Academy of Healing Arts Factors in Cultural Assessment of Haitians Paper

Academy of Healing Arts Factors in Cultural Assessment of Haitians Paper

I need to do presentation about the factors in cultural assessment of (Haitians). The two factors that i am going to present are

– Communication

– Physical space or distance


it must be in APA format ( 1 page and half )For this Assignment, you will examine the stakeholders impacted by the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Your paper must include the following topics: • Differentiate between at least three groups of stakeholders impacted by the ACA. • Examine the financial impact of the ACA on each group of stakeholders. • Summarize benefits of the ACA on each group of stakeholders. • Summarize drawbacks of the ACA on each group of stakeholders. The word count for your paper, excluding the title page and references page, will be 800-1200 words. You must include a minimum of (5) different scholarly references.