Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion


The Case Study at the end of Chapter 5 of your textbook. Develop an APA formatted 3 to 4 page paper that answers the following questions: (Please keep in mind that in addition to answering the questions, you must provide significant analysis and critical thinking. This means you must research (in-text citations throughout your paper) your answer and provide justification and validity to your arguments. Merely answering the questions based on the information provided by the case study is not sufficient).

1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the situation in the case study.

2. You are the chief medical informatics officer for the organization. You are asked to comment about how the technical plans will affect clinicians. Based on the case study, how do you respond?

3. The organization receives a $3 million gift from an informatics benefactor. You are an informatician in the organization. What would your technical priorities be to remedy the issues in the case study?


Using Big Data: A Real-Life Example Dr. John D. Halamka is the chief information officer of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In 2011 his wife, a healthy 49-year-old Korean woman, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Using big-data technology available at all Harvard hospitals, Dr. Halamka was able to ask the big-data questions: Of the last 10,000 Asian women near age 50 who were treated for the same tumor, what medications were used? Was surgery or radiation necessary, and what were the outcomes? From his queries, he was able to ascertain the most effective treatment approach for a person with this history. His wife was treated successfully and is now cancer free.20 The challenge for informatics is: How do we develop information systems that can provide this level of care to patients in all settings?

Nelson, Ramona. Health Informatics – E-Book (p. 6). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.


Healthcare Quality Management

Healthcare Quality Management Unit 1
Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System and the
Healthcare Organization
Welcome to Healthcare Quality
This course is an advanced study of how to
achieve quality within the structure and
relationships of the complex system of a
healthcare organizations. We will explore the
concepts of systems thinking, improving and
managing process change, performance
measurement, and examine case studies.
Format for Unit Sessions
 Class Topics
 Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System
 Understanding the Healthcare Organization
 General Concepts of Quality
 Current State of Quality Management: Internal
 Current State of Quality Management: External
 Measuring Quality of Inpatient Care
Format for Unit Sessions, cont.
 Course topics, cont.
 Understanding Quality and Performance
 Quantifying the Quality Performance Gaps
 Closing the Gaps
 Case Studies in Healthcare Quality
Learning Tools
 Class lectures
 Hearing and seeing
 Textbook
 Reading
 Individual homework
 Analyzing
 Discussion forum
 Applying and examining
 Completing all
components is very


important to
accomplish the
objectives of the
Online Learning
 Characteristics
 Online learners must
be highly selfmotivated.
 Online learners must
have high responsibility
for assignments and
 Facts
 Online learning is not
easier than traditional
classroom learning.
 Learners must meet
 It’s easy to think we’re
anonymous because
there’s no face time.
Tips for Success
 Course Page
 Activities
 Individual homework
 Discussion forum
 Weekly discussions
 Media
 Module
 Handouts & links
 Class lectures
 Schedule
 Be attentive to
 The week (unit)
begins on Sunday
and ends on
 Observe the Sabbath.
 Manage your time.
Tips For Success, cont.
 Do not
 It’s easy to get behind
in an online course.
 False security that
there is time to catch
 Each week builds on
the previous week
 Set your schedule.
 Assigned readings
 View Lecture
 Initial post to
discussion boards
 Written assignment
 Quiz
 Final response to
the discussion
Class Objectives
 In this course, we will:
 Apply biblical principles to the formation and
application of quality management strategies and
performance concepts relative to the
administration of healthcare facilities.
 Utilize scriptural references to identify and
propose quality strategies for resolution of various
performance issues in healthcare administration.
Class Objectives, cont.
 Develop sound ideas for integrating quality into
planning processes for healthcare organizations.
 Discuss approaches that address quality and
performance in the implementation of healthcare
reform initiatives.
Biblical Foundation
 “Give and you will receive. Your gift will
return to you in full—pressed down, shaken
together to make room for more, running
over, and poured into your lap. The amount
you give will determine the amount you get
Luke 6:38 (New Living Translation)
What is Quality Healthcare?
The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) definition is
“The degree to which health services for
individuals and populations increase the
likelihood of desired health outcomes and are
consistent with current professional
(IOM, 2001)

