HSA3104 St Petersburg College U.S. Health Care System Discussion

HSA3104 St Petersburg College U.S. Health Care System Discussion

Throughout this course, we have learned about the different aspects of the U.S. Health Care System, and how they work together to promote improved health. We have also learned that there are disparities in health outcomes for specific populations, often considered to be vulnerable.

In this discussion forum, I would like you to:

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1) Explain the relationships that exist between national health priorities, HealthyPeople 2020 goals and their attempts to reduce disparities. Consider answering some of the following:

  • How are national health priorities determined?
  • What role do HealthyPeople goals have in promoting national health priorities and how may they be used to target specific efforts to reduce health disparities?

2) Based on your readings about the Pre-Capstone and Capstone courses:

  • What type of mentor will you try to find?


  • What strategies will you use to find a mentor?
  • Where might your mentor/project fit within the health care system and/or national health prioriti


Tags: healthcare organization U.S. health care system healthcare management vulnerable Healthcare System

Assignment: Locating Evidence Inquiry

Assignment: Locating Evidence Inquiry

Assignment: Locating Evidence Inquiry


Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry – Locating evidence that discusses a clinical issue.

Part 2: Identifying Research Methodologies


Matrix Worksheet Template

Use this document to complete Part 2 of the Module 2 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry and Part 2: Research Methodologies


Full citation of selected article

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Article #4

Why you chose this article and/or how it relates to the clinical issue of interest (include a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest)

Brief description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article

Brief description of the research methodology used Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative , quantitative , or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.

A brief description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

General Notes/Comments

Assignment: Evidence-Based Project

Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”?

When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” you likely kept the nature of your questions to those with answers that would best help you perform your new role.

Over time and with experience, perhaps you recognized aspects of these processes and procedures that you wanted to question further. This is the realm of clinical inquiry.

Clinical inquiry is the practice of asking questions about clinical practice. To continuously improve patient care, all nurses should consistently use clinical inquiry to question why they are doing something the way they are doing it. Do they know why it is done this way, or is it just because we have always done it this way? Is it a common practice or a best practice?

In this Assignment, you will identify clinical areas of interest and inquiry and practice searching for research in support of maintaining or changing these practices. You will also analyze this research to compare research methodologies employed.

To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.

· Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest.

· Review the results of your peer-reviewed research and reflect on the process of using an unfiltered database to search for peer-reviewed research.

· Reflect on the types of research methodologies contained in the four relevant peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry

Create a 4- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

· Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.

· Describe how you used keywords to search on your chosen clinical issue of interest.

· Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

· Provide APA citations of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Part 2: Identifying Research Methodologies

After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:

· The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.

· A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.

· A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.

· A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.

· A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Matrix Worksheet Template

Assignment: Locating Evidence Inquiry


Name: NURS_6052_Module02_Week03_Assignment_Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies 

After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:


*The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.


*A brief statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.


*A brief description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.


*A brief description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.</br

Points Range: 81 (81%) – 90 (90%)
The response accurately and clearly provides a full citation of each article in APA format. 

The responses accurately and thoroughly explain the selection of these articles and/or how they relate to a clinical issue of interest, including a detailed explanation of the ethics of research.

The responses accurately and clearly describe the aims of the research.

The responses accurately and clearly describe the research methodology used, and clearly identify the type of methodology used with specific and relevant examples.

The responses accurately and clearly describe the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including a detailed explanation of the reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the articles selected.

The responses provide a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of two outside resources related to the selection of articles and two or three course-specific resources.

Points Range: 72 (72%) – 80 (80%)
The response accurately provides a citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format. 

The responses accurately explain the selection of these peer-reviewed articles and/or how they relate to a clinical issue of interest, including an accurate explanation of ethics.

The responses accurately describe the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.

The responses accurately describe the research methodology used and type of methodology used with some examples.

The responses accurately describe the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including an explanation of the reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles selected.

The responses provide an accurate synthesis of at least one outside resource related to the selection of the peer-reviewed articles. The response integrates at least one outside resource and two or three course-specific resources.

Points Range: 63 (63%) – 71 (71%)
The response inaccurately or vaguely provides a citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format. 

The responses inaccurately or vaguely explain the selection of these articles and/or how they relate to a clinical issue of interest, including the explanation of the ethics.

The responses inaccurately or vaguely describe the aims of the research of each article.

The responses inaccurately or vaguely describe the research methodology used and the type of methodology used, with only some examples.

The responses inaccurately or vaguely describe the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including the explanation of the reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the articles selected.

