Healthcare Administration Questions essay

Healthcare Administration Questions essay

Read the situation and answer the questions fully and carefully. I will attach the powerpoint lecture which will help you answer the questions.


Note – Each question carries equal points (4). Submit your answers ALONG with questions as one word document. In case you believe there is a tie in the tool options, pick one that you believe fits the best (most appropriate for the situation) APA format, double spaced.

​Imagine you are the supervisor of the health information department (HIM) in a large outpatient clinic.  This department manages patient records. Complaints about your department are becoming more frequent and intense than in the past.  Some clinic employees have complained that the HIM department takes too long to retrieve patient records.  Others have expressed dismay over the rudeness of HIM staff.  As the manager, you decide to talk about these problems with employees throughout the clinic.

The clinic’s receptionists who are your internal customers respond to you defensively.  They tell you that the HIM staff won’t answer the phone and that they want some backup when they are busy with patients.  You talk to the HIM staff and find their stories are just as negative.  They say they are being charged with more responsibilities but have no additional help. They also complain that the receptionists transfer the calls that they should be handling.  Your HIM staff indicate that the receptionists know when patients schedule their appointments which is usually days in advance and there should be fewer STAT requests for patient records on the same day.   The clinic’s nurses are also upset with the HIM staff; they claim that the department does not help them locate patient charts, causing long wait times for patients.  The clinic’s physicians say they cannot assume additional tasks to alleviate the situation because their days are already chaotic.  They further indicate that they incur the wrath of the patients due to long waiting times.  The physicians cannot complete their routines on time because of backlog due to delays in acquiring patient records.  As a clinician stated ”  without test results or patient data, our hands are tied and there is only so much we can do”……

1. What improvement tool(s) would you use to identify all possible reasons for the increase in complaints about the HIM department? Provide your rationale.

2. What tool(s) would you use to gather data to confirm the reasons for the complaints about the HIM department?  Why?

3. You believe that complaints spike on certain days of the week.  What tool(s) would you use to analyze/determine this theory?

4.  You have gathered data about the causes of complaints.  What tool(s) would you use to prioritize the problems?

5.  You need to define and understand the current process for retrieving patient records.  What tool would you use to visually define the process?

HSA4184 St Petersburg College Reason for Failure in Change Discussion

HSA4184 St Petersburg College Reason for Failure in Change Discussion

  • Common cause/reason for failure in change? Why do people fear/avoid/not like change?
  • How to positively make change happen in environment?
  • Common cause/reason for failure in change? Why do people fear/avoid/not like change?
  • How to positively make change happen in environment?

  • To avoid point loss, carefully follow all assignment instructions and rubric guidelines
  • Review this Discussion Sample to get a better sense of what is expected of your discussion content and participation
  • Complete your original post of 150-175 words before 11:59 p.m. Thursday, EST


  • Complete at least 2 peer replies of at least 75 words before 11:59 p.m. Sunday, EST
  • Note that responses to instructor comments do not count toward the minimum number of peer replies
  • Provide properly formatted citations/references for all source material (see HSA Style Guide)
  • Do not use any quoted or copied material.

  • To avoid point loss, carefully follow all assignment instructions and rubric guidelines
  • Review this Discussion Sample to get a better sense of what is expected of your discussion content and participation
  • Complete your original post of 150-175 words before 11:59 p.m. Thursday, EST
  • Complete at least 2 peer replies of at least 75 words before 11:59 p.m. Sunday, EST
  • Note that responses to instructor comments do not count toward the minimum number of peer replies
  • Provide properly formatted citations/references for all source material (see HSA Style Guide)
  • Do not use any quoted or copied material.

HCMN413 Griggs International Academy HomeFit assessment Process Paper

HCMN413 Griggs International Academy HomeFit assessment Process Paper

HCMN 413 – Services and Housing for the Long-Term Care Consumer

Dr. Mc Sweeney-Feld

Home Fit Assignment – 200 Points

Maintaining autonomy is extremely important to all of us.  It is critical for older adults and individuals with disabilities, as it is part of “ageing in place” and being able to live independently in the community for life.  Studies show that remaining in your community benefits an adult’s health, mental states and overall well-being.

This Assignment requires you to visit the home of an adult over age 50 or the home of an individual with disabilities over age 18 (not their dorm room, must be a home environment) to assess whether their home environment is conducive to living independently for the remainder of their life. The Assignment requires you to review the built environment of the home, their use of energy within the home, the individual’s transportation services, their nutrition services, and their individual safety concerns as measured by their preparedness for emergencies and disasters.

Part I:  Please choose the home of an adult over the age of 50 to assess, and set up a date and time for the assessment.  (This can be a parent, a neighbor, friend or other relative; the home site can be a free-standing house, condo or apartment).  Bring a tape measure with you to the visit to measure doorway and hallway widths.  The interview should take 1 hour to 1.5 hours.


  1. Review the entire contents of the Home Fit Guide, especially the Home Fit Questions and Room-by-Room Home Fit list.

Home Fit: please ask the following questions and record the answers

  1. Does the person have mobility issues, and do they use an assistive device (cane, wheel chair, rollator, or walker)? If so, what type and are they able to move freely around the home with the device?
  2. Is there at least one step-free entrance into the home?
  3. Are there stairs inside and/or outside the home that the person needs to use? Are there hand rails on both sides of the stairway?
  4. Are there doorways that are at least 36 inches wide between the door jams?
  5. Are the hallways well lighted and are there light switches at the end of the hall?
  6. Are there area rugs in the home? If so, do they have nonslip strips or liners under them?
  7. What types of handles are on the doors: knobs or levers?
  8. In the kitchen, is there a lever-style faucet, or are there knobs? What types of pulls are on the kitchen cabinets: knobs or D-shaped handles? Are the cabinets easy to reach?
  9. In the bathroom, is there a step-free entrance into the shower and non-slip strips on the floor? Is there an adjustable or hand-held shower head? Is there a shower chair and grab bars? Does the toilet have an elevated seat for comfort?
  10. Is there a telephone in multiple rooms? Are all electrical cords secured to prevent tripping?


  1. Energy use in the home: please ask the following questions and record your answers
  2. At what temperature do you set your thermostat for your home? Do you have zoned heating and cooling, and if so, how do you use it?
  3. Have you changed any light bulbs to energy-saving ones in your home?
  4. Do you have energy-star or energy-efficient appliances in the kitchen? How frequently do you use the dishwasher or washing machine?
  5. If you have a house, do you use weatherproofing seals for your windows and/or doors to keep in heat during inclement weather
  6. Have you requested any financial assistance with your energy services from your energy company?


  1. Nutrition supports: please ask the following questions and record your answers
  2. Are you able to shop for your own food purchases? Are there grocery stores within a convenient distance from your home?
  3. Do you use any delivery services to obtain your weekly food and supplies?
  4. Do you eat three full meals a day? Do you keep a set budget for your food purchases?
  5. Do you eat fruit and vegetables as a regular part of your meals?
  6. Do you utilize any nutrition support programs (SNAP benefits, Meals on Wheels, food pantry assistance, etc.). If so, how helpful have you found them to be?


  1. Transportation supports: please ask the following questions and record your answers. Make sure that you have calculated the Walkability index for this person’s residence prior to the visit (
  2. Do you drive your own car? If not, do you rely on other family and friends for your transportation needs?
  3. Have you made transportation plans for yourself if you are no longer able to drive?
  4. Do you utilize public transportation, taxis or services such as Uber for your transportation needs? If so, how helpful have you found them to be?
  5. Do you use government-funded shared ride services such as MTA Access or County Ride services? If so, how helpful have you found them to be?




  1. Personal Safety: please ask the following questions and record your answers
  2. Do you view your home as a safe place to live? Why do you feel this way?
  3. Do you have an emergency plan for yourself if your community experienced an emergency or disaster?
  4. Have you made plans with your family and friends as to where you would go if you had to evacuate your home? Have you arranged a central meeting place for you and your family in case of an emergency?

HSA4184 St Petersburg College Reason for Failure in Change Discussion

HSA4184 St Petersburg College Reason for Failure in Change Discussion

  • Common cause/reason for failure in change? Why do people fear/avoid/not like change?
  • How to positively make change happen in environment?


  • To avoid point loss, carefully follow all assignment instructions and rubric guidelines
  • Review this Discussion Sample to get a better sense of what is expected of your discussion content and participation
  • Complete your original post of 150-175 words before 11:59 p.m. Thursday, EST
  • Complete at least 2 peer replies of at least 75 words before 11:59 p.m. Sunday, EST
  • Note that responses to instructor comments do not count toward the minimum number of peer replies
  • Provide properly formatted citations/references for all source material (see HSA Style Guide)
  • Do not use any quoted or copied material.


MGMT420 UNCC Traditional and Enterprise Risk Management Paper

MGMT420 UNCC Traditional and Enterprise Risk Management Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about enterprise risk management (ERM). Include the following in your paper:

Explain the difference between traditional and enterprise risk management.


Explain why enterprise risk management is a more effective approach for today’s organizations.
Explain key drivers of value-driven enterprise risk management.
Explain how these key drivers are applied within health care to drive enterprise risk management. Provide examples.

Albany College of Pharmacy Healthcare Management Case Study Analysis

Albany College of Pharmacy Healthcare Management Case Study Analysis


Learning from Defects

Investigation Process

  1. What happened? (Reconstruct the timeline and explain what happened.  For this investigation, put yourself in the place of those involved, in the middle of the event as it was unfolding, to understand what they were thinking and the reasoning behind their actions/decisions.  Try to view the world as they did when the event occurred.)




  1. Why did it happen? Below is a framework to help you review and evaluate your case.  Please read each contributing factor and evaluate whether it was involved.  If so, did it negatively contribute (increase harm) or positively contributed (reduce impact of harm) to the incident.  Rate the most important contributing factors that relate to this event.


Contributing Factors  (Example) Negatively


Positively Contributed
Patient Factors:    
Patient was acutely ill or agitated (Elderly patient in renal failure, secondary to congestive heart failure.)    
There was a language barrier (Patient did not speak English)    
There were personal or social issues (Patient declined therapy)    
Task Factors:    
Was there a protocol available to guide therapy? (Protocol for mixing medication concentrations is posted above the medication bin.)    
Were test results available to help make care decision?  (Stat blood glucose results were sent in 20 minutes.)    
Were tests results accurate?  (Four diagnostic tests done; only MRI results needed quickly—results faxed.)    
Caregiver Factors    
Was the caregiver fatigued? (Tired at the end of a double shift, nurse forgot to take a blood pressure reading.)    
Did the caregiver’s outlook/perception of own professional role impact on this event?  (Doctor followed up to make sure cardiac consult was done expeditiously.)    
Was the physical or mental health of the provider a factor? (Provider having personal issues and missed hearing a verbal order.)    
Team Factors    
Was verbal or written communication during hand offs clear, accurate, clinically relevant and goal directed?  (Oncoming care team was debriefed by out-going staff regarding patient’s condition.)    
Was verbal or written communication during care clear, accurate, clinically relevant and goal directed?  (Staff was comfortable expressing his/her concern regarding high medication dose.)    
Was verbal or written communication during crisis clear, accurate, clinically relevant and goal directed?  (Team leader quickly explained and direct his/her team regarding the plan of action.)    
Was there a cohesive team structure with an identified and communicative leader?  (Attending physician gave clear instructions to the team.)    
Training & Education Factors    
Was provider knowledgeable, skilled & competent?  (Nurse knew dose ordered was not standard for that medication.)    
Did provider follow the established protocol?   (Provider pulled protocol to ensure steps were followed.)    
Did the provider seek supervision or help?  (New nurse asked preceptor to help her/him mix medication concentration)    
Information Technology/CPOE Factors    
Did the computer/software program generate an error?  (Heparin was chosen, but Digoxin printed on the order sheet.)    
Did the computer/software malfunction?  (Computer shut down in the middle of provider’s order entry.)    
Did the user check what he/she entered to make sure it was correct?  (Provider initially chose .25mg, but caught his/her error and changed it to .025mg.)    
Local Environment    
Was there adequate equipment available and was the equipment working properly?  (There were 2 extra ventilators stocked & recently serviced by clinical engineering.)    
Was there adequate operational (administrative and managerial) support?  (Unit clerk out sick, but extra clerk sent to cover from another unit.)    
Was the physical environment conducive to enhancing patient care?  (All beds were visible from the nurse’s station.)    
Was there enough staff on the unit to care for patient volume?  (Nurse ratio was 1:1.)    
Was there a good mix of skilled with new staff?  (There was a nurse orientee shadowing a senior nurse and an extra nurse on to cover senior nurse’s responsibilities.)    
Did workload impact the provision of good care?  (Nurse caring for 3 patients because nurse went home sick.)    
Institutional Environment    
Were adequate financial resources available?  (Unit requested experienced patient transport team for critically patients and one was made available the next day.)    
Were laboratory technicians adequately in-serviced/ educated?  (Lab tech was fully aware of complications related to thallium injection.)    
Was there adequate staffing in the laboratory to run results?   (There were 3 dedicated laboratory technicians to run stat results.)    
Were pharmacists adequately in-service/educated?   (Pharmacists knew and followed the protocol for stat medication orders.)    
Did pharmacy have a good infrastructure (policy, procedures)?  (It was standard policy to have a second pharmacist do an independent check before dispensing medications.)    
Was there adequate pharmacy staffing?  (There was a pharmacist dedicated to the ICU.)    
Does hospital administration work with the units regarding what and how to support their needs?  (Guidelines established to hold new ICU admissions in the ER when beds not available in the ICU.)            











