NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief


Policy Brief- Lead Contamination

The selected policy health issue from the “Topics and Issues” in the American Public Health Association (APHA) website is Lead contamination. Lead is a type of metal highly used in manufacturing car batteries and pipes. Lead exposure occurs through inhaling contaminated air or dust, or consumption of contaminated water and food (WHO, 2019). Regarding Lead contamination, this paper seeks to discuss the policy health issue on Lead contamination, suggestions to address the health issue, and its impact on the health care delivery system

Population Affected By Lead Contamination

Lead exposure affects all individuals across the lifespan. The main routes of Lead exposure are water, air, and household environment (WHO, 2019). Children, especially infants and toddlers, are exposed to lead contamination due to behaviors such as putting their hands and objects in the mouth. Exposure to Lead is mostly harmful to children owing to their developing bodies. Besides, those living at or below the

federal poverty level and in old houses have the highest risk of Lead exposure (WHO, 2019). Besides, children from minority racial and ethnic groups, such as non-Hispanic African-Americans, are also at higher risk for exposure to lead. NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

Lead exposure is particularly harmful to pregnant women. It crosses the placenta affecting the fetus, which increases the risk of congenital abnormalities. Besides, Lead can also be passed from the mother to an infant through breast milk. Adults are exposed to lead through occupational activities, consumption of contaminated food and water, and during recreational activities. Families can also be trained in ways to make water safe for drinking, such as boiling and chlorination. NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief


Level Lead Contamination Occurs

The policy health issue on Lead contamination occurs at the local and State level. At the local level, Lead exposure occurs mainly at industrial sites. Statistics by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), reveal that more than 3 million workers in the U.S. are possibly exposed to lead.  Lead contamination occurs at the State level at the State’s public water systems, which are made of Lead pipes that contaminate water meant for human consumption.

Environmental Lead exposure occurs from activities such as mining, manufacturing, smelting, and recycling.  In some countries, the sustained use of leaded paint, leaded gasoline, and leaded aviation fuel have significantly contributed to lead exposure. Consumption of water from lead pipes or pipes fused with lead solder is a major cause of Lead poisoning from contaminated water.


Evidence about Lead Contamination

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) approximated that in 2017, Lead exposure accounted for 1.06 million mortalities and 24.4 million years of healthy life lost globally due to its long-term effects on health (Levin, 2016).  Low-and middle-income countries experience the highest burden of disease from adverse effects of Lead poisoning (WHO, 2019). IHME also revealed that in 2016, lead poisoning was linked with 63.2% of idiopathic developmental and intellectual disability globally. Lead exposure also accounted for 10.3% of hypertensive heart disease, 5.6% of ischemic heart disease, and 6.2% of stroke globally (Wani, Ara & Usmani, 2015). Lead toxicity affects almost every body system. The most affected body systems include the Renal, Nervous, and Reproductive system. In the Renal system, Lead toxicity causes reduced kidney function (Wani, Ara & Usmani, 2015). Children’s nervous systems are most affected, which results in slowed growth, learning difficulties, mental retardation, and behavioral disorders. Other risks include anemia and toxicity of the immune and reproductive systems. NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

Problem Statement

The general population is at a high risk of Lead exposure from environmental factors. Even so, the children and adults are exposed to lead every day, which puts them at risk of adverse health conditions. Regarding this problem, this study seeks to propose suggestions that will address Lead contamination and lower the prevalence of Lead exposure to the general population.

Suggestions for Addressing Lead Contamination

Lead contamination can be addressed at the household, local, and State levels. Health promotion can be conducted at the household level to educate families on measures to reduce the risk of Lead exposure (Ettinger, Leonard & Mason, 2019).  For instance, caregivers can be advised to keep products containing Lead out of children’s reach to reduce exposure through hand-to-mouth transfer. In addition, basic home hygiene should be emphasized, such as regularly washing children’s hands and toys and regular mopping of floors and house surfaces (Ettinger, Leonard & Mason, 2019). Individuals should also be advised against using lead-based paint that peels.

County authorities can conduct lead poisoning prevention education and child blood lead testing (LeBrón et al., 2019). Local departments of health can conduct lead poisoning prevention education for caregivers, health care providers, and local agencies (LeBrón et al., 2019). Besides, they can conduct outreach services to increase lead testing for children who are at a high risk of lead exposure.

