St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

This module explored various vulnerable populations. Now it is your turn to go more in-depth on these issues by focusing on one specific vulnerable population.

For this assignment, identify a vulnerable population (different than the one used for your A Vulnerable Person Discussion) that has meaning to you. Following the HSA Standards provided below and without writing in first person (i.e., I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.), write a paper at least 700 words using the following outline and including at least three scholarly references.

  • Introduction


  • Describe the vulnerable population. Include the HealthyPeople 2020 goal(s), objective(s), and statistics.
  • Describe at least:
    • one federal,
    • one state, AND
    • one local service, program, or initiative that help provide support for this vulnerable population.
  • Individuals often qualify for more than one program. Include as many resources as are appropriate, and explain how the programs at these different parts of the system (federal, state, and local) collaborate to create a safety net for this population.
  • What else could be done to help this population? Be specific. For example, do not just say, “More interventions are needed”. Describe a specific intervention(s), activity(ies), or strategy(ies).
  • Summary