Review the above list of contributing factors and identify the most important factors related to this event.  Rate each contributing factor on its importance to this event and future events.


Contributing Factors Importance to current event, 1 (low) to 5 (high) Importance to future events, 1 (low) to 5 (high)













III.  How will you reduce the likelihood of this defect happening again? Develop an intervention for each of the important contributing factors identified above.  Develop interventions to defend against the 2 to 5 most important contributing factors.  Refer to the Strength of Interventions* chart below for examples of strong and weak interventions.  Then, rate each intervention on its ability to mitigate the contributing factor and on the team’s belief that the intervention will be implemented and executed.  Make an action plan for 2-5 of the highest scoring interventions.


Interventions to reduce the risk of the defect Ability to mitigate the contributing factor, 1 (low to 5 (high) Teams belief that the intervention will be implemented and executed, 1 (low) to 5 (high)




















Select 2-5 of the highest scoring interventions and develop an action plan for implementation.



Specific interventions you will do to reduce the risk of the defect?
Who will lead this effort? Follow up date











Strength of Interventions *

Weaker Actions Intermediate Actions Stronger Actions
Double Check Checklists/ Cognitive Aid Architectural/physical plant changes
Warnings and labels Increased Staffing/Reduce workload Tangible involvement and action by leadership in support of patient safety
New procedure, memorandum or policy Redundancy Simplify the process/remove unnecessary steps
Training and/or education Enhance Communication (read-back, SBAR etc.) Standardize equipment and/ or process of care map
Additional Study/analysis Software enhancement/modifications New device usability testing before purchasing
  Eliminate look alike and sound- a-likes Engineering Control of interlock (forcing functions)
  Eliminate/reduce distractions  
  • Adapted from John Gosbee, MD, MS Human Factors Engineering
  • Remember sometimes a weaker action is your only option.

















  1. How will you know the risk is reduced? Ask frontline staff who were involved in the defect if the interventions reduced the likelihood of recurrence of the defect.  After the interventions are implemented complete the “Describe Defect” and “Interventions” sections and have staff complete this survey by rating the interventions.



Describe Defect:











Interventions Intervention was effectively implemented, 1 (low) to 5 (high) Intervention reduced the likelihood of recurrence, 1 (low) to 5 (high)






















HA45210 American University Section 1 Navigate to The Breach Portal Paper

HA45210 American University Section 1 Navigate to The Breach Portal Paper

Navigate to the Breach Portal on the Office for Civil Rights website and review the list of breaches of unsecured protected health information.


My portion is

  • The type of breach
  • The location of breached information

Rasmussen College Healthcare and Technology Analysis

Rasmussen College Healthcare and Technology Analysis

You have been selected as the Team Lead for your department. Management has asked you for a report on the following topics. Research each topic and summarize in an executive summary. Cite your sources in an appendix on the last page of your document.

Make sure that your research has information from at least 2 sources other than your textbook.


  • The role of managers and technology
  • Ways to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce cost through new technology
  • Deficiencies in clinical use of technology
  • Technology and medical errors
  • Concentration on profit margins

Your appendix should be APA formatted and your work should be free from grammatical errors.

(it does not specify what the page count is supposed to be)


Length: A minimum of 180 words, not including referencesCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Aging adult case study

Aging Adult Case StudyA 68-year-old client lives alone and is independent with all ADLs, has no restrictions for mobility, and is competent, and oriented x4. The client is on a fixed income, but has enough to manage a modest lifestyle. The client has family and social supports but is very independent and is proud of her self-reliance. The client’s height is 5’ 6”, weight is 210 lb. / 95.25 kg.Please answer the following:What is the client’s BMI?Identify what screening tools you would use to assess nutritional and exercise knowledge, and why?Identify two client outcomes that are reasonable, measurable and realisticIdentify 3 nursing interventions for each client outcome and give rationalesIdentify what weakness in the client’s life and supports may be impacting the client’s activity and diet?What referrals would you make and why?Identify your references in APA format. Use references not just opinion.Assignment Expectations:Length: 1500 to 1750 words in lengthStructure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format.  These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.