English Composition

Point of View, Character, and Theme

By the due date assigned, post your response of at least 150-200 words to the Discussion Area. By the end of the week, comment on at least two of your classmates’ submissions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your instructor will assign 3-5 short stories for the class to read and discuss this week. Check the Week 4 Announcement for a list of the assigned stories. You must choose one of these stories to earn credit on the assignment.


Select one of the stories assigned by your instructor, and develop a response to the following:

  • Identify the point of view used in the narration of the story. 
  • Provide a specific example from the story to illustrate your argument. 
  • Discuss how this perspective affects your reading and interpretation of the story. 
  • Consider how a different type of narration might alter the effect of the story.  

Point of view refers to the perspective from which the story is narrated. 

  • First person: In first person, the story is told from the perspective of the narrator, using first-person pronouns. (“We are driving off the bridge!” I screamed.)
  • Second person: This is not commonly used. In second person, the narrator addresses the reader as “you,” which gives the audience the feeling that they are a part of the story. (Example: As you drive off the bridge, you scream, but no one hears you.)
  • Third person: The story is told using third-person pronouns (“The car is driving off the bridge!” he shouted), and the narrator is either godlike in the ability to see and know everything (third-person omniscient) or not all-knowing with knowledge limited to the perspective of only one character (third-person limited). 


Remember to provide evidence for your claims in the form of quoted passages from the story. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries should be cited according to APA rules of style, including in-text and reference citations. Quoted material should not exceed 25% of the document.

Check grammar and spelling before posting.

Your replies to classmates should be at least a paragraph in length and made with an eye to expand, clarify, defend, and/or refine their thoughts. Consider asking questions to further meaningful conversation. Participation must be completed by the end of the week to earn credit.

Post directly to the discussion; do not attach a document.

Example APA Reference from the eBook
Welty, E. (2013). A worn path. In X.J Kennedy and D Gioia (Eds.) The Literature Collection: An E-Text [VitalSource digital version] (p. 22). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

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Essay- Cultural safety

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Changes in the Human Figure in Art

Changes in the Human Figure in Art

You likely noticed that during the two hundred years covered in this week’s study there were radical changes in how the human figure is depicted in Italy, from something that was highly stylized to an idealized form that looked more real yet was strongly influenced by the Classical Age of ancient Greece and Rome. In Northern Europe, however, depiction of the human form remained somewhat stylized.

Use the textbook and/or online sources to locate and capture three works of art.

  • one from the Early Renaissance (fourteenth century, 1300–1399)
  • one from the Northern European Renaissance (fifteenth century, 1400–1499)
  • one from the Italian Renaissance (fifteenth century, 1400–1499)

Your works of art must either be all paintings or all sculptures.

First, place images of your selected works in a Word document. Then do the following:

  1. For each work identify:
    • The artist
    • Title of the work of art
    • The date(s) it was created
    • The medium or materials used to create the work of art, such as oil paint, marble, etc.
    • Where the work is located now.
  2. In a well-developed paragraph, provide at least two important historical facts about each work.
  3. In another well-developed paragraph, describe how each artist depicted the human figure, supporting your observation using art historical vocabulary from this week’s reading.

Then, In a 6–10-sentence concluding paragraph:

  • Compare and contrast how the depiction of the human figure has changed. Be sure to note such things as general appearance of the figures; their body types; whether the figures have been stylized, elongated, or idealized; and whether their clothing, colors, and other visual details have changed.
  • Based on your reading and what you learned from the historic facts you have for each work of art discuss what may have been influencing factors behind these changes.
  • Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.


1. How is the text or material of phenomenological studies obtained by investigators? 2. What did you learn about how Ray (1991) created the methodological process to study the experience of caring or compassion in nursing research and the meaning of caring in the researcher’s experience? What are the sources used in this new method? 3. What affects you about the way Ray (1991) looked at caring inquiry?

Smith RN PhD AHN-BC FAAN, Marlaine C.. Caring in Nursing Classics: An Essential Resource (Kindle Locations 9846-9852). Springer Publishing Company. Kindle Edition.

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Day nine discussion one

Discuss the common reasons that cause young adults to avoid regular health screening and supervision.

nursing CH 10

Read Chapter 10 APA FORMAT

1. In the last century, what historical, social, political, and economic trends and issues have influenced today’s health-care system?

2. What is the purpose and process of evaluating the three aspects of health care: structure, process, and outcome?

3. How does technology improve patient outcomes and the health-care system?

4. How can you intervene to improve quality of care and safety within the health-care system and at the bedside?

5. Select one nonprofit organization or one government agencies that influences and advocates for quality improvement in the health-care system. Explore the Web site for your selected organization/agency and answer the following questions: •

What does the organization/agency do that supports the hallmarks of quality? •

What have been the results of their efforts for patients, facilities, the health-care delivery system, or the nursing profession? •

How has the organization/agency affected facilities where you are practicing and your own professional practice?

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Please Do A Comment Base In These Comment. Write At Least 130 Words. Academic References Need. Write The References.In Each Comment Please Not Together. References less than 5 years. Please read carefully the comments.

Comment 1

According to the book, Physical examination, and health assessment, a comprehensive geriatric assessment can be defined as a multidimensional evaluation which includes physical examinations as well as functional status, mental status, economic status, social status, pain and finally physical environment examination for safety measures (Jarvis, 2016). These are the elements of health assessment. Functional activities, also known as sensory capabilities, include the performance of activities as well as daily tasks. Mental status is memory, attention, language, visuospatial skills, orientation and higher cognitive functions like decision making and planning. Social and economic status refers to the relationship with family and friends (Jarvis, 2016). Environmental assessment is common hazards like obstructed walkways, throw rugs, cords; inadequate lighting, curled carpet edges and lack of grab rails. Pain refers to the act of providing comfort to help in maximizing the information gathered.

