
Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet

Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet

Need a 500 word paper on Christian worldview pertains to the way Christians see the world, their relationship to God, and how they interpret interactions with their environment. In what way did you incorporate your Christian worldview into your work with the DPI Project? Support your position with evidence or scripture.

My DPI project was: Educating patients on the use of a DASH diet to help lower their blood pressure.  Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet


Endothelial dysfunction has been recognized as a pathophysiologic mechanism in the progression of heart failure (HF). However, little attention has been given to the ability of dietary approaches to improve endothelial function. This study examined the effects of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on endothelial function, exercise capacity, and quality of life in patients with chronic symptomatic (stage C) HF. Forty-eight patients were randomized to follow the DASH diet (n = 24) or the general HF dietary recommendations (n = 24). Endothelial function was assessed by measuring large and small arterial elasticity (LAE and SAE) at rest. Exercise capacity (measured with the 6-minute walk test) and quality of life (measured with the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire) at baseline and 3 months were also evaluated. Patients were older adults with an average HF duration of 5 years. LAE at 1 month improved significantly in the DASH diet group (P < 0.01). Overall LAE and SAE scores at 3 months also improved; however, the net changes were not statistically significant. The DASH group had better exercise capacity (292 m vs 197 m; P = 0.018) and quality of life scores (21 vs 39; P = 0.006) over time, while sodium intake levels at 1, 2, and 3 months were comparable between the groups. Adhering to the DASH diet improved arterial compliance initially and improved exercise capacity and quality of life scores at 3 months. The DASH diet may be an important adjunctive therapy for patients with symptomatic HF. Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet

Heart failure (HF) remains a leading illness responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in the United States. Current HF treatment guidelines provide no specific recommendations for dietary intake. Patients with HF typically follow dietary guidelines for prevention of coronary heart disease. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), a carbohydrate-rich and low-fat diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, has been formally adopted into the 2013 dietary guidelines for cardiovascular risk prevention. Endothelial dysfunction underlies pathophysiologic mechanisms in the progression of HF and may be an important therapeutic tool in the management and prevention of HF. Several components of the DASH diet may be partly responsible for its salutary effects and influence on endothelial function. This study examined the effects of the DASH diet on endothelial function, exercise capacity, and quality of life in patients with chronic symptomatic (stage C) HF. Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet


A single-center randomized controlled study was conducted. Patients were randomly assigned via a computerized assignment log into the DASH diet regiment or the comparison group, which required patients to follow the general HF dietary recommendations for 3 months. The study comprised 48 stable patients with chronic symptomatic (stage C) HF from the outpatient adult HF clinic at Advocate Christ Medical Center between February and July 2013. Institutional review board approval was obtained in January 2013. The study duration was 6 months. Inclusion criteria included adults over 18 years of age with stage C/New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classes I–III and systolic or diastolic HF for at least 6 months. The patients were taking recommended medications for HF. Exclusion criteria included serum creatinine >3 mg/dL, allergy or intolerance to components of the DASH diet, chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting gastrointestinal absorption, inability to perform the 6-minute walk test due to severe musculoskeletal disease, and dependency on using a walker or a cane for ambulation Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet.