
Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet

Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet

Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet

Review the guiding organizations from the Guiding the Future of Nursing activity and reflect on the expectations for a BSN-prepared nurse. Whether you have been in practice for years or are just starting your career as a nurse, learning should never stop. As you remember from the College of Nursing Philosophical Framework, lifetime learning is one of the tenets of becoming a nurse leader.


Identify the competencies and essentials you need to develop. Select:

  •   2 competencies from Pre-licensure KSAs on the QSEN Competencies page
  •   2 essentials from the AACN The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice 
Complete the table below by doing the following:
  1. In the second column, identify the competency or essential you need to address.
  2. In the third column, identify specific knowledge, skills, or attitudes (KSAs) you need to develop, and cite your source. 
 QSEN citation hint: Per the QSEN Competencies web page, the competencies were taken from another source, which is cited in footnote 2. The page number in the example below was taken from the primary source.
  3. In the fourth column, describe how you will develop yourself and give yourself a timeframe.
  4. In the fifth column, explain why this improvement is important to your development as a nurse. 
 Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet

Note: An example has been provided for you in the first row.

NSG/302 v2

Guiding Entity Competency/Essential Needed KSAs Improvement Plan Importance

QSEN Pre- licensure KSAs

Example: Evidence-based practice Example:

Knowledge: “Describe reliable sources for locating


I will learn how to evaluate sources using the University


In order to base practice decisions in evidence, I have


Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet NSG/302 v2 Page 2 of 4

Guiding Entity Competency/Essential Needed KSAs Improvement Plan Importance
    evidence reports and clinical practice guidelines” (Cronenwett et al., 2007, p. 124). Library’s Evaluate Sources tutorial at aluating_sources/ in 14 days or less. to first understand how to find good, credible information.
QSEN Pre- licensure KSAs Patient-centered Care Recognizing and knowing the cultural differences of each patient and their social background and their values when it comes to healthcare and the healing process (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Within seven days, I will learn to communicate by using the guidelines and information provided on QSEN. By knowing how to approach and provide care individually, the patients will feel respected and valued. I will learn to provide patient- centered care to an individual that they will feel safe and that they are part of the decision when it comes to their care. To provide self-centered care, It is essential to know the patient’s values, beliefs, cultural background, and readiness to learn to get better. Understanding how they approach or value health care, I’ll be able to provide better and more effective care to my patients.
QSEN Pre- licensure KSAs Safety Reduces the risk of harm to every patient and provider and delivers care effectively (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Within two weeks, I can learn how to identify the risk factors that can contribute to patient safety. By identifying errors, I can safely communicate to others how to avoid possible dangers that might occur when safety measures are being put aside. There are many resources that I can use to learn and get information, for example, the QSEN study material and the university library. As a nurse, I always need to prioritize the safety of my patients. Safety is paramount; many guidelines need to be followed when providing care. By valuing the safety protocol of hospitals or facilities, I can prevent patient harm from happening.


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Guiding Entity Competency/Essential Needed KSAs Improvement Plan Importance
The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Clinical Prevention and Population Health Health promotion, disease, and injury prevention across the lifespan are essential elements of baccalaureate nursing practice at the individual and population levels (AACN, 2008, pg 23). The knowledge that I need to know on promoting health and disease prevention can help make a difference in the community. Assisting individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations in preparing and minimizing the health consequences of emergencies, including mass casualty disasters, is a skill needed to help improve the health of individuals or communities. Also, caring with passion will have a positive effect A month from today, I will develop skills that can be very helpful to provide disease prevention and health promotion. I will focus on studying how to improve disease prevention and how to deliver this message to the member of the community. Teaching about handwashing, vaccinations are just a few examples that I can do by myself to share knowledge with others. Knowing how to prevent some illnesses is essential knowledge that a nurse should have. As a nurse, I can help the community or individuals avoid the spread of infection and avoid getting or catching it, for example, being up to date on vaccination, teaching the importance of handwashing, wearing a face mask. With this knowledge, I can make a difference in the community.
The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Professionalism and Professional Values Professional values and the associated behaviors are foundational to the practice of nursing (AACN, 2008, pg. 26). The inherent in professional practice is an understanding of nursing practice’s historical, legal, and contemporary context (AACN, 2008. pg 26.) It is essential to know the Within seven days, I will provide care with compassion and delegate appropriate work to other healthcare teams to provide care promptly. It is not easy to delegate sometimes, especially when you have an overwhelming workload. But, I plan to have good time management to provide care Professionalism in healthcare is vital because, as a nurse, we deal with so many circumstances. Nurses have to act professionally when communicating with patients and the patient’s families. Professionalism comes with accountability, meaning we are in a profession where we are


Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet NSG/302 v2 Page 4 of 4

Guiding Entity Competency/Essential Needed KSAs Improvement Plan Importance
    patients and how to approach a patient or family. Different cultures require different approaches, so knowing their backgrounds is necessary. Having accountability and professionalism will result in a positive patient-nurse relationship and better health outcomes. fast and safely. accountable for our actions. Showing professionalism has a positive effect on the person around us. Nurses gain trust and respect in their work by how they look, talk, and provide care. As a nurse, gaining trust from the patient and family is very important, and this trust is difficult to attain without showing professionalism.


Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner J., Disch, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., … Warren, J. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Nursing Outlook, 55(3)122-131. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2007.02.006

The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. (2008, March 20). The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).