please do by noon w2 public health program

Identify and describe a public health program that is provided by a local agency in your community, city, or state. Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis on the program. Provide two to three recommendations for improving the program and explain how those changes could be done.
Identify a public health program in your community, city, or state. Research the factors associated with the program and provide the following:

  • Identify a public health program.
  •  Describe the areas of the program that are considered strong points, weak areas, factors that could be improved, and concerns that could eliminate or reduce the effectiveness of the program.
  • Recommend improvements and explain how the improvements could be done.

Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.
Comment on the postings of at least two of your classmates.

Family Nurse practitioner community group

locate the School of  Nursing Learning Community in the list of Learning Communities.explore the various categories of discussions you may participate in..Click the Group tab  on the PhoenixConnect page. Search for a group, such as      the Family Nurse Practitioners group.

Instructions: follow the question below to write the 100 word message.

Write a 100-word message sharing how you plan on utilizing the discussion group and what type of information you would be interested in finding when visiting the community.

Describe the quantitative design of the article you selected. Present the strengths and limitations of this type of design according to the textbook and how these are reflected in your study. In one of your responses, contrast the design you have selected

Describe the quantitative design of the article you selected. Present the strengths and limitations of this type of design according to the textbook and how these are reflected in your study. In one of your responses, contrast the design you have selected with at least one design presented by a classmate in one of your responses.

APA format, 2 references, 300 word

Identify and discuss two major ways in which qualitative research differs from quantitative research. Is one better than the other? Provide reference(s).

Identify and discuss two major ways in which qualitative research differs from quantitative research. Is one better than the other? Provide reference(s).

Researchers often identify the research problem and then go in search of a theory. Discuss the disadvantages of doing this. What does the textbook recommend that researchers do to assure a true fit between theory and designing the study?

Researchers often identify the research problem and then go in search of a theory. Discuss the disadvantages of doing this. What does the textbook recommend that researchers do to assure a true fit between theory and designing the study?

As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members.

As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community, organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.

First, refer to the “How a Bill Becomes a Law” media.

Then, view the “Bill to Law Process” to watch the scenario.

After viewing the scenario, refer to the “Legislative Assignment.” You will need to save the document first to use it.

  • attachment


Discuss sources of bias for both quantitative and qualitative research. For quantitative research, be sure to address both random and systematic bias. You may use examples from the articles you selected as illustrations of bias and/or preventing bias.

Discuss sources of bias for both quantitative and qualitative research. For quantitative research, be sure to address both random and systematic bias. You may use examples from the articles you selected as illustrations of bias and/or preventing bias.

Details:/ create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides in which you

  Details:/ create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides in which you compare the pros and cons of continuing nursing education related to the following:
create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides in which you compare the pros and cons of continuing nursing education related to the following:

1. Impact on competency.

2. Impact on knowledge and attitudes.

3. Relationship to professional certification.

4. Relationship to ANA Scope and Standards of Practice.

5. Relationship to ANA Code of Ethics.

Take a position with your CLC group: Should continuing nursing education be mandatory for all nurses? Support your position with rationale.


FNP program


Write a 280-word summary answering the 2 questions below:

  • 1. How do you think the university resources you explored in this workshop will help you succeed in your MSN/FNP program?
  • 2. How will you apply what you learned in this workshop as you prepare for clinicals and residency?
  • Instructions: needs to be APA format. This needs to be a  masters level writing. use the information given below to write the paper. those documents are a summary of the workshop . 
  • attachment

  • attachment


Discus Topic 2/ Discuss how the CMS reimbursement rules for never events.

Discus Topic 2/ Discuss how the CMS reimbursement rules for never events

This is a discussion post, about 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly preferred.


Discuss how the CMS reimbursement rules for never events required a shift in the patient care delivery model in inpatient facilities