HIM445 Wk3 Ashford university Customer service and critical pathways

HIM445 Wk3 Ashford university Customer service and critical pathways

Critical Pathway

Using the Gantt chart and timeline developed in Week Three for your clinic, determine the critical pathway. What are the factors that contribute to the critical pathway? Identify tasks that could be done simultaneously and if so redo the Gantt chart in preparation for the Final Project. If you cannot identify any tasks that could be done simultaneously, explain why.

Part 1 Assignment

Customer Service

By Day 1 of Week One, your instructor will assign each student an option. Assume you are working on a project to improve customer service. Create a Pareto chart based on the information in the assigned option. Use the Pareto chart template (available in the online classroom) or use Excel to produce a Pareto chart that looks like the Pareto chart in Chapter 8 of the course textbook. Include three detailed actions to take to address the customer complaints.

Option 1:

Customer Complaint Frequency/Week
Customer is on hold too long 41
An appointment is not available within 48 hours 35
Wait time in the exam room exceeds 20 minutes 98
Co-pay amount is incorrectly calculated by staff 75

Option 2:

Customer Complaint Frequency/Week
Signage is difficult to follow within the facility 120
Hallway service is difficult to walk on between facility sections 89
Walls and baseboards are dented, scraped or otherwise marred 57
Soap and/or paper towels not available in bathroom 15

Option 3:

Customer Complaint Frequency/Week
Customer is on hold too long 95
Customer gets transferred to the wrong area or cut off 25
Service rep cannot answer customer’s question 125
Service rep does not follow through as promised 45

Option 4:

Customer Complaint Frequency/Week
Room temperature is too cold 70
Room temperature is too hot 45
Room is not clean 35
Sheets are stained/have holes 95

Part 2 of assignment

  • Includes the Pareto chart with title, X and Y-axis labels, and the line chart to show cumulative percentage. A sample Pareto chart you may use is available in the online classroom.
  • Includes three detailed actions to take to address the customer complaints and includes the rationale for the priority of the actions.


  • Must be two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.