State governments can have regulations that require the use of lead-free pipes and fixtures in public water systems or in facilities that provide water for human consumption (LeBrón et al., 2019). The State governments can also adopt regulations that require the testing of consumers’ taps to assess Lead and copper annually. Besides, State laws can be enacted that prohibit the sale and manufacture of toys containing lead-based paints or lacquers that surpass the lead content permitted by the federal government (LeBrón et al., 2019). Furthermore, State governments can establish housing standards for human occupancy and laws that require the disclosure of lead-based paint hazards to buyers.


The benchmark assesses the following competencies:

1.4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.

Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics and Issues” pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.

Write a 750-1,000-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, explains the effect on the population, and proposes a solution to the issue.

Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:

1. Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources. Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

2. Create a problem statement.

3. Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy. Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.

4. Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system.

Include four peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, An abstract/thesis is required.

Topic 4 DQ 1

Research the delivery, finance, management, and sustainability methods of the U.S. health care system. Evaluate the effectiveness of one or more of these areas on quality patient care and health outcomes. Propose a potential health care reform solution to improve effectiveness in the area you evaluated and predict the expected effect. Describe the effect of health care reform on the U.S. health care system and its respective stakeholders. Support your post with a peer-reviewed journal article. NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief
Topic 4 DQ 2

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010. Many of the provisions of the law directly affect health care providers. Review the following topic materials:

“About the Affordable Care Act”
“Health Care Transformation: The Affordable Care Act and More”
What are the most important elements of the Affordable Care Act in relation to community and public health? What is the role of the nurse in implementing this law? NRS 428 Concepts in Community and Public Health
Topic 5: Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management


Explain the role of the public health nurse in disaster management.
Appraise systems designed for emergency and disaster preparedness.
Apply levels of prevention to natural and manmade disasters.
Describe the spiritual considerations surrounding disasters.
Community Teaching Experience Approval Form

Before presenting your “Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation” to the community, seek approval from an agency administrator or representative. Upon receiving approval from the agency, submit the completed “Community Teaching Experience Approval Form.”
You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors.  NRS 428 Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief

Harvard University Semantic Interoperability & EHR Characteristics Questions

Harvard University Semantic Interoperability & EHR Characteristics Questions




Please answer these two questions only. One page should do it. I will provide all the materials you need to answer these two. No need for internet searching (lectures and powerpoints)


What are the characteristics of a robust Electronic Health Record (in other words, what are the capabilities of a sophisticated EHR)? Hint – refer to EMRAM when answering this question.

Define semantic interoperability and explain it in lay terms. Why is semantic interoperability an important concept in health care? How is the Office of the National Coordinator, HIT influencing this in HCOs?

Capella University Organizational Changes & Motivational Methods Discussion

Capella University Organizational Changes & Motivational Methods Discussion

7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.

ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 1/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 2/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 3/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 4/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 5/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 6/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 7/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 8/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 9/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 10/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 11/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 12/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 13/14 7/1/2019 Introduction to Health Care Management – Pages 49 – 70 PRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.!/4/2/4/2/2@0:0 14/14
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Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio

Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio

Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio


The student will read the assigned readings pertaining to the e-portfolio, as well as research the topic. The student will define an e-portfolio for the graduate student and for an advanced practice nurse. The PowerPoint slide presentation will include discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student, then identify and discuss items that should be in included in an e-portfolio per the grading rubric. The student will provide five (5) examples of items that would be included in an e-portfolio. The presentation will conclude with a summary and recommendations on how the student will use the e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an advanced practice nurse (APN) in the future.

Preparing the Presentation

Must be a professional, scholarly prepared PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides including at least five scholarly references.
You should have at least 8-10 slides, not including the title slide and reference slides.
Speaker notes are present for each slide. It is important to note that if you could not give your presentation and someone would have to stand in for you, he or she would need to know what you were going to say. Use the speaker-notes section so that someone may step in for you and not miss a beat.
Maintain the 6x6x6 rule for a professional PowerPoint presentation. No more than 6 lines per slide, 6 words per line, and 6 slides without a graphic. Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio
All aspects of the presentation must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
References may include one dictionary source, one textbook source, and four scholarly peer-reviewed journals published in the last 5 years. Total of six sources. No Wikipedia or CINAHL Nursing guide articles.


Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.




Title slide has name, topic title, course, and date present



Title slide looks professional with the student’s name, title of presentation, course and date present

Define e-portfolio



Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio

Provides a definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student and for an advanced practice nurse

Importance of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student



Discusses the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student.

Identify and discuss items to be included in an e-portfolio as a graduate student and as a professional



Identifies and discusses items to be included in an e-portfolio

Examples of what you would include in your e-portfolio



Identifies at least five (5) examples of items that the student would include in their e-portfolio.

Discuss challenges and issues associated with e-portfolios



Discusses at least two(2) challenges or issues associated with developing or using an e-portfolio

Conclusion slide with recommendations for the future present



Concludes presentation with recommendations on how they will use the e-portfolio as an APN in the future

Includes 6 references per the assignment guideline and slide count of 8-10 slides excluding title and reference slides.



Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio

Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio

Presentation may include on dictionary, one textbook, and four scholarly sources published in the last five (5) years as references. No Wikipedia or CINAHL nursing guide articles. Slide count = 8-10 excluding title and reference slides.

The slide presentation includes speaker notes.



The slide presentation includes speaker notes.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting



Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.




A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

NR512 W3: E-Portfolio PPT AssignmentNR512 W3: E-Portfolio PPT AssignmentCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle slide has name, topic title, course, and date present10.0 ptsExceptionalAll elements are present9.0 ptsExceeds3 of four elements are present8.0 ptsCompetent2 of four elements are present4.0 ptsNeeds Improvement1 of four elements is present0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo title slide or no elements are present on title slide or no name on presentation10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefine e-portfolio for the graduate student in higher education and for the advanced practice nurse forto use in professional development.30.0 ptsExceptionalProvides a comprehensive definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development26.0. Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio ptsExceedsProvides a superficial definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development24.0 ptsCompetentProvides a minimal definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementProvides a definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education or for an advanced practice nurse for professional development but not both0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not meet criteria at all30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImportance of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development.30.0 ptsExceptionalComprehensive discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development26.0 ptsExceedsSuperficial discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development24.0 ptsCompetentMinimal discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementDiscusses the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education or as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development but not both0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education or as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify and discuss items to be included in an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development30.0 ptsExceptionalIdentifies and discusses 5 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development26.0 ptsExceedsIdentifies and discusses 4 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development24.0 ptsCompetentIdentifies and discusses 3 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementIdentifies and discusses 1-2 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development or does not address both0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not meet criteria at all30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExamples of what you would include in your e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education (does not need to include the actual documentation in the presentation, just list and discuss each specific item)30.0 ptsExceptionalIdentifies at least 5 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)26.0 ptsExceedsIdentifies at least 4 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)24.0 ptsCompetentIdentifies at least 3 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementIdentifies at least 1-2 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not meet criteria at all30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscuss challenges and issues associated with e-portfolios20.0 ptsExceptionalDiscusses two challenges or issues associated with the development and use of e-portfolios16.0 ptsCompetentDiscusses one challenge or issue associated with the development and use of e-portfolios0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not discuss any challenges or issues associated with the development and use of e-portfolios20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion slide with recommendations for the future use of e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an APN20.0 ptsExceptionalConclusion slide contains a summary of the presentation and recommendations on how they will use the e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an APN in the future16.0 ptsCompetentConclusion slide contains a brief summary and/or brief recommendations for the future8.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementConclusion slide contains only a summary OR only future recommendations0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo conclusion slide or future recommendations are present20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences may include one dictionary source, one textbook source, plus four scholarly peer-reviewed journals published in the last 5 years to equal six sources. No Wikipedia or CINAHL Nursing guide articles. Slide count of 8-10 slides is met.10.0 ptsExceptionalAll criteria is met4.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementReference criteria is met OR slide count is met but not both.0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryCriteria is unmet10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe slide presentation includes speaker notes.10.0 ptsExceptionalPresentation contains speaker notes for each slide.9.0 ptsExceedsPresentation contains speaker notes for 75% of slides8.0 ptsCompetentPresentation contains speaker notes for 50% of slides4.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementPresentation includes speaker notes for 25% of slides0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo speaker notes present10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting10.0 ptsExceptional0-2 grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors9.0 ptsExceeds3-4 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors8.0 ptsCompetent5-6 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors4.0 ptsNeeds Improvement7-8 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors0.0 ptsUnsatisfactory9 or more total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors.10.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0


Discussion: Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio

Rasmussen College Healthcare and Technology Analysis

Rasmussen College Healthcare and Technology Analysis

You have been selected as the Team Lead for your department. Management has asked you for a report on the following topics. Research each topic and summarize in an executive summary. Cite your sources in an appendix on the last page of your document.

Make sure that your research has information from at least 2 sources other than your textbook.


  • The role of managers and technology
  • Ways to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce cost through new technology
  • Deficiencies in clinical use of technology
  • Technology and medical errors
  • Concentration on profit margins

Your appendix should be APA formatted and your work should be free from grammatical errors.

(it does not specify what the page count is supposed to be)


Assignment: Informatics in Healthcare

Assignment: Informatics in Healthcare

Assignment: Informatics in Healthcare


CMP105: Week 12 Assignment Page 3


Case Study: Informatics in Healthcare
Assignment Overview
This assignment is intended to demonstrate your comprehension of the primary applications of health informatics in healthcare organizations as well as the ethical and legal issues in the healthcare informatics field.

For this assignment, you will read a case study that examines how the study of informatics can be improved to better equip individuals entering professional healthcare settings. Based on the scenario described in the case study, you will create a training and information presentation.
Assignment Details:
Perform the following tasks:

· Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.

· To complete this assignment:

· Review the case study.

· Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· An overview process map on how staff training is linked to any update in healthcare technology for Best Hospital staff

· Examples of computerized teaching tools used within staff training, including:

· List of learning tools typically used within staff training

· How you determine which tools to use (rationale)

· How such tools are used within the training process

· Support of continuous learning by staff (3 slides)

· Existing support mechanisms and processes

· How continuous learning is linked to professional development

· Examples of how learning is offered for diverse learning styles of staff

· Ensure that your presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.

· Submit the Week 12 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 12 Assignment” link. Include the proper file naming convention:

· CMP105_wk12_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy.



Grading Criteria

Points Possible

Points Earned

Types name on title slide of PowerPoint presentation


Creates a process map illustrating the link between new healthcare technology and staff training


Examples of computerized tools used within staff training

· List of learning tools typically used within staff training


· Explains rationale for selection of computerized tools


· Describes how tools are used within the training process


Support of continuous learning by staff (3 slides)

· Describes existing support mechanisms and processes


· Describes how continuous learning is linked to professional development


· Provides examples of how learning is offered for diverse learning styles of staff


Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.


Total Points


· Case Study

Read the following case study:

Best Hospital is a 325-bed suburban community hospital that has just merged with a local major academic medical center, the University of Excellence Medical Center (UEMC). There are 15 hospitals in the UEMC system, ranging from small rural hospitals with 50 or fewer beds to large multiple-specialty tertiary referral hospitals. Two hospitals in the system have achieved magnet status and several hospitals are working to achieve this status. Within the UEMC system, a high value is placed on collaboration with the schools of the health professions at the University of Excellence (UE).

Best Hospital has a long history of association with local universities, functioning mainly as a site for student clinical experiences. For example, undergraduate students enrolled at the UE College of Health Professions often complete a portion of their clinical work at the hospital. Each year the hospital hires a number of graduates from this program. Several nurses in first-level management positions at the hospital are enrolled in the master’s program.

The vice-president for clinical practice at Best Hospital is a PhD-prepared nurse who has been appointed to the faculty at the UE School of Nursing. Your current position is director of staff development at Best Hospital. You are responsible for the educational programming of all clinical staff. Over the past 2 years, Best Hospital has been fully involved in meeting Meaningful Use criteria. As director of staff development, you have played the major leadership role in developing and implementing all related educational programs.

