
The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report

The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report

Module Eight Assignment Guidelines

Overview: This assignment will allow you to consider ways to deliver the results of an assessment in an ethical and strength-based manner. You will be using the results from a previous assignment and transforming them into a transcript that could be used with a real-life client.

Prompt: Before you begin this assignment, revisit the short paper you wrote for Module Five, in which you analyzed the results of Bob’s intelligence and achievement testing. Specifically, you identified his strengths and weaknesses related to the WRAT-4 and WASI-2. Elements of your paper included Bob’s  The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report


strengths and weaknesses, how his strengths and weaknesses applied to his overall functioning, and suggestions or recommendations for him.

For this assignment, you will be using the elements from that paper and turning them into a written or verbal transcript, as if you were delivering the results to Bob in real life. This must be done in an ethical manner, with the client’s best interests at the forefront of the delivery. You will be providing a review of the

results in layman’s terms, using strength-based and nonjudgmental language and focusing on the summary of results, the use of strength-based language, the summary of recommendations, and an accurate portrayal of the findings.

Your assignment must be submitted as a written transcript, an audio recording, or a video. There is no The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report

Page requirement or time requirement for this assignment as long as all critical elements are visited. Remember that your intended audience is Bob and not your instructor, so remember to speak directly to

Bob when delivering the results. You should use the terms “you,” “your,” and “yours.”

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Summary of Results: Results from Module Five Short Paper are summarized in a manner that is organized and ethical.

II. Use of Strength-Based Language: Appropriate, ethical language is used to speak to the patient.

III. Summary of Recommendations: Recommendations from Module Five Short Paper are summarized in a manner that is organized and ethical.

IV. Accurate Portrayal of Findings: Results and recommendations are accurately portrayed to the patient.

The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report articulates Bob’s scores in the Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT-4) AND Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence 2 (WASI-2). In relation to the WASI-2 test, Bob’s Full Scale IQ Score (FSIQ-4) was established to be average. Average scores in the subscales of this test show that the individual shows performance or intellectual abilities that are normal relative to the peers of similar age. Such scores show that the individual should be able to exhibit what is considered normal intellectual performance. Bob’s ability in most of the subscales are average, including his Verbal Comprehension Index, his knowledge of English word definitions and verbal reasoning abilities, his Perceptual Reasoning Index, as well as his nonverbal problem solving abilities. However, Bob’s score in visual spatial skills fall within the low average range. This presents his first weakness. This means that Bob has weakness in positioning himself properly when confronted by differing interfaces. For example, when exposed to different visual environments, he may not perform as other peers of his age. The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report

On the other hand, the WRAT-4 test is used to evaluate fundamental academic skills (Keat & Ismail, 2011). There are specific subscales in this test where Bob exhibits average performance as compared to how his peers of the same age would perform, these include his Word Reading (standard score of 99), sentence comprehension (standard score of 93), and his Reading Composite (standard score of 95). However, Bob’s standard score of 78 in Spelling falls within the borderline range which suggests that he is more likely to perform much worse than his peers. This is clearly a weakness for Bob and reflective of a potentially poor performance in English word spelling tasks. Another weakness for Bob manifests in his Math Computation (standard score of 83). This means that Bob will most likely perform worse as compared to his peers, especially on tasks involving increasingly complex mathematical problems.

As already mentioned, an average score in the subscales of both WASI-2 and WRAT-4 show that Bob depicts normal intellectual ability in relation to his peers. These may not be characterized as strengths because a strength is a subjective characterization. Bob had to depict an ability of above average or higher in any one of the scores to achieve this characterization. However, it is clear that he has weaknesses in specific areas, especially those that require visual-spatial processing skills. Because Bob does not have any strength that can be distinguished from the average scores discussed above, this analysis will outline how his weaknesses may potentially affect his overall functioning. Bob’s comparative scores in the two areas of nonverbal abilities show that he may struggle among his peers. The WRAT-4 has outlined his weaknesses in both spelling and math computation. These weaknesses will definitely affect his functioning in academic environments. This is because spelling and math computation appear repetitively in numerous academic areas. This disadvantage may see him struggle in an academic environment and potentially perform lower than his peers.

Based on this analysis, there are some recommendations that can be advanced to Bob to help his situation. To begin with, there are specific behavioral interventions that can be instituted to help individuals sharpen their visual spatial skills. This can be recommended for Bob to help him improve his abilities in this competency. Additionally, it is possible to improve his spelling skills by embracing behavioral activities that sharpen this particular competency. Similarly, there are specific mathematics interventions that can be used on Bob to improve his computational skills (Codding, et al., 2007)The Sample Intelligence-Achievement Report.


Codding, R. S., Shiyko, M., Russo, M., Birch, S., Fanning, E., & Jaspen, D. (2007). Comparing mathematics interventions: Does initial level of fluency predict intervention effectiveness? Journal of School Psychology, 45(6), 603-617.

Keat, O. B., & Ismail, K. B. (2011). The relationship between cognitive processing and reading. Asian Social Science, 7(10), 44.