​Research the scholarly journals or Internet for a deeper understanding of Virtualization

​Research the scholarly journals or Internet for a deeper understanding of Virtualization

ISEM542 – Homework Module 2
Research the scholarly journals or Internet for a deeper understanding of Virtualization.
1. What did you discover as the challenges to using Virtualization?
2. Is there user acceptance – good or bad? Please explain.
3. Give a least one example of a potential implementation or use for Virtualization.
4. Give a least one example of an application or place where Virtualization does not
work or seem appropriate.

Submit a MS Word document that contains each of the deliverables listed above. Format
your document in APA standard, including a TITLE page, an Abstract or Summary, and


any references your group used for the project.
Follow the guidelines of the template you built in the beginning of this class.
Use of APA standard footnotes and references are required. You can use
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/1/ for more information on APA
standards. MS Word has the ability to format and preserve references. Here is a YouTube
video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyCexGBT_5o that may help. Here is another
reference your group may find helpful in order to accomplish the APA formatting
Upload the document in the MS Word format. No ZIP or compressed files please.Research the scholarly journals or Internet for a deeper understanding of Virtualization. 1. What did you discover as the challenges to using Virtualization? 2. Is there user acceptance – good or bad? Please explain. 3. Give a least one example of a potential implementation or use for Virtualization. 4. Give a least one example of an application or place where Virtualization does not work or seem appropriate.