Community Health Promotion Project

For this assignment, you will compose a scholarly paper focused on health promotion for a population of your choosing. Your paper should be 6 to 7 pages in length and formatted in APA style.

Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the population you choose and analyze relevant information (demographics, socioeconomics, environmental hazards, and access to healthcare) pertaining to your chosen population.
  • Analyze and discuss the mortality and morbidity risk factors for your selected population. Discuss four health risk factors.
  • Suggest a health promotion activity for each health issue identified from your analysis.
  • Use course lectures, textbook readings, and three scholarly journal articles to support your findings and recommendations in relation to your chosen population.

On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format. You can use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources. You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

Leadership Paper

 In this assignment, you will research and locate a current journal article on nursing leadership styles. The article must be from a professional, peer-reviewed nursing journal published within the last 5 years; and then write a summary of your findings.

NRS-430V Week 3 Topic 3: Discussion Question 2

What factors need to be considered when determining whether or not identified actions are within the domain of nursing practice? Be sure to cite current literature in your response.

1-Samantha.Please Do A Comment Base In This Answer. APA Format( 260 Words At Least)

In the article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes”, it reports the interconnectedness between fear and health. High levels of poverty and a decreased sense of educational attainment is directly linked to interconnectedness between fear and health. It was reported that participants commonly feared cost of health care, language, discrimination, immigration status, and cultural disconnect.

First, it was reported that low economic status correlates with high uninsured rates. Economic insecurity is one prominent dimension of fear in relation to the financial burden associated with illness. It has been reported that people fear seeking health care with concerns of the cost involved (Practice, 2013).

Next, participants voiced strong concerns regarding discrimination that immigrants face on multiple levels on a daily basis. They feel that those lacking English- speaking skills are discriminated by health care. Participants report that discrimination often begins in the disapproval of the receptionist who makes them feel like a burden or ashamed of themselves (Practice, 2013).

Lastly, people fear their inability to discuss the fact that they use traditional remedies to cure health problems. Many people hide their alternative medicine routinely in the fear that their doctor will scold them (Practice, 2013).

I do agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity. Unfortunately, these are common fears in many people in the United Stated and I am ashamed that these are the fears related to health care. Many people go uninsured because of fears and only seek medical attention in a time of an emergency. Although, their emergency could have been prevented if they were not scared of seeking medical attention before the emergency occurred.


Paraphrasing And Academic Integrity

Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

As a scholar, knowing how to paraphrase is a critical skill when accurately reflecting a colleague’s ideas. Effective paraphrasing is used to articulate a source’s essential ideas but without directly copying the author’s words or phrases. This week’s Learning Resources will help you develop effective paraphrasing skills and avoid unintentional plagiarism.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to paraphrasing and academic integrity. Based on what you have learned from the week’s Learning Resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on paraphrasing and academic integrity with your colleagues.

To prepare for this Discussion

  • Read and Listen to the Learning      Resources on paraphrasing and academic integrity.
  • Reflect on your paraphrasing process      in relation to academic integrity. You may even choose to consider your      approach to this specific assignment in relation to summary and academic      integrity.

By tomorrow Wednesday 12/13/2017, post in APA format the level one headings below with at least 2 references from the Required Reading list below:

1) a 2-paragraph reflection on your paraphrasing strategy, including one strength as well as one opportunity for improvement. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply the effective summary concepts in this week’s Assignment.)

2) Be sure to address any strategies you may have to ensure academic integrity in your writing.

Required Readings

Walden University Writing Center. (2015i). Walden templates: General templates: APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from

Note: Please submit all assignments using the above mentioned APA Course Paper Template.

Laureate Education. (2015). [Infographic]. Effective Paraphrasing Strategies, Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Writing Center. (2016). Citations: In-text and parenthetical citations. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2016). Common reference list examples. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2015h). Using evidence: Incorrect paraphrasing. Retrieved from

Sharkey-Smith, M. (2014, May 27). Patchwork paraphrasing [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Required Media

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources video playlist [Video files]. Retrieved from

Note: View the entire playlist of videos on this web page. The approximate combined length is 5 minutes.

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing strategies [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing examples [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

Respiratory Disease Chart

Please use the example the instructor gave as a guide. Also it must be at least 3 bullets

How Do Spiritual Beliefs Impact Political Ideologies And The Policy Process? How Have They Affected The Health Policy Reform Process? Using Respectful Communication, Debate Your Response With Two Other Classmates. Give Examples And Support Your Reasoning

 How do spiritual beliefs impact political ideologies and the policy process? How have they affected the health policy reform process? Using respectful communication, debate your response with two other classmates. Give examples and support your reasoning with appropriate references.

Select an ethical dilemma related to health policy from the categories of moral values, professional regulation, health of individuals in society, or distributive justice. What are the controversies surrounding this issue? What are the opposing ethical pr

 Select an ethical dilemma related to health policy from the categories of moral values, professional regulation, health of individuals in society, or distributive justice. What are the controversies surrounding this issue? What are the opposing ethical principles? How has past or current health policy addressed this dilemma? Support your reasoning with reference citations.

Debate the question: "Is health care a basic right in the United States?" Answer this question through the lens of your role as RN. Support your response utilizing ethical theories and principles. Respond to two other classmates using respectful communica

Debate the question: “Is health care a basic right in the United States?” Answer this question through the lens of your role as RN. Support your response utilizing ethical theories and principles. Respond to two other classmates using respectful communication and solid reasoning. Support your response with appropriate references.

assignment #2

Hi, I need to correct this assignment based on what the professor commented, to decrease the plagiarism percentage. The due date is for tomorrow night. “Jorge, your TII is 58%. Please revise your paper by Monday at 11:59PM to obtain a lower TII as Dr. Moser has instructed. If your submission is not received then the zero will stand.

Thanks, ”

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