Target population served for large primary care Practice in Des Moines, Iowa

Target population served for large primary care Practice in Des Moines, Iowa

Grace Health Center Project Plan Mission Statement Our mission is to provide the surrounding community with easy access to high quality primary care and VIP services.. At Grace Health Center, we will provide comprehensive care while educating patients, and promoting a healthier lifestyle. Demographics As of 2017, the population of Des Moines, Iowa was 212,859. The demographics breakdown as follows: 70% are White, 10.3% are African American,


12% are Hispanic, 4.7% are Asian, and 2.6% are two or more different races. According to the U.S. census, the population of Des Moines, Iowa was 204,433 (Statistical Atlas, 2015). Since 2010, the population has increased by 4.6%. The crime rate in Des Moines is 6.95%, compared to 2.91% for the rest of the state. Income Des Moines is the most populous city in Iowa. It is also the capital of Iowa. It contains over 200,000 residents (Sperling’s Best Places, 2018). Population continues to rise and this has lead to changes in the unemployment and income rates. In regards to unemployment, the rate of unemployment in Des Moines is 4.40%. Although the unemployment rate is 4.40%, the job growth rate is 0.70%. Research shows that over the next ten years, the projected availability of jobs is expected to increase from 37.00% (Sperling’s Best Places, 2018). This helps to resolve unemployment issues and combats the negative impacts of the increase in population. These availability rates are based on the migration patterns, economic growth, and other factors in the area. The tax rate in this region, like many other regions, is 6.00% (Sperling’s Best Places, 2018). The income tax rate is 7.92%. This is the total of all income taxes for the area. This includes state, county, and local taxes. Federal incomes taxes are not included in these tax rates. The median household income of this region is an estimated $46,430 (Sperling’s Best Places, 2018). The income rates continue to increase and job markets continuously become stronger. The family median income is $55,177. The income per capita is $23,987, this includes all of the children and adults that are in the city. Benefits One huge benefit of Des Moines Iowa is the low population, this means less competition from local health care practices. The cost of property and building in Des Moines Iowa is much lower than urban areas, which is a huge benefit of construction here. In addition primary care facilities are less frequent in rural areas, this will help the population of Des Moines by offering them more options for health care. The rate of job growth in Des Moines is increasing by .77%, and is increasing with every passing year. This means more employers are hiring and more jobs are being created, decreasing the level of unemployment in this area. A higher rate of employment is good for the local economy, and will promote continuing growth. The state of Iowa is expected to have 37.5% expected future job growth, making Iowa an ideal place for a business venture. Risks There are some major risks when we analyzed the decision to build a Large Primary Care Practice in Iowa.We have to take into consideration the geographic disparity, because oftentimes there aren’t enough doctors and resources to provide care to people. One of the main threats would be the high cost of Medicaid, costing the state 4.16 billion (Priorities, 2015). When discussing prices the risk score increased for 1,000 countries between 2007 and 2011, which increased taxes drastically (Donald, 2014). Another risk score assessed that the cost of Medicaid was 25% higher than the standard health plan (Donald, 2015). As we speak Iowa is in the process of cutting some aspects of Medicaid to save money , such as eliminating the plan that allows people to get Medicaid coverage three moths before they apply (Kauffman, 2017). Now when we go into the features of Medicaid, another threat would be the payment situation because there is a low rate of payment when a patient is on Medicaid (Kauffman, 2017). A study showed that physicians lost about 30% of there payments, due to low reimbursement. Argurably companies such as National Federation of independent business made the statement that the government may not always be able to pay the 90% co-payment (Donald, 2015). Schedule We will meet every Friday at noon to work together and keep up with the timeline for our project. In addition of the weekly meeting, some weeks we will meet after class if we are behind schedule. Timeline The project timeline milestone is divided into three main subtasks and two individual tasks. The three subtasks which they are project plane, paper, and presentation. The two individual tasks are SWOT analysis and the evaluation. The project plan will take four days; it starts on March 8 and finishes on March 13. The paper will take up to 25 days; it starts on March 23 and finish on April 26, there are 5 days extra just in case of delay in some tasks. The presentation will take 5 days; it starts on April 27 and finishes on May 3. The individual SWOT will take 8 days; it starts on March 13 and finishes on March 22. And last is the Evaluation which will