The responses provided vaguely or inaccurately synthesize outside resources related to the selection of the articles. The response minimally integrates resources that may support the responses provided.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 62 (62%)
The response inaccurately and vaguely provides a citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format or is missing. 

The responses inaccurately & vaguely explain the selection of these articles and/or how they relate to a clinical issue, including the explanation of ethics of research, or they are missing.

The responses inaccurately and vaguely describe the aims of the research, or they are missing.

The responses inaccurately and vaguely describe the research methodology used, the type of methodology used with no examples present, or they are missing.

The responses inaccurately and vaguely describe the strengths of each of the methodologies used, including the explanation of the reliability and validity of the methodology, or they are missing.

The responses provide a vague and inaccurate synthesis of outside resources related to the selection of the articles and fail to integrate any resources to support the responses provided, or is missing.

Written Expression and Formatting—Paragraph Development and Organization: 

Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided, which delineates all required criteria.

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity. 

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided, which delineates all required criteria.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated but are brief and not descriptive.
Points Range: 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60–79% of the time. 

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity less than 60% of the time. 

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion is provided.

Written Expression and Formatting—English Writing Standards: 

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation.

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity. 

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided, which delineates all required criteria.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (one or two) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Points Range: 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (three or four) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (five or more) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Total Points: 100

Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

The Case Study at the end of Chapter 5 of your textbook. Develop an APA formatted 3 to 4 page paper that answers the following questions: (Please keep in mind that in addition to answering the questions, you must provide significant analysis and critical thinking. This means you must research (in-text citations throughout your paper) your answer and provide justification and validity to your arguments. Merely answering the questions based on the information provided by the case study is not sufficient).

1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the situation in the case study.

2. You are the chief medical informatics officer for the organization. You are asked to comment about how the technical plans will affect clinicians. Based on the case study, how do you respond?

3. The organization receives a $3 million gift from an informatics benefactor. You are an informatician in the organization. What would your technical priorities be to remedy the issues in the case study?



Using Big Data: A Real-Life Example Dr. John D. Halamka is the chief information officer of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In 2011 his wife, a healthy 49-year-old Korean woman, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Using big-data technology available at all Harvard hospitals, Dr. Halamka was able to ask the big-data questions: Of the last 10,000 Asian women near age 50 who were treated for the same tumor, what medications were used? Was surgery or radiation necessary, and what were the outcomes? From his queries, he was able to ascertain the most effective treatment approach for a person with this history. His wife was treated successfully and is now cancer free.20 The challenge for informatics is: How do we develop information systems that can provide this level of care to patients in all settings?

Nelson, Ramona. Health Informatics – E-Book (p. 6). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.

NUR647E Discussion Patient Education

NUR647E Discussion Patient Education

NUR647E Discussion Patient Education



NUR647E Nursing Education Seminar 1

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Find an article on a societal factor that is affecting nursing/patient education curriculum. Summarize your article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Discuss why you chose the article and what can be learned from this trend – how would you use it to improve the quality of nursing/patient education? This article and those posted by your classmates may become the foundation of your paper due in Topic 2. Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Please note: It is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of the article to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located if someone is interested in reading more. The article should come from a graduate-level journal, like an advanced practice journal or nursing education journal – not an entry-level journal like AJN, RN, Nursing, etc. NUR647E Discussion Patient Education

