Principles of Management

Principles of Management

Complete the following discussion, no less than 250 words no plagiarism no copy and paste

Based on this week’s readings and your own work experience, discuss the following:

In the introduction to Chapter 10, Daft mentions CEO Tony Hsieh’s bold transformation of online retailer Zappos into what is called a Holacracy. The Harvard Business Review article “Beyond the Holocracy HYPE” also address this organizational culture and structure change.

Could you thrive in a Holocracy? State your position and reasons for assuming that position.

Complete the following discussion reply no less than 150 words no plagiarism no copy and paste


I feel structure is very important in the work environment. However, times are changing. . I have had numerous managers and have taken certain issues to them, but ended taking care of things myself because they were either too busy or not able to help me. I have also had issue where I was not trusted to do certain projects and this prolonged the project. Zappos made a big decision implementing holacracy. Holacracy is a form of self-management that confers decision power on fluid teams, or circles and roles or than individuals. Zappos had employees leave because they were not in agreement with this new plan. This is usually what happens sometimes because you have those that cannot adapt to change well. For some change is difficult because they are not able to work alone. I think more companies are slowly starting to adopt this idea. We have so much new technology now. I think some managers would love to step back and let teams work individually.

I think I would thrive in a holocracy working environmentI have mentally trained myself to work a certain way because the company I work for a company that allows working from home and lots of business travel. Upper management are hardly there.My team usually works independently. I can work with my team or alone. I am open minded and a great communicator. I think communication is very important as well as having great self-management skills. Having great leadership skills are also important. You are always going to have some that find fault with everything and those will probably be the ones that will not stick around. I think many would love the opportunity to communicate freely and know that their opinions matter. I am not sure if my company will implement this but I personally think I will be focused and willing to make the necessary changes.

Complete the following discussion reply no less than 150 words no plagiarism no copy and paste


Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs is a pyramid outlining needs that employees seek within their organization. At the top of the pyramid is Self-Actualization (personal growth and fulfillment) and Transcendence (satisfaction from assisting and developing others). I bring this up because, as a manager, these are the two things I take pride in, especially personal growth and developing others. A “bossless company” as described by Daft, does not neccessarily appeal to me personally because I am constantly striving for achievement (2018, p. 304). My field of


work has specific certifications which can be obtained and in turn put you at an advantage for promotions. I feel that if there is no room for growth within a company (moving up the ladder) there is less motivation for expanding your knowledge or education. Yes, you might qualify for a position in a different group with specific training, but once you become a part of that group, how are you able to grow from there? I will agree that a self-managed organization would still allow you to assist in developing other, such as peers, but it gives me a sense of accomplishment to see my subbordinates work towards, and acheive, their goals by receiving promotions within the company. The idea in the article “The Big Idea” of have self-managed groups would appeal to me more than a self-managed organizations. In the self-managed groups, there are still leadership roles and an hierarchy within the company, but each group is involved in their own decision-making process. My current organization does allow the management team to come up with a variety of decision that would best serve our team, but the ultimate decision is still made by upper management, which is a goal of mine in the next 5-10 years.

Complete the following discussion reply no less than 150 words no plagiarism no copy and paste

(Carlos8)Stark Law

Stark Law was initially created to combat or deffer physicians to sending patients specifically to one place where it can benefit themselves or any family member. Since then the Stark Law has grown and now affect hospitals and any facility that violates this law. One example is that if someone where to send any claims to medicare/medicaid and they had a prior arrangement in place that was violating stark law then that organization/physician will have those claims checked as false or fraudulent. On top of that all those claims that are being sent to Medicare will have to be re-payed and will be excluded from Medicare and be charged with the False Claims Act.

Now personally it makes sense that stark law would extend to immediate family. When there is a family business and its a very lucrative business people always find a way to make more money. What better way than to make it with family? There are many ways to make things shady and corrupt in capital society, so there should be laws like the Stark law where it prevents it from involving and making it beneficial for families.

I believe in my opinion that there is a lot of people in the world and not enough good people to make up the difference. So I believe there should be laws where if someone where to be in a position where they can potentially make lots of money that audits and laws should be in place to deffer people to do things they would otherwise not do. That is why a physicians family financial arrangements if they own a business of course should be checked, because like anyone in any position at all, when they are regulated they tend to do what they want without fear of consequences.