Hello, I would like you to write on Malaria as a global health issue in Cameroon. Please donot not write in bullet for. The outline below is a guide of what is to be covered in the paper. Pleas just link the paragraphs following the outline below.   This assignment is part two of the three part paper assignment. After students select a specific issue pertaining to a low-income country, they are required to write about the issue. In this part of the assignment, students should introduce the health issue of the selected country including its significance and relevance to global health. Students should utilize the content covered in the course and conduct additional research to inform about the issue, its impact, systems and social determinants of health that influence its outcomes, its impact on the global disease burden, demographics affected, etc.). This paper should be a maximum of 2 pages. Papers should be thorough, complete, and thoughtful to indicate that you have read, examined, and can apply the concepts in the readings.Assignment 1, Part 2 Outline 1)      Introductiona)      Brief description of the health issue selectedb)      Significance/prevalence of the selected health issue in the country selected 2)      Impacta)      Influence of social determents of health for topic/countryb)      Influence of culture for topic/country medical decision making/health care/etc.c)      Influence of the country’s health system & policies on the identified health issued)      Impact of this issue on global healthe)      How the selected issue impacts current and future global health care needs.

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Rubric Name: Assignment #1: Part 2 – Global Health Issue Paper – Health Issue

      Criteria(24-30 points)
Describes the country and clearly provides justification for selecting this county(16-23 points)
Describes the country, provides limited justification of selecting country(8-15 points)
Incomplete description of the country, provides justification for selecting country, does not clearly state why(0-7 points)
Does not describe the country, no justification or for why the country was chosen(47-60 points)
Clearly explains the influence of social determinants of health for the topic/country, how culture impacts decision make in healthcare , the impact of the issue on global health(31-46 points)
States the influence of social determinants of health for the topic/country, some information on the impact of culture, lacking some detail on the impact of the issue on global health(15-30 points)
Minimal information on the social determinants of health for the topic/country, little information on the impact of culture, little information on the impact of the issue on global health(0-14 points)
Little to no information on the social determinants of health for the country/topic, little to no information on the impact of culture, and/or lacking information on the impact of the issue on global health(9-10 points)
Excellent use of APA in formatting and referencing. Excellent spelling and grammar throughout the paper. Excellent organization and easy to read.(6-8 points)
Few (1-2) APA and referencing mistakes. Some spelling and grammar errors. Generally well written and easy to read. Minimal organization problems(3-5 points)
Some APA and referencing mistakes. (more than 2) Some spelling and grammar errors. Generally well written and easy to read. Minimal organization problems(0-2 points)
Many APA, spelling, and grammar mistakes throughout the paper. Difficult to read with very little organizationOverall Score