Nursing technology

Each student will select one technology application and describe its use within nursing in general or in patient education. Address the significance of the selected technology, attributes of the selected technology (i.e., accuracy, cost, accessibility, etc.), and provide specific examples with rationale of situations in which the technology application as an educational tool would provide advantages as well as disadvantages. In addition, relate the use of the selected technology application to the appropriate professional standards and competencies.

This assignment may be completed in one of the following formats (with quantitative criteria) listed below:

APA-formatted paper (1,000-1,250 words)


PowerPoint presentation with comprehensive speakers’ notes (12-15 slides)

In addition to the course materials, you are required to use a minimum of three current scholarly, peer-reviewed sources for references (less than 5 years old).


Healthcare Timeline Worksheet

Please cite at least 2 scholarly view material. Worksheet uploaded

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homework helpweek2A2

The Diversity Movement

The diversity movement suggests that there is strength in our  differences and that our differences enhance each other. At the same  time, the movement insists that our differences should not have  economic, social, or political consequences. We are entitled to the same  access to resources and opportunities regardless of our differences.  The human suffering from Hurricane Katrina and the images of victims has  stimulated the debate about differential access to resources.

Read the report Women in the Wake of the Storm: Examining the Post-Katrina Realities of the Women of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. On the basis of your reading, create a report, answering the following:

  • Discuss the prominent dimensions of diversity revealed as a result of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
  • Discuss factors that specifically influenced women’s vulnerability  to Hurricane Katrina. While answering, consider the primary dimensions  mentioned in the lectures as well as the secondary dimensions such as  parental and marital status, income, educational level, military  experience, geographic location, work background, and religious beliefs.
  • Describe the implications for healthcare organizations as a result of the disaster.
  • Discuss at least of two of the policy implications that are outlined  in the report. If you were given the task to add another policy  recommendation what would it be and why?

Make your report in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format

Please answer the following questions- will be used in a power point presentation.

 Develop a plan for implementing a change project in your organization. The first step is to identify a problem in your organization. Then you will propose a change to solve the problem. You will use a change theory that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan. You will create a power point presentation of your plan. You will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes you use.



Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change.

Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new process or change.

Any graphics that are used must have a link to the website that was used.

Must be at least 20 slides long.

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microbiology day 10 assignment

Answer Critical Thinking 1-3 for Chapter 24 on page 710. Answers should be submitted in a word document with any associated references used

1) Differentiate S. Pyogenes causing strep throat from S. Pyogenes causing scarlet fever

2) Why might the influenza vaccine be less effective than other vaccines?

3) Explain why it wound be impractical to include cold and influenza vaccinations in the required childhood vaccinations

Day 11 assignment

Watch the video by Dan Gilbert “The psychology of your future self” from

Discuss his beliefs on perceptions of what the future holds for an individual. Do you think his views to growing old is the same as described by theorists in your book? Do you agree/disagree with his research?

Support your answers with references in 450-word APA paper.

Microbiology day nine assignment

Answer Clinical Application Questions 1-3 for Chapter 21 on page 614 and Clinical Application Question 1-3 for Chapter 22 on page 642. Answers should be submitted in a word document with any associated references used. 

Answer Clinical Application Questions 1-3 for Chapter 21 on page 614

1) A hospitalized patient recovering from surgery develops an infection that has blue-green pus and a grapelike odor. What is the probable etiology? How might the patient have acquired this infection?

2) A 12-year old diabetic girl using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion to manager her diabetic developed a fever (39.4  degree C), low blood, abdominal pain, and erythroderma. She was supposed to change the needle-insertion site every 3 days after cleaning the skin with an iodine solution. Frequently she did not change the insertion site more often than every 10 days. Blood culture was negative, and abscesses at insertion sites were not cultured. What is the probable cause of her symptoms?

3) A teenage male with confirmed influenza was hospitalized when he developed respiratory distress, He had a fever, rash, and low blood pressure. S. aureus was isolated from his respiratory secretions. Discuss the relationship between his symptoms and the etiological agent

Clinical Application Question 1-3 for Chapter 22 on page 642.

1) A 1-year-0ld infant was lethargic and had a fever. When admitted to the hospital , he had multiple brain abscesses with gram-negative coccobacilli. Identify the disease, etiology, and treatment.

2)  A 40-year-old bird handler was admitted to the hospital with soreness over his upper jaw, progressive vision loss, and bladder dysfunction. He had been well 2 months earlier. Within weeks he lost reflexes in his lower extremities and subsequently died. Examination of CSF showed lymphocytes. What etiology do you suspect? What further information do you need?

A normal baby gained weight appropriately for 12 weeks. Then she stopped feeding. Her right eardrum was inflamed, she had a stiff neck, and her temperature was 40  degree C. Examination of CSF revealed Gram-negative coccobacilli. Identify the disease and treatment

Day 11 discussion Topic 2

What factors may cause forgetfulness in the elderly? When is this a cause for alarm?

primary care

need a serious tutor

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2 discussion questions for $12. HCA430 class

Discussion 1

Cultural Diversity in Healthcare

Read over the information in Chapter 3 of your course text. Provide a substantive 150 to 250 word initial post that fully answers the following questions:

  • How have the changing definitions of diversity affected healthcare management and the delivery of healthcare services?
  • What is the value of a culturally competent healthcare organization and its staff?  How would you measure cultural competence in your organization?
  • If you were in charge of an organization with low cultural competency and a highly diverse workforce, what programs would you implement for your organization and why?

Utilize at least one scholarly source, cited in correct APA format that supports factual statements and conclusions about the topic.

Discussion 2

Healthcare Ethics and Law

A woman arrives at a suburban emergency room in active labor. Both she and her husband speak very little English. The staff determines that the mother (and baby) is uninsured and unable to pay for healthcare services out-of-pocket. The baby is showing signs of distress and needs to be delivered. The on-call OB-GYN physician refuses to come to the hospital. He recommends that the patient be transferred to another facility.  Provide a substantive 150 to 250 word initial post that fully answers the following questions:

  • What ethical principles relate to this case scenario?
  • What legal principles relate to this scenario?
  • What might the legal consequences be to the health care organization if there is a delay in treatment?

Utilize at least one scholarly source, cited in correct APA format that supports factual statements and conclusions about the topic.