
Public Health Trends Educational Brochure

Public Health Trends Educational Brochure

You have been asked to create an educational handout for incoming employees of a healthcare organization to ensure that they fully understand the impact of public health trends on disparities. The handout should include visual elements and text that address public health’s history of influential trends and the issue of disparities, an explanation of the relationship between health trends and disparities, and a spotlight section that uses a specific public health trend to analyze its impact on public health and to address its disparities, contributing causes, and possible interventions. Public Health Trends Educational Brochure


The recommended length of your educational handout is 2 pages. It should include at least two images that are appropriate for the topic. Your text should be between 12- and 16-point font to ensure that it is readable. You should also be considerate of the population that you are targeting by using appropriate vocabulary, design, and tone to convey your points. Be sure to address the following in your handout:

  • To begin, develop an appropriate title and choose an appropriate image to display.
    • Note: All images used in your handout should be free from copyright restrictions.
  • Describe five public health trends that occurred in the last 100 years that have been instrumental in public health advancements or achievements.
  • Explain how public health trends are related to disparities that exist locally, nationally, and globally.
  • Select and spotlight one of the previously described public health trends/achievements/advancements, and explain how it informs public health.
  • Analyze the disparities within the trend.
  • Analyze what contributes to the trend and disparities, including social determinants of health.
  • Recommend a strategy to address one or more disparities.
  • Provide at least three references cited in the most current version of APA format.

Public Health Trends Educational Brochure