
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test capstone Discussion Paper

Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test capstone Discussion Paper

Week 4 Discussion Capstone 3

Review the video “Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test” and review the Laerd Statistics web page on the use of this test for paired samples when ordinal data are used.

Explain the statistical testing you will use to analyze the data for each outcome variable for each of your programs.  List each outcome that you will be evaluating and indicate which variables you will use in the statistical analyses.

If your evaluation compares different groups (either a control group or a different treatment group), what additional statistics will you need to run in addition to examining differences between pre- and post-test scores? Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test capstone Discussion Paper



Laird Statistics (2013).  Wilcoxon signed-rank test using SPSS statistics. Retrieved from

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in SPSS Statistics – procedure, output and interpretation of output using a relevant example.Step-by-step instructions on how to run a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test in SPSS Statistics using a relevant example. This guide shows you the procedure as well as the output and how to interpret that output.

*Notes: Avoid first person verbiage and write in third person, no direct quotes, and do not give possession to in-text citations or inanimate objects.

Your initial post with at least two peer reviewed references or one peer reviewed reference or textbook reference is due by Wednesday with three peer responses (two peer responses if you attend Keiser Live Session!) with at least one peer reviewed reference or questions each by Saturday if you expect to receive full credit for peer responses.

Week One Capstone 3 Discussion

Data analysis begins by first setting variables in states that they can be analyzed in order to draw valid conclusions. Different analysis software may require different database setups that can ease running analysis. In this study a database was developed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Several types of variables were included and the correct state of variables was ensured to ease analysis Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test capstone Discussion Paper. The database for this study consists of the following;

1. Participant ID number.

2. Program ID.

3. Group

4. Age

5. Sex

6. Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale – Child (SCASChild) assessment instrument.

7. Addiction Severity Index (ASI) assessment instrument (pre and post).

8. Assessment instrument totals for remaining assessment instruments (pre and post).

Some challenges were encountered during setting up the database. The variables were too many and requires a lot of time and attention to ensure all of them are captured correctly. Most of the variables utilized by this study required variable coding in SPSS. This can cause misinterpretation if not done carefully to ensure that labels represents exact value as required. Some of the variables require transformation which may pause a challenge getting the right code to perform the task.

Three items were used in this study. Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale – Child (SCASChild) was used to determine children anxiety for participants with ages between 3 and 11. The assessment instrument consist of 42 items used to determine level of anxiety in children (Spence, 2017). The assessment instrument had 4 levels 0) Never, 1) Sometimes, 2) Often and 3) Always. The second item used was Addiction Severity Index (ASI) that determines drug abuse for adults aged 65 and above (Clark, 2021). The instrument had 13 items (D1 to D13) and 5 levels, 0) Not at all, 1) Slightly, 2) Moderately, 3) Considerably and 4) Extremely Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test capstone Discussion Paper.


Spence, S.H. (2017). Structure of anxiety symptoms among children: A confirmatory factor analytic study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106(2), 280-297.

Clark, V. (2021). Implementation of the Addiction Severity Index Screening Tool (Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University).



Spence Children Anxiety Scale, Addiction Severity Index And 10 Panel Urine Test

Description of Instruments

Three instruments enabled development of this database. The Spence Children Anxiety Scale (SCAS) was utilized to determine anxiety levels of children (Orgiles et al., 2016). The instrument consists of forty-four items with the following levels each.

0) Never

1) Sometimes

2) Often

3) Always.

Addiction severity index (ASI) was also utilized to determine drug abuse for elderly people (McLellan et al., 1997). The items used run from D1 – D13. The scores were in five levels.

0) Not at all

1) Slightly

2) Moderately

3) Considerably

4) Extremely

A 10-panel urine test was also conducted for the elderly prior to self-report (McLellan et al., 1992). The items of test were cannabis, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Benzodiazepines, Opioids, Barbiturates, Phencyclidine, Quaaludes, Propoxyphene and Methadone.



Orgiles, M., Fernandez-Martinez, I., Guillen-Riquelme, A., Espada, J. P., & Essau, C. A. (2016). A systematic review of the factor structure and reliability of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale. Journal of Affective Disorders190, 333-340.

McLellan, A. T., Cacciola, J. S., & Zanis, D. (1997). The addiction severity index lite. Center for the Studies on Addiction, University of Pennsylvania/Philadelphia VA Medical Center.

McLellan, A. T., Kushner, H., Metzger, D., Peters, R., Smith, I., Grissom, G., … & Argeriou, M. (1992). The fifth edition of the Addiction Severity Index. Journal of substance abuse treatment9(3), 199-213 Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test capstone Discussion Paper.