Nurses should understand the normal aging process to enable them to differentiate between normal and problematic assessment. There are special considerations, which nurses should take when assessing elderly patients (Jarvis, 2016). One of them is to know a little history of the patients. If the patient(s) has several medical problems, make sure that they are comfortable because they may get tired easily. You should talk to them during assessment and give your full attention to them. It is also good to face them and speak low and slow. During the assessment, noisy devices such as TVs and radios should be switched off (Jarvis, 2016). For patients who require assistive devices for mobility, you should ensure that the devices are near them to avoid the risk of falling. Treat the assessment of elderly patients like you would do to your family. Respect them regardless of whether they are cognitive or not.

Comment 2

As the US population ages for nurses it is important to complete comprehensive geriatric assessments. Comprehensive geriatric assessments are composed of many assessments and examinations like physical examination, mental status assessment, social status, functional status, economic status, and examination of the physical environment for safety concerns, and pain (Jarvis, 2016).  Functional ability assessment looks at the mental, physical, and social environment; is the patient’s mental state strong enough to support themselves or is the environment that they live in safe enough in order to live independently. Other functional assessments include the activities of daily living (ADLs), ADLs measures and lets the nurse conclude and find out the status and the life of the patient daily live, such as if the patient is able to bathe or go to the bathroom, can they drive, and are they able to perform daily activities. A nurse should ask the patient what their abilities are to perform tasks and also the nurse should observe their abilities to perform those tasks. For the patient these assessments maybe crucial and identifies the older adult’s abilities of strength and limitations so that they can be provided with interventions that will help provide them self-independence and prevent functional decline (Jarvis, 2016).

When assessing the geriatric population, the nurse should make sure to observe the overall appearance of the patient. Nurse should also provide privacy to the patient as well as make sure the environment is comfortable and warming keeping in mind the position of how they sit and making sure they won’t have to be distressed by moving them often. Older patients may need time when telling you their problems. Assessing the patients gait and pain level by looking at their face can help in assessments. It is important to talk to the elderly patient calmly to relax them. Some patients may need aids to hear or read, speaking slowly and clearly can help make sure the conversations are heard. Using physical touch to help assess the patient will help if they are unable to see or hear. As an older person may tire easily it is important to take breaks and not rush through the exam allowing the patient to be thoroughly examined and heard (Jarvis, 2016).

1. How is the text or material of phenomenological studies obtained by investigators? 2. What did you learn about how Ray (1991) created the methodological process to study the experience of caring or compassion in nursing research and the meaning of caring in the researcher’s experience? What are the sources used in this new method? 3. What affects you about the way Ray (1991) looked at caring inquiry? Smith RN PhD AHN-BC FAAN, Marlaine C.. Caring in Nursing Classics: An Essential Resource (Kindle Locations 9846-9852). Springer Publishing Company. Kindle Edition. attachment CHAPTER23R

Discuss the common reasons that cause young adults to avoid regular health screening and supervision.

Library Assignment ( Nursing Leadership and Management)

Isaac has worked as a staff nurse on the telemetry floor for over 15 years. He holds seniority in the unit. His patient care is satisfactory; however, his interpersonal behaviors are becoming an increasing issue for his coworkers. He throws papers around the unit, gives short answers to questions, and seems generally miserable. He tells the staff that they are lazy and stupid. He is constantly questioning their decisions. You have come from another local hospital in the role of the assistant nurse manager. Based on your observations, you have met with Isaac informally and discussed his behaviors, but they have not changed. Now three new nurses have already come to you saying that this unit is a great match for them, except for one problem. Although they have not identified Isaac by name, they have told you that one of the nurses is extremely abusive verbally, and they have been calling in sick on the days they are scheduled to work with this person.

1. What are your responsibilities as an assistant nurse manager in regard to Isaac’s behavior problem?

2. What is the next step in dealing with Isaac’s behaviors?

3. How will you, as the manager, have Isaac develop more effective people skills?

This is your first position as a nurse manager. The holidays are rapidly approaching, and the hospital policy states that each unit will negotiate holiday coverage individually. You are already getting requests via e-mail and on Post-it notes for holiday time. Several staff members have come to you stating that they “never” seem to get their requests for holidays. Discussion among the staff members is creating dissension and conflict.

1. Discuss the potential impact of this problem on you and the unit staff.

2. Describe a minimum of one positive consequence and one negative consequence of this conflict.

3. Select a model of conflict resolution and explain how you, as a nurse manager, might resolve this conflict.

-APA Format.

-Introduction or abstract page

-Summary or Conclusion page

-Four Pages Minimum, not included Introduction or abstract, Conclusion or Summary , and Bibliographic pages.

-Completely unacceptable Copy and Paste from Internet, or other resources.

-Bibliographic have to be in APA Format, minimum 3 references citations with 3 years old  or less.

Please answer this questions in APA format , write at list 300 words for each questions,answer by number and list.Thank you.

1. In thinking about levels of prevention, choose a data based publication that represents each level and takes a position about which level of prevention is the most complex to put into action in order to advanced health and wellness.

2. Critique behavioral changes from the prespective of measuring the change after a health promotion in their diet interventionhas beenImplemeted (e.g., teaching communities to decrease saturated fats in their diet