MHA668 Belhaven University Healthcare Quality Management Discussion Question

MHA668 Belhaven University Healthcare Quality Management Discussion Question

MHA 668 Healthcare Quality Management Belhaven University Unit 1 Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System and the Healthcare Organization 1 Welcome to Healthcare Quality Management This course is an advanced study of how to achieve quality within the structure and relationships of the complex system of a healthcare organizations. We will explore the concepts of systems thinking, improving and managing process change, performance measurement, and examine case studies. 2 Format for Unit Sessions  Class Topics       Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System Understanding the Healthcare Organization General Concepts of Quality Current State of Quality Management: Internal Dynamics Current State of Quality Management: External Dynamics Measuring Quality of Inpatient Care 3 Format for Unit Sessions, cont.  Course topics, cont.     Understanding Quality and Performance Quantifying the Quality Performance Gaps Closing the Gaps Case Studies in Healthcare Quality Learning Tools  Class lectures   Textbook   Reading Individual homework   Hearing and seeing Analyzing Discussion forum   Completing all components is very important to accomplish the objectives of the course. Applying and examining 5 Online Learning  Characteristics   Online learners must be highly selfmotivated. Online learners must have high responsibility for assignments and discussions.  Facts    Online learning is not easier than traditional classroom learning. Learners must meet deadlines. It’s easy to think we’re anonymous because there’s no face time. 6 Tips for Success  Course Page  Activities    Weekly discussions Media    Schedule  Individual homework Discussion forum   Module Handouts & links Class lectures  Be attentive to deadlines. The week (unit) begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.   Observe the Sabbath. Manage your time. 7 Tips For Success, cont.  Do not procrastinate.    It’s easy to get behind in an online course. False security that there is time to catch up Each week builds on the previous week  Set your schedule.       Assigned readings View Lecture Initial post to discussion boards Written assignment Quiz Final response to the discussion boards Class Objectives  In this course, we will:   Apply biblical principles to the formation and application of quality management strategies and performance concepts relative to the administration of healthcare facilities. Utilize scriptural references to identify and propose quality strategies for resolution of various performance issues in healthcare administration. 9 Class Objectives, cont.   Develop sound ideas for integrating quality into planning processes for healthcare organizations. Discuss approaches that address quality and performance in the implementation of healthcare reform initiatives. Biblical Foundation  “Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38 (New Living Translation) 11 What is Quality Healthcare? The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) definition is “The degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.” (IOM, 2001) 12 Stakeholders in the U.S. Healthcare System       Regulatory and Policy Makers Payers Advocacy Organizations Providers Suppliers Consumers 13 Regulatory Agencies & Policy Makers  Federal     U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Regulatory Agencies & Policy Makers, cont.  State and Local     Legislatures Health Departments State Medical Boards State Insurance Commissions Payers  Public Sector   Private Sector   Federal, State, and Local Governments Private Insurers Consumers  Self-pay and Out-of-pocket Expenses Advocacy Organizations      American Medical Association (AMA) American Hospital Association (AHA) American Nurses Association (ANA) America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) Providers and Suppliers  Providers     Individual practitioners and practice groups General and specialty hospitals Ambulatory facilities ▫Integrated healthcare systems Suppliers   Pharmaceutical companies Medical equipment companies Consumers  Sick or Healthy People   Depend on the advice of a physician in making “consumption” decisions Mostly unaware of the full costs of medical choices and decisions Performance of the U.S. Healthcare System  The World Health Organization (WHO) frames performance based on three fundamental goals:  Improving health (increase in health status and decrease in health inequities)  Enhancing responsiveness to the expectations of the population (i.e. dignity, confidentiality, and autonomy)  Ensuring fairness of financial contribution (protection from financial risks due to healthcare) Variations in Performance  Variations are the results of four key functions:     Stewardship Financing Service Provision Resource Generation Differences in Performance of the U.S. Healthcare System and Other Systems     The U.S. is the only industrialized country that does not offer universal coverage. Infant mortality has steadily declined in other industrialized countries but increased in the U.S. Deaths from diabetes per 100,000 people is 99, three times as high as other countries. Life expectancy at birth is 1.3 years lower than the median of other countries. Differences in Performance of the U.S. Healthcare System and Other Systems, cont.    The U.S. has the second highest rate of hospital admissions for asthma (121 per 100,000). The U.S. spends significantly more on healthcare, both per capita and percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The U.S. healthcare system has the highest administrative costs per capita. Major Issues Faced by the U.S. Healthcare System    Outcomes Access to Healthcare Expenditures Rising Costs of Care and Its Major Components          Changes in prices Aging population Increase in population Professional services Hospital care Prescription drugs Nursing homes Administrative costs Chronic disease management          Demographic factors Geographic variations Waste Unnecessary care Fraud Administrative inefficiency Provider Errors Preventable conditions Lack of care coordination Access and Lack of Universal Coverage    The U.S. does not offer universal health coverage for its citizens. A significant number of the population does not have insurance coverage. The ACA requires most U.S. citizens and legal residents to purchase qualifying health plans or pay a penalty. The History of Healthcare Reform     The Social Security Act of 1935 The Clinton Reform and the Health Security Act of 1994 The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Social Security Act of 1935   This act was intended to provide some economic security to citizens and to the states for the purpose of medical care after the Great Depression. An amendment to the Act in 1965 provided health benefits (Medicare) to all Americans above age 65. Health Security Act of 1994   This proposed act was intended to assure care for all Americans and control healthcare costs. Although the Act was never enacted, it addressed expansive coverage, patient choice, retention of providers, and quality of care. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003  This act was the largest expansion of Medicare since 1935 when it was created. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Major parts of the Act:  Aims to improve healthcare coverage for all Americans  Provides access to insurance for the uninsured with preexisting conditions  Focuses on quality management and improvement  Implemented value-based purchasing programs Reforms and Performance Challenges   Healthcare Cost Containment Healthcare Access Healthcare Cost Containment     Investment in information technology Improvement in quality and efficiency Adjustment of provider compensation Preventive medicine     Increase in consumer involvement Price transparency Tax incentives to expand coverage Reduction of waste in the system Healthcare Access  Greater share of costs passed on to individuals and families     Increased premiums Higher deductibles Other out-of-pocket expenses Exclusion of preexisting conditions Strategic Plans     Reflect a sense of future direction and priorities of an organization Begin with a mission statement and anticipated results Range from 3 to 10 years (usually 5 years) Articulate the organization’s strategy Organizational Performance/Mission Accountability Answers three


questions: 1. 2. 3. How much mission-related activity is done? (volume) How well is it done? (quality) How efficiently is it done? (finance) All of these questions are connected. Organizational Structure   Design of the organization used to carry out targeted performance objectives which will fulfill the organization’s mission Varies by organization “Form follows function”—Louis H. Sullivan (1896) What’s next?     Complete the reading assignments. Complete the writing assignments. Answer the discussion questions. Complete the unit quiz. 38 Reference Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 39
Purchase answer to see full attachment

Tags: health and medical Quality improvement Healthcare Administration

Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

How healthy is your workplace?

You may believe that your existing company runs smoothly, or you may believe that it has numerous flaws. You may encounter or perhaps observe something that causes you to pause. Nonetheless, just as you would not attempt to diagnose a patient solely on the basis of observation, you should refrain from attempting to assess the health of your work environment solely on the basis of observation and opinion. Often, difficulties are perceived as problems by some but not by others; similarly, concerns may run far deeper than leadership understands. Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

There are many factors and measures that may impact organizational health. Among these is civility.

While an organization can institute policies designed to promote such things as civility, how can it be sure these are managed effectively? In this Discussion, you will examine the use of tools in measuring workplace civility. Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment


To Prepare:

Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).

Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.


Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.


Required Readings

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Chapter 5, “Collaborative Leadership Contexts: Networks, Communication, Decision Making, and Motivation” (pp. 121–144)
Chapter 9, “Creating and Shaping the Organizational Environment and Culture to Support Practice Excellence” (pp. 247–278)
Chapter 10, “Building Cohesive and Effective Teams” (pp. 279–298)
Select at least ONE of the following:

Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing education and practice: Nurse leader perspectives. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/8), 324–330. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e31822509c4

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Clark, C. M. (2018). Combining cognitive rehearsal, simulation, and evidence-based scripting to address incivility. Nurse Educator. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000563

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today, 10(11), 18–23. Retrieved from https://www.americannursetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ant11-CE-Civility-1023.pdf

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535–542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Document: Work Environment Assessment Template (Word document) Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Discussion

Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Discussion

Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Discussion


Evidence-Based Practice Guideline ( The clinical question identified in this section is about chronic neck pain in adults).

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. word count 1500-2000. be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper.  however, if sources are used make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay and complete a reference page. The cover page is required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Utilize the databases identified in the text to locate an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline, related to your topic identified in Module 1.( The clinical question identified in this section is about chronic neck pain in adults).  Perform a rapid critical appraisal of the Evidence-Based Guideline by answering the following questions in APA format. All questions should be answered in detail and explanations offered according to guideline content when applicable. Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Discussion


Who were the guideline developers?
Were the developers of the guideline representative of key stakeholders in this specialty (inter-disciplinary)?
Who funded the guideline development?
Were any of the guideline developers funded researchers of the reviewed studies?
Did the team have a valid development strategy?
Was an explicit (how decisions were made), sensible, and impartial process used to identify, select, and combine evidence?
Did its developers carry out comprehensive, reproducible literature review within the past 12 months of its publication/revision?
Were all important options and outcomes considered?
Is each recommendation in the guideline tagged by the level/strength of evidence upon which it is based and linked to the scientific evidence?
Do the guidelines make explicit recommendations (reflecting value judgments about the outcomes)?
Has the guideline been subjected to peer review and testing?
Is the intent of use provided (i.e. national, regional, local)?
Are the recommendations clinically relevant?
Will the recommendations help me in caring for my patients?
Are the recommendations practical/feasible? Are resources (people and equipment) available?
Are the recommendations a major variation from current practice? Can the outcomes be measured through standard care?
Be sure to include the database from which the guideline was obtained and please submit a copy of the guideline with your paper.

