Physicians as Practice Administrators Assignment 1

Physicians as Practice Administrators Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Physicians as Practice Administrators

Physician practices are a key component of the U.S. healthcare system. According to the text, a significant amount of revenue that the healthcare industry generates can be directly linked to the care that physicians provide for their patients. In addition, physicians in a medical practice add to this revenue stream by admitting patients to a hospital, prescribing prescription medication, ordering home health services and medical equipment, and referring their patients to other healthcare providers for care and treatment. As a future healthcare administrator, it is important for you to demonstrate an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that today’s physicians face in providing quality healthcare services.

Write a four to six page (4-6) paper in which you: (Does not include title and reference pages)

  1. Compare the main various forms of medical group practice. Next, select the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Justify your selection.
  2. Analyze how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Assess three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Support your response.
  3. Suggest three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Next, determine three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Provide rationale for your response.
  4. Assess the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Suggest three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Support your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice.
  5. Determine three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Provide a rationale for your response.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note:Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate the role of physicians as practice administrators and determine the administrative challenges facing today’s practice managers.
  • Develop an inventory of key competencies administrators need to effectively manage medical group practices. Develop a recruitment strategy to improve talent selection options for a medical practice.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in physician’s practice management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about physician’s practice management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Assignment 1: Physicians as Practice Administrators
Criteria Unacceptable

Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Compare the main various forms of medical group practice. Next, select the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Justify your selection.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely compared the main various forms of medical group practice. Did not submit or incompletely selected the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Did not submit or incompletely justified your selection. Partially compared the main various forms of medical group practice. Partially selected the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Partially justified your selection. Satisfactorily compared the main various forms of medical group practice. Satisfactorily selected the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Satisfactorily justified your selection. Thoroughly compared the main various forms of medical group practice. Thoroughly selected the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Thoroughly justified your selection.
2. Analyze how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Assess three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Support your response.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely analyzed how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Did not submit or incompletely assessed three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Did not submit or incompletely supported your response. Partially analyzed how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Partially assessed three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Partially supported your response. Satisfactorily analyzed how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Satisfactorily assessed three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Satisfactorily supported your response. Thoroughly analyzed how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Thoroughly assessed three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Thoroughly supported your response.
3. Suggest three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Next, determine three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Provide rationale for your response.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely suggested three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Did not submit or incompletely determined three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Did not submit or incompletely provided rationale for your response. Partially suggested three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Partially determined three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Partially provided rationale for your response. Satisfactorily suggested three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Satisfactorily determined three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Satisfactorily provided rationale for your response. Thoroughly suggested three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Thoroughly determined three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Thoroughly provided rationale for your response.
4. Assess the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Suggest three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Support your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely assessed the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Did not submit or incompletely suggested three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Did not submit or incompletely supported your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice. Partially assessed the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Partially suggested three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Partially supported your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice. Satisfactorily assessed the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Satisfactorily suggested three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Satisfactorily supported your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice. Thoroughly assessed the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Thoroughly suggested three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Thoroughly supported your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice.
5. Determine three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Provide a rationale for your response.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely determined three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response. Partially determined three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Partially provided a rationale for your response. Satisfactorilydetermined three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. Thoroughly determined three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.
6. 3 references

Weight: 5%

No references provided. Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
7. Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting

Weight: 5%

Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. Error free or almost error free grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.
8. Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference

Weight: 5%

Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section. In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in APA style. Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are generally formatted correctly in APA style. In-text citations and references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in APA style.
9. Information Literacy / Integration of Sources

Weight: 5%

Serious errors in the integration of sources, such as intentional or accidental plagiarism, or failure to use in-text citations. Sources are partially integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Sources are mostly integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.


