NURS 6630 Week 7 Assignment

NURS 6630 Week 7 Assignment

Assignment: Assessing and Treating Clients With Pain

Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain

Pain can greatly influence an individual’s quality of life, as uncontrolled pain negatively impacts mood, concentration, and the overall physical and mental well-being of clients. Although pain can often be controlled with medications, the process of assessing and treating clients can be challenging because pain is such a subjective experience. Only the person experiencing the pain truly knows the intensity of the pain and whether there is a need for medication therapies. Sometimes, beliefs about pain and treatments for pain can have an adverse effect on the provider-client relationship. For this Assignment, as you examine the interactive case study consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with pain.Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain : NURS 6630 – Psychopharmacologic Approaches to Treatment of Psychopathology Essay Assignment.


Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain Required Readings

Note: All Stahl resources can be accessed through the Walden Library using this link. This link will take you to a log-in page for the Walden Library. Once you log into the library, the Stahl website will appear.

Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications (4th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

To access the following chapters, click on the Essential Psychopharmacology, 4th ed tab on the Stahl Online website and select the appropriate chapter. Be sure to read all sections on the left navigation bar for each chapter.

Chapter 10, “Chronic Pain and Its Treatment”

Stahl, S. M., & Ball, S. (2009a). Stahl’s illustrated chronic pain and fibromyalgia. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.NURS 6630 – Psychopharmacologic Approaches to Treatment of Psychopathology Essay Assignment

To access the following chapter, click on the Illustrated Guides tab and then the Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia tab.

Chapter 5, “Pain Drugs”

Stahl, S. M. (2014b). The prescriber’s guide (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

To access information on the following medications, click on The Prescriber’s Guide, 5th ed tab on the Stahl Online website and select the appropriate medication.NURS 6630 Week 7 Assignment


Review the following medications:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2016). Pain: Hope through research. Retrieved from

Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain Required Media

Laureate Education (2016a). Case study: A Caucasian man with hip pain [Interactive media file]. Baltimore, MD: Author

Note: This case study will serve as the foundation for this week’s Assignment.

To prepare for this Assignment:NURS 6630 – Psychopharmacologic Approaches to Treatment of Psychopathology Essay Assignment

Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how to assess and treat clients requiring therapy for pain and sleep/wake disorders.NURS 6630 Week 7 Assignment

The Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain Assignment

Examine Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.Nurs 6630 week (1-11) Discussion and Assignments.

At each decision point stop to complete the following:

Decision #1

  • Which decision did you select?
  • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?

Decision #3

NURS 6630 – Psychopharmacologic Approaches to Treatment of Psychopathology- Case Study: A Caucasian Man With Hip Pain Essay Assignment

  • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?Nurs 6630 week (1-11) Discussion and Assignments.NURS 6630 Week 7 Assignment

Decision #2

  • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?

Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients.NURS 6630 Week 7 Assignment

Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay

Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay

When caring for pregnant women, it is important to care for the whole person. This means you not only manage the pregnancy and treat conditions, but you also promote healthy behaviors and good lifestyle choices. Through health promotion, you can help to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby. Your role in health promotion is to identify health risks that might result in pregnancy complications, educate patients on these risks, and provide the necessary support to help patients mitigate these risks. In this Discussion, you examine implications of drug use, alcohol consumption, dietary habits, and environmental exposures during pregnancy, and you consider ways to educate pregnant women about such risks. Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.


To prepare:
Review Chapter 2 of the Tharpe et al. text and the article from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in this week’s Learning Resources.
Consider lifestyle changes that pregnant women must make in relation to smoking, drinking, taking drugs (legal and illegal), eating habits, and caring for pets. Select one of these topics to be the focus of an educational media piece you would create for health promotion during pregnancy.Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.
Think about the patient population that you treat within your practicum setting. Consider ways to educate these patients on health promotion as it relates to the topic you selected. Then, consider the types of educational pieces, such as flyers, posters, public service announcements, or other media, that might be most effective with your patient population.Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.
By Day 3
Post a detailed description of the educational media piece you would create for health promotion during pregnancy. Explain why you selected the particular topic, as well as why you selected the type of media and how and why it is suitable for your patient population.

Health Education and Promotion for Lifestyle Change for the Pregnant Woman: The Need for the Brochure as a Preferred Educational Tool

Patient and client information for helath promotion and prevention is an important part of the provision of primary health care. Patient education is therefore very important as it enables tge patient to remain healthy and save on preventable healthcare costs. Traditionally, this health promotion information is given verbally by healthcare professionals like nurses. However, it is a known fact that this information and instructions given verbally is normally forgotten by the patients and clients. They are  also usually misled by unverified information available on the Internet and on social media from persons who are not trained health professionals. A particular group of clients who require health promotion and education for lifestyle change are pregnant mothers. They and their unbirn babies are particularly vulnerable to poor outcomes that are a result of their lifestyles. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs and over-the-counter medications, and dietary preferences (GI Supply, 2014). This paper looks at the brochure as a preferred educational tool for this group of clients who are antenatal mothers.Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.

Importance of Health Promotion Tool

As stated above, healthcare professionals such as nurses as a rule instruct patients verbally. In any case, the patients will in general either overlook or forget this verbal data. Hence, to build the viability of wellbeing instruction, data given to patients verbally ought to be enhanced and fortified with concise written materials. Besides, research has shown that patients value amd appreciate the helpfulness of such concise written medical educational literature and materials.Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.

Health promotion tools or materials can be utilized to support the data and information delivered verbally from healthcare professionals. Nonetheless, to impact wellbeing practices, there has to be a guarantee that health education and promotional materials are appropriate for the intended interest group. To boost their reasonableness, various elements, for example, substance, design, and social suitability of these materials ought to be considered. Regardless of a scope of advantages of composed material, the methods for getting wellbeing data are changing in this digital era. Because of this, printed materials like brochures ought to be made to suit the client by making them appealing, informative, legible, and valuable (Jahan et al., 2014).Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.


The Brochure as a Preferred Health Educational Tool  

Research has shown that brochures are overwhelmingly efficient in educating patients and healthcare clients. Some studies have put this effectiveness at about 75%. However there is concensus amongst experts that the healthcare promotional brochures need to include more graphics and features that are more interactive (Jahan et al., 2014). According to the Harvard Health Publishing (n.d.), brochures are effective at giving concisely packaged health promotion information that clients can easily refer to and remember.Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.

Brochures made and written in simple language provide effective complementary health promotion information to the verbal instructions offered by healthcare professionals. Brochures facilitate the compliance of pregnant mothers to educational advice on lifestyle changes that they need to implement. They can rely on the brochures to remember facts and figures provided in the graphics. The combination of verbal instruction and complementary information in the brochures is crucial in facilitating communication. Clients like antenatal mothers who are well educated, enlightened, and informed are more likely to comply with instructions. This is according to the US Department of Health a d Human Services or HHS (GI Supply, 2014).Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.

Brochures also save time that may be spent by the healthcare professional at the first contact. This is because rarely do clients like antenatal mothers understand everything they are told verbally by the nurses and doctors. Therefore, brochures that are professionally done and incorporating graphics help to save time by facilitating understanding. Also, brochures have been shown to be instrumental in improving the treatment outcomes of patients and clients (GI Supply, 2014).

Why Settle on Brochures?

For antenatal mothers, brochures are the best as this will carry concise, simplified, and summarised health promotion information. This will include the main message that is the avoidance of smoking and alcohol in pregnancy and the deleterious effects of the same. Also, key points about the required healthy diet are presented. Additionally, information about the dangers of drug use in pregnancy is provided. This includes the birth of premature neonates. The wording is well thought out and the information is clear and legible apart from being concise. Lastly, the layout is well-balanced and attractive (Haute Autorité de Santé, 2008).Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.

According to Flottman (2016), some of the benefits of using brochures are that they are actually cost effective apart from being easy to distribute to the antenatal mothers. Also, brochures have the other advantage of being able to hold a lot of information in a small space. They also help the healthcare person to form a strong bond with the client, personalise the health promotion information, and facilitate the dissemination of the nurse’s or doctor’s expertise (Flottman, 2016). In conclusion, therefore, brochures are to be preferred in health education and promotion to antenatal mothers.Discussion wk 8 Womens Health Essay.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Assignment

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Assignment

Instructions: The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis) Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you: • Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described. • Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease. • Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems. By Day 7 of Week 2 Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 2. Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting. Case study: A 49-year-old patient with rheumatoid arthritis comes into the clinic with a chief complaint of a fever. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Assignment


Patient’s current medications include atorvastatin 40 mg at night, methotrexate 10 mg po every Friday morning and prednisone 5 mg po qam. He states that he has had a fever up to 101 degrees F for about a week and admits to chills and sweats. He says he has had more fatigue than usual and reports some chest pain associated with coughing. He admits to having occasional episodes of hemoptysis. He works as a grain inspector at a large farm cooperative. After extensive work-up, the patient was diagnosed with Invasive aspergillosis.

Invasive Aspergillosis in a 49 Year-Old Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis on Methotrexate and Corticosteroids

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that occurs as a result of the body’s immune system attacking its own cells. Treatment is by medications that suppress the immune response. In the case of this patient these are methotrexate and the corticosteroid prednisone (Mayo Clinic, 2019; Challa, 2018; Bello et al., 2017). Invasive aspergillosis (IA) on the other hand occurs only in persons whose immunity has been compromised, such as those on medications for RA (Challa, 2018). This patient presents with fatigue because it is a symptom of RA. Fever and chills show that there is an active infection (IA) that the body is attempting to fight. Chest pain, coughing, and hemoptysis are symptoms indicative of the fact that this patient with IA has fulminant pulmonary aspergillosis that is destroying respiratory alveolar units and blood vessels.


In this patient, IA has developed as a result of a genetic defect that allows the development of RA which is treated by immunosuppressant medications (methotrexate and prednisone). It can then safely be said that the invasive aspergillosis has been indirectly caused by this genetic defect. The genes associated with the development of rheumatoid arthritis are known as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes, particularly the one referred to as HLA-DRB1 (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2020). Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Assignment

The process of immunosuppression is conferred by the mechanism of action of the medications that are used to manage the rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate and prednisone interfere with the secretion of cytokines and T-cell activity. They also inhibit inflammation with the result that the host’s defences are compromised. Any normal or symbiotic microbes that are usually not pathogenic and other usually harmless environmental microbes can then cause serious disease in the host. This is how the usually contained mould Aspergillus fumigatus manages to cause invasive aspergillosis (Challa, 2018).


Bello, A.E., Perkins, E.L., Jay, R., & Efthimiou, P. (2017). Recommendations for optimizing methotrexate treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 2017:9 67–79. Doi: 10.2147/OARRR.S131668

Challa, S. (2018). Pathogenesis and pathology of invasive aspergillosis. Current Fungal Infection Reports, 12, 23-32. Doi:

Mayo Clinic (March 1, 2019). Rheumatoid arthritis. Retrieved 14 June 2020 from

U.S. National Library of Medicine (2020). Rheumatoid arthritis: Causes. Retrieved 14 June 2020 from

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Assignment

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

This module explored various vulnerable populations. Now it is your turn to go more in-depth on these issues by focusing on one specific vulnerable population.


For this assignment, identify a vulnerable population (different than the one used for your A Vulnerable Person Discussion) that has meaning to you. Following the HSA Standards provided below and without writing in first person (i.e., I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.), write a paper at least 700 words using the following outline and including at least three scholarly references.

  • Introduction

Importance to Communicate Effectively Both in Written/Verbal Forms

Importance to Communicate Effectively Both in Written/Verbal Forms

  • Why is it important to communicate effectively both in written/verbal forms. Is one way more effective than the other?


  • Give an example of how to effectively improve your communication at work, school or at home.
  • Right way to “trickle” down decisions made in order to properly implement?
  • How to ensure what was said was what was heard? What happens when what is said is not what is heard. Refer to example of the Telephone Game.


Writing >Harvard University Health Information and Quality Management Questions

Writing >Harvard University Health Information and Quality Management Questions

Instructions: Answer ALL the questions below. You may use the text (chapter 3, Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, Third Edition Patrice L. Spath) ( I will send the lecture with the slides when this gets assigned) a. You may also use external sources to answer these questions. PLEASE cite your work and sources. Upload a word document. All questions require a minimum of 200 words each.


Q1: Can Government intervention in HIT be justified? Why or why not? (Hint: Chapter 3 – pages 53-56.) 5 points

Q2: What is HIPAA? Why was it passed? What are the two key provisions of this legislation? What are the potential benefits to healthcareorganizations to be gained by compliance with HIPAA standards? What are the potential benefits to patients and consumers of health care? (Hint: read glandon, chapter 3 pages 59-64 + – cite your sources; summarize benefits in your own words) 5 points

Q 3: What is the HITECH act? Why was it passed? What are the potential benefits to providers (doctors and hospitals) by responding to this legislation? What are the potential drawbacks? (Hint: read Glandon, chapter 3 pgs-64-70; summarize benefits and drawbacks in your own words) 5 points


Albany College of Pharmacy Healthcare Management Case Study Analysis

Albany College of Pharmacy Healthcare Management Case Study Analysis

  1. Case Analysis (Individual) –Quality/Patient Safety Improvement Plan: Students will analyze utilizing QI tools. The case is (it is hard to kill 15yr) students will use the information, and data provided from the case they identified asnd utilize specific QI/PS tools and techniques to address the problem at hand. Deliverables will include a QI/Patient Safety Case Analysis that addresses – what happened (incident), why it happened (contributory factors), key contributory factors (two to three), recommendations to address the key contributory factors (with evidence to support effectiveness of interventions), measures to assess improvement and


    rationale. You will provide charts, graphs and use the learning from defects tool and other tools – fish bone, pareto chart etc.Length of the paper: The case analysis should be six to (double-spaced) excluding appendices, cover page, and references.You must use sub-headings e.g. what happened, why/contributory factors, key contributory factors that led to the event, recommendations to address key contributory factors and rationale, measures to assess improvement and conclusion.Please refer to detailed instructions on the course attached

Health Medical >Policy process essay

Health Medical >Policy process essay

Assignment Content

To prepare for this assignment, review the key components of the health care policy process in Ch. 3 of Health policymaking in the United States.


The policy cycle approach provides lawmakers with a pathway for developing a policy and guiding it through the institutions of our government. The cycle starts with identification of a targeted problem and ultimately ends up with providing a specific course of action. Along the way, the outcomes of a policy are subjected to various levels of review, evaluation, and revisions that result in a continual loop. In essence, the policy cycle consists of a series of interlocking steps that actually serves as a dialogue between the main stakeholders. As a health care administrator, it’s important to have a working knowledge of the process and how the process ultimately leads to implementation of health care laws that eventually will have an impact on what you do.

Concord University Lifetime Fitness Health and Medical Paper

Concord University Lifetime Fitness Health and Medical Paper

Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner. Use APA style No plagiarism and no copy and paste (at least 150 words)

Suggest why you might see things differently.

Ask a probing or clarifying question.

Share an insight from having read the colleague’s posting.

Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience.


Make a suggestion.

Expand on the colleague’s posting.

Ask for evidence that supports the posting.

Harvard University Semantic Interoperability & EHR Characteristics Questions

Harvard University Semantic Interoperability & EHR Characteristics Questions

Please answer these two questions only. One page should do it. I will provide all the materials you need to answer these two. No need for internet searching (lectures and powerpoints)


What are the characteristics of a robust Electronic Health Record (in other words, what are the capabilities of a sophisticated EHR)? Hint – refer to EMRAM when answering this question.

Define semantic interoperability and explain it in lay terms. Why is semantic interoperability an important concept in health care? How is the Office of the National Coordinator, HIT influencing this in HCOs?