
Assisting A Patient With Cardiovascular Conditions

Assisting A Patient With Cardiovascular Conditions

Name: __________________________________________________



Assignment: Cardiac Clinical Reasoning


Data Collection:

Patient History



  1. What is the relationship of the patient’spast medical historyand his current medications?


Complete the table on page 2 for this patient’s home medications.

(2 points each = 8 pts total)


Classification: List the medication’s therapeutic and pharmacologicclassification that is appropriate to the condition from the patient’s medical history.


Indications: Of Mr. Hart’s homemedications listed in the table, identify the condition(s) that it is treating from this list belowfrom the patient’s medical history.There may be more than one answer. (In other words, why is this patient taking this medication?)

Assisting A Patient With Cardiovascular Conditions


Past Medical History for Mr. Hart:




Heart Failure




Myocardial infarction


Coronary Artery Disease






Medication a.    Therapeutic Classification

b.    Pharmacologic Classification of the medication


















































acetylsalicylic acid/aspirin






































Data Collection:

Patient’s Primary Symptoms, Vital Signs, and Diagnostic Tests






Patient comes to the clinic concerned that is experiencing episodes of chest tightness and a rapid heartbeat on exertion, has developed a persistent cough, and is increasingly fatigued with occasional dizziness. He reports that he is noticing shortness of breath on exertion with some chest discomfort and is becoming increasingly SOB even at rest. He has had to sleep with 3 pillows to keep from becoming SOB at night the last 2 weeks. He reports difficulty getting his shoes on the last month because of increased swelling around his ankles. He weighs himself once a week and today his weight has increased from 255 lbs. to 264 lbs. over the last 7 days.


  1. Which findings in this patient indicate Left-sided failure and which indicate Right-sided failure? (4 points)


Left-sided failure findings in this patient:


















Right-sided failure findings in this patient:



  1. Explain what is happening physiologically to this patient and how it is resulting in his symptoms. Be specific and complete.

(1 point)









  1. Of these patient’s reported signs and symptoms in his history and in the Nurse’s Notes, which3findings require the most immediateattentionby the nurse? (1 point)


_______ Weight gain


_______ Ankle swelling


_______Persistent cough


_______ Increasing fatigue


_______Irregular heart rhythm


_______ Chest tightness, Chest discomfort


_______ Shortness of breath on exertion and rest













  1. What is the relationship or clinical significancebetween this patient’s vital signs and theproblem of heart failure?

(a. and b. 3 points each = 6 points total).


RelevantVital Signs:




a. Heart rateand character

What is normal:






The patient’s data (rate, character):






b.  Respirations: Rateandlung sounds


What is normal:






The patient’s data:






Relationship or clinical significance to Heart Failure:

(What is causing the abnormality in thispatient? Or is it normal?)






























  1. What is the relationship or clinical significance between this patient’sdiagnostic test resultsandhisheart failure?

(a., b. c. and d = 3 points each= 12 total pts)


Diagnostic test results:


Clinical significance of these results and the relationship to the patient’s Heart Failure or to the patient’s symptoms:

(Why were these tests ordered? What do the tests reveal about this patient’s condition? What do the tests mean for this patient?)


a.  BNP


What is normal:



The patient’s data:






b. Ejection fraction


What is normal:






The patient’s data:










c. Troponins

What is normal:





The patient’s data:










































d.    Electrocardiogram:


Rhythm: Is it Regular or Irregular? ___________________________


P wave present (yes or no)? ______________________________________



What is the interpretation of this rhythm:








Identifying the problem

(2 points)


  1. Based on the data collection findings, the primary medical diagnosis for Mr. Hart is:


  • An exacerbation of heart failure.


The nurse notes the patient’s problems of activity intolerance and fluid volume overload.



  1. Based on the data collection findings, these symptoms are the result of a decreased:


Choose one


________ Blood pressure


_________Cardiac output


_________ Heart rate



  1. Understanding the primary physiological problem for this patient currently, the client is at highest risk of:


Choose one




________ Pulmonary edema


________ Myocardial Infarction



As evidenced by the patient’s:


Choose one


_______ EKG


_______ BNP level


_______ Troponins


_______ Chest x-ray





Collaborative Care/ Nursing:


(2 points)


  1. Of these potential nursing interventions, choose if the intervention is indicated at this time or non-essential (not necessary) or contraindicated for this patient.


Place an X or checkmark in the appropriate column. (1 point)



Nursing intervention Indicated Non-essential Contraindicated
Place client in Semi-Fowlers or high Fowler’s position  


Keep a water pitcher and ice chips at the client’s bedside


Reposition every 2 hours when in bed


Schedule activities with frequent periods of rest      


 Observe patient for nausea, anorexia, or visual disturbances      


  1. Choose one expected outcome for the patient problem. Not all outcomes will be used. (1 point)


Patient problem                                                                                                      Expected outcome


Activity intolerance__________                                                                a. Respiratory rate and oxygen saturation within normal range


Increased fluid volume_________                                                           b. The client performs activities without fatigue


  1. Intake and output equal with no peripheral edema


  1. The patient reports no dizziness when standing.


Collaborative Care/ Medical Management:



  1. What is rationale for the healthcare provider’s prescriptions? How is each order helping to resolve or address the problems associated with Heart Failure?

(a.- d., 2 points each = 8pts)



HCP Prescription Rationale for this order/ How it helps resolve or address primary problems associated with Heart Failure:
a.    Daily weights, I & O, anti-embolism stockings, fluid restriction a.







b.    The daily dose of eplerenone/Inspra b.






c.    The one-timestat dose of furosemide/Lasix








d.    The consult for possible cardioversion d.







(5 points)



  1. The patient is stabilized and ready for discharge.



  1. Explain the classification, purpose, and intended therapeutic effect of adding warfarin/Coumadinto Mr. Hart’s medications:


  1. Classification of warfarin and its purpose for Mr. Hart:




  1. In reviewing Mr. Hart’s medications, what must be brought to the attention of the HCP?





  1. Explain the classification, purpose, and monitoring required when adding digoxin/Lanoxinto Mr. Hart’s medications:


  1. Classification of digoxin and its purpose for Mr. Hart:






  1. What specifically is monitored by the nurse in a patient taking digoxin?











Evaluation, cont.




  1. Which statements by the client indicates that he understands the evidence-based follow-up activities and observations required to promote health and wellness, even with his chronic condition of heart failure?(1 point)


Select all that apply


            _________ “I will take a daily walk and rest as needed.”


_________ “I should add more leafy greens into my diet.”


_________ “I will eat my normal diet as long as I do not add table salt.”


________ “I will read the labels on all foods to ensure my diet in low in sodium.”


_________ “I will take a laxative to make sure that I have a bowel movement every day.”


_________ “I will contact my health care provider if I gain more than 3 pounds in a week.”


_________ “I may include red wine in my diet occasionally to prevent further damage to my heart.”


_________ “I will return to the clinic to have my blood checked for potassium and for my digoxin level.”


_________ “I will check my radial pulse every day and hold my heart medication if my pulse is below 65.”


_________ “I will weigh myself once every week on the same scale and at the same time to monitor for changes.”