
Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper

Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper Uploaded November 24, 2020 (click or copy and paste)

On the next page, you’ll use writing templates to complete Project One. You’ll be given a scenario in which you need to use your knowledge of statistics to create a memorandum (or memo) to effectively and clearly describe a data set. Your memo should contain three sections: Introduction, Conclusions, and Discussion.


The Introduction section should be only a few sentences long. In your introduction, you should provide the purpose of the research project that you plan to discuss. (The purpose is to support non-profit organizations in obtaining donations.)


The Conclusions section (your findings) should include the key main points that you want to convey to non-profit organizations. Each key point should be a sentence or two in length. Be sure to support all of your findings using the data you’ll provide in the Discussion section. It may be helpful to write up your findings after you complete the Discussion section Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper.


The Discussion section should include your data and summaries using the General Social Survey (GSS) data set within the following subsections: main analysis, recommendations, and limitations.

Main Analysis

This is the body of the analysis. Analysis is the use of the data to provide actionable results to help the organization make informed decisions.

The analysis contains the specifics of your project, including descriptions of the quantitative and qualitative data and a summary of the frequency distributions of the quantitative and qualitative data.

In the Main Analysis section, you will use graphs to represent the data and summaries. Be sure to include titles and numerical references (for example, “Figure 1: Education Level of Respondents”) to the graphs. Your summaries should make specific reference to each graph that you have included in your memo (for example, “see Figure 2”) Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper .



This is the “Now what?” part of the memo. In this section, you’ll write a paragraph or two discussing what action you believe the non-profit organization should take based on the findings of your project. Although you will not be the one to make these decisions, the organization will want to know what you think it should do next. The organization will likely appreciate smaller recommended actions, but if you believe that larger actions are warranted, consider breaking them down into smaller steps.


What are the limitations of your data and summaries? For example, if the data is incomplete or the sample size is small, you should bring that to the attention of the organization. Including this section supports your understanding of the context of your project.

Now that you’ve learned a little bit about Project One, it’s time to use writing templates to complete and download it on the next page Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper.