Developing a Balanced Scorecard Power Point Presentation

Developing a Balanced Scorecard Power Point Presentation

7- Class Book and Electronic Resources Class Book Being Used: Read Chapter 10 of Moseley III, G. B. (2017). Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Care+Business+Strategy&ots=eIWsNzY2vB&sig=IMvVTZ2n3aLw1vXn3iGGPE6szY#v=onepage&q=Managing%20Health%20Care%20Business%20Strategy&f=false Week 7 Assignment Instruction Developing a Balanced Scorecard Power Point Presentation * Review the “Learning Exercise” in Chapter 10 of Managing Health Care Business Strategy. As the Learning Exercise states, you are the business manager who has been tasked with researching the financial viability of opening a satellite clinic. Identify which things you should measure to determine if you open the satellite clinic. Create a slide presentation (15 slides including title and reference slides) that addresses the following: 1.Identify 10-15 financial and nonfinancial metrics used to assess the viability of opening a satellite clinic. From this list, select three financial and three nonfinancial metrics that are the most important and explain their significance (net revenue, demographics, customer relations). Where will you find, and how will you gather, the identified metrics you need to develop your assessment? Be sure to identify each metric as external or internal. 2.Provide a description for each selected metric (total of six descriptions). Depending on the data provided, how can each metric affect the plans for the new clinic? Assuming the satellite clinic will open, how will you set up a monitoring and adjustment program? List the required steps. Why is a monitoring, evaluating, and adjusting strategy essential to overall organizational success for the new clinic? Provide two possible events that a successful monitoring program could identify and what adjustments could apply. 3. DO NOT forget to include speaking notes with each slide outlining the presentation. **You are required to use three qualified references IN ADDITION TO YOUR TEXTBOOK for this presentation. ***You will be graded on: 1. Financial and Nonfinancial Metrics: Content is comprehensive, accurate, persuasive, and clearly stated, with examples. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. Research is adequate, timely, relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. Relevant academic sources are cited where appropriate. 2. Content: The content is written clearly and concisely. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea. 3. Layout: The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text. 4. Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.): The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope. 5. Speaker Notes: Well developed and written clearly and concisely. Delivery of the presentation explains the slides. WEEK 7 ASSINGMENT (DEVELOPING A BALANCED SCORECARD POWER POINT PRESENTATION) LEARNING EXERCISE (CHAPTER 10) You are the business manager of a fifteen-physician group practice in family medicine that at a recent strategic planning retreat agreed to open a satellite clinic on the periphery of its current market area in order to increase the number of families that it serves. The clinic will be located in an area of somewhat older, rundown homes that seems to be undergoing slow but steady gentrification. The clinic initially will be staffed by three physicians and has a maximum capacity of ten doctors. One of your responsibilities under the strategic plan to create the clinic is to establish a modest program for keeping track of the factors and variables that might affect the success of the clinic. To get started, prepare a list of ten to fifteen financial and nonfinancial metrics that you propose to monitor, including the sources you will use to gather the necessary data. For each one of the metrics, indicate the directions in which they might change and the adjustments in the plan for the new clinic that would be necessary.
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