
Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply


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Post One:

Developing a hospital emergency management committee is the first step to make a good disaster plan for the hospital. Most of the hospitals have a management committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide direction and feedback for the emergency management plan. There are some challenges by the scope of their responsibilities, the size of the committee, and other similar issues. The Committee is usually chaired by the Program Manager. The structure reflects the healthcare facility’s organization and response operations.


The purpose of the hospital emergency management committee is to address the environment of care issues, report to the multidisciplinary improvement team, conduct their business more effectively and efficiently and explore contentious issues or perform complex tasks, such as developing an EOP Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply.

The members of the hospital emergency management committee are 1) the hospital administration:- The director/principal/dean/head of institution/medical superintendent. 2) Member/members from the hospital management board. 3) The chiefs/heads of various clinical departments supporting the emergency services. 4) The heads of various ancillary departments like radiodiagnosis, blood bank, and laboratory services. 5) The finance department. 6) The stores and supplies department. 7)The hospital engineering department. 8)The public relation and liaison office. 9) The head of security of the hospital.


Emergency Management Committee. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Post Two:

Structure of the Hospital Emergency Management Committee

Hospital Emergency management committee for hospital K is a group of twenty representatives from different departments that are involved in formulating strategies and initiatives all focused on ensuring adequate preparedness of the hospital to respond to risks. The committee involves different expertise to contribute to developing an operational emergency plan. The committee has a meeting once in every month that is mandatory to all representatives, and in case a representative can’t make it attend, an alternate representative should attend. A hospital emergency manager is the chair of the committee and has full authority over the committee and will always coordinate with policymakers. The structure of the committee comprises of clinical, local community members and non-clinical officers. All members are expected to seek education on effective responses to emergencies Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply.

Purpose and responsibilities

The goal of the hospital emergency committee is to help the hospital to develop a plan to mitigate, act and recover from threats. The committee is responsible for analyzing to determine the risks that may alter hospital operations and offer useful recommendations to stop the risks. Also, it will examine initiatives in the emergency department to ensure they mitigate and reduce the impacts of possible threats. The committee also is responsible for analyzing the report after a threat has occurred to determine the cause and the respective department performance involved in the risk and recommend changes to prevent similar occurrences. Also, it will initiate and develop training programs to the individual staff such as security, communication among others to ensure their preparedness. Also, the committee is responsible for conducting annual reviews to existing emergency policies and make recommendations that are further passed to the policy group for approval.

Members who will be in the Emergency management committee

The committee comprises of members from diverse departments in the hospital all intending to establish a cohesive emergency plan. The reason for their availability is to offer collaborative support from their expertise and give their concerns and interests that are essential in developing the plan. Community representatives will also be present to enhance a plan that is all around. The members will be from;

Senior leadership positions



Operating officer

Medical officer


Human resource

Legal department

Hospital security

Communication Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply

Hospital safety

Community representatives from the fire department

Non-governments organization of the local area


Public health officer

Lab technician

Intensive care unit officer

An officer from the burns department

An officer from the surgery department

A pediatrician from Trauma service



Reilly, M. J., & Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health care emergency management: Principles and practice. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Public Health Emergency. (Feb 14, 2012). Establishing the Healthcare Coalition Emergency Management Program (EMP). Retrieved

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply