ALHE 4630 Emergency Action After Hacking Paper

ALHE 4630 Emergency Action After Hacking Paper

5:41 km ال جی Cyber Security As… Q ALHE 4630 Healthcare Management Cyber Security Assignment Guidelines Students will develop a paper on a cyber-related healthcare issue (ex. Ransomware, hacking event). Students will identify and summarize the key points of the issue up front, develop the issue’s background and identify key


problems, identify solutions and wrap-up the issue by concluding with key facts. A thorough treatment of the topic using peer-reviewed, scholarly resources is expected. APA format is mandatory with in-text citations and a properly formatted Title and Reference page, double-spaced Times New Roman 12 font. (Assignment Length: Body of the paper to be 3-5 pages) Title page should include the title, course name and number, instructor’s name, author’s name, and date. Use standard 1 inch margins on all sides, 12 point Times New Roman font and standard double-spacing. An abstract is NOT required. Cite your references in EVERY instance and include a properly formatted reference list at the end of the paper. Use at least four sources for the first paper, with relevant citations to those sources. Prior to submitting the paper for grading, students must run the paper through Turnitin to check for similarity and plagiarism. Students will have the option run their work through Turnitin up to 5 times. Assignments more than 12% similarity will not be accepted and receive a zero. III < 5:42 W Cyber SecurityRub… Q ALHE 4630 Healthcare Management Cyber Security Assignment Rubric Points Earned 760 Comments: Knowledge — Content 60% All key elements of the assignment are covered Demonstrates a complete understanding of concepts Presented in course material and: Is comprehensive and accurate Is insightful and reflective Develops a central theme or idea Demonstrates the ability to analyze the ideas of others . . Points Earned /25 Comments: . . Presentation — Writing and Style 25 % Tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. Organization is logical, thesis is clear The Introduction includes a clear thesis and previews main points of the paper/essay The Body: Develops thesis Includes clearly stated main points Is comprehensive and accurate (no factual errors) Is insightful and reflective Effectively uses details, examples and/or analysis The Conclusion flows from the body of the paper and reviews main points of the paper/essay. Grammar: Grammar, structure, spelling and punctuation are correct Sentences are well-structured, complete, clear and concise Topic and transition sentences are used and organize/maintain the flow of . . Administrative 15% Points Earned /15 Comments: APA format correctly utilized Conforms to prescribed page count Conforms to any additional instructions provided Citations are used where required and comply with the assignment guidelines Reference page is complete and complies with assignment guidelines Total 100% Points Earned /100 Summary/Additional Comments: III <
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