APA format, No plagiarism, Video Reflection-4 questions, 3 Refrences

APA format, No plagiarism, Video Reflection-4 questions, 3 Refrences

Module C Information: Course video: http://sonmedia.ttuhsc.edu/weaver/rnbsn/ Helpful site: Review the following websites regarding the HCAHPS/CAHPS process: https://www.ahrq.gov/cahps/about-cahps/index.html Reflection Questions (Watch the video first): 1. What is one thing I would do differ


ently as the nurse in this scenario? 2. How can the scenario affect patient satisfaction? ( https://www.ahrq.gov/cahps/aboutcahps/index.html ) 3. What were you thinking as you watched the scenario? 4. How would you apply this scenario to your practice setting? *Please use a minimum of three scholarly and peer-reviewed references no greater than 5 years old. (exemplary on grading rubric) NURS 4347 Reflection Questions Grading Rubric Criteria Content Content in the posting is accurate, relevant to the assigned question, and demonstrates student learning related to the video. Word count is 150 words minimum (per question). Exemplary Proficient Competent Content is accurate, relevant and the topics were discussed indepth. Content demonstrates student learning related to the video content. Content meets the required word count of 150 words each. All four questions were answered. Content is accurate, relevant to the topic and demonstrates student learning. Content meets the required word count of 150 words each. All four questions were answered. Content is accurate, and relevant with minimal discussion of the topic as it relates to the video. Content meets the required word count of 150 words each. All four questions are answered. Substantial Areas for Improvement Content is not accurate or Content is not relevant to the topic or Student does not integrate the video content into the topic. Unsatisfactory Content is not accurate and Content is not relevant to the topic And or Student does not integrate the video content into the topic. One or more responses are missing from the four required questions. And 150 word count is not met Or 150 word count is not met. OR No assignment posted (zero points) 55 points 46 points 37 points 28 points 10-0 points Comments/Feedback Evidence Ideas are supported by student conducted research using the required number scholarly sources (at least two). References are current (within 5 years). Utilized more than two sources and all sources are current (within 5 years), peerreviewed and scholarly. Utilized assigned number of sources (at least two); all sources are current (within 5 years), peer-reviewed and scholarly. Utilized assigned number of sources (at least two; some sources are not current (within 5 years) peerreviewed. Did not use assigned number of sources Did not use assigned number of sources Some sources are not peer reviewed No sources are peer reviewed Some sources are not current (within 5 years) No sources are current (within 5 years) *Must cite personal communication as specified in APA manual* No sources used in assignment (zero points) Scholarly Presentation 15 points 13 points 11 points 9 points 2-0 points Thoughts are well organized in paragraphs. Thoughts are well organized in paragraphs with no more than four total errors. Thoughts are well organized in paragraphs with no more than eight total errors. Thoughts are organized in paragraphs with no more than twelve total errors. Sixteen or more total errors Organization Errors Sentence Structure Errors Word Choice Errors Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation Errors Random order of content Incomplete sentence Use incorrect word or acronym Misspelled words No errors. Examples of Errors Wrong tense Paragraphs less than three sentences Ineffective paragraph structure APA Examples of Errors Run-on sentence Missing words Use of words that are informal/ unprofessional Incorrect pronouns Lack of subject/verb agreement Incorrect or missing punctuation Ineffective sentence structure 15 points 13 points 11 points 9 points 2-0 points No Errors No more than 1 APA formatting errors noted. No more than 2 errors No more than 3 errors Four or more errors Cover Page Errors .Running Head/Pagination Errors Heading Errors Citation Errors Incorrect font Running head missing Running head missing Not centered Cite first author and et. al. in the first citation when there are 5 or fewer authors Reference Format Errors Running head not correctly formatted or missing information Running head not correctly formatted Page numbers missing Other information not centered on page Page number on cover page missing Item of other information missing Page numbers not on top right Concepts missing headings Missing title or heading Missing author Cite all authors after the first citation Extra author information Cite title instead of author Missing date Cite publication instead of author Extra date information Cite book editor(s) instead of chapter author(s) Incorrect font All words of title capitalized Capitalize “of” and similar words in publication title Abbreviate publication title Indent first line Fail to indent second line and after Single spaced 15 points 13 points 11 points 9 points 2-0 points Total Grade: PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is considered cheating and is a violation of academic integrity as outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who plagiarizes any portion of the assignment may receive a grade of zero on the assignment. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended deadline, ten points will be deducted per day if submitted late. Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero).
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