
Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper

Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper


For this discussion, we are going to further explore your topic of interest and begin drafting the paper.  In the last two modules, you thought about a possible topic and found an article related to this idea.  You sketched out a critique of the article as well, so you should have a good handle on it.

You will build upon these two to create an introductory section and thesis suitable for a research paper.  Research papers normally begin with providing context and highlighting the importance of their research.  Sometimes that includes providing statistics, sometimes it includes a concrete definition taken from the literature that serves as the operational definition for the paper.  This is usually a paragraph or two Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.


*****The whole first section should build up to the thesis for the paper.  Your thesis should not be written in the first person and should convey the direction of your future paper.

*******Finally, in the last section, you will bring your first source – the article you critiqued – into your paper.  This section should NOT be a copy of your article critiqueCondense this information into one or two paragraphs.  Be sure to relate your interpretation back to your thesisHow does this article support your thesis or how does this article conflict with your thesis?  Provide the details necessary for the reader to see why this article is important.  Be sure to cite the information in APA format for both in-text and as part of a references page.

Write these ideas within your discussion post.   DO NOT SUBMIT AS A WORD DOCUMENT (you may craft this in word but cut/paste your writing into the discussion board for posting).  As a discussant in this board, you should provide substantive feedback on the quality of the writing, the clarity of the thesis, and the integration of the first source as support for this thesis Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.

Article Critique Assignment

Please download this sheet page or copy and paste this entire page into a MS word document. Once in Word, write your answers to the questions IN THAT DOCUMENT-you can take up as much space answering as you’d like. Be thorough, so your instructor knows that you understand it, but do not use phrases or paragraphs from the study. USE ONLY YOUR WORDS – paraphrase everything and try to keep it short (do not rewrite the entire article).

To provide me with context, please copy and paste the abstract for your chosen article into this word document.  In addition, include the APA-style reference below and then upload this single document (including Abstract, Reference, and Responses to the questions) to the drop box with your name in the title of the file. Please pay close attention to what you are being asked to address in your critique.

Due Date:

This assignment is due on or before Sunday 11:59PM ET.

Helpful Hints:

Select an article you are comfortable with and understand well to complete this assignment. 

Copy and Pasted Abstract here:

Despite weak theoretical grounding and ample research indicating women feel high levels of decision rightness and relief post-abortion, claims that abortion is inherently stressful and causes emergent negative emotions and regret undergirds state-level laws regulating abortion in the United States. Nonetheless, scholarship does identify factors that put a woman at risk for short-term negative post abortion emotions—including decision difficulty and perceiving abortion stigma in one’s community—pointing to a possible mechanism behind later emergent or persistent post-abortion negative emotions Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.

APA-Style reference here:

Rocca, C. H., Samari, G., Foster, D. G., Gould, H., & Kimport, K. (2020). Emotions and decision rightness over five years following an abortion: An examination of decision difficulty and abortion stigma. Social Science & Medicine, 248, 112704.

Response to the Questions:

  1. What the author said:
  2. What is the central question addressed by the article? What is the study’s hypothesis?

The study’s central question is what are the emotional and decision rightness experiences of post abortion over a period of five years?

  1. Briefly (but thoroughly) outline the procedures the author used to test the hypothesis. Also

                pay attention to the sample.

The authors used longitudinal data. They collected the data one-week post-abortion and semi-annually for women who aborted. The data was collected over five years from 30 facilities between 2008 and 2010. The authors evaluated the participants’ emotions and feelings that abortion was the right decision. 667 women participated in the study

  1. Using your own words, succinctly summarize the major findings of the study.

First, the authors did not find evidence supporting that, women who had aborted experienced negative emotions or regretted their actions. Secondly, the analysis results showed that positive and negative emotions weakened after the first two years of abortion while decision rightness remained high. Many of those who aborted believe that they had made the right decision. Five years after the abortion, women experienced varied feelings such as anger, sadness, guilt, happiness, and regret.

  1. What major conclusions does the author draw from these findings?

Emotions about abortion are based on individual and social context and not the procedure itself.


  1. Integration and evaluation
  2. Assessment: Do you think the author’s conclusions are valid (both internally and externally), reliable and reasonable? Provide an explanation. How do these conclusions relate to the methods used to test the hypothesis? Specifically, address the following:

Yes, the author’s conclusions are valid internally and externally. Use of large sample size and studies from different facilities reduces the bias and make the findings representative of the entire population. Longitudinal study method adds to the construct validity of the article. It also statistically valid because the authors used different both descriptive analyses and happy and guilt scales.

  1. Integration: How does this research article fit into your research project? Does it support your project hypothesis? Does it support other literature you are reviewing?

The article fits into my project in that it discusses the emotional experiences of women after abortion. I am focusing on abortion and its effects Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.


  1. What Questions Remain? Are there important issue this article does not address or resolve? How do these issues relate to your research project? Be specific.

First, the researchers did not inquire from the participants about the reasons that informed abortion. Secondly, the authors only explored the emotional effects abortion has on women but failed to discuss how it affects other aspects such as relationships. These issues relate to my study because I want to approach the topic holistically Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.