The health professional schools at UE are working together to revise their curricula to integrate informatics throughout. The goal is to develop an interprofessional approach that incorporates informatics across and throughout the different educational programs within these schools. The schools have requested a meeting with clinical leaders from the hospital to gain a practical perspective on what information should be included in the curricula. The vice-president for clinical practice has included you on the list of leaders to attend the meeting. She asked that each person attending the meeting prepare a short presentation on how they engage their staff in the continuous education process with respect to ever-changing healthcare technology.


PowerPoint Presentation


1. Review the case study.

2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· An overview process map on how staff training is linked to any update in healthcare technology for Best Hospital staff

· Examples of computerized teaching tools used within staff training, including:

· List of learning tools typically used within staff training

· How you determine which tools to use (rationale)

· How such tools are used within the training process

· Support of continuous learning by staff (3 slides)

· Existing support mechanisms and processes

· How continuous learning is linked to professional development

· Examples of how learning is offered for diverse learning styles of staff

· Ensure that your presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.

3. Submit the Week 12 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 12 Assignment” link. Include the proper file naming convention:

· CMP105_wk12_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy

Assignment: Informatics in Healthcare

Writing >discussion question essay

Writing >discussion question essay

This module discussed national priorities for health care and how meaningful use strategies could help move these efforts forward. For this discussion, in 250 words or more:

  • Explain meaningful use and the implementation stages of meaningful use.
  • Discuss how meaningful use and patient portals have or can directly help you and your family achieve more positive health outcomes.
  • Discuss how meaningful use can promote public health?

For this discussion, you will need to post your initial thread before you will be able to see the posts of other students.

Standard HSA Discussion Instructions

  • To avoid point loss, carefully follow all assignment instructions and the HSA Discussion Rubric (5 points).
  • Review this Discussion Sample to get a better sense of what is expected of your discussion content and participation.
  • Complete your original post before 11:59 p.m. Thursday, EST.


  • Complete at least two peer replies before 11:59 p.m. Sunday, EST.
  • Note that responses to instructor comments do not count toward the minimum number of peer replies.
  • Provide properly formatted citations/references for all source material (see HSA Style Guide).
  • Do not use any quoted or copied material.


Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology


1) Minimum 20 slides with speaker notes

Part 1: Minimum 8 slides with speaker notes (All slides)

Part 2: minimum 12 slides with speaker notes (All slides)

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs

Bulleted responses are not accepted

Dont write in the first person

Dont copy and pase the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology


4) Minimum 6 references per part not older than 5 years

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question.


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:


Part 1.doc

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Type II Diabetes

In the presentation of your chosen topic, be sure to examine the pathophysiological factors that influence the incidence and manifestations of acute, episodic, and chronic diseases in populations across the lifespan

1. Pathophysiology

2. Risk factors and causes

3. Possible consequences

4. Prevention Strategies

5. Treatment Modalities

Part 2:

Mr. X, a 42-year-old male presents to your primary care practice today complaining of low back pain.

History – Mr. X states that he has had chronic low back pain since he had a skiing accident about 10 years ago. Three days ago, he felt a pulling sensation in his lower back after moving some boxes. The pain intensity increased over the subsequent 24 hours and is now steady, aching in nature, at 3-4 out of 10. Mr. X also has Type2 diabetes, which is well controlled on metformin with a HGA1c of 5.6. He has a history of DVT 4 months ago for which he takes Coumadin, INR is WNL. He is followed by a specialist for this problem. He recently started taking two OTC products; kava kava for what he describes as “anxiety” and CoEnzyme Q10 on the advice of a friend.

Social – Mr. X is a smoker, 1 pack per week for 15 years. No alcohol or drug use. He is employed as an accountant and has medical insurance. He is divorced.

PE/ROS – Complains of low back stiffness and pain on movement with occasional spasms related to moving in certain directions. You note he has mild difficulty getting onto the exam table but gait is normal. He denies weakness/numbness/tingling of legs, no radiation, no change in bowel or bladder habits. BMI 27. All range of motion of the back is decreased by 25%. Straight leg lift is negative bilaterally, DTR intact. All other systems WNL. Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

Metformin 1000mg ER one tab daily – Type II Diabetes controlled

Coumadin 5 mg. daily – Hx of DVT – Controlled

Kava Kava 50 mg. tid – Self-medication for anxiety

CoQ10 – 200 mg. daily. – Self-medication for unknown reason

Assignment Directions:

1. Provide a diagnosis for the patient and and and justify your reasons for the diagnosis based on scientific articles

2. Provide a treatment plan specifically for this patient

(a) Pharmacologic

(b) Non-pharmacologic.

