Intro to Healthcare Law

Intro to Healthcare Law

Complete the following, no plagiarism no copy and paste

Review your readings from the previous sections and compose an essay analyzing what role ethics plays in various areas of the health care industry, and why it complements the State and Federal regulations established to protect patients, physicians, and providers. Attempt to address many of the terminology and concepts discussed in the class such as, but not limited to:

• Insurance

• Compliance

• Patient consent

• Licensing

• Duties of Care

• Medicare


• Security, accessibility and confidentiality of data

• Clinical Research

• Ethical Review Committees Research two health care organizations in your area to see if they have codes of ethics or conduct.

Note if they address general principles or if they are specific about ethical decision making? Reference any case studies that you come across in research. Remember to utilize a minimum of 4 to 5 academic resources other than your course textbook. The paper must also:

• be 7-8 double spaced pages in length not including the reference section or cover page

• The final page must be a Reference List that is completed according APA style

• include an APA cover page that includes the following: 

Name 

Name of paper 


Instructor’s name 

Name of class 

Date submitted 

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement 

Must conclude with a re-statement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph

Your essay should use terminology, ideas, and concepts from the text chapters. Your responses will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate the knowledge that you have gained from reading your assigned chapters and your ability to apply that knowledge.