Your APA formatted paper fully answer each question in complete sentences. Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Discussion

NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Assignment Assessing a Healthcare Program

Assignment Assessing a Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation

Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve. Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about

program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.

Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design. Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program/policy.


To Prepare:

· Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.

· Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.

· Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

· Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes. NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

· How was the success of the program or policy measured?

· How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?

· How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?

· At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?

· What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?

· What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?

· What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.

· Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?

· Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?

· Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template

An important part of a policy that will address its efficacy in terms of meeting the desired objectives is the evaluation of the policy. Because of their extensive training and history of advocacy, registered nurses play an extremely important part in the process of carrying out this examination. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the most prominent pieces of legislation that has garnered a lot of attention. When it was first conceived, the policy had the overarching goal of broadening access to medical care for a significant section of the general population. The objective of this particular piece of writing is, consequently, to evaluate the efficacy of the ACA in the aforementioned context by investigating a variety of facets, such as its success and reach, amongst other things.

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation   

Affordable Care Policy/Affordable Care Act


Affordable care policy was enacted in the year 2010 to reduce the cost of healthcare system. In other words, the Affordable Care Act was enacted to provide affordable insurance coverage to millions of Americans who were uninsured. Affordable care polity expanded Medicaid eligibility, created market insurance market place, stopped or prevented health insurance companies from limiting or denying insurance coverage to the pre-existing conditions (Chen et al., 2018). The plan also expanded the coverage for health benefits to essential health benefits. With the affordable health insurance, lower-income families qualified for subsidies for the coverage purchased the marketplace. The introduction of the Affordable Care Act has altered the processes of healthcare provision across different countries and within the United States of America. The Affordable care act has exposed the employers to a new set of challenges across the medical spectrum and on the other hand, it has brought numerous opportunities. In the recent times, the medical costs have skyrocketed and in the recent times, the medical insurers account for more compensation for workers.


How was the success of the program or policy measured? 




The success of Affordable Care Policy was measured through the number of insurance coverage. After the implementation of the policy, millions of poor Americans were insured. Majority of Americans were able to get quality healthcare services at cheaper costs. The success of Affordable Care policy was also measured through the improvement in quality healthcare services (Milstead & Short, 2019). The implementation of the policy involved billions of money, the main objective of allocating such money was to enhance the quality of services delivered through introduction of research processes and evidence-based practices. Also, the policy enhance training of healthcare professionals to acquire knowledge for managing some of the emerging diseases. The success of the policy can therefore be measured through the improvement in quality services in different hospitals and health centers. NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation


How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected? 



The policy impacted millions of people across the United States. Affordable Care policy impacted about 61 million women across the United State. In other words, 61 million women were able to access contraception without any out-of-pocket costs. The expansion of Medicaid was associated with the 19,200 fewer deaths among older low-income adults from the year 2013 to the year 2017 (Glied & Jackson, 2017). Also, the policy led to the 15, 600 preventable deaths across the United States of America. The policy led to the significant reduction in the number of mortalities associated with different complications.


At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted? 



The policy evaluation was conducted at the legislation stage. There were several legislation processes to verify some of the aspects of the policy. There was evaluation in terms of the budgeting process, the costs of medication, as well as the impacts on the political, social, and economic environment.

What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation? 



Healthcare data from different institutions were used to inform different aspects of the policy. The data applied were drawn from different organizations including Center for Disease Control and infection, World Health Organization as well as the data from the Federal and states department of health.

What specific information on unintended consequences were identified? 



Some of the unintended consequences of the policy include poor legislation and opposition from different political divide. Also, the political activities are some of the unintended consequences of the policy. While developing the policy, some of the political factors were not put into consideration.


What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples. 



Some of the stakeholders include healthcare consumers, healthcare providers, federal government, state government, as well as employers. Healthcare consumers include citizens and all other beneficiaries of healthcare services. Also, legislators are key part of the Affordable Care Policy. Some of the people that will benefit most include consumers who would experiences a significant reduction in the healthcare costs. Also, political actors will be able to benefit from the healthcare policy (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2017).


Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not? 




The policy met the original intent and objectives. Millions of Americans experienced significant reduction in the healthcare costs. In other words, all people from different social-economic status were to receive quality and less costly healthcare services as intended. Also, there was a general improvement in the quality healthcare services delivered to patients (In Powers, 2020). Today, millions of Americans continue to enjoy cheap/affordable and quality healthcare services to patients and all the citizens.


Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not? 




