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answering back to classmates

Discussion 1 Q1: There are a number of inherent concerns associated with this patient and her case. The tests that she receives, especially given her status in the emergency room might reveal concerning information, especially if she is found to have something that is dangerous, or even deadly, such as a tumor or another form of cancer,

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internal bleeding, or anything else that might be revealed by the tests that she is about to receive. At that point, it will be important to take into consideration her Catholic beliefs, especially in relation to end-of-life care, as well as spirituality to educate her about the realities of her situation and the consequences of not, for example, opting in to receive certain surgeries or medications (Klitzman, 2018). At every level, compensations should be made for the beliefs and desires of the patient. She is Catholic, which means that she will likely keep religious objects with her, including a rosary, a crucifix, or another form of religious object, such as a religious medal. These cannot be taken with her during medical procedures, especially during the MRI or any electrical based examination (Klitzman, 2018). In the case of this type of conflict, it will be critical to educate the patient about the importance of avoiding metal objects around the .achinery, such as the MRI machinery, the X-ray machine, and so forth. She can be educated about alternatives, such as bringing a wooden rosary with her that the hospital could provide or take from a family member if there is someone who can offer it as a substitution. The patient should be educated about the consequences and impact of each level of the care that she receives, as well as the alternatives that will continue to compensate for the individual needs of her religious beliefs, as well as the practices that she has, such as the objects she holds, the decisions that she will need to make about life-sustaining treatment if that arises, and so forth. The patient must be reminded at every step that the monitoring is vital for protecting her health and understanding what is going on, and it is realistic to help her prepare for the worst news so that she can turn to, rather than away from her religious values. References Klitzman, R. (2018). How infertility patients and providers view and confront religious and spiritual issues. Journal of religion and health, 57(1), 223-239. Discussion 1 Q2: These days there are many catholic healthcare institute where sister Mary can be evaluated and the test/procedures performed. Despite the various religious background, all health care centers should treat each patient with respect, and every person is unique despite their religious background and culture. As for sister Mary who is a roman catholic nun, has most probably stayed enclosed within the sacred church area and is unaware of her new surroundings. In this scenario, sister Mary would feel more comfortable with a female healthcare providers than a male, and needs to be addressed. As nurses we need to try and see what can be done to keep the pt comfortable. We can ask the pt if she would like any of her other sister present with her throughout her appt to ease her down. The healthcare providers would need to explain sister Mary about her procedures (what, why, where), and recognize the individual needs and priorities. This will assist the healthcare professionals on how to approach the patient and what information the patient is seeking. Since sister mary is being moved from department to department, furthermore in a new environment, it can make her anxious and nervous. The nurses can help the pt by further clarifying any concerns she might have, having her other sister chaperon with her or a female nurse, offer her a rosary beads that is non metal or play church hymns to ease her mind and heart. Also when educating patient it is vital to consider her religions/cultural, social support, her behaviour/attitude that can influence her adherence to health teachings provided. Completely disregarding the patients beliefs will only create disputes, unwillingness and mistrust. In this case, it is better to accommodate patients belief and incorporate into a therapeutic teaching plan that is more successful (Falvo, 2019). Everything needs to be explained truthfully to the point rather that informing only bits and pieces of truth and the remaining untold. Effective communication and assessment skills aids in building a good clinical nurse relationship that will help sister mary to trust, relax and build a rapport to better understand and assess her needs. Reference: Falvo, Donna. R. (2019). Effective patient education: A guide to increased adherence (4th ed) . The patient as an Individual. 85-89. Retrieved from: Discussion 2 Q1: Psychosocial factors are mental or social responses that are related to economic, environment or society matters such as religion, support system, or fear of being unfit (Curry, 2010). The health care field is so diverse that it is inevitable for individuals to not fully understand another person’s beliefs or values. However, health care providers are present to give individualized quality care to every patient without ridicule or shame. Quality care and patient education is the priority in the present tense and for the future (Curry, 2010). While providing care for a patient such as Sister Mary, it could become difficult when the provider is not sensitive to others. Culture competence is essential while giving care to individuals that do no share the same values, beliefs, or religion to avoid misconceptions. Providers that give care to Sister Mary may find it difficult to provide care without interfering with religious acts or items that Sister Mary may find necessary. These items may interfere with infection control and some providers are unable to cope with an unfamiliar religion as strict as a Roman Catholic nun. Another major issue with caring for Sister Mary is the need to alternate the traditional plan of care approach that may easily be utilized across the board. Currently, it is pertinent to provide care based on individualized needs, however many providers still opt out and provide traditional methods that have always worked. Sister Mary would require a completely different plan of care that emphasizes her needs such as being able to pray, requesting female care provider, removal of clothing and having communion prior to specific services. These request should be taken seriously and provided to the patient. Other providers that have different beliefs such as Muslim, Christian, or Jewish providers may find it extremely difficult when they do not share similar beliefs. For example, atheist may feel that Sister Mary is completely over the top with her religious acts of prayer, rosary beads, and strict behavior that they may not be the best candidate to provide care. While growing up in a Christian household that were actively involved in church, it became second nature to perform particular actions such as prayer in the morning, or on the way to work, or reading the bible. However, other associates that might live two doors down that didn’t share those beliefs would ridicule the Christian home due to the unfamiliarity and a lack of cultural competence. References: Curry, B. (2010, June 30). Nursing Education & Catholic Tradition. Journal CHA Discussion 2 Q2: Psychological, social and spiritual care are very important in the lives of many people. A healthcare professional working with sister mary may find it quite hard to work with her in terms of conversation. SInce catholic nuns are usually secluded within their sacred walls and may have a hard time to get sister mary to open up fully. And will require patient teaching and female care providers during her visit to various departments such as CT, physical examination, radiograph and neural examination. Every individual has their own cultural beliefs and many care providers are unsure of these practices/beliefs and how to deal with psychological factors. The limitations on health teaching when dealing with psychological matters are that some may be unaware of the clues, others don’t want to deal with it due to time constraints, overwhelming and reluctance (Falvo, 2019). For an effective patient care we health professionals need to be a good listener and vigilant in picking up the clues/hints and explore the concerns/reasons further in order to create an effective care plan intervention for the patient. Also need to be mindful and respectful of their beliefs and decisions. Being able to accommodate these will help sister mary to build trust and verbalize her concerns. Reference: Falvo, Donna. R. (2019). Effective patient education: A guide to increased adherence (4th ed) . The patient as an Individual. 82. Retrieved from:
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