
Health Policy Brief -Assignment

Health Policy Brief -Assignment

Below is the link for the Health Policy:

Purpose: This assignment is for you to prepare a policy brief. The assignment engages you in learning about an issue and to accurately – and in a non-biased fashion — identify the policy and political issues that are central to that topic.

Guidelines: Health Policy Brief -Assignment

· You will select a current healthcare related bill

· Review the resources provided regarding preparing a one-page policy brief.

· You will prepare a one-page health policy brief, often referred to as a one-page


leave behind.

· Your design format does not have to be exactly like any of the samples provided but must contain the same information.

· For the purposes of this assignment, you will assume the role of a group of registered nurses (should you decide that this is important to include in your brief).

· Your audience will be your senator and local delegate that you will be meeting with (hypothetically) soon.

· The sections must be divided by headings, as you will see in the examples.

· You may single-space.

· The brief should be visually pleasing and easy to read.

· You may want to Include bullets instead of lengthy paragraphs.

· Try to stick to only one or two references. There are to be in APA format (you may single-space.

*This is a sample layout. You can decide on your own design and even headings, as long as this information is provided. Health Policy Brief -Assignment

Title: Name and number of Bill


· Statement of the Issue/Problem (aka introduction). This should be a brief (2-3 sentence) describing the issue.

· Begin with a brief overview of the policy issue and state the

problem you hope to solve or the objective you hope to achieve.

· Map where your argument will take the reader and explicitly

outline your thesis/key point.

Background & Evidence 

· An explanation of the problem and its significance.

· Briefly explain the history of the policy issue.

· Persuasively outline why your policy recommendation(s) will solve the problem or achieve the objective you highlighted in your introduction.

· Use evidence from research studies, case studies, legislative experiences of other jurisdictions, reputable polling/surveys and other sources to support your perspectives and advance your credibility.


· List recommendations about what you want your senator and delegate to do.

Reference(s) (of your information) Health Policy Brief -Assignment

Fighting the Opioid Epidemic: Access to Naloxone in Virginia Schools HB 2318: Naloxone; Possession and administration by school nurses and local health department.

Overview of Policy

• The Naloxone bill was first introduced to the house on January 08, 2019 and was sponsored by Virginia House Delegate John McGuire.

• The bill involves school nurses, local health department employees and other school board employees or school board contracted employees.

• This bill allows properly trained school health officials to have Naloxone on hand and administer it when individuals in their care show signs and symptoms of opioid overdose.


• The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that “Opioid Use Disorder is a problematic pattern of opioid use that causes significant impairment or distress” (CDC, 2017).

• It is estimated that between 2009 and 2014, approximately 2.1 million children “lived with at least one parent who specifically had a prescription drug or illicit drug use disorder” (Lipari and Van Horn, 2017).

• The school system in the country plays an important role in the participation of the opioid awareness and prevention within the communities (USDE, 2018).

• From 2015 to 2016, Virginia experienced 34.7% increase in drug overdose deaths (CDC, 2018).

• In 2017, the government “declared the opioid crisis a national public health emergency” (USDE, 2018)Health Policy Brief -Assignment.



Evidence • The first health professional that responds to

school emergencies is the school nurse. • It is difficult to identify an opioid overdose, but

it is important to not delay treatment in case of doubt (CDC, 2019).

• If promptly used, intranasal naloxone can help to prevent drug overdose deaths (Rando et al., 2015).

• The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) published a position statement in support of school nurses having access to naloxone in June 2015.

• States that have passed legislation to address the opioid epidemic in their schools include:

Delaware House Bill No. 388 (2014) Maryland Senate Bill No. 1082 (2017)

West Virginia Senate Bill No. 36 (2017) New Jersey House Bill No. 1830 (2018)

Recommendations  We recommend the bill be passed due to the Opioid epidemic in our country that does not discriminate

against age; affecting young people in our school systems.  Nurses already possess the education and training needed to properly assess for signs and symptoms of

suspected opioid overdose.  After providing sufficient training, school employees and health department personnel should have access

and be able to administer Naloxone to individuals in their care.

References Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). Overdose Prevention. Retrieved from Health Policy Brief -Assignment Lipari, R. N., & Van Horn, S. L. (2017). Children living with parents who have a substance use disorder. The CBHSQ

Report: August 24, 2017. Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

National Association of School Nurses. (2015). Naloxone use in the school setting: The role of the school nurse (position statement). Silver Spring, MD: Author. Rando, J., Broering, D., Olson, J.E., Marco, C., Evans, S.B. (2015). Intranasal Naloxone Administration by Police First

Responders is Associated with Decreased Opioid Overdose Deaths. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 33(9), 1201-1204 Health Policy Brief -Assignment.

United States Department of Education (2019). Combating the Opioid and Other Substance Misuse: Schools, Students, Families. Retrieved from Health Policy Brief -Assignment

Rose, Donna L.
This could have been combined into one bullet
Sticky Note
Yes, you are saying that in the information above. What do you want the legislator to do? Be straight and to the point here. You are asking him/her to support bill……..
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Be clear; are you asking for the legislator’s support?
Sticky Note
These last 2 bullets are really background not a recommendation

Points were deducted in the recommendation area. Because recommendation # 2 is actually background information not a recommendation Health Policy Brief -Assignment