
Please see the attached. 150 Words minimum for each question. APA formatting for reference and citations.  Correct use of English grammar and punctuation is a must.

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Medical Billing

  • Please see attached document for questions.  150 words minimum for each question. APA reference and citation format. Correct English grammar and punctuation is a must.
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please do by Wednesday my topic is diabetes original work only will dispute if work is not original

Your paper should be 15 to 20 double-spaced pages in length excluding the title and reference pages. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Utilize at least 7 to 10 scholarly sources in your research. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

In your research paper:

  • Provide an introductory background of the selected research topic.
  • Describe the selected research topic, health-related state or  event. Describe the disease, disability, or chronic condition.
  • Describe the population at risk or affected by the disease, disability,or chronic condition.
  • Describe, in detail, the epidemiology of your selected health-related state or event (e.g.disease, disability,chronic condition)
  • Describe the occurrence, signs and symptoms, and control of your selected health-related state or event (e.g.disease, disability,chronic condition).
  • List the steps that might be used to investigate and address the disease or public health problem described in the selected research.
  • Using the information obtained about the disease or public health problem.
  • Describe an epidemiologic study type to investigate the selected research topic, case study, or event. You may recommend a study approach based on the circumstances around the outbreak or event.
  • Discuss how surveillance data, as well as monitoring and control measures, were, or can be, used to identify and characterize the disease or public health problem.
  • Describe and analyze the outcomes and results in the selected research topic, including interpreting epidemiologic study findings, if reported in the case study.

Submissions Details:

  • Name your document SU_PHE5015_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.
  • Submit your paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.



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ENG Mod 2 Discussion

We have all heard about the girl who wants to join the wrestling team and the boy who wants an Easy Bake Oven. Think about some of your earliest experiences with gender. Consider at school, extracurricular activities, your parents, your friends, etc. Discuss gender roles, stereotypes, myths, and/or controls in society that existed then and you see exist today. Do you feel that males or females have more or less “controls” placed on them by society? Is it fair? Do you believe that boys and girls/men and women should stick to the qualities, interests, etc., that society deems appropriate for their gender?

NSG 6101

For this discussion, you are asked to review the student learning outcomes for this course and discuss how you met these outcomes. The intention here is to provide you an opportunity to “reflect” on the learning achieved during this term and how you successfully met these learning outcomes. If you do not feel you successfully met the objective, discuss your plans to successfully complete the objective in the future.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Critically analyze current practice to formulate researchable problems.
  2. Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice. 
  3. Synthesize an understanding of the research process through development of a proposal to address a nursing problem or focus area identified in nursing practice.
  4. Investigate ethical issues related to the conduct of scientific research, including informed consent, data management, data analysis, and protection of human subjects.
  5. Explore national and international initiatives and research priorities.

____________This is a communication part that the professor posted for our information. i will put it here so it might help you for this paper. 

This week you will finalize and submit the research proposal. We also will review the importance of an evidence-based practice for the nurse in an advanced role and examine your success in meeting course objectives. As you reflect on the course objectives and the roots and application of research to practice consider your future role and how these concepts will apply to your practice. Understanding the elements of research will develop your skills in critiquing the research and translating it to clinical practice to improve clinical, educational, policy, and organizational outcomes.

As the last and final step in the research process, sharing the results of your research with your colleagues and the nursing community expands the practice knowledge on the selected topic. The three Ps offer the most common approaches to dissemination: publications, presentations, and posters.

The reflection question provides the opportunity to evaluate and reflect on the course outcomes.

  1. Critically analyze current practice to formulate researchable problems.
  2. Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice.
  3. Synthesize an understanding of the research process through development of a proposal to address a nursing problem or focus area identified in nursing practice.
  4. Investigate ethical issues related to the conduct of scientific research, including informed consent, data management, data analysis, and protection of human subjects.
  5. Explore national and international initiatives and research priorities.

This course has built on your research knowledge and you have learned advanced research concepts to assist in developing an evidence-based practice. In addition, you had the opportunity to develop a novel research proposal specific to your role specialization that includes an intervention appropriate to nursing practice. During this course you learned the systematic process of problem solving and the manner in which nursing research validates and establishes an evidence-based practice.

community 14

Psychiatric Care and Mental Health in the Community

Review the attached Power Point presentation.  Once done answer the following questions;

1.  What challenges have you encountered in working with patients with mental health issues? How do you feel these challenges will be different in a community health setting?  Would it be easier or more difficult and why?

2.  Discuss scenarios in which the community health nurses might encounter ethical issues related to mental health.  Give some examples and explain.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the discussion board title “week 14 discussion questions”.  You must used at least 2 evidence based references no older than 5 years besides the class textbook.  A minimum of 500 excluding the first and references page are required.

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APA, citation and references please 



The final project for NSG6101 consists of the development of a novel research proposal specific to your role specialization. The project must include an intervention appropriate to nursing practice and consistent with your MSN role option. An alternative to the above includes the selection of a specialty organization to focus research proposals based on the priorities of that organization. Examples of these organizations could include (but are not limited to): Sigma Theta Tau International, American Nurses’ Foundation, Oncology Nursing Society, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, American Psychiatric Nursing Association, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners, National League For Nursing, etc.

Throughout this course you have been developing various sections of the research proposal. This week you will assemble the final proposal (addressing faculty feedback). This paper is to be developed in APA format/style using the required template and not to exceed 8-10 pages (excluding title page/references/appendices).


  • Background and Significance of Problem
  • Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study

Literature Review

  • Summary of the Evidence for the Proposed Study

Research Question, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions

Theoretical Framework

  • Overview and Guiding Propositions(s) Described in Theory
  • Application of Theory to Your Study’s/Project’s Focus


  • Sample/Setting: Number and criteria for inclusion and description of place in which data will be collected.
  • Sampling Strategy
  • Research Design: Type (e.g., Quasi-Experimental), description, and rationale for selection. 
  • Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
  • Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
  • Description of the Intervention
  • Data Collection Procedures
  • Data Analysis Plans
    • Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
    • Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).

Ethical Issues

  • Describe ethical considerations and your plan to protect human rights.

Limitation of Proposed Study
Implications for Practice

  • Informed Consent Letter
    • Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).

Discussion Community

What challenges have you encountered in working with patients with mental health issues? How do you feel these challenges will be different in a community health setting?  Would it be easier or more difficult and why?

2.  Discuss scenarios in which the community health nurses might encounter ethical issues related to mental health.  Give some examples and explain.

Assignment 6

Personal Class Design Project – Part 1

Details: Complete this assignment according to the following:

1.Design a class that you would like to teach someday. The class must be at least 4 hours in length and must be multiple sessions. It can be four sessions of 1 hour each, or two sessions of 2 hours each, depending on your topic and target audience.

2.Begin by describing the institution that is sponsoring the class (e.g., academic, hospital, or community agency). Include the philosophy of the sponsoring organization and how that will affect the course you are developing.

3.Explain how you determined a need for this class (needs assessment).

4.Write a one-paragraph description of the class.

5.Identify the target audience.

6.Identify the learning resources you will use for the class (textbooks or other resources).

7.Write the program outcomes for the course and the learner objectives for each class session. Indicate which domains of learning are represented by each learner objective.

There is no predetermined length criterion for this assignment. It is intended that each student will develop a class that they can use in their selected area of education.

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