Recommend improvements and explain how the improvements could be done.

Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.
Comment on the postings of at least two of your classmates.