I would recommend implementing this policy in my workplace. One of the main objectives of my organization is to improve the quality of healthcare services. Also, the organization aims at ensuring the delivery of affordable healthcare services to different members of the community. Affordable Care Policy can therefore be implemented to meet the above objectives.


Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after one year of implementation. 




As a nurse advocate, I would get involved in evaluating the provision of training for the healthcare professionals as well as the benefits anticipated from the increased activities such as research processes. In other words, I would get involved in the evaluation of key benefits and well as roles of healthcare professionals as stipulated in the policy.










General Notes/Comments  


The implementation of Affordable Care Policy involved different stakeholders skilled or with experience in different areas of practice in the healthcare systems. Also, with effective planning at every step, the government managed to implement different aspects of the policy without significant interference from other institutions. The policy met the original intent and objectives. Millions of Americans experienced significant reduction in the healthcare costs. In other words, all people from different social-economic status were to receive quality and less costly healthcare services as intended.












The ACA was intended to ensure that the quality and affordability of healthcare services in the United States were improved. The analysis revealed that it largely achieved its original objective based on the number of people who are ensured in the aftermath of its inception. Nurses have an important advocacy role to play in the success of the program.


Chen, J., Vargas-Bustamante, A., Mortensen, K., & Ortega, A. N. (2018). Racial and ethnic disparities in health care access and utilization under the Affordable Care Act. Medical care54(2), 140. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4711386/

Glied, S., & Jackson, A. (2017). The future of the Affordable Care Act and insurance coverage. American journal of public health107(4), 538-540. Retrieved from: https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2017.303665

In Powers, J. S. (2020). Healthcare Changes and the Affordable Care Act: A Physician Call to Action.

Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2017). The Cost of ACA Repeal. https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/research/2016/06/the-cost-of-aca-repeal.html

NURS 6050 Assignment Assessing a Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation Required Readings

Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Chapter 7, “Health Policy and Social Program      Evaluation” (pp. 116–124 only)
Glasgow, R. E., Lichtenstein, E., & Marcus, A. C. (2003). Why don’t we see more translation of health promotion research to practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transition. American Journal of Public Health, 93(8), 1261–1267.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Shiramizu, B., Shambaugh, V., Petrovich, H., Seto, T. B., Ho, T., Mokuau, N., & Hedges, J. R. (2016). Leading by success: Impact of a clinical and translational research infrastructure program to address health inequities. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(5), 983–991. doi:10.1007/s40615-016-0302-4

Williams, J. K., & Anderson, C. M. (2018). Omics research ethics considerations. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 386–393. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2018.05.003

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

NURS 6050 Assignment Assessing a Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation Rubric Detail

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Name: NURS_6050_Module05_Week10_Assignment_Rubric

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Excellent Good Fair Poor
Program/Policy Evaluation

Based on the program or policy evaluation you seelcted, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

· Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
· How was the success of the program or policy measured?
· How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
· At what point in time in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
Points Range: 32 (32%) – 35 (35%)
Response clearly and accurately describes in detail the healthcare program or policy outcomes.

Response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail how the success of the program or policy was measured.

Response clearly and accurately describes in detail how many people were reached by the program or policy and fully describes the impact of the program or policy.

Response clearly and accurately indicates the point at which time the program or policy evaluation was conducted.

Points Range: 28 (28%) – 31 (31%)
Response accurately describes the healthcare program or policy outcomes.

Response accurately explains how the success of the program or policy was measured.

Response accurately describes how many people were reached by the program or policy and accurately describes the impact of the program or policy.

Response accurately indicates the point at which time the program or policy evaluation was conducted.

Points Range: 25 (25%) – 27 (27%)
Description of the healthcare program or policy outcomes is inaccurate or incomplete.

Explanation of how the success of the program or policy was measured is inaccurate or incomplete.

Description of how many people were reached by the program or policy and the impact is vague or inaccurate.

Response vaguely describes the point at which the program or policy evaluation was conducted.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 24 (24%)
Description of the healthcare program or policy outcomes is inaccurate and incomplete, or is missing.

Explanation of how the success of the program or policy was measured is inaccurate and incomplete, or is missing.

Description of how many people were reached by the program or policy and the associated impacts is vague and inaccurate, or is missing. NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Response of the point at which time the program or policy was conducted is missing.
Reporting of Program/Policy Evaluations

· What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
· What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
· What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit the most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
· Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
· Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
· Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.
Points Range: 45 (45%) – 50 (50%)
Response clearly and accurately identifies the data used to conduct the program or policy evaluation.