10. Clarity and Coherence of Writing

Weight: 5%

Information is confusing to the reader and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

Final Paper/Case Study essay

Final Paper/Case Study essay

required to write a 6‐9 page (approximately 3000 words) case study on a hospital/healthcare response to a crisis or disaster. The case study must include detailed analysis of the hospital/healthcare setting, the disaster/crisis, assessment of site/location capabilities, evaluation of response challenges and outcomes, and your proposed solutions to the identified challenges. Do NOT just regurgitate the event details, provide solutions and be persuasive. The final paper should demonstrate knowledge of the event and the critical thinking skills needed to respond and recover. Format should be APA in 12 Point Times Roman font; double spaced.


The topic should be a hospital responding to a disaster. Also, focus on the role of emergency manager on all this


Tags: healthcare management Disaster management

Sustainability and Culture of Emergency Preparedness Program Assignment

Sustainability and Culture of Emergency Preparedness Program Assignment

nsuring a hospital’s preparedness is
both an operational necessity and
a regulatory expectation. Regulatory
agencies including the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services have defined
standards to ensure accredited facilities actively prepare for emergencies
which affect that facility and their role
in a communitywide response.1,2 Regulatory standards focus on issues common to disaster events, such as communication and coordination, both
within the facility and with community
agencies, facility safety and security,
staff roles and responsibilities, patient
management, patient care resources
and support for building systems.
Regulatory agencies expect plans
to be living documents that are tested
frequently and revised as often as
necessary to address changes in the
organization’s services and capabilities. Planning should focus on defining
procedures and securing resources to
sustain operations during an event, as
well as on how the organization will
recover from the disaster.
Funds and resources to support
emergency preparedness are available
through federal grant programs such
as the Hospital Preparedness Program
(HPP) to support planning for public
health threats and the Cities Readiness Initiative, funded by the Centers
for Disease Control, for preparedness in large cities and metropolitan
areas.3,4 Hospitals participating in
these programs not only gain access
to programs that will help prepare
their facility, but they also may find
the programs offer an opportunity
to network with key community
stakeholders and build support for the
community as a whole. In Louisiana,
the HPP grant is an integral part of the
structure used to create our unique
regional coordination plan.
Here is a checklist that can help
build a culture of preparedness:
Identify key stakeholders in your
community. Consider hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient service providers for dialysis or diagnostic testing
and ambulance services, as well as
individual practitioners.
Meet with local governmental
agencies such as the county Office of
Emergency Management/Homeland
Security and Office of Public Health.
Participate in planning meetings hosted by the Local Emergency
Planning Committee, Department of
Health or other community agency.
Require leaders and staff to learn
the Incident Command System so it
becomes hardwired into your organization. (See sidebar, page 30.)
Establish an internal report telephone line for staff so they can hear
current operational status information
during an extended disaster.
Create templates for internal
alerts and messages for team members, patients and guests.
Consider electronic tools such as
mass notification systems to support
timely communication.
Learn about what kind of industry operates in your area. Ask to work
with them to plan for an emergency
involving their business.
Talk with the state law enforcement agency about hazardous materials that may be transported through
your community via interstate highway or railways.
Contact the Local Emergency
Planning Committee about its assessment of hazards for the community.
Complete a hazard vulnerability
analysis for your hospital and share
the results with other hospitals and
community agencies.
Seek opportunities to test your
emergency operations plan throughout the year. Contact your local airport
to ask about participating in FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) drills.
Invite community partners,
including other hospitals, to participate in emergency plan drills whenever possible. If a practice scenario
does not involve community coordination, invite a partner to be an exercise
Take time to methodically evaluate each exercise or plan implementation.
Use the lessons learned to refine
detailed action plans
— Allyn T. Whaley-Martin
1. The Joint Commission’s Emergency Management Standards,

2. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Condition of Participation: Disaster
Preparedness, Title 42 CFR 485.727.
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Preparedness and Response, Hospital
Preparedness Program,
4. Centers for Disease Control, Cities Readiness Initiative,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without

Spectrum of Healthcare Facilities in United States Assignment

Spectrum of Healthcare Facilities in United States Assignment

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write a 1050-1300 word article about the spectrum of health care facilities. In your article:


