
Grand Nursing Theory

Grand Nursing Theory


In this assignment, you will identify a grand nursing theory used in a research article and a middle-range nursing theory used in a research article. You will examine how each theory was applied within the research study and then analyze the utility of grand and middle-range nursing theories to advance the discipline of nursing and its impact upon your advanced nursing practice.


Assignment Details

Introduce the reader to the content of this paper with an introductory paragraph.
Provide general background information about grand, middle and practice theories.
Examine a research article in which a Grand Nursing Theory was applied in the research. Describe how the theoretical concepts and propositions were used.
Examine a research article in which a Middle Range Nursing theory was applied in the research. Describe if the theory was used as a descriptive, explanatory, predictive, or prescriptive theory in the research.
Explain the importance of theory to your advanced nursing role and how research informs and advances the discipline of nursing.

Grand Nursing Theory