3. Comment on the use of OTC products in relation to Mr. X’s current chronic and acute disease diagnoses and medications.

(a) Include drug-drug interactions and side effect profiles.

4. Provide an education plan for Mr. X

Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology


HSA4184 St Petersburg College Day of Service Project Proposal

HSA4184 St Petersburg Co

After reading the Forbes article submit a paper of 250-300 words that describes a project that can be undertaken in the next year as a Day of Service project.


This can be for your team at work, for the entire administration team, for your friends and family or whatever type of group you want to put together.

Make sure to include in the paper: What the overall goal of the project would be. How would you “sell” this project to the team that will be participating in the Day of Service? What would you do/change if members of your “team” were not on board with the idea? What are the values that you hope to be able to pass on to others from the project? With your project, how does it show that you are a servant leader? Can you support the strategies that you have for the project with any evidence based resources?

  • Please ensure that you correctly cite if references have been utilized.
  • Please remember to include a title page, reference page (if applicable) and rubric in the assignment.
  • Please make sure to follow HSA Style Guidelines for formatting the paper including a running head.
  • Please note that word count DOES NOT include the title page or the rubric. Only the written content of the paper qualifies for meeting the word count requirement.
  • Please make sure that you are using the proper naming convention for the file name HSA 4184_Module 1 Assignment_Maisch. Assignments turned in without your last name in the file name will not be accepted.
  • Please submit the document to the appropriate dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. (EST) per the Course Snapshot. (How to submit to a Dropbox)
  • Please see course snapshot for due dates. This assignment is worth 20 points.


Quiz8 Cultural Relativism Sociology Assignment

Quiz8 Cultural Relativism Sociology Assignment

Quiz8 Cultural Relativism Sociology


Question 8

1. Tiffany, one of the two Korean-American girls in the K-pop group Girls’ Generation thought she would be able to adjust easily to life in Korea because her parents spoke Korean at home in the U.S. But she found that she had to learn so many little things.  Tiffany was experiencing

cultural relativism.
re-entry shock.

reverse ethnocentrism.

culture shock.
1 points

Question 9

1. Which one of the following scenarios indicates that a bond of mutual expectation has developed between a baby and his or her caretaker?

A baby comes to expect that if it cries, a caretaker will respond.

A baby learns to comfort itself when it feels distress.

A baby sleeps through the night.

A baby cannot tell how its mother will react to its cries.
1 points

Question 10

1. An Israeli soldier remarks “The Palestinian boys would look at you with hatred, such hatred that it reminded me of how the Jews in concentration camps in the Holocaust looked at [the guards]. You are the most evil thing on earth right now…”. Charles Horton Cooley would argue that the guard imagining himself from the perspective of the Palestinian boys represents the dynamics of


cognitive development.


looking-glass self.
1 points

Question 11

1. In Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Sesame Street airs as Sesame Stories because

there is no word for street in Hebrew or in the Arabic languages.
Sesame Street formed a partnership with the corporation Sesame Stories.
the featured scenes in the program involve Palestinians and Israelis reading stories to one another.

the idea that a neutral street exists where Palestinians and Jews might gather together is not a possibility.
1 points

Question 12

1. A Korean American Catholic Church shares many of the cultural traits of mainstream Catholicism such as a clerical collar worn by priests but its statues of Mary and Jesus have Korean appearance. The Korean American church qualifies as a

secondary group.
primary group.

counter culture.
1 points

Question 13

1. People who violate ______________ are usually punished severely – they can be ostracized, institutionalized or condemned to die.

1 points

Question 14

1. American sociologists studying Korean bathhouses would be struck by the

casual interactions between adult men and women.
private nature of the bath.
tense atmosphere.
lack of self-consciousness regarding the body.
1 points

Question 15

1. Nature refers to __________, and nurture refers to _________.
interaction factors; biological factors

learned traits; inborn traits
social capacities; biological potential
genetic factors; social experiences