Healthy People 2020 Impact

Research Topic:  HP2020 Paper:  LGBTQIA HealthIdentify your target population (for instance, age or other demographic, aggregate population); this must be in your city or state. ( Laurel Maryland)Discuss population-based health education interventions for your target population that is aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality for the problem. Be sure to review the research literature and HP2020 for interventions.Identify how and what data for interventions are being tracked.In a four (8) page paper, address the following. Refer to the rubric for expanded details related to grading expectations.Identify the problem in the introduction section.Provide an overview of the problem in your state/national.Review of descriptive epidemiological and demographic data on mortality/morbidity and risk.HP2020:  Present the goal, overview and objectives of Healthy People 2020 for the paper topic.Population level prevention and health promotion review. Describe population and/or primary health care focused interventions. Use of scholarly literature and HP2020 is required.  There should be direct correlation to evidence for all strategies.Best Practices in Preparing the ProjectReview directions and rubric through carefully.Follow submission requirements.Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.  Organize the paper using the rubric sections and appropriate headings to match the sections.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly.A minimum of three (3) scholarly literature references must be used.  Not all references should be from scholarly web sites.  You may use your textbook, but this will not count towards the three (3) scholarly literature references.https://www.lgbtqiahealtheducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Glossary-2020.08.30.pdf (Links to an external site.)https://lgbtqia.ucdavis.edu/ (Links to an external site.)LGBTQIA Resource Center (Links to an external site.)The LGBTQIA Resource Center is located in the Student Community Center on the first floor. 2020-2021 School Year Hours. We value the safety and health of our community members.lgbtqia.ucdavis.eduhttps://www.lgbtqiahealtheducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Glossary-2020.08.30.pdf (Links to an external site.)https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-health (Links to an external site.)Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health | Healthy People 2020 (Links to an external site.)GoalImprove the health, safety, and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals.OverviewLGBT individuals encompass all races and ethnicities, religions, and social classes. Sexual orientation and gender identity questions are not asked on most national or State surveys, making it difficult to estimate the number of LGBT individuals and their healthwww.healthypeople.govTextbook:  Curley, A.L. & Vitale, P.A. (2016). Population-Based Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Advanced Practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.Rubric:1. Problem is clearly stated.2. General introduction to the problem supports its importance as a population health issue with data and general statement of scope of problem.1. Provide background and significance of the problem2. This includes risks and impact of disease.3. Data: State and National: Incidence, prevalence, mortality, breakdown by gender/race/religion as appropriately related1. Using descriptive epidemiology (provide description of term) analyze health problem2. Include demographic and related epidemiological data3. Include characteristics of at-risk population using HP2020 specified criteria1. Identify HP2020 goals and objectives2. Relate HP2020 goals and objectives to health concern topic3. Identify guidelines and a screening method related to health concern4. Review validity (predictive power) of screening tool method to include what population the tool is applicable to use with (for instance, adult, child, culture)1. Investigate what is being done at the population health level related to prevention and health promotion for the health problem at the national and state level2. Identify what and how outcomes are being tracked related to said interventions.3. Utilize HP2020, CDC, state public health department, research, etc. as resources for interventions and data.

week 2 discussion

Both. case scenario summaries are attached. From each case scenario you will answer the following questions:case 1: Internal Medicine 08: 55-year-old male with chronic disease managementcase 2: Internal Medicine 15: 50-year-old male with cough and nasal congestionWhat is the CC in the case studies? What are important questions to ask the patients to formulate the history of present illness and what did the patients tell you?What components of the physical exams are important to review in the cases? What are pertinent positive and negative physical exam findings to help you formulate your diagnosis?Which differential diagnosis is to be considered with each case study? What was your final diagnosis?

Application and Interpretation of Public Health Data

Topic: Coding Qualitative DataThe purpose of this assignment  is to practice interpreting qualitative interview transcripts by  recognizing patterns. This is called coding and it is an important skillset for public health professionals.For  this assignment, code the “Interview Transcript” document. Use the  “Coding Qualitative Data Worksheet” to document your results from the  “Interview Transcript” and to provide a summary of your findings. ATTACHEDAPA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.Read “Comparison Between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research,” in Chapter 6 and read Chapter 8 in GCU Doctoral Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Concepts.This textbook references an assigned dissertation. You are not required to complete a dissertation for this course. URL: http://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/grand-canyon-university/2015/gcu-doctoral-research_quantitative-and-qualitative-research-concepts_ebook_1e.phpRead “A Review of Qualitative Data Analysis Practices in Health Education and Health Behavior Research,” by Raskind et al., from Health Education and Behavior (2019), available as authors manuscript from PubMed Central (PMC), located on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6386595/pdf/nihms-990092.pdf.Review “Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Public Health,” from PH717 Module 1B – Descriptive Tools: Descriptive Epidemiology and Descriptive Statistics, located on the Boston University Medical Campus, School of Public Health website (2019). URL: https://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/PH717-QuantCore/PH717-Module1B-DescriptiveStudies_and_Statistics/PH717-Module1B-DescriptiveStudies_and_Statistics9.htmlRead “Lessons Learned in Promoting Evidence-Based Public Health: Perspectives From Managers in State Public Health Departments,” by Allen et al., from Journal of Community Health (2018). URL: https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www-proquest-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/docview/2009849333?accountid=7374Read “Section 15: Qualitative Methods to Assess Community Issues,” from “Chapter 3: Assessing Community Needs and Resources,” of the Community Assessment toolkit, located on the Community Tool Box website. URL: https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-andRead “Focus Groups Inform a Mobile Health Intervention to Promote Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Engagement in Physical Activity Among People Living With HIV,” by Henry, Quintana, Moore, Garcia, and Montoya, from BMC Public Health (2019). URL: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-018-6386-5

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


1. A.Discuss the historical application of statistics in the field of health care. B.Describe an example, other than Florence Nightingale’s contributions, where the statistical application has greatly influenced or changed health care operations or practice.2. A.Discuss why it is important for a person working in health care to understand statistical concepts. B.Provide an example of how statistical data is used in your organization or specialty area (PSYCHIATRY, AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH) today and what you are expected to do with this information as a practitioner.

NR509 Week 4 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment

NR509 Week 4 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment

NR509 Advanced Physical Assessment

Week 4 Assessment   

iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment


The iHuman assignments provide students with an opportunity to experience clinical scenarios that are relevant to the lesson content through virtual patient encounters. iHuman is a highly interactive and dynamic way to enhance student learning.??

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Apply advanced practice nursing knowledge to collecting health history information and physical examination findings for various patient populations. (POs 1, 2)

CO 2: Differentiate normal and abnormal health history and physical examination findings. (POs 1, 2) NR509 Week 4 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment

CO 3: Document health history and physical examination findings in a logical and organized sequence.  (POs 1, 2)

CO 5: Conduct focused and comprehensive health histories and examinations for various patient populations.  (POs 1, 2)

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing?each component of the?assignment.?Contact your course faculty if you have questions.?

Access?iHuman?by clicking the link provided below.? Clicking the blue bar will?launch the activity in a new browser window. You do not need to complete the case in one sitting; if you leave the case and return later, the program will begin where you left off.

All graded documentation, including the Management Plan, must be completed within the iHuman platform. Follow the inhuman Documentation Guide (Links to an external site.) as you prepare your client’s EMR.


You may use the Fillable SOAP note template (Links to an external site.) to assist with documentation and organization as you complete the case.

Complete the following components in the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter for the assessment of the abdomen.

History: Complete a focused health history. Your score will be automatically calculated after the health history is submitted.

Physical Exam: Complete a focused physical exam. Your score will be automatically calculated after the focused physical exam is submitted. NR509 Week 4 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment

EMR Documentation: Document within the Patient Record in iHuman using professional language. include the following components:

history of present illness

previous medical history

current medications


relevant completed screenings and preventive health

relevant family history

relevant social history

focused review of systems

focused physical exam findings

Key Findings/Most Significant Active Problem: Document Key Findings from your history and physical exam in the Assessment tab of the case. Organize Key Findings, identifying the most significant active problem (MSAP) and the relation of other key findings to the MSAP.

Problem Statement: Document a problem statement using professional language. Include the following components.

name, age

chief complaint

brief description of pertinent positive and negative subjective findings

brief description of pertinent positive and negative objective findings

Management Plan: Using the expert diagnosis provided, create a comprehensive treatment plan using professional language. Include at least one appropriate, evidence-based, scholarly source to support your decisions. Include the following components:

diagnostic tests


suggested consults/referrals

client education


Reflection: In a Microsoft Word document, respond to the self-reflection questions below. Include a title page in APA format using the title iHuman Reflection Week 5. In 2-3 paragraphs, respond substantively to all required reflection questions. Analyze your personal strengths and areas for growth. NR509 Week 4 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment

The HPI is a concise, clear, and chronologic description of the problems prompting the patient’s visit, including the onset of the problem, the setting in which it developed, its manifestations, and any treatments to date. The HPI in its most basic form is the story of the patient’s problem. It should reveal the patient’s responses to his or her symptoms and what effect the illness has had on the patient’s life. Always remember, the information flows spontaneously from the patient, but the task of oral and written organization is yours. Reflect on how well you constructed the HPI for this patient encounter and rate your performance using the following rating scale (0=unacceptable, 1=needs improvement, 2=average, 3=effective, 4=exceptional performer). Explain your rationale for the rating and identify at least ONE evidence-based strategy to improve your performance in the next virtual patient encounter. NR509 Week 4 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Cardiovascular Assessment

NR509 Week 6 Assessment: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity

NR509 Week 6 Assessment: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity

NR509 Advanced Physical Assessment

Week 6 Assessment   

iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity


The iHuman assignments provide students with an opportunity to experience clinical scenarios that are relevant to the lesson content through virtual patient encounters. iHuman is a highly interactive and dynamic way to enhance student learning.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO 1: Apply advanced practice nursing knowledge to collecting health history information and physical examination findings for various patient populations. (POs 1, 2)

CO 2: Differentiate normal and abnormal health history and physical examination findings. (POs 1, 2) NR509 Week 6 Assessment: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity

CO 3: Document health history and physical examination findings in a logical and organized sequence. (POs 1, 2)

CO 5: Conduct focused and comprehensive health histories and examinations for various patient populations. (POs 1, 2)

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing?each component of the?assignment.?Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Access?iHuman?by clicking the link provided below.? Clicking the blue bar will?launch the activity in a new browser window. You do not need to complete the case in one sitting; if you leave the case and return later, the program will begin where you left off.

All graded documentation, including the Management Plan, must be completed within the iHuman platform. Follow the iHuman Documentation Guide (Links to an external site.) as you prepare your client’s EMR.


You may use the Fillable SOAP note template (Links to an external site.) to assist with documentation and organization as you complete the case.

Complete the following components in the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter for the musculoskeletal system. NR509 Week 6 Assessment: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity

History: Complete a focused health history. Your score will be automatically calculated after the health history is submitted.

Physical Exam: Complete a focused physical exam. Your score will be automatically calculated after the focused physical exam is submitted.

EMR Documentation: Document within the Patient Record in iHuman using professional language. include the following components:

history of present illness

previous medical history

current medications


relevant completed screenings and preventive health

relevant family history

relevant social history

focused review of systems

focused physical exam findings

Key Findings/Most Significant Active Problem: Document Key Findings from your history and physical exam in the Assessment tab of the case. Organize Key Findings, identifying the most significant active problem (MSAP) and the relation of other key findings to the MSAP.

Problem Statement: Document a problem statement using professional language. Include the following components.

name, age

chief complaint

brief description of pertinent positive and negative subjective findings

brief description of pertinent positive and negative objective findings

Management Plan: Using the expert diagnosis provided, create a comprehensive treatment plan using professional language. Include at least one appropriate, evidence-based, scholarly source to support your decisions. Include the following components: NR509 Week 6 Assessment: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity

diagnostic tests


suggested consults/referrals

client education


Reflection: In a Microsoft Word document, respond to the self-reflection questions below. Include a title page in APA format using the title iHuman Reflection Week 6. In 2-3 paragraphs, respond substantively to all required reflection questions. Analyze your personal strengths and areas for growth.

One rule is to always include “the worst-case scenario” in your differential diagnosis and make sure you have ruled out this possibility based on your findings and patient assessment. Your goal is to minimize the risk of missing unusual or infrequent conditions such as meningococcal meningitis, bacterial endocarditis, pulmonary embolus, or subdural hematoma that are particularly ominous. Reflect on your performance during this virtual patient encounter. What are the “red flags” in this case? Based on your pertinent key findings, what is “the worst-case scenario”? What lessons did you learn from this case that you can apply to your future professional practice?

Submit both the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter report and your completed reflection document to the Week 6 dropbox. NR509 Week 6 Assessment: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Activity

NR509 Week 7 Assessment :Physical Examination Video Evaluation

NR509 Week 7 Assessment :Physical Examination Video Evaluation

NR509 Advanced Physical Assessment

Week 7 Assessment   

Physical Examination Video Evaluation


Evaluation of clinical competence is essential to ensure quality and safety in advanced practice nursing education. The purpose of the physical examination video evaluation is to assess knowledge and understanding of a complete head-to-toe examination for entry-level clinical competency. This assignment supports the professional formation of the nurse practitioner.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate normal and abnormal health history and physical examination findings.?

CO 5: Conduct focused and comprehensive health histories and examinations for various patient populations.? NR509 Week 7 Assessment :Physical Examination Video Evaluation

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment.

Create a video using the assignment guidelines. This video is for educational purposes only and will be viewed by course faculty and appointed Chamberlain officials. This video will not be posted for public viewing.

