
 Report Issue    Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?


Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations.

Name one method for improvement for each of these, and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.

Reflection Paper

In a reflection of 450-600 words, explain how you see yourself fitting into the following IOM Future of Nursing recommendations:

  1. Recommendation 4: Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by 2020.
  2. Recommendation 5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020.
  3. Recommendation 6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning.

Identify your options in the job market based on your educational level.

  1. How will increasing your level of education affect how you compete in the current job market?
  2. How will increasing your level of education affect your role in the future of nursing?

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin

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Day 11 discussion Topic one

Discuss the feelings that persons admitted to a nursing home may experience at the time of admission. What feelings are the relatives likely to have at this time?

Week_7 Answer

Below is my initial post. Please read teacher’s comment right below the line and answer her question and support your answer with two journals as instructed.

Generic Name:  docusate sodium       Trade Name: Colace

Therapeutic class: laxatives                                Pharmacologic class stool softeners

Actions: Reduces surface tension of the oil-water interface of the stool.

Therapeutic effects: Advances fuse of water into stool, bringing about milder fecal mass, may likewise advance electrolyte and water emission into the colon

Dose Prescribed:

Onset/Peak/Duration: PO    Onset: 24-48 hr. Peak: unknown Duration: unknown

NmL Dose: 50-500 mg once daily

Indications:  Prevention of constipation

Reason Client is prescribed:

Common Side Effects: Mild cramps

Drug-Drug/Food Interactions or compatibility problems: Touchiness, Stomach agony, sickness, or regurgitating, particularly when related with fever or different indications of an intense belly. Nursing Considerations: Over the top or delayed utilize may prompt reliance. Long haul treatment may cause electrolyte awkwardness and reliance.


Engel, H O. (2013). A treatment for constipation.

Docusate sodium. (January 01, 2015). Nursing Times, 101, 13, 29.

Hillier, K. (January 01, 2014). Docusate Sodium.


This patient tried and failed Miralax medication for IBS-Constipation. Docusate sodium is too weak of a medication for this patient.

Have you considered Linaclotide 145 mcg po daily ?

Please research LInaclotide and look for 2 articles.


Day ten assignment

Answer the following case study.

“Lya, age 50, works as a buyer for a large department store. She has two grown children and four grandchildren. She regularly sees her extended family. Her husband of 25 years died suddenly last year. In addition to babysitting her grandchildren, she attends church and volunteers her time at the local hospital. She hopes to sell her large home and move to a warmer climate.”

  1. Create a virtual workshop (e.g. brochure, catalog, power-point) for persons considering retirement.
  2. According to Erikson, what developmental task is Lya accomplishing?
  3. List the activities present in Lya’s life to support this task.
  4. Describe what adjustments a loss of a long-time spouse might create for Lya.

Chronic and Communicable Disease( healthmap)

 Hi dear,

can you help me to finish this assignment with  the good quality and be on time please.

Week Three- East US/China/Japan
The goal of this assignment is to investigate the healthmap.org website each week (1-4) and find a new and specific outbreak that has found its way into the general population.  Your focus will be to record three new outbreaks in all various parts of the world- North, South, East, and West regions of the world throughout the four weeks of class.

Complete the following for each of the three outbreaks:

  • Name the communicable disease
  • Name the location- City, County, State, Region, Territory and so on
  • Describe the specifics of the outbreak including causes and symptoms
  • How many cases have been confirmed and who has been affected?
  • What is being done to prevent the spread of the disease?

Using the health belief model, how can nurses encourage patients to make immediate and permanent behavior changes; particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices?

300 words paper

Anti Trust in Health Organizations

Please follow all instructions and I need it by 6pm EST on February 22, 2018.  Please no plagiarism!!

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Discussion: Child and Family Assessments

When caring for pediatric patients, you do not just assess and treat the patient but rather the entire family unit. This often poses challenges for advanced practice nurses because of the dynamics of the various types of family units (i.e., two traditional parents, a single parent, same-sex parents, divorced parents, stepparents, adoptive families, foster families, military families, grandparents as the primary caregiver, etc.). Care strategies that might work for a two-parent family, for instance, might not work for a single-parent family or a foster family. Additionally, family units also present with differences in backgrounds, cultures, and religions. All of these factors have the potential to impact the care of patients and their families, making it essential for you to tailor your assessments and care plans to meet the individual needs of families.

Note:Throughout this course, the term parent will be used to represent a pediatric patient’s caregiver, which may include a parent, stepparent, foster parent, guardian, and so on.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s media presentation, as well as “Child and Family Health Assessment,” “Cultural Perspectives for Pediatric Primary Care,” and “Developmental Management in Pediatric Primary Care” in the Burns et al. text.
  • Consider how a provider’s personal definition of family and family roles might impact the assessment of a child and the child’s family.
  • Reflect on how the culture of the provider and/or the patient may further influence the assessment.
  • Think about three strategies that a provider can use to assist families with making health-related decisions for children at different stages of growth and development. Consider how these strategies might change when assessing patients at different stages of growth and development and with different family backgrounds.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of how a provider’s personal definition of family and family roles might impact the assessment of a child and his or her family. Then, explain how culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) may further influence the assessment. Finally, explain at least three strategies that the provider can use to assist families with making health-related decisions for children at different stages of growth and development. Also, explain how these strategies might change when assessing patients at different stages of growth and development and with different family backgrounds.

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