take two days; it starts on May 2 and finishes on May 3. The whole project will take up to 41 days. Organizational Chart References Kauffman, C. (2017, August 31). Proposed Iowa Medicaid change would eliminate months of retroactive benefits. Retrieved from Live Well Nebraska (2017, September 2). Iowa seeks to cut Medicaid health care benefit to save Retreived from Policy Priorities. (2017, October 10). Policy Basics: Introduction to Medicaid. Retrieved from Schulteemail, F., Donald, D., & Durkin, E. (2015, January 14). Why Medicare Advantage costs taxpayers billions more than it should. Retrieved from Sperling’s Best Places (2018, March 13). Des Moines, Iowa Economy. Retrieved from Statistical Atlas. (2015, Apr. 18). Race and Ethnicity in Des Moines, Iowa (City). Retrieved from (2003-2018). All Zip Codes in Des Moines, Iowa. Retrieved from Running head: SWOT ANALYSIS 1 SWOT analysis SWOT analysis Strengths • The facility provides high-quality Opportunities • primary care and VIP services • Counsels people on how to have a healthy lifestyle Expanding the variety of products and services offered • Introducing a healthcare policy that will reduce the costs of acquiring medical SWOT ANALYSIS 2 • Serves all races without discrimination • Has a strategic location • Expanding operations to other cities • Provides employment opportunities • Cutting some aspects of Medicaid to • Less competition in the industry • Serves a small population thus high- services save money • Low cost of building in the region quality services Weaknesses Threats • Inadequate resources • • Less number of doctors • The facility is only located in Des • The high cost of Medicaid Moines • Low rates of payment to doctors due to Implementation of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Executive summary Health is an important aspect of people’s lives and determines how people live in the society. The introduction of various healthcare facilities in different parts of the world has a positive impact on people’s lives. Most of the hospitals are established in the urban centers where they serve people from different parts of the world. On the other hand, most of the healthcare facilities established in the rural areas do not have the resources and facilities required SWOT ANALYSIS 3 to serve a large population. The management of such hospitals remains focused on meeting the health needs of the people in the society. SWOT analysis summary Grace Health Center focuses on delivering quality to the patients in the region. The workforce in the healthcare facility has the commitment to ensure that the population has access to products and services that would make their lives better (In Chen et al 2016). The application of the SWOT analysis, therefore, explains the internal and external factors which affect the hospital and the different ways in which the healthcare facility can overcome the problems to provide better services Internal factors Strengths The facility is located in a city with less population which makes it possible to serve and deliver quality primary care as well as VIP services. Given the fact that the hospital serves a limited population, it becomes possible to deliver quality all through its operations since the workforce can handle the less number of patients. Only a small number of the population look for primary health services thus making it possible for the facility to deliver quality (In Jacob et al 2015). The healthcare facility, on the other hand, has embarked on a journey in which they teach people on the different ways through which they can change their lifestyles for better. Most of the illnesses affecting most people in the world arise from the lifestyles which people have embraced. The hospital, therefore, seeks to have a healthy society where every person will take care of the way they live for a better and healthy future. SWOT ANALYSIS 4 The hospital has a strategic location in the city and serves all the people in the region without discrimination. Being a local healthcare facility, the workers take care of all people regardless of their color or race. Lack of discrimination, therefore, facilitates the provision of quality services to the entire population. On the other hand, people in Des Moines have embraced the hospital as it has provided employment opportunities to most of them. A large number of the people living in the city have acquired various positions in which they serve the other population and earn a living (Lefkowitz, 2007). There is also the possibility of creating more jobs in future where the facility expands its operations. The hospital operates in a region where there is less competition. Only a few numbers of hospitals exist in Des Moines and since it provides quality services, it becomes possible to overcome the challenge of competition. The industry is not flooded thus giving the facility an opportunity to remain highly competitive in its operations. Weaknesses One of the reasons why the facility has not expanded its operations is due to inadequate resources. In this case, the facility’s location does not present it with more opportunities such as serving a large number of patients. As a result, there is a reduction in the number of earnings and this implies that it could take long before having sufficient funds for expansion (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2013). On the other hand, the facility does not have a large number of doctors which means that it cannot serve a large number of patients at once. Since the facility is not large in size, the number of doctors is also highly reduced and this means that if more services need to be offered, the doctors will have to strain to deliver quality. The facility only has its location in Des Moines which implies that it only serves the local population. Depending on the local community could have contributed to its inability to have enough resources. Also, only the SWOT ANALYSIS 5 people in the region know about its existence making it hard for its success in other parts where it would become established in future. External factors Opportunities Grace Health Center would succeed in its operations by establishing branches in different parts of the nation. Expanding the products and services offered would also attract more patients who will seek medical services in the facility. As a result, expanding would become a better way of ensuring that the facility meets the demands of the patients with effectiveness. Increasing the number of products and services would also make the facility adequate in serving the needs of the society. On the other hand, the healthcare facility should introduce a policy that would ensure that there is a reduction in the cost of acquiring medical services (In Chen et al 2016). In this case, the introduction of Medicaid has had a negative impact on the functioning of the facility. Therefore, a policy that would counter its introduction would make it possible for the hospital to deliver affordable services to the patients. The facility should thus look for a way in which there is a reduction in the prices of acquiring various services to the patients. The hospital has its location in a place where the building is cheap. As a result, it should take advantage and expand its facility to meet more demands of the patients. The introduction of other services and expanding its ward units would have a positive impact on its operations. Since building in the region is not costly, the hospital should focus on having a big size facility that will serve the population in Des Moines as well as in other parts of the country (In Jacob et al 2015). The expansion by building would also create more opportunities for the people who would secure job opportunities. Therefore, the facility would meet the demands of the patients as SWOT ANALYSIS 6 well as the demands of the entire population. The facility should also cut on the costs of Medicaid as a way of saving money for the patients. Also, the facility would aim at introducing new services such as screening of cancers and other chronic illnesses and this would serve the needs of the patients and the population in general. Threats The Grace Health Center may not succeed in the business environment if it does not have the means to overcome some of the threats including the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, high costs of Medicaid and low salaries for the doctors. Government regulations have led to the development of the threats which the hospital has to deal with to succeed in its operations. In this case, the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid have cut down on the earnings that the hospital could make from providing services to patients (Lefkowitz, 2007). As a result, this has resulted in low salaries for the doctors and most of them end up quitting. The high turnover rate by the doctors has a negative impact on the hospital’s operations. On the other hand, the introduction of better healthcare facilities with advanced services and facilities also has a negative impact on the facility as it might become hard to meet its goals and objectives. Recommendations The Grace Health Center should focus on utilizing its opportunities to overcome the barriers associated with its functioning. In this case, expanding to other parts of the country will increase its customer base thus facilitate its ability to acquire adequate resources for long-term success. On the other hand, the healthcare facility should implement health policies which will counter the negative effects of the Medicaid program. For instance, the hospital should restrict the use of new members to the Medicaid program once they have not used the service for more SWOT ANALYSIS 7 than three months. In this case, they will have to pay for different services making it possible for the facility to raise funds for future operations. References Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2013). Strategic management of healthcare organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Wiley. In Chen, J., In Benveniste, J., In Champollion, N., & In Cazenave, A. (2016). Remote Sensing and Water Resources. SWOT ANALYSIS In Jacob, W. J., In Sutin, S. E., In Weidman, J. C., & In Yeager, J. L. (2015). Community engagement in higher education: Policy reforms and practice. Lefkowitz, B. (2007). Community health centers: A movement and the people who made it happen. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 8
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