Select a volunteer participant, school-aged or older, to demonstrate the examination. If the volunteer participant is a minor, you must be the parent or guardian.

Select a private environment without background noise or distractions to conduct the examination. Demonstration of examination techniques must be conducted in the positions identified in the demonstration video with the volunteer participant sitting upright, lying down, and standing/walking. Plan accordingly.


The volunteer participant should remain clothed at all times. Auscultating over the shirt is acceptable for privacy purposes. The suggested attire for the participant is a tank top and shorts.

Use required medical equipment:

Stethoscope with bell and diaphragm

Reflex hammer

Otoscope/ophthalmoscope set

Pocket Snellen chart

Textbooks/notes/assistive materials are NOT permitted during the physical examination.

Wear nursing scrubs with or without a lab coat. Business casual dress with or without a lab coat is also acceptable. Religious head wrap/headdress may be worn.

Begin the video with a 360-degree environment scan and verbal consents:

Scan the entire examination area/room with a 360-degree view with the camera to show that textbooks/notes/assistive materials are not present (i.e., taped to a wall, on a table).

If there is a volunteer recording your video, please identify them in the environment scan. Neither the patient nor/or recording volunteer may verbally or physically coach you during the recording session. Evidence of coaching by volunteers and/or using notes/assistive materials, etc. is grounds for an Academic Integrity Violation. NR509 Week 7 Assessment :Physical Examination Video Evaluation

Student states in front of the camera: “My name is [First and Last Name of Student] and this is my physical examination assignment for NR509.”

Volunteer participant states in front of the camera: “My name is [First and Last Name of Adult Participant] and I give my permission for this examination to be recorded and submitted to Chamberlain College of Nursing for grading purposes.”

If the volunteer is a minor, the student must state in front of the camera: “I am the parent/guardian of [First and Last Name of Minor Participant] and I give my permission for this examination to be recorded and submitted to Chamberlain College of Nursing for grading purposes”.

Technology Requirements

A video recording device with microphone is required. Select one of the following options to create your recording:

Use the Kaltura (Links to an external site.) recording tool on your computer with a microphone/webcam.

The Kaltura KMS Go app, available for Android and iOS, may also be used to record via smartphone. Refer to Kaltura resources (Links to an external site.) under the Resources tab of the course for instructions.

Camera view: The grading faculty must have a clear view of your examination techniques during the examination, including stethoscope placement on the torso. Set the recording device at a distance just far enough for the patient to be fully viewed but your techniques can still be seen. You do NOT need to zoom the recording device in for examination techniques. Adjust the camera angle as needed during the recording.

Consider using a tripod if using a hand-held recording device. Alternatively, have another person hold the camera steady during the recording.

Complete the assignment before the due date in case technical problems or other unforeseen events occur.

Ensure video and audio quality. Recording without quality video and/or audio will not be evaluated; the opportunity to resubmit is not guaranteed.

Kaltura Resources (Links to an external site.):?Kaltura resources?are available?under the Technology section of the Student Resource Center. Call the Help Desk for technical support and request a ticket number.?The Help Desk is available at 877-366-9388 for 24/7 support.

Completing the Physical Examination Video

Follow the examination sequence and techniques listed on the Physical Examination Grading Rubric and demonstrated in the physical examination video (Links to an external site.) in the course. Please note: You should aim to replicate the exam order and techniques seen on this video; however, you SHOULD NOT provide professional edits, power point slides and/or other transitional slides while completing this assignment.

Record the video in one continuous recording. Do not edit the video. Edited videos will not be graded. NR509 Week 7 Assessment :Physical Examination Video Evaluation

Use a head-to-toe and anterior-posterior approach during the exam. If an examination area or technique is forgotten, add it at the end of the video before stopping the recording. There is NO deduction for completing an examination technique out of order.

The video should NOT exceed 33 minutes, including an environmental scan, verbal consents, and the entire physical examination.

If the video is longer than 33 minutes, grading will stop, and the score earned in the first 33 minutes will be the final score.

Verbalize each exam step as noted on the grading rubric. Verbalize expected normal examination findings during the examination. For example, when examining the external auditory canal with the otoscope, describe what is seen. It is not necessary to differentiate between normal and abnormal findings.

Identify all cranial nerves by name and number.

Review the entire video before submission to ensure all examination techniques are visible and the audio is clear throughout. The transcript must be enabled in Kaltura prior to submission. Use the Physical Examination Grading Rubric as a self-check when to review the video before submission. NR509 Week 7 Assessment :Physical Examination Video Evaluation