Role Of The Professional Nurse In Health Policy

Role Of The Professional Nurse In Health Policy

Write an assignment on the role of the professional nurse in health policy.

  1. Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health policy.
  2. Identify and articulate an action plan for nurses to increase involvement.

Submission Instructions:

  • The work is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The work is to be no shorter than 5 pages; nor longer than 7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page. Role Of The Professional Nurse In Health Policy
  • Your work  should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library (Links to an external site.) has a copy of the APA Manual).


Visit the American Nurses Association: Healthy Policy for more information:

Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy Guide Form 


This form is used to guide your paper on the role of the professional nurse in health policy. Please refer to grading rubric.


Points to Consider Comments
Introduction Write an introduction on the purpose of your paper.
Health Policy and Professional Nurse Provide a brief description of health policy and how it impacts professional nurses. Give at least one example.
Action Plan for Nurses Involvement Provide an action plan of how you, as a BSN-prepared nurse, can influence health policy:

·         Identifying a nursing practice problem (ex: staffing shortages)

·         Researching evidence-based interventions (ex: improving health, patient experience, reducing cost, etc.)

·         Networking (ex: joining a nursing organization, nursing committees, etc.)

·         Advocacy – (ex: writing to your community government officials, writing/meeting with policymakers, forming an advocacy group, etc.)

Conclusion Provide a conclusion summarizing all your main points and action plan.

Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy


Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy

Type your introduction here (and remove these instructions). Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is used. The best practice for a concise introduction is to (a) introduce the paper’s topic and establish its importance, (b) express a clear purpose statement for the paper (usually one that mirrors the assignment purpose), and (c) provide a mini-outline of the paper’s content in sentence format (often reflecting the Level 1 headings). See the American Psychological Association’s (APA, 2020) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) for further guidance in standard English writing style and formatting a professional paper.

Health Policy

Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately. Often the content can be guided by the assignment’s grading rubric and the assignment guidelines. The best practice for constructing a paragraph is to build each one using the MEAL Plan format. The four components of the MEAL Plan paragraph are (a) Main idea (only one per paragraph), (b) Evidence (scholarly reference citation, experience, etc.), (c) Analysis (discussion or explanation of the main idea and the evidence), and (d) Link (connect to the main idea, the paper’s topic, or the next paragraph’s content). Note that the Link component may not always be needed or used.

Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy

When required by the paper’s content or the assignment guidelines, use a level 2 heading to organize the ideas or material within the level 1 heading’s section. Each paragraph within the section should conform to the MEAL Plan format.


Action Plan for Nurses’ Involvement in Health Policy

When required by the paper’s content or the assignment guidelines, use a level 2 heading to organize the ideas or material within the level 1 heading’s section. Each paragraph within the section should conform to the MEAL Plan format.


Papers should end with a conclusion or summary. The assignment directions will specify which is required; if not specified, use the heading, “Conclusion.” The conclusion should be concise and contain no new information or details. The best conclusions will recap the paper’s purpose, reflecting the purpose statement in the introduction. Conclusions will also remind the reader of the paper’s organization (or mini-outline from the introduction). Typically, it will draw major conclusions from the body of your paper and summarize the importance of the topic.

No matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate page. In most Microsoft Word programs, you can insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will begin on a new page. One easy way to do this is to press “CTRL + Enter” simultaneously after the conclusion is finished.




Type your references in alphabetical order here using hanging indentions. See the APA (2020) Manual for reference formatting.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Note: An APA (2020) 7th edition reference has four ordered components: (a) author, (b) publication date, (c) title of work, and (d) source (the retrieval information for the work). If the author is the source, it is not relisted. Geographical locations are not listed. Hard copy sources without a doi or http addresses will not include these (See APA 7th edition listing above). Role Of The Professional Nurse In Health Policy