These three steps: commitment by leadership development of a culture of safety and the use of process improvement tools are the core recommendations made by Dr. Chassin the president of The Joint Commission and the president of the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare.

These three steps: commitment by leadership development of a culture of safety and the use of process improvement tools are the core recommendations made by Dr. Chassin the president of The Joint Commission and the president of the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare. A first step in identifying whether these recommendations are being met is to compare elements of an organization to criteria which have been identified as essential to high-reliability organizations. To prepare for this Assignment: Consider the three steps described by Dr. Chassin and the seven major criteria of the Baldridge Performance Excellence Program and reflect on how these recommendations can apply to health care organizations specifically to long-term care facilities. The Assignment: In this Assignment you will identify major elements of high-reliability organizations providing long-term care. According to the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (MBNQA) the criteria are as follows: LeadershipStrategic planningCustomer and market focusMeasurement analysis and knowledge managementHuman resource focusProcess managementBusiness/organizational performance results Using the Highly Reliable Organization Matrix located in this weeks Learning Resources complete the matrix by typing in the elements which meet the criteria in rows and columns. Describe each element briefly give an example as to how this can be met in a long-term care facility and explain the expected impact on patient care. Based on the results of the Highly Reliable Organization Matrix write a 1- to 2-page executive summary to the board of directors of the long-term care organization describing elements which meet the criteria from the matrix and how any missing elements of the criteria for excellence can be met. Review the following resources to prepare for this weeks Assignment: Hayes C. W. Batalden P. B. & Goldmann D. (2015). A work smarter not harder approach to improving healthcare quality. BMJ Quality & Safety 24(2) 100102. Retrieved from A work smarter not harder approach to improving healthcare quality by Hayes C. W. Batalden P. B. & Goldmann D. in BMJ quality & safety 24(2). Copyright 2015 by BMJ drafting Group Limited. Reprinted by permission of BMJ drafting Group Limited via the Copyright Clearance Center. Hearld L. R. Alexander J. A. Shi Y. & Casalino L. P. (2014). Pay-for-performance and public reporting program participation and administrative challenges among small-and medium-sized physician practices. Medical Care Research and Review 71(3) 299312. McKethan A. & Jha A. K. (2014). Designing smarter pay-for-performance programs. JAMA 312(24) 26172618. Ryan A. M. & Mushlin A. I. (2014). The Affordable Care Acts payment reforms and the future of hospitals. Annals of Internal Medicine 160(10) 729730. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2015c). Baldrige performance excellence program. Retrieved from Schoenberg M. Heider F. Rosenthal J. Schwartz C. & Kaye N. (2015). State experiences designing and implementing Medicaid delivery system reform incentive payment (DSRIP) pools. Retrieved from Highly Reliable Organization Matrix Criteria for Performance Excellence* Inpatient Skilled Nursing Ambulatory Care Public Hospitals Private/Not for Profit Leadership Strategic planning Customer and market focus Measurement analysis and knowledge management Human resource focus Example: The staffing ratio of nurses to patients is lower in highly reliable health care organizations. Process management Business/organizational performance results * Reference: Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)