
Introduction And Problem Statement

Introduction And Problem Statement

Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement Introduction And Problem Statement


Assignment Prompt

The assignment will be broken up into three steps: STEP 1 – Introduction and Overview of the Problem; STEP 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOT Formatted Clinical Project Question; and STEP 3 – Literature Review and Critical Appraisal of the Literature. The three steps, when completed, will be combined in the final Signature Assignment formal paper in Week 8.

This week’s assignment is STEP 1 – Introduction and Problem Statement.

First, the student will select a clinical question from the Approved List of PICOt/Clinical Questions  Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.


  1. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment
  2. Introduction – Provide an introduction to your topic or project. The introduction gives the reader an accurate, concrete understanding of what the project will cover and what can be gained from the implementation of this project.
  3. Overview of the Problem – Provide a synopsis of the problem and some indication of why the problem is worth exploring or what contribution the proposed project is apt to make to practice. Introduction And Problem Statement



Initial Post:

APA format with intext citations

References: at least 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

Approved Clinical Questions For PICOT Development List


Implementing a clinical practice protocol/guideline for the management of [hypertension or disease] in [the homeless or population/clinic type] Introduction And Problem Statement


Developing a clinical protocol to prevent [community acquired pneumonia or disease] in [vulnerable populations] in primary care


Identifying barriers to [diabetic treatment or disease or health promotion] adherence in a community primary care clinic


An educational program to improve [influenza and/or pneumococcal or type] vaccination rates among [population]


Evaluation of an intervention protocol to improve adult vaccination rates among [older adults or population]


Primary care providers’ adherence to treatment guidelines for the management of [Type II diabetes or disease] in a [rural or type] clinic


The implementation of a clinical protocol to identify and manage [COPD or disease] in [the working poor or vulnerable population or setting]


Evaluation on implementing [smoking cessation or disease prevention/health promotion] primary clinic in long-term care


Improvement of screening rates for [sexually transmitted diseases or disease prevention targets] in a primary care clinic


Implementing a peer review process in a primary care clinic or setting


The effectiveness of implementing the [Geriatric Depression Scale or standardized assessment instrument] for the treatment and management of [depression or disease] in primary care


Evaluating the use of computer reminder systems for providers to improve treatment guideline adherence in [community care or setting]


Screening for mild cognitive impairment in a primary care setting



Primary care provider practice patterns for the treatment and management of [pain or disease] in [older adults or population]


Effectiveness of obesity management strategies in [working adults or population] with [cardiac risk factors or disease] in primary care


The impact of the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner’s role in a healthcare home model


Identification of perceived barriers to care of [women or population] seeking treatment for [depression or disease] in primary care


Culturally sensitive care for [Asian Americans or population] seeking treatment for chronic [hypertension or disease] management in primary care


Barriers and facilitators to implementing a culturally sensitive clinical protocol in [Hispanic men or population] with [prostate cancer or disease]


Evaluation of [cost or type] outcomes of a primary care model that includes a psychiatric-mental health care nurse practitioner overlay service


Development of a [cardiac or disease/type] risk profile to identify high risk [women or population] in primary care


Effective [ADHD/Other] Screening of Children in the Primary Care Setting


Reducing BMI of Overweight and Obese [Children or population]: Evidence-Based Approach


Expedited Partner Therapy: An Option in the Treatment of [Genital Chlamydial Infection or other STI]


Effectiveness of the Use of Insulin [pens/pump]: An Analysis of the [Hispanic adult or population] Patient’s Satisfaction and Outcomes


An Effective Plan to Reduce Polypharmacy in a [State Prison or Long-term Care Facility]


The Role of Reminder Cards and Telephone Follow-Up on Office Visits on Adherence of Patients with [T2DM or other chronic diseases]


Effects on A1C among Insulin Managed Diabetic Patients following an Electronic, Patient-Centered, Feedback System: An Evidence-Based Practice


The Effect of Language in the Delivery of Care in [Home Health or other community settings]


The Effect of Culture and Eating Habits on [Childhood or population] Obesity in [the United States or state]


The Effectiveness of [Basic Daily Monitoring or other intervention] for [Elderly or population] with Heart Failure to Reduce Hospital Readmission


Adherence to Diet and Exercise to Reduce Hyperlipidemia in [Adults or population]


Evidence-Based Practice in Management of Acute Otitis Media: Topical versus Systemic Treatments


[Walking 3x/week or Other exercise activity] for 45-minutes Reduce Blood Sugar levels in [African- Americans or population] with Type II Diabetes


Implement a [Brisk Physical Activity or other activity} to Improve BS Levels in [Women with GDM or population]?


Asthma Treatment in Pediatric Patients: Spacer versus Conventional Inhaler


Concurrent use of Probiotics during Antibiotic Therapy Reduce the Incidence of Developing Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea


The Role of Nurse Practitioner in the [Breast Cancer Risk Assessment or other Assessment] on [Hispanic Women or populations]


Brain Exercise Reduce the Cognitive Decline in Patients with [Cognitive Decline or population]


Measuring the Effectiveness of 5-2-1-0 every day to Reduce Obesity in [Children or population]


Spiritual Care: The Missing Link in Health Care Among Patients with [Advanced Cancer in Palliative Care or population]


Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioner’s Home Visits in Improving Patient Adherence in the Management of [Hypertension or population]

Nurse Practitioner’s Focus Patient Education to Prevent Complications of [Pre-eclampsia or population]


Providing Education to [Reduce Hb1Ac or Other measures] in Adherence with Current [Diabetes or other chronic diseases] Guidelines


Utilization of Nurse Practitioners in the [Emergency Department or other Community Settings] on Patient Satisfaction, Provider to Patient time, and Length of Stay


Use of NP-led Triage Orders in Emergency Department for Early Patient Discharge


Screening of Patients with Drug-Seeking Behaviors in [Emergency Department or other Community Setting]


Developing an Education-based Approach to Increase Awareness on [Prostate Cancer or other] Screening


Reducing [HPV or another preventable disease] Incidences with Vaccination among the [Latino Population ages 11-­26 in the United States or population]


Evaluate the Effectiveness Of Post-Discharge Follow-Up Among [Congestive Heart Failure or high-risk population] Patients on Reduction of Hospital Readmission, Improve Quality Of Life, Medication Reconciliation, Self-Care Skills and Coordination of Care During Transition to Home [Other]


Primary Care Provider Practice Patterns for the Identification, Treatment, and Management of [early onset sepsis disease or other diseases] in [pediatric or populations]


Evaluation on Implementing and Follow-up with Health Screening Guidelines [Colonoscopy or other Screening] in a Primary Clinic or other Community Setting


Primary Care Provider Practice Patterns for the Treatment and Management Follow-up after UC or ED visit in [older adults or population]


Barriers and facilitators to implementing a culturally sensitive clinical protocol in [refugee men or population] with [depression or other chronic diseases]