Analyze the spectrum of health care facilities that exist in the U.S.
Analyze the purpose and goals of each of the different types of health care facilities in the U.S.
Analyze how the different types of facilities work together.
Analyze who is responsible for the oversight of the facilities.
Analyze the similarities and differences of the health care facilities.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

Chapter 7 Community Responsibility and Ethics Discussion

Chapter 7 Community Responsibility and Ethics Discussion

For this discussion read textbook Ethics in Health Administration, Chapter 7, “Community Responsibility and Ethics, pages 137-162. And Ethics and Professionalism for Healthcare Managers, Chapter 3 “Professionalism,” page 32-48, and Chapter 4 “Stewardship, pages 51-65.

Use the internet resources:

Joint Commission (2016).

Explore the site.

-Northwell Health. (2014). Healthy patients, healthy populations, healthy planet [PDF].

-Forman-Ortiz, L. (2013). Top 10 corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Community Accountability – post need to be 300-800 words, APA guidelines to cite and reference materials

1. Health care leaders shoulder the responsibility of ensuring the communities they serve are provided with quality care and service. Organizational leaders must recognize and comply with regulations and guidelines from various organizations, depending on the sector of the health care industry they manage.

-Choose a specific type of health care organization(Winn Community Activity Hospital)

-Research and describe an outside institution that is directly involved in guidance, credentialing, or accreditation for this type of organization.

-Summarize the expectations and requirements.

-Explain how compliance with this institution safeguards the community or population it serves.

-Share a possible ethical issue related to staff competency and compliance in this institution.

-Explain how a health care manager might prevent or resolve this type of issue

Corporate Social Responsibility – post need to be 300-800 words. APA guidelines to cite and reference materials

2. Review pages 44–46 in your Ethics and Professionalism for Healthcare Managers textbook.

-Research and share a recent or current example of a health care organization initiative that embodies corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, aligns with Section V of the Code of Ethics of the American College of Healthcare Executives, and provides enrichment and value to the community.

-Discuss how the three roles of health care managers were or might have been utilized for the success of this type of initiative.


-Share an original idea for a CSR program you would be interested in implementing in your health care management career.

-Be sure to directly relate ethical concepts from prior units in your work, as well as stewardship and fiduciary duty. (Add them to your resource list started in u01d1 for future reference.)


Spectrum of Healthcare Facilities in United States Assignment

Spectrum of Healthcare Facilities in United States Assignment

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write a 1050-1300 word article about the spectrum of health care facilities. In your article:


Analyze the spectrum of health care facilities that exist in the U.S.
Analyze the purpose and goals of each of the different types of health care facilities in the U.S.
Analyze how the different types of facilities work together.
Analyze who is responsible for the oversight of the facilities.
Analyze the similarities and differences of the health care facilities.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