Response clearly and thoroughly explains in detail specific information on outcomes and unintended consequences identified through the program or policy evaluation.

Response clearly and accurately explains in detail the stakeholders involved in the program or policy evaluation.

Response clearly and accurately explains in detail who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation.

Response includes a thorough and accurate explanation of whether the program met the original intent and outcomes, including an accurate and detailed explanation of the reasons supporting why or why not.

Response includes a thorough and accurate explanation of whether the program should be implemented, including an accurate and detailed explanation of the reasons supporting why or why not.


Points Range: 40 (40%) – 44 (44%)
Response accurately identifies the data used to conduct the program or policy evaluation.

Response explains in detail specific information on outcomes and unintended consequences identified through the program or policy evaluation.

Response explains in detail the stakeholders involved in the program or policy evaluation.

Response explains who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation.

Response includes an accurate explanation of whether the program met the original intent and outcomes, including an accurate explanation of the reasons supporting why or why not.

Response includes an accurate explanation of whether the program should be implemented, including an accurate explanation of the reasons supporting why or why not.

Points Range: 35 (35%) – 39 (39%)
Response vaguely or inaccurately identifies the data used to conduct the program or policy evaluation.

Explanation of specific information on outcomes and unintended consequences identified through the program or policy evaluation is vague or incomplete.

Explanation of the stakeholders involved in the program or policy evaluation is vague or inaccurate.

Explanation of who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation is vague or inaccurate.

Explanation of whether the program/policy met the original intent and outcomes and the reasons why or why not is incomplete or inaccurate.

Explanation of whether the program or policy should be implemented, and the reasons why or why not, is incomplete or inaccurate.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 34 (34%)
Identification of the data used to conduct the program or policy evaluation is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Explanation of specific information on outcomes and unitended consequences identified through the program or policy evaluation is vague and incomplete, or is missing.

Explanation of the stakeholders involved in the program or policy evaluation is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Explanation of who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Explanation of whether the program or policy met the original intent and outcomes and the reasons why or why not is incomplete and inaccurate, or is missing.

Explanation of whether the program or policy should be implemented, and the reasons why or why not, is incomplete and inaccurate, or is missing.
Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:

Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive.

Points Range: 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time. NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided.
Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.

Points Range: 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
Total Points: 100
Name: NURS_6050_Module05_Week10_Assignment_Rubric


Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis


The problem of readmissions was becoming a major setback in the year 2012. The center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)came up with a policy, the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) which aims at reducing cases of readmissions by penalizing hospitals that readmits patients within 30-day risk standard cases (Catalyst, 2018). The program aims to encourage good communication between healthcare facilities and patients.

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation   

Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP)

Description The program was initiated by CMS to combat cases of unnecessary readmission to prevent costs that are incurred unnecessarily. The focus of Medicaid and Medicare was to ensure patients are covered in a better and cheaper way. This helps significantly in the reduction of cases (Gai & Pachamanova, 2019). This policy was all about imposing a fine for all facilities that had a higher readmission rate as compared to the region on the cases standardized.
How was the success of the program or policy measured? 



The program was successful in terms of reducing cases of readmission and promoting better care given to the patients. Readmission cases also significantly reduced across the country hence saving the CMS a lot of money.

How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected? 


The readmission cases have significantly reduced since the policy was implemented. The readmission reduced by 10% on average for all people insured by Medicaid and Medicare (Bailey et al., 2019). This is the huge realization that saves healthcare insurance programs from unnecessary spending.
At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted? 



The program was conducted in the year 2012 and successfully implemented in 2013. This was achieved across all the states.
What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation? 



The program utilized the costs incurred as a result of readmission based on diseases that were best preventable through the guidance of nurses and doctors as well as good communication between patients and nurses (Gai & Pachamanova, 2019).

What specific information on unintended consequences was identified? 


The intended consequences identified include increasing costs of readmissions which were expensive for the insurance of medical coverage.
What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples. 



The stakeholders identified patients, nurses, doctors, and insurance firms. The people who benefited more are patients and insurance healthcare firms (McIlvennan, Eapen  & Allen, 2015). For instance, nurses were given extra work of educating patients while insurance firms were able to save on money spend on readmissions.

Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not? 




The program met the original intended objective of reducing readmissions.

Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not? 



I recommend implementing the policy in every healthcare facility since it is in line with preventive care which is much cheaper and safer for all people.

Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after one year of implementation. 


