
Personal Leadership Philosophies

Personal Leadership Philosophies



The Assignment (2-3 pages):Excluding title page and reference page at least 4and not more 5 years)

using formal APA writing convention, using the 7th Edition APA

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Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: Personal Leadership Philosophies

  • A description of your core values.
  • A personal mission and vision statement.
  • An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
  • A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen.
  • A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.


I am attaching me CliftonStrengths so you can answers


colleagues’ feedback :Thanks for taking the time to post your strengths to the discussion. I noted you homed in on strengthening your strategic ability as it is essential to prepare for the future while creating a stable and positive work environment (Wake Forest, 2022). Here are four ways to strengthen your strategic ability: ask strategic questions, observe and reflect, consider opposing ideas, and embrace formal training (Stobierski, 2020). Can you think of any other ways to enhance your strategic ability skills?


Stobierski, T. (2020). Harvard Business School Online. Four ways to develop your strategic thinking skills.

Wake Forest (2022). Five essential leadership skills for health care professionals.

StrengthsFinder assessment is described as a personal development tool that offers one the opportunity to evaluate and assess their top five strengths and perhaps help pinpoint significant areas that need some improvement. It also allows members working as teammates to see each other’s perspectives, an aspect that promotes a better understanding of our values, strengths, and traits that propel us towards achieving our short-term and long-term objectives Gallup, 2019). Upon conducting my StrengthsFinder assessment, I can say that the results generated indicated that my core values included the ability to hold the highest level of integrity and being responsible in all I do both at work and at individual or personal level. Personal Leadership Philosophies

Having the core values like integrity is one of the critical drivers of success in any workplace. It fosters an open ad positive work environment where each and all members feel free to share their ideas that could be used as insights for decision making. Worth mentioning is that having integrity as one of my core values is beneficial in the sense that I will always work towards becoming better and better each and every day. It also plays a key role in establishing solid professional relationships and aspects that provide a thriving ground for building a better reputation and being considered the admirable and most reliable individual in the workplace and society. Another core value is being responsible in all I do (Jenny Garrett., 2019). To be successful, one needs to own both success and failures under the departments or teams they lead. I will be working towards improving and strengthening these two core values, that is, integrity and being responsible, by progressively associating with people of integrity, standing up for what I believe, and ensuring to apply principles of morals and ethical standards in all I do. Personal Leadership Philosophies

As for my strengths that need to be strengthened as per the strengthFinder assessment, I would have to say that I need to improve my strengths, such as being an Arranger and Strategic person. With the ever-changing situations and dynamics of the business we do today, it is essentially good for one to be a good arranger who can often make re-adjustment of existing plans to fit new phenomena that require a professional approach through critical thinking to ensure that things are done in the correct way with minimal or no additional cost or with no time wastage. As an arranger wish to work on the ability to fit in many situations that might be challenging in order to get things done right and in the best way. I also need to s strengthen my strategic ability, which goes hand in hand with being an arranger. This will help me develop a meaningful way of achieving my objectives without being deterred by the complexity of the impending challenges (Gallup, 2017).




Gallup. (2017, October 27). Strengths and values: Talking values with the ones you love. Retrieved from

Gallup. (2019, September 21). What are the 34 CliftonStrengths themes? Retrieved from

Jenny Garrett. (2019, February 12). 5 top tips to develop your integrity. Retrieved from