Nursing Post

Please respond to post.

300 words min, 1 min scholar source (no older than 5 years), APA.


As a health policy professional leader, communicating with lay audiences is an important skill in promoting the health of the community for master prepared registered nurses. Develop a concise position statement reflecting the research findings and recommendations by experts as they relate to workplace support for breast feeding mothers.




•What are typical pressures on the members of a group as they form into a new team?

•What qualities should a leader consider when building a team? How might the considerations be different when the team is built to deal with a crisis?

•What are examples of behaviors exhibited by three or more of your team members? To answer this, use the list in Figure 4.1, page 74 of the Levi text.  (PLEASE USE ATTACHED PHOTO FOR THIS!)

Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one reference other than the required readings.

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Assignment Instructions  Overview

What does it take to develop interprofessional collaborative teams?

Requirements  For this assignment, complete the following:

•Explain from a nursing perspective what is meant by the term interprofessional collaboration. (Do not simply copy a definition from a dictionary or other resource!)

•Describe the characteristics and qualities of effective interprofessional teams in terms of patient care and safety.

•Describe the benefits and limitations of interprofessional teams for health care organizations, members of a team, and patients.

•Identify the challenges of working in an interprofessional team.

•Describe strategies to help people come together to function effectively as a collaborative team.

•Explain how interprofessional teams define success. Consider how the definition might change based on the types of situations the team was formed to handle.

Your completed assignment should be 3–4 pages in length, not including title page and reference page. Support your statements with references to and citations for at least 3 scholarly and professional journals in APA format.

Be sure to follow APA guidelines for style and format. In addition:

•Include a title page and reference page.

•Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.

•Double–space your paper.

i need help in a medical project

I needed a medical research proposal and someone did it as a research paper which is written in past tense and has the results section which should not be part of the proposal.

If you know you can change this to a 12 page paper please let me know I will give you more details.

DQ 1 week3

 Principalism, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the lecture and topic readings in your response.

Intervention Project

Student will develope and intervention project plan aimed to demostration the application of theory/model to a behavioral problem. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model will be the center of the report. More information attached and example of a form students report as well

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Exercise Programming for individual activity prescription

Instructions      You are the Director of Coordinated School Health for a large school district. Michelle is a teacher who  is anxious to develop a healthy lifestyle by starting an activity program. She has completed her health assessment and has received clearance from her physician to begin an activity program. She has come to you to get recommendations on how to proceed. Results from her fitness assessment and physical are below.    You will develop an Individual Activity Plan that includes a Summary of her Health History and Identification of health risks based on outcomes of each of the assessments. You will calculate, present and explain BMI, Waist-to-Hip ratio, Heart Rate Training Zone and Ideal Body Weight –be sure to show the calculation for each. You will then develop an activity plan (using the FITT principle) that encourages both Cardiorespiratory and Muscular Strength/Endurance. Finally, you will identify possible barriers and supports for the activity plan and identify strategies that will help lead to success.

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