One way of evaluation of the program is having a common regulator of medical insurance to ensure the safety of the patients. The best way to implement the program of reducing readmission is by the introduction of education and guidelines to all nurses at the training level.
General Notes/Comments The program was helpful for Americans and insurance firms.




Cases of readmission have been significantly reduced since the program was implemented. This has been a useful program for the center for Medicaid and Medicare in cutting medical costs. Also, the patients have benefited significantly from the policy since the readmission was reduced, the risk of diseases was reduced as well.



Bailey, M. K., Weiss, A. J., Barrett, M. L., & Jiang, H. J. (2019). Characteristics of 30-Day all-cause hospital readmissions, 2010–2016: Statistical Brief# 248. https://europepmc.org/books/nbk538941

Gai, Y., & Pachamanova, D. (2019). Impact of the Medicare hospital readmissions reduction program on vulnerable populations. BMC health services research19(1), 1-15. https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-019-4645-5

Catalyst, N. E. J. M. (2018). Hospital readmissions reduction program (HRRP). NEJM Catalysthttps://catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/cat.18.0194

McIlvennan, C. K., Eapen, Z. J., & Allen, L. A. (2015). Hospital readmissions reduction program. Circulation131(20), 1796-1803. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?output=instlink&q=info:YaEUFTWjnlUJ:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&scillfp=14450481527059171840&oi=lle NURS 6050 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Organizational Behavior Discussion paper

Organizational Behavior Discussion paper

Organizational Behavior Discussion


Organizational Behavior and Business Influences and Advanced Practice Nursing Case
As revenue generators, NPs must be aware of how their work contributes to the overall revenue of the clinical practice. You see 20 patients per day on average and take call every third weekend. According to Buppert (2011), an NP who sees 15 patients per day at $56 per patient visit, on average, brings in $840 per day. Allowing 1 week off for continuing education, 1 week off for illness, and 4 weeks off for vacation, this NP will bring in $193,200 a year, potentially. However, not all bills are paid. With a 90% collection rate—a reasonable collection rate for an efficient practice—this NP actually will bring in $173,880 per year. An NP who sees 24 patients per day will bring in $1344 per day, or $309,120 per year in accounts receivable. With a 90% collection rate, this NP will bring $278,208 to the practice (Buppert, 2011).


Establishing a salary can be a challenge for NPs. Deducting 40% of the NP’s gross generated income for overhead expenses (rent, benefits, continuing education, supplies, malpractice, lab expenses, and depreciation of equipment) leaves $104,280 for the 15-patient-per-day NP and $166,925 for the 24-patient-per-day NP. Further deducting 15% of that figure to pay a physician for consultation services leaves $88,638 in salary for the 15-patient-per-day NP and $141,887 in salary for the 24-patient-per-day NP. Deducting 10% for employer profit leaves $79,775 in salary for the 15-patient-per-day NP and $127,699 for the 24-patient-per-day NP (Buppert, 2011).

What salary would you propose for the contract renewal? How does your salary proposal fit in with the community standard for an NP in a similar practice? Use logical reasoning, and provide evidence based rationales for your decisions. Keep in mind that your negotiation terms and conditions must be within the legal scope of practice for an ANP.

Psychopathology Assignment paper

Psychopathology Assignment paper

is the scientific study of mental disorders, including efforts to understand their genetic, biological, psychological, and social causes; develop classification schemes (nosology) which can improve treatment planning and treatment outcomes; understand the course of psychiatric illnesses across all stages of development; more fully understand the manifestations of mental disorders;[a] and investigate potentially effective treatments.[b][1]

At least conceptually,[c] psychopathology is a subset of pathology, which is the “… scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences.”[2] Psychopathology is distinct from psychiatry by virtue of being a theoretical field of scientific research rather than a specialty of medical practice. Psychopathology Assignment paper


Respond to each question in ½ – 1 page per question. Total assignments should be 3-5 pages plus a title and reference page.

  1. What is meant by the notion that mental illness is a social construction? How does cross-cultural research suggest that psychopathology is universal rather than a social construction?
  2. Discuss two ways that an evolutionary perspective expands our understanding of psychopathology.
  3.  Describe twin studies and adoption studies. Explain how each type of study contributes to our understanding of the genetic and environmental foundations of behavior.
  4. Explain how what is known about the brain bases of memory and the reward system, enhance psychopathologists’ understanding of mental illness. How do these neuroscientific insights encourage a dimensional approach to psychopathology, rather than the traditional categorical one? Psychopathology Assignment paper
  5. What processes and brain structures are involved in the processing of social information, and what do these processes tell us about the role of social skills in our lives?