Healthcare Delivery System essay

Healthcare Delivery System essay

Health Testing and Analytics HEALTH TESTING AND ANALYTICS 1 Health Testing and Analytics 2 Abstract This paper is about Health Testing and Analytics (HTA) that provides health-based tests and analytics. The company not only tests health of the patients and prepares the reports but also provides analytics to doctors giving different trends of patient diagnosis and insights. The paper describes the business services provided by the company followed by the workgroups in the organization. Workflow diagram and high-level network diagram that supports the company is also provided. Finally, the paper ends with reports used in the organization. Hea


lth Testing and Analytics 3 HEALTH TESTING AND ANALYTICS Introduction The proposed unit for the project is Health Testing and Analytics (H.T.A.). H.T.A. is a company that provides various health-based tests and analytics. Specifically, the company carries out community health needs assessments, diagnoses, health predictions, and so on. It gives healthcare practitioners and policymakers the information they require to do their work effectively. A healthcare system refers to the people, organizations, and actions that are involved in the promotion, restoration, and maintenance of healthcare. Thus, when the term “proposed” is used alongside healthcare delivery system, it communicates document of intend containing details of how community resources should be used to promote, maintain, or restore the health of members of that particular community. A proposed healthcare delivery system gives suggestions on how various system components can be organized to provide better services. For example, it may provide details on how urgent care, clinics, specialty care, and emergency care should be structured based on health care needs and resources in a particular community. It can also be defined in terms of suggested healthcare reforms, in which case it will focus on making changes in how citizens in a given country access quality and affordable healthcare. [1] Mission Statement: The mission statement reads: To inspire the health of communities through early detection of healthcare issues, interventions, and predictions for the future. Business Services: HTA offers many services in primary care, secondary care, and even tertiary care. However, most of the services offered are concerned with carrying out various tests and analyzing the data so as to make predictions and intervene early. These services include: Laboratory services: These include carrying out various lab tests like taking blood samples to test for HIV, blood sugar level, blood count, and prothrombin time (PT). Other lab services include Hemoglobin A1C, Basic Metabolic Panel, Sedimentation Rate, and flu tests. Once the tests are done, the lab prepares reports for presentation. 1. Laboratory services: These include carrying out various lab tests like taking blood samples to test for HIV, blood sugar level, blood count, and prothrombin time (PT). Other lab services include Hemoglobin A1C, Basic Metabolic Panel, Sedimentation Rate, and flu tests. Once the tests are done, the lab prepares reports for presentation. Health Testing and Analytics 4 2. Imaging services: These are x-ray, ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) scan, MRI, interventional radiology, pediatric imaging services, PET-CT, and nuclear medicine. 3. Emergency services: They include ambulatory services, accidents, etc. 4. Pharmacy services: Prescription drugs, providing drug information, compounding drugs, etc. 5. Healthcare research services: Collecting, analyzing and presenting healthcare data; making healthcare predictions, publicizing healthcare information, etc. 6. Nursing services: These include therapies wound dressing, and family healthcare. Workgroups: HTA works with a team of qualified personnel who have different expertise and experiences. Some of them include: 1. Various physicians- they are involved in various diagnosis and treatment programs available at the facility (e.g. cardiologists, orthopedics, cardiovascular surgeon, trauma specialists, general practitioners, Haematologists, etc.) 2. Analytics- these are healthcare professionals who understand healthcare mapping and predicting. They are important in analyzing healthcare data and coming up with useful information that helps policymakers in making informed decisions. 3. Medical lab technicians- they carry out the various lab tests and make lab reports to the respective groups 4. Radiologists for the various radiological services 5. Nuclear Medicine Technologists 6. Pharmacists for prescriptions, compounding, and provision of drug information 7. Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) for the emergency services offered 8. Nurses These specialists work together to ensure improved care for all clients. Specifically, they are members of HTA workgroup. They are guided by the mission and vision statements of the organization and leave nothing to chance to ensure quality services, accountability, and professionalism. Thus, HTA is a complete organization. It has all the critical resources needed to operate. Workflow Diagram: A workflow diagram is a visual representation of a business process (or workflow). Following is the workflow diagram of HTA. Health Testing and Analytics 5 Figure1. Workflow diagram Network Diagram: Figure2. Network diagram Health Testing and Analytics 6 Laboratory and diagnostics : these need to give their accurate examined document results to the concerned person and any required action necessary so as to identify the cure for that particular issue. Mobile health care utilities : these are utilized to be portable anywhere required to travel and communicate their activities using mobile devices , Wi-Fi to communicate information among different persons. Pharmacies : These are also linked to our HMT to immediately dispense any urgently required medications to the patient and to provide the best quality service. Firewall : These would be helpful to protect the HMT center form any unwanted malware and threats to company and the patients by providing security and privacy to the patients, Servers : Every information is communicated through servers and received to the end user here in HMT to effectively function. Hospital insurance fund: Here the funds are raised and collected to be utilized to this health care center to function more effectively and be less burden to the people Reports 1. Imaging reports: MRI, CT scan, radiology etc. imaging tests results are clearly depicted using reports with a brief summary for patients and detailed report for doctors. 2. Pharmacy reports: Reports about the health progress based on the medicines used for patients. 3. Diagnosis reports: Reports about the suffering, pain, issues etc. faced by the patient due to disease and the affected areas of the patient body based on the imaging reports. 4. Analytics reports: Reports that provide the trend of the patient health based on age, w.r.t similar age patients, similar disease patients, predict the issues patient can face etc. based on the data acquired while medication and previous history. Health Testing and Analytics References 1. Dove, J. T., Weaver, W. D., & Lewin, J. (2009). Health care delivery system reform: accountable care organizations. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 54(11), 985-988. 7
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