Hospital Emergency Management Planning Paper

Hospital Emergency Management Planning Paper

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Vol. 24, No. 5
This study assessed the direct human resource costs of a hospital’s emergency
preparedness planning (in 2005) by surveying participants retrospectively.
Forty participants (74% of the identified population) were surveyed. Using the
self-reported hourly salary of the participant, a direct salary cost was calculated for each participant. The population was 40% male and 60% female; 65%
had a graduate degree or higher; 65% were administrators; 35% were clinicians;
and 50% reported that their job description included a reference to emergency
planning activities. All participants spent a combined total of 3,654.25 hours
on emergency preparedness activities,including 20.1% on personal education/training; 11.6% on educating other people; 39.3% on paperwork or equipment maintenance; 22.2% on attendance at meetings; 5.6% on drill participation; and <1%
on other activities. Considering the participants’ hourly salary, direct personal
costs spent on emergency preparedness activities at the institution totaled
US$232,417. Ten percent, all of whom were physicians, reported no compensation for their emergency preparedness efforts at the hospital level.
As much as these results illustrate the strong commitment of the institution to its community, they represent a heavy burden in light of the oftenunfunded mandate of emergency preparedness planning that a hospital may
incur. Such responsibility is carried to some extent by all hospitals.
Petinaux B: Financial burden of emergency preparedness on an urban, academic
hospital. Prehosp Disaster Med 2009;24(5):372–375.
Department of Emergency Medicine, George
Washington University, Washington, DC
Bruno Petinaux, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
George Washington University
2150 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Floor 2B
Burns Building
Washington, DC 20037 USA
Keywords: cost; Emergency Management
Committee; emergency preparedness; financial
burden; hospital; salary
EMC = Emergency Management Committee
EOP = emergency operations plan
JC = Joint Commission
NIMS = National Incident Management
Received: 31 July 2008
Accepted: 10 September 2008
Revised: 05 December 2008
Web publication: 05 October 2009
Financial Burden of Emergency
Preparedness on an Urban, Academic
Bruno Petinaux, MD
Hospitals have multiple missions, including patient care, clinical education,
clinical research, and community service. Two of these missions come together when a community faces an emergency or disaster—patient care and community service.The hospital’s patient care role expands as the disaster unfolds.
The hospital’s community service role begins long before a disaster strikes, as
the hospital staff attempts to mitigate hazards and prepare through planning,
equipment, education, training, exercising, evaluations, and updating its emergency operations plan (EOP).1,2
To gain and maintain Joint Commission ( JC) accreditation, hospital staff
must develop an EOP that utilizes an incident management system (IMS)
and integrates the plan within a community’s response plan. An “all hazards”
approach to disaster management is incorporated into this EOP. Further, the
hospital staff performs biannual drills and a yearly review of the EOP. These
planning activities are not reimbursed as they do not represent patient care;
however, they do represent a form of organizational investment for the future,
should a disaster strike, due to the fact that better prepared organizations should
demonstrate greater resiliency and effectiveness during times of disaster.
These activities come at a high cost. Hospital preparedness that meets the
challenge of a pandemic influenza threat has been estimated at US$1,000,000
per hospital.1 The institution that participated in this study always has had a
very strong commitment toward emergency preparedness efforts, due to its
September – October 2009 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Petinaux 373
reviewed to determine whether or not any external funding
was obtained to support the participant’s efforts. The
Institutional Review Board approved this study. Consent
was obtained from all participants.
Fifty-four eligible members of the EMC were identified for
participation in this study. Of these, one reported no time
spent and no income, 11 did not participate, one declined
to participate, and one member (author) abstained. Overall,
40 members (74%) participated. Figure 1 outlines the educational backgrounds of the study population. Sixteen participants were male (40%), 24 female (60%); eight (20%)
participants were physicians.
Sixty-five percent of the participants described their job
functions to be mostly administrative and 50% of participants stated that their job function specifically included
emergency preparedness responsibilities. The study participants reported a combined 3,654.25 hours dedicated to
EOP efforts in 2005. Of the time devoted to emergency
preparedness efforts, 39.3% was spent on paperwork and
maintaining equipment. Approximatley 31.7% was spent
on training, with 20.1% on self-education and 11.6% on
education and others. Twenty-two percent was spent on
meetings, of which about 75% was spent on internal meetings to the hospital and the rest in meetings external to the
facility. Of the remaining time, 5.6% was spent on disaster
drills, 0.8% was spent on disaster activations, and 0.4% on
unspecified activities (Figure 2).
The average salary of the participants was $56.43 per
hour. The collective total amount of money spent during
2005 on direct salary costs was $232,417.20. The salaries
for 29 participants were paid directly by the hospital. Two
participants had multiple funding sources for their salaries
related to emergency preparedness activities at the hospital,
four reported employers other than the hospital to have
paid the salaries, and five reported no compensation. Of
