Define autosomal dominant

BIOLOGY 1301CH 10 Study GuideWho was Gregor Mendel and what is his significance in genetics? Be THOROUGH.One trait can ___________ or obscure another. The trait that is masked can be considered ______________ and the one masks another trait can be considered _______________. Page189Create Punnett squares for a monohybrid cross and give the ratios- similar to what is shown on page 192for a cross of a short individual (tt) crossed on another short individual (tt), cross of a heterozygous individual (Tt) crossed on a heterozygous individual (Tt), two healthy carriers of cystic fibrosis (page 194)Define genotypeDefine phenotypeDefine homozygousDefine heterozygousDefine monohybrid crossDefine testcross. Be able to apply this theory using Punnett squares.State Mendel’s Law of segregationState Mendel’s Law of Independent assortment.Explain the names of generations including P, F1 and F2. Page 191How many phenotypes do we get from blood types ? page 201Define alleleDefine epistasisWhat is the genotype AND phenotype ratio of a heterozygous dihybrid cross? Page 195Why do recombinant chromatids have a mix of maternal and paternal alleles? Page 197Explain crossing over and how this may affect the distribution of alleles in gametes. Page 197Define linkage mapDefine homozygousDefine heterozygous____________ pairs of chromosomes look alike and have the same sequence of genes in the same positions. Meaning the alleles may be different yet the genes they code for are the same. Each chromosome has many genes yet each chromosome carry one ___________ for each given trait. In humans alleles for each trait are inherited one from the __________ and another from the _________. Page 188Define barr bodyDefine hemophilia AFemales have _________ X ___________ whereas males have ________. The ________ chromosome plays the greatest role in determining human sex. Most sex linked disorders are carried on the ________ chromosome and expressed in __________. Females tend to be ___________ of the gene. Page 201/202Define autosomal dominantBIOLOGY 1301CH 10 Study GuideWho was Gregor Mendel and what is his significance in genetics? Be THOROUGH.One trait can ___________ or obscure another. The trait that is masked can be considered ______________ and the one masks another trait can be considered _______________. Page189Create Punnett squares for a monohybrid cross and give the ratios- similar to what is shown on page 192for a cross of a short individual (tt) crossed on another short individual (tt), cross of a heterozygous individual (Tt) crossed on a heterozygous individual (Tt), two healthy carriers of cystic fibrosis (page 194)Define genotypeDefine phenotypeDefine homozygousDefine heterozygousDefine monohybrid crossDefine testcross. Be able to apply this theory using Punnett squares.State Mendel’s Law of segregationState Mendel’s Law of Independent assortment.Explain the names of generations including P, F1 and F2. Page 191How many phenotypes do we get from blood types ? page 201Define alleleDefine epistasisWhat is the genotype AND phenotype ratio of a heterozygous dihybrid cross? Page 195Why do recombinant chromatids have a mix of maternal and paternal alleles? Page 197Explain crossing over and how this may affect the distribution of alleles in gametes. Page 197Define linkage mapDefine homozygousDefine heterozygous____________ pairs of chromosomes look alike and have the same sequence of genes in the same positions. Meaning the alleles may be different yet the genes they code for are the same. Each chromosome has many genes yet each chromosome carry one ___________ for each given trait. In humans alleles for each trait are inherited one from the __________ and another from the _________. Page 188Define barr bodyDefine hemophilia AFemales have _________ X ___________ whereas males have ________. The ________ chromosome plays the greatest role in determining human sex. Most sex linked disorders are carried on the ________ chromosome and expressed in __________. Females tend to be ___________ of the gene. Page 201/202Define autosomal dominant