
Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study

Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study


G.G. is a 62-year-old white male with a 15-year history of CAD and hypertension. He had an anterolateral MI 2 years ago. He also has a history of hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal insufficiency. His father died of sudden cardiac death at age 44, and his mother died while undergoing a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) at age 68. His hypertension is treated with hydrochlorothiazide and verapamil (Calan), and he takes metformin (Glucophage) for control of his diabetes and atorvastatin for his high cholesterol. He is a current cigarette smoker with a 45 pack-year smoking history and drinks a beer almost daily. He is 5’10” tall, weighs 209 pounds, and does not regularly exercise. He tries to watch what he eats, but he travels a lot as a computer consultant, and it is difficult to maintain a healthy, diabetic diet when he is out of town Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study.


He presents to the Emergency Department with chest pain not relieved with NTG, associated with N & V.

  1. Indicate whether the risk factor is modifiable or non-modifiable.
  1. Based on G.G.’s clinical manifestations and health history, which diagnostic tests would best confirm or rule out myocardial damage?
  1. He is diagnosed with having a STEMI, what should be included in his plan of care?
  1. Based on the ECG below which coronary artery is considered the culprit lesion?
  1. Create a nursing care plan for this patient Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study.