note, all participants not reporting any actual salary compensation for their efforts were physicians. No participant
reported grant income.
location and involvement in the community. As required by
its bylaws, the hospital has formed an Emergency
Management Committee (EMC). This Committee is
tasked with leading all emergency preparedness efforts at
the institution and ensuring JC compliance.The Committee
has been very active in organizing biannual drills, updating
the EOP, educating and training staff, resource management, and representing the hospital to the emergency management community at-large. In addition to the above
efforts, anticipated or sudden unexpected increases in the
EMC’s functions can occur. One example of a sudden,
unexpected event was the response to the anthrax scare in
Northern Virginia in March of 2005. Conversely, an example of an anticipated event was the Presidential
Inauguration in January of 2005.
The above outlined activities to some extent are duplicated at every hospital in the United States, but the salary
costs of maintaining such efforts in the field of emergency
preparedness planning never have been studied in depth in
the field of emergency preparedness planning. A MEDLINE search of the terms “committee” and “disaster” yielded
only two entries,4,5 neither of which addressed the actual
planning process. Prior studies have examined the costs,
including not just salary expenses, incurred by institutions
relating to institutional review board work associated with
research.6–9 A prior study examining the overall cost of
hospital emergency preparedness from the Greater New
York Hospital Association in the post-9-11 era identified
that 25.8% of all expenditures were related to staff
resources.10 The data presented in this study focus exclusively on the direct salary costs of the emergency preparedness efforts at one institution.
The EMC members were surveyed retrospectively regarding their emergency preparedness efforts during the 2005
calendar year. Participants were asked to estimate their
involvement in meetings, education, training, preparations,
and response to disasters. Using the self-reported hourly
salary of the participant, a direct salary cost was calculated
for each participant. The source of the salary also was
Petinaux © 2009 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Figure 1—Educational background of the study population
Petinaux © 2009 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Figure 2—Time spent on each EP effort
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Vol. 24, No. 5
374 Financial Burden of Emergency Preparedness
thought of as an investment in the future should disaster
strike. Yet, fiscal pressures and the paucity of financial support for dedicated disaster planning at the individual hospital
level,place the majority of the financial burden onto hospitals.
Emergency preparedness is a topic of great study based
on recent disasters in the United States; however, the
researchers who focus on disaster preparedness efforts and
discuss the costs incurred with such efforts tend not to
focus on the cost of the actual emergency planning
process.12,13 This process cost, expressed in salaries alone is
substantial. Equipment maintenance and “paperwork” were
responsible for almost 40% of all efforts. Compliance with
standards, updating and maintaining plans, and resource
management are included within this category. As funding
is available for resourcing, activities such as purchase ordering, tracking, organizing, stocking, inventorying, maintaining, and auditing of resources are labor intensive. Further, to
be utilized efficiently, these resources must be integrated into
the planning process.
Education and training represented almost 32% of the
time commitment that members reported on the EMC.
This training may have included internal or external training. Some of this training is done at the discretion of the
members; some trainings,though,such as the NIMS courses, are obligatory for compliance purposes. If all 54 EMC
members took the IS-100 (3 hours), IS-200 (3 hours), ISDiscussion
Emergency planning represents a large, unfunded, yet necessary financial burden on hospitals. The extent of the
financial burden of emergency preparedness planning on
any institution has not been reported before. By examining
the direct human resource costs associated with emergency
planning, this study attempted to quantify this financial
burden within its study limitations. All institutions must
realize that their emergency planning efforts resulted in
substantial direct costs to their operating budget. To assist
in controlling such costs, recommendations for an EMC to
achieve maximum efficiency of personnel use in the planning and preparation efforts of emergency management are
outlined in Table 1. The National Incident Management
System (NIMS) Implementation Activity Element Six for
hospitals and healthcare systems, as published by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, directs hospitals
to enact a mechanism through which preparedness funds
provided by the Federal and State governing bodies could
be allocated by hospitals and hospital associations for preparedness efforts.11 However, such funding efforts typically
do not include the actual planning process, but focus primarily on resourcing and hospital infrastructure. By nature,
emergency planning efforts often do not add to the core
business of a hospital, which is direct patient care, as they
are mostly preparatory efforts. This planning could be
Develop a core Emergency Management Committee (EMC) of smaller size to meet monthly
Meet quarterly or less with all Emergency Management Committee Members to address system wide Mitigation, Preparation,
Response, and Mitigation Efforts
Provide the Emergency Management Committee Leadership with administrative resources that can perform non-EMC core
Involve hospital support departments such as Materials Management and Finance Department in resource management—
integrate ‘Disaster Supplies’ with existing hospital resource management
Integrate Emergency Preparedness Efforts into existing hospital efforts – Life Safety Rounds, Fire Drills, Core Competencies,
Annual Reviews, etc.
Encourage local Hospital Associations to develop a strong local, regional, and state-wide hospital emergency preparedness
committee to manage funding opportunities and their associated requirements, documentation, and auditing
Encourage local Hospital Associations to develop memoranda of understanding between members for local, regional, and
state-wide resource management during a response
Develop IS (NIMS) equivalent courses tailored specifically to your facility to maximize training opportunities
Develop asynchronous learning tools via distance learning specific to your facility that staff members may take at their own
pace and convenience
Consider adopting ‘off the shelf’ plans—though be sure to make these plans organization and facility specific
Consider working with other hospitals in your area to develop common pieces to an emergency management program such
as a hazard and vulnerability analysis, biannual exercise, etc.
Recognize staff members emergency management function to include this responsibility in their job description and provide
for formally protected time to participate in EMC efforts
Petinaux © 2009 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Table 1—Planning and preparation management recommendations (EMC = Emergency Management Committee;
IS = independent study; NIMS = National Incident Management System)
September – October 2009 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Petinaux 375
physician relative value units, productivity, malpractice,
travel costs, communication, and office costs also were not
included. Future research should focus on prospective salary
costs of emergency preparedness efforts at an institution.
As the level of preparedness and involvement within preparedness efforts may differ with hospital characteristics, a
multicenter research study may more accurately approximate costs.These costs also should not only be measured in
direct salary costs alone, but should include indirect costs
such as office support, costs of all drill/exercise participants,
and system-wide training, exercising, and planning costs.
Hospitals are committed to strong emergency management
programs due to the risks to which they are exposed. These
risks are measured by the impact of any given hazard on the
facility within its geographic locations including: proximity
to hazards, such as industrial and transportation centers,
and potential exposure to disasters of both natural and
human-made causes, both internal and external. In the participating institution’s staff, salary cost of such a commitment as demonstrated in this study totaled almost a quarter
of a million dollars. In light of such large sums of money,
the healthcare industry should strive to streamline emergency preparedness efforts by providing strong hospital
leadership support.By standardizing plans, developing local
and regional disaster protocols, integrated responses within
the community, and effective resource management across
competing hospital systems, hospitals would benefit from
synergy in their disaster preparation and responses.
Individual hospitals might be served better by establishing
one individual or a small group of individuals who develop
the NIMS compliant community, integrated, all-hazards
EOP and maintain it. It also would be this small group’s or
individual’s responsibility to train all employees on their roles
within the plan as well as meeting with departmental leadership to ensure plan accuracy.
700 (3 hours), and IS-800 (3 hours) courses for a total of 12
contact hours, a one time median salary cost of >$36,000
would be incurred by the facility to meet this implementation activity. Meetings included the monthly EMC meetings, other internal planning and preparatory meetings, as
well as external planning and preparatory meetings with
outside agencies and partners.
This was a single-site study; therefore, the results were
influenced by the study population as well as the characteristics of the facility, an urban, academic medical center.
Furthermore, the intensity of planning and preparatory
efforts, though baseline at all hospital facilities within the
US, may be driven differently at certain facilities due to
hazard and vulnerability analysis results. The study environment, being an urban, academic center in a major metropolitan area, might have inflated the preparedness efforts.
The Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)
report found similar trends with academic hospitals outspending community hospitals three to one in their overall
preparedness efforts. Hence, direct applications of this
study must be viewed in the context of size and type of hospital, a hospital’s commitment to emergency preparedness
efforts, and probability and the likely impact of any given
disaster on the hospital.
Further, the study focused only on the members of the
EMC. It must be recognized that facility-wide education
and drilling occurs year round and such costs were not
included in this study. However, most of these activities
would not involve strict planning. The co-chair of the
EMC during most of the study period was the author of
the study, and therefore, did not participate. The author
estimates an additional $30,000 of salary costs that could
have been added to the total if included in the report.
Further costs, such as benefits of up to 28% per employee
were not included in the study. Indirect costs such as loss of
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10. Greater New York Hospital Association: Hospital Expenditures for Emergency
Preparedness. February 2003.
11. NIMS Implementation Activities for Hospitals and Healthcare System.
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​Physician’s Practice Management Discussion – Wk 6

​Physician’s Practice Management Discussion – Wk 6

Physician’s Practice Management – Wk 6

“Improving Practice Management through Information Technology” Please respond to the following:

  • Imagine you are responsible for purchasing a new health information or practice management system for a medical practice. Prioritize three (3) system functions or capabilities that would be most important to you when making this purchase. Support your decision.


  • Assess the process of benchmarking as a function of practice management. Suggest one (1) financial and one (1) operational benchmark that a practice manager could use to improve business outcomes and the quality of patient care. Support your recommendations with at least one (1) real-world example.


***This is a discussion, not a paper. Need 2 strong paragraphs and references. No plagiarism.***

Operations Planning for A Group Medical Practice Paper

Operations Planning for A Group Medical Practice Paper

Imagine that a group of physicians who are planning to open a single-specialty group practice has hired you as a consultant. Your job is to advise the physicians in creating a business plan that includes management strategies that will help ensure their success. The physicians have stipulated that the plan must promote medical excellence and limit their exposure to risks associated with the practice of medicine and the operational functions of the practice. In addition, they are aware that a public health emergency or natural disaster could have had a significant impact on their practice, and want to include a strategy for emergency preparedness as part of their plan so that they will be able to manage their patients and help serve the community as needed.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Compare and contrast the two (2) main levels (i.e., internal comparison and external comparison) of financial benchmarking. Next, analyze the strategic purpose of each level of benchmarking and specify the overall importance of benchmarking as a financial planning tool for a medical practice.
  2. Recommend a Health Information Technology (HIT) system that includes an Electronic Health Record (EHR) for the new practice to implement. Support your recommendation by determining three (3) main benefits of having this type of system for the practice.
  3. According to the text (page 368), some of the main areas of risk exposure for a group practice include: property (general liability and safety), technology, and financial practices. Determine one (1) specific hazard associated with one (1) of these risk categories and propose a strategy to mitigate the impact this risk could have on the practice. Support your analysis with a real-life example.
  4. Determine the main functions of the practice that will need to remain operational before, during, and / or after a natural disaster or public health emergency. Next, suggest a strategy that the practice should take to maintain communication with employees and patients, secure patient and financial records, and ensure that resources will available to care for patients during a disaster or emergency. Provide a rationale for your response.


  5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
  6. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate the role of physicians as practice administrators and determine the administrative challenges facing today’s practice managers.
  • Examine ways in which health service administrators can help physicians prepare for disasters and facilitate recovery.
  • Apply benchmarking techniques for financial and operational efficiency.
  • Examine the legal and risk management issues affecting today’s physician practices.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in physician’s practice management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about physician’s practice management using proper writing mechanics.


Tags: healthcare management operations planning Group Medical Practice Physician practices risk management issues

Week 6 (Two parts)

Part 1- Identify at least two stakeholder agency reporting sources. How do these external reporting groups contribute to or hinder CQI?Part 2- You are going to present data that has been collected to your administrative group. The focus is on outcome measures and the data collected is unplanned readmission rates at two different hospitals. What format would you choose